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Ultimate Weapons:

To those of you wondering why you have spent countless hours collecting what appears to be useless Junk, your questions have been answered.  If you are wise, you will take the time to collect tons of Junk in between each "mission" and discard it at the NYPD Station via Wayne and his weapons storage. Should you be lucky to collect enough Junk (300 pieces to be exact), Wayne will create a special super weapon that will give you the edge in your future encounters. The best places to collect junk are Central Park and the Chrysler Building Floors 1-10. The enemy that gives the most junk is the Crow. Keep in mind that if you defeat the level 10 boss of the Chrysler Building, all enemies on that floor and below will disappear, making it that much harder to meet the minimum requirement of Junk. When you bring Wayne 300 pieces he will ask you what type of weapon you want. Below is what you will receive if you ask for a certain type of gun (Use the weapon section on this site to see what you prefer). NOTE:  If you ask Wayne to select a gun for you, there are pros and cons. The pro is that the gun you receive will be slightly stronger than his other creations. The con is that there is a chance that you will either not get the gun you want, or end up with Super Junk or Duper Junk. While they sound cool, they are 100% useless, and you'll have to start all over again!

Handgun: DE50AE7
Shotgun: M10B
Machine Gun: P90
Rifle: MAG
Grenade Launcher: HK40
Rocket Launcher: LAW80
Leave it to Wayne:

PPSh41 (MG)
AK-47 (RI)
Super Junk
Duper Junk

NOTE: If you would like an expert opinion on what to choose, I would recommend the MAG. While it is only slightly less powerful (-3 to be precise), it has a much greater range (+31). Also, you don't risk Wayne screwing up.

Rare Trading Cards:

After things go nuts at the Precinct, the ambitious Wayne Garcia takes over as the head of the Weapons Department. Once in charge, he wastes no time informing Aya that she can now exchange her trading cards for modifications for her weapons. Basically, those seemingly useless T-Cards are now worth as much as a Mod Permit.  But the fun doesn't end there. In the EX Game only you have a chance to collect Rare Trading Cards inside of the Chrysler Building.  When you give Wayne a Rare T-Card, he'll modify two piece of equipment for Aya.  But that's not all. If you manage to collect all 14 Rare T-Cards, ask him about his collection. He'll be so happy that he will give Aya the Super Tool Kit, which acts as an unlimited number of Super Tools. This gives Aya the ability to transfer powers and stats from weapon to weapon and armor to armor without losing the piece she is extracting the stats from. If you ask Wayne about his collection when he has 12 Rare T-Cards, he'll give Aya the Tool Kit, which acts as an unlimited supply of Tools. While not quite as valuable, don't fret. Once you have all 14 Rare T-Cards ask him again and the Super Tool Kit is yours. Here is a list of what floors each card can be found on:

Floors 2-10 P38 T-Card
Floors 11-20
Kasul T-Card
B-Hawk T-Card
Floors 21-30
M1 T-Card
Floors 31-40

MK5 T-Card
BAR T-Card
MP44 T-Card
MG42 T-Card
Floors 41-50
M29 T-Card
M73 T-Card
Floors 51-60 Type 38 T-Card
Floors 61-70
Type 3 T-Card
Eagle T-Card


PE Refill Trick

Have you ever been in a battle with a tough boss and have your PE recharge slow down to almost a crawl? Well, here's a neat trick on how to give your PE a kick-start.   While in the battle, when you notice your PE recharge beginning to slow, simply change your armor. Sounds weird, but your PE recharge is affected by your armor (hence, the PE Stats). By changing your armor, you reset your recharge and it will begin to fill again at its normal speed. Just don't forget to switch back to your better armor after your finished.

Stage Trick

This is a useless trick which has no impact on the game but people try it for fun anyway.  In the beginning of the game after Melissa (Eve) massacres the audience, approach her by using the stairs on the left instead of the right. Stay along the outside edges of the screen where Eve is, and make your way up the stairs. While Eve waits patiently for your arrival, you're busy goofing off above her!

Final Fantasy Chocobos

When you enter the Museum on the world map, wait for the camera to finish spinning around and look at the banner hanging from the roof. Notice something familiar? Sure enough, it's a Chocobo from Final Fantasy! Also, inside of the Museum, the strange looking birds formed from bones are the remains of prehistoric Chocobos!

SoHo Wall Writings

While in SoHo, make sure you check out the writings on the wall. Etched in graffiti are the names of the map designers of Parasite Eve. On the right side of where Aya first enters SoHo, right in front of the pole you can see "Peter." This is the name of Sangwoo Peter Hong (Map Data Design).  In the gunshop screen, above the fire hydrant "Cecil" is etched for Cecil Hong-Sik Kim (Map Illustrations, Map Retouch). Directly to its left below the words "Sell" and "Trade" is "Bela," for Bela Brozsek (Map Illustrations). On the bottom of the wall below the right gunshop window "Charles" is written for Charles Pinday (Event Design, Map Data Design). Finally, to the left of "Charles" is "Yongki," for Yongki Yoon (Map Retouch).

Ultimate Being Virtual Invincibility

When fighting the third Ultimate Being on the Cruiser, it uses an attack that saps half of Aya's HP. If it keeps using this attack, it will eventually drain Aya's HP to 1. Now, Aya will be invincible to this attack because Parasite Eve rounds down to determine damage. However, don't feel too confident because it can kill Aya with one of its other attacks!

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