Download Stuff from AbyssWare

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Hey! We actually have some games to download! NOTE: If you are a member of AbyssWare and you have made any games on your own that are uploaded somewhere on the Internet, tell me the URL and I'll link to them! I'll also accept other files that you think are cool. Such as: Game levels, cursors, themes, and anything that might be related to video games, or even paper & pencil RPGs.

Also, check out a list of projects that are currently being worked on right now!

Completed Projects: NONE YET

The following files were made by AbyssWare members, but not as AbyssWare projects:

Stuff made by me, AbyssDragon:
Medieval Cursors for Win95 I made these myself! It has swords, shields, etc. I think they look cool.
NPC Generator This is a random NPC generator for paper & pencil RPGs (You could use it somewhere else, if you wanted to). It is very detailed. Source Code is included.
Name Generator Files - These are for the name generator you can download at The Cave. Download namn32.exe from there and unzip my files into the same directory as that. All of these files were made by me, and are not the same as the ones that are there. You can make first and last names for: Orcs, Elves (2 different types),and Dwarves. You can also make town names, tribal-type names, Arabian-style names (NOTE:these are not real Arabic names. They just sound sorta like it), Wizard names, evil names (2 different types), Gur'Drat and Milarid names(creatures of my own inventention). Anyone who likes to GM/DM RPGs or create CRPGs should check this out.

These were made by Darklord:
Land of Underdark
Land of Underdark 2: Return of Darklord
Land of Underdark 3: Midknight's Conquest

These were made by Xagor:
Star Slasher

These were made by Michael Robb(Hyper-Viper):
Master Mind

These were made by Alex Szeto:
Wall 2
Brain Shock
Moral Revenator
Blast Em' Up
Intruder II
The Vietnam War II
Tetris Forever
Tetris Forever II

These were made by Chris Bowden(Brain):
A Dark Reign Level

These were made by Roy Lazarovich:
Forgotten Cards - memory cards game
Asteroid Shower - tetris clone in outer space
The Big Apple - funny nibbles clone
Black Hole Arena - playable demo of soon to come space battle/adventure game

These were made by Robbert Prins:
Jungle Cats - bombing game
PPoing - 'pong' clone
Attack of the Killer Characters - shoot 'em up
City Defender - invaders game
Full Speed Ahead - worm game
Turanga - strategy

DISCLAIMER: It is not AbyssWare's (or any members of AbyssWare's) fault if these games damage you or your computer in any way. It is strictly the responsibility of you, the downloader. We have no warranties, and are not responsible for viruses within any programs. However, if you do find one, report it AbyssDragon ( immediatey, and I will try to remove the problem.