Personal Ads

To answer one of these, mail to
Fexer is:
A cool, funny 17 year old male fox.
He enjoys music, hockey
and long, warm relationships.
Fexer wants:
A female fox from 14-18 years old,
that won't cheat on him, or
try to control him.
Write to

Darkest Fox
DF is:
A mysterious, dark female fox
aged 19. She is a member of the Dark
Alliance. She enjoys deregulation.
DF wants:
A male canine that is part of
the Dark Alliance. He must be aged 15-
25 years old.

Princess Foxy
PF has:
Purple hair. She likes
males, males and males.
PF wants:
A cute guy to love and marry.
Ask Turpin or Fexer to place one for you.
Describe yourself and what you want.

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