3E Skylis Rules
Chapter 3: Classes.


Prestige Classes
Use Thereof

Prestige Classes are certainly fun. They do provide a welcome element of character personalization while still supporting the idea of factions, groups and other collections of like-minded people. Especially in the campaign of Skylis, where factions play an important part in the cultural setting, whether they be mercenaries, churches, cliques, guilds, armies, cults, or any of the dozens upon dozens of major affiliations that exist in the realms.

However, there must be two things noted in terms of Skylis rules and Prestige Classes; Acceptability and Adjustments. Here are two hard and fast rules you must consider when shopping for Prestige Classes in this campaign:

  1. Only Prestige Classes that have been approved by the DM can be used. A list of the approved Prestige Classes can be found at the end of this section. These are in addition to the ones created specifically for the campaign. See the Skylis Rules Index for a list of these.
  2. Some of the accepted Prestige Classes from outside sources, such as the Wizards of the Coast published material, independent websites or other campaigns may need slight or major adjustments to make them workable in this campaign. They may involve a change in names, a deletion of an ability, an addition of bonuses, or other such alterations. These alterations, always take precedence over the original configuration of the Prestige Class. Whenever possible, these adjustments will be noted in advance, however, there will be times when such adjustments will be made ad hoc, or even retroactively to the character(s) in question. It is requested that the player understand the nature of the changeover to 3E Rules involves a certain amount of additional playtesting and that some flaws will be not noticed until they are in actual play. Whenever such changes have to be made on the fly or retroactively, the DM will try to be considerate, provided the player respond in kind. Otherwise, we'll have to have it out like two barnyard cats fighting over scraps. And I'll win.

Please remember that Prestige Classes do not count in the calculation of Experience Point penalties for Multiclassing.

Here is a list of the approved Prestige Classes taken from outside sources, and annotated with any campaign world changes. If you have any specific rules questions, feel free to ask the DM directly.

Common Room | Hall | Skylis Rules


July 10, 2002. Copyright Angelo Barovier 1998-2003.