Red Road Bar

Giant Eyeballs and Faeries

Dear Diary: (god that sounds corny) I have decided to start a diary. Why because so much has happened just one day that I don't want to forget any of it. I wish I had started this back when I got my wings. Too late now.

So why start it today? I was heading down to the Ore Dock. That's when the pain started, first my feet then all over. I have never felt anything like it before. It got worse the closer to the dock I got. Then I heard a voice say not here. So I start back the way I came. That's when I saw it.

I have no idea what it was, what it looked like was a giant metal eyeball with tentacles. And it was after me. I could not go back to the dock and I could not go back to the road. So I ran to the beach. Once I was about knee deep in Lake Michigan I looked back. The eyeball thing was still on the beach. It was acting like it wanted to chase me into the water but it could not. That is when I saw the others.

There were 4 of them and they had a net. After the thing was broken, we did the nice to meet you thing. There was Delilah and Christopher who had cat ears and tails. Karen with pointed ears and deep beautiful eyes. And Johnny, a Native American guy. They are all like me but not. Johnny threw the net over the eyeball thing. I grabbed the net from other side and the thing fell to pieces in a puff of Medicine. Some one told me what they were, something about an eshu, puka, and maymay-something-or-other.

I helped them pick up all the gears and other pieces and put them in a tarp in Christopher's car. Then Christopher dropped us all of at his house. He drove of right away, saying he had to go to work.

Well when we opened the tarp all that was in it was sticks and shells. Johnny had put one of the gears in his pocket, and we all tried to our songs of power to find out what it was and what happen to the other parts.

Karen said she saw Christopher do something to the tarp before he left. Delilah said her brother would have done no such thing. Well anyway we decided to search his room anyway. BIG MISTAKE!

Well while we were searching the room, Delilah found a bag of catnip with strong strange Medicine. By the time we took it away from her it was too late. I don't understand it but Karen says that Delilah now has an addiction to catnip and to catnip mixed with glamour.

By that time it was getting late and I had head home. So we exchanged phone numbers and I started walking home. That is when Dragonfly appeared and said to look behind me. I did! There was the eyeball or it's twin. That is when Dragonfly told me that they can't see me until I see them. Great, after telling to look at it. Some times I don't understand Dragonfly. Well I ran. Eventually I found a deserted alley and changed to my damselfly form and few away.

Dragonfly can be so annoying at times. I asked him what I was, told him that my new friends all where different things and what was I? He acted like it did not matter. He told me to beware of Christopher and people like him. I asked if he meant cat people and he said no.

Last note Dragonfly told me to get a good nights sleep and to wake up early, because he wants to take me somewhere tomorrow. He also said I should think about a name. I wish I could understand him better.

Red Road Bar

Zoe's Chrysalis Part 1 | Giant Eyeballs and Faeries | The Fire Counsel | The Alternative School | The Reservation - Bear's-Warning's Cabin | The Reservation - Walks-Away-Quickly's Cabin | Charlot's Cabin |

Red Road Bar

Moyra Web Jewels
Graphics on this page are from Moyra Web Jewels.

Red Road Bar

The Dreaming | Paris | Hematite | Cinder Falls