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There were originally 5 classes of dragons. The earth dragons were few in number and they had no wings. Their magic was drawn from earth itself. you probably know them as chineese dragons. They died out long before I ever existed. Then their were the Star Dragons. They were a noble class. their spirets would go to the stars after they perished. They were sworn to protect man, yet man killed them all.
The metalix class is one that is still around. They live here on Avalon though they are few in number. Their are five colors in wich a chromatix may be. The first is gold. They are the scholars and teachers of dragons. They are also very pig-headed. They will not permitt golden children to play with any other colors.
Next is the silver. They are a noble color. They fly with the pride and happiness of many silvers. They usually are calm and like to sun on the beaches. They are larger in generall then the golds and only have children once in a females lifetime.
The bronzes are lazy scheamers. They are always sleeping, eating or just playing tricks on each other. They prefer teleportation spells to actually moving. They breed once every 1500-1600 years
The coppers are the loners of the group. They are found taking and "collecting" everything from gold to rocks. If they can pick it up they will horde it.

The chromatix class are the most common of all the dragons. They live anywhere from 1400-2000 years, 1000 years is like a singal human year. They have children every 2000 years when the female comes into cycle. Unlike the metalix class, Chromatix females can breed with anycolor male. They are not life mates like metalix are either. They come in a variety of colors. Green, Blue, Brown, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Orange, Black(Near extinction), Red, and White(can only happen when a blue flies a silver or vice versa. you can guess how rare that is though.) The children will always be the color of the mother. Never the Father.

The Crystillian dragons are adying breed that can breed but they never do. They can only breed with crystillian dragons. There are so few of them that two young dragons never exist at the same time. Crystillians are also ageless and can only be killed by a Black dragons blood. Chances of that ever happining are so slim that the problem has never been worried about. After their 580,000 commemeration a crystillian will seek out a white dragon and place a spell on him/her and the white dragon will turn into a crystillian egg that will incubate itself in the heart of a volcano for 600 years. When the dragon hatches(again) it will have no memory of his/her previous life. The senior crystillian dragon will teach the young dragon till it is 3,000 years of age. Then the Senior dragon will teleport away and "die".

That about covers it on the dragon types. If you have any questions e-mail me at alemni@hotmail.com.