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Ranma 1/2 Fanfics
Remi's Favorite Links

Ah! Caught in the act of eyeing Akane, Ranma's blushing. He definitely think she is cute!

Hi! I am Remi. As you probably have notice, I am a big Ranma & Akane fan. I think these two are a great couple. Although they argue quite often and are stubborn in admitting their true feelings, they tend to show it in situations that threaten to separate them. You could then see the rare moments in which they actually care and love one another.

The stories I choose are mainly about the "developing" and "progressing" relationship between these two. These fanfics I have selected are among the best I have read so far. You will find that I did not recommend much "dark" and "sad" fanfics. With the exception of "Ill Met By Starlight", which I think is very good and should be mention. I like stories with happy endings and have romantic interludes. After all, I am talking about the most indestructible couple here.

Note: The enticing descriptions I have made on the on-going series are my assumptions of what the stories are mainly about. It may not be accurate unless the series are completed. However, I'll be sure to update constantly to insure accuracy. Plus, these links pertain to my favorites. My links may not cater to your own preferences!!!

Enjoy!!! ^_~.

FFVIII "Eyes On Me" (thought this is appropriate for the pics, he he. Besides it's a good midi)
Oh my, Akane couldn't keep her eyes off Ranma either. She wants him too!

I have spent hours modifying the images of Ranma and Akane. I was especially relief and glad when I finally got it done. Look how cute they are! ^o^

There are some hidden messages on the images of Ranma & Akane.


Posted Chapter 1 of "Unforgettable".


Sorry, didn't plan to get sick over the weekend. Tried to make some update today. I have put up temporary Page 3 with some links to satisfy the appetite of several readers that are waiting for something new to read. More links as well as new stories will be posted within the next few days.
11/13/01 Put up my latest work, "Unforgettable" Prologue. Hope you like it.


Hello, I hope everyone is doing well ^_^. I'm finally updating, and it will be throughout the whole week. I'm really sorry for the long delay. I realized I haven't been updating for about the past 7 months *sigh*. I'm not going to go into detail about that, so let's get on with the updates. Right now only links and some info have been updated so far. I'm trying to wash away the dead links. If I don't find any new sites for the dead links soon, it will all be remove, permanently . . . Please, if you know of it's new location, let me know. Also, I'm working on a "3rd link Page". Again, if you want to include your 'Ranma & Akane' fanfic, please send in your link and/or you can submit your story for archive. Once reviewed, it will be posted. Emails . . . I haven't been checking on my emails lately. I do apologize for not having respond to some of your inquires. Please know that I really appreciate the wonderful comments that you sent in. Thank you very much ^_^! As for my stories . . . None of the new ones are posted yet, I hope to put up a few, sometime this week. Here are the progress so far:
"Heir of Darkness" - chapter 4 & 5 drafts are completed. Although, I'm not quite please with chapter 3. Hopefully this will be corrected once it post this week.
"Forever Yours" - Have continued the story, probably will add what I have to the existing prologue or set it aside as chapter 1.
"To Be Loved By You" - I know you going to be disappointed when I say this. I'm still working diligently on chapter 4. Believe me, when I say that it will be better if more time is spent polishing the chapter before posting it. Gomen.
Anything new? - One, tentatively titled, "Unforgettable", which I will post with this week's update.


Hi everyone! Finally, got some time to update a little. Links are updated. Several new links will be added next week. If you're looking to be included in the next update please email me. If your link or story meets the criteria I'm looking for (must be about R&A), it will be posted.
-As for my fanfics: "Heir of Darkness" chapter 3 is coming out rather nicely. I'm surprise I got it roughly 91% done. I guess, that's to be expected since I been playing with 7 variations of it. I simply got sick of rereading them so many times that I just pick one ^_^. I could only hope that it work out well. "To Be Loved By You" chapter 4 is still in progress. I realized there's still some loopholes that need to be corrected. I apologize I can't give an estimate time when this will be done. However, I will be putting something up later today. It's a new story I been working on in between break from HOD & TBLBY.
- It's up. My latest work, "Forever Yours". Hope you like the intro :)


General update.


No update, sorry :-_-: Just wanted to wish everyone a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year. Please, click this link, visitors. I have a e-card for you. Thank you ^_^. And, oh, next update should be in a few days after New Year.

11/16/00 ~ 11/19/00

Added 5 new links on Page 2. I think there's a few more or so that I will add later on. And there's something else I been meaning to put up. I'll tell you when it's up. ^_^ Not to forget, thank you all readers for your support, encouragement, and for sending in new links. 11/19 Added 1 more link and posted, "To Be Love By You" Chapter 3.


Hi! Update will show up throughout these dates. I'm trying to response to all emails. I can't recall if I did some of them already or not. I'm sorry if you got two responses or if you didn't get a answer. But you could be sure that I have read the ones I received. I appreciate your feedbacks and thank you for taking the time to write to me. In this update, YES! New links, New stories will be posted. And YES! I will post chapter 3 of "To Be Loved By You" (if all goes well). I made it extra long as a way of thanking all those patient readers ^_^ for not chastening me in not meeting previous deadlines, and also for those that did. In showing me how angry you feel ^_^, it made me realize that you actually was interested in reading the continuation. I am flattered by both of your comments, and it encouraged me to keep up the work.
A note to fanfic submitters-Please send your work in text format (.txt) and as an "attachment" when you email me. This will save time and I could just pull up your fanfic and post it. If you prefer to post it as a .html format, then by all mean send them as an "attachment". What you send me in the file will be what is posted, so please edit and make corrections of your work, and be sure to include your name and email address where you would like readers to response. For samples, look at postings in Romance Library. I believed I have 10 different works that I promised authors at one time or another to post. All these will post hopefully be up by 6/12. If you are one of these authors that have received an acknowledgment stating that I will post your story, please resubmit your work if you have new versions or just to be sure that I don't forget to post them ^_^. And for those whose works are already posted and would like theirs updated, please send in new versions.
Special thanks goes to:
--Hypper93, Nhan Vu, Kat7583, & Anh for the new "The Ranma and Akane Shrine" link.
--Nonsequitur for new links & hopefully her help in editing chapt 3 of "Heir of Darkness" ^_^.
--Writers-for submitting your works
--And Readers and Visitors for sending in your comments, signing the Guestbook, and for just dropping in! You had helped greatly in keeping this this site alive!
This site is fortunate to have such wonderful people supporting it. Thanks again. ~remi ^_~


I'll put these here for now until I create a separate link page.
Listen midi with Yamaha plug-in (THE BEST MIDI PLAYER EVER!)
Vote for best anime couples at the Best Couple webpage. Thank you ShigatsuC for telling me about this.

PAGE 1: FANFICTION SERIES AND STORIES--Now on with the stories!

*** My little fanfics ^_^ ***

Heir of Darkness
Chapter 1: Lurking in the Dark 01/06/01 Revised Final
Chapter 2: The Winds of Change 01/06/01 Final Draft
This is my first fanfic. It's still in beginning stage. I hope the pace will pick up in Chapter 3 or 4. I guess most of you are wondering, what exactly is this fanfic about? Is it about love? In drama? Well, it's a bit of both and more . . . Chapter 2 draft is posted, and I like to give a big thank to Nonsequiter. I really appreciate the time and efforts she spend in helping me edit this. Thanks again J.
To Be Loved By You
Chapter 1 7/15/01 Revised.
Chapter 2 7/15/01 Revised.
Chapter 3 7/15/01 Revised.
Finally! The new chapters are up and it has its own page! Hope you enjoy ^_^.
Forever Yours
Prologue 7/15/01 Revised.
Just as it's is titled. This is a romance fanfic.
Prologue 11/18/01 Revised Draft
Chapter 1 11/18/01 Revised Draft
Tentatively titled, another upcoming romance fic that I'm working on.


"Tiger Claw"--at Madamhydra's Lair
Superb . . . Captivating . . . I am impressed by this author's skill in weaving such an engaging plot. "Tiger Claw" is an intense love story . . .

Status: 6 chapters, incomplete.
Updated: 10/9/01 2nd teaser of chapter 7.
This is definitely a must read! I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Overview: Ranma must take action and come in terms with his feelings for Akane. If he doesn't, he will lose her to a formidable enemy forever.

"Ill Met by Starlight"--by Susan Doenime and Mike Loader
Dynamite! Thrilling! A gripping dark tale with an interesting plot twist.

Status: Completed, 13 chapters & 3 parts Epilogue.
Updated: 6/21/99 General update.
Brilliant! I cannot say enough about this great story. This is a dark fanfic. It's really cool and well written. Definitely, a must read!
Overview: Ranma, a psychopath, will stop at nothing to survive, including killing . . . Akane must find the truth before it's too late, or the next victim will end up being her.

The Anything Goes Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Page--by Kiwi & Kahlil Noriega
Delightful and charming stories!

Status: "Beyond Forms" incomplete, 6 chapters. "When Past Was Present" incomplete, 7 chapters. "A Chinese Ghost Story" incomplete, 5 chapters.
Updated: 3/17/01 General update.
"When Past Was Present" is good. Kiwi had created some interesting and likable characters, like Heishiro. "Beyond Forms" seemed promising and I hope she will have more chapters out soon. She also has many 'waffy' short stories. They are cute and romantic. At her site, there are also stories written by her older brother, Kahlil Noriega. I especially like his stories, "A Chinese Ghost Story" & "Akana".
Overview: "When Past Was Present"--Ranma left Akane in an attempt to find a cure. Only to return and find that he has competition with Akane's first love! "Beyond Forms"--Ranma and Akane grew up together, train together, and became best of friends. When it came to homecoming, they found out that they were actually engaged to each other. Will this lead to a bond that is deeper than friendship? "A Chinese Ghost Story"--Akane became a ghost after her tragic death. Ranma, Akane's fiance? setup by their fathers (what do you know, those meddling fathers just never give up) in order to reunite two clans, has probably died in a war against the dark evil forces (not quite sure yet, since story didn't get that far) and was reincarnated. This is about the reunion of these two lovers after 100 years.

"Twisted Destiny"--by Lara Bartram
Remarkable . . . Sensual characters.

Status: 20 chapters, incomplete.
Updated: 9/22/99 New location.
Although, this story focuses on Akane and Kuno (don't worry, the writer made Kuno into a very likable character here), it's done so well, I thought I should go ahead and mention it.
Overview: A mix-over of the anime "Sazan Aisu-3x3 Eyes" and "Ranma 1/2". Plots from the "Sazan Aisu-3x3 Eyes" are put into "Ranma 1/2" environment. Two souls are living within Akane's body. One is Akane Tendo herself and the other, an immortal by the name of Kamiko Kuraii. During a monster incident, Kamiko finally woke from her 16 years of slumber. She made her presence known by manifesting an third eye on Akane's forehead. With her new awaken powers, Kamiko foresaw the upcoming dangers that could threaten both her and Akane's existence. To protect them, she made Tatewaki Kuno instead of Ranma her "wu"!

Lord Archive's Fan Fiction Page--by Lord Archive
Enjoyable and entertaining . . .

Status: Many series are currently incomplete. Also various short fics.
Updated: 10/22/01 "Second Chances" chapter 21
Uh . . Mmph . . . I did mention at the beginning that I like to pick stories that are mainly about the "developing" and "progressing" relationship between Ranma & Akane. Well, this link has a lot of stories about that. I especially like "Second Chances". But I think you will find others entertaining too. Most of his works are lemon. If you don't know what that means, don't go there! Hint: Wait until you are a bit older ^_~

"Meiyo Ai sohite Nikushimi" (MASN)--by Joseph "Ashira" Kohle
Excellent read! Thoroughly enjoyable . . .

Status: "MASN" Part IV-Chapter 9, incomplete. "The Legacy" completed, 10 chapters.
Updated: 1/19/99 "MASN" Part 4, chapt 9.
"MASN" written nicely and definitely a must read! Also, his highly acclaimed fanfic,"The Legacy" is here.
Overview: "Meiyo Ai sohite Nikushimi"--Overcome with fear of losing Akane in an encounter with a demon, Ranma realized how much she actually meant to him. In that moment of panic, he boldly expressed his feelings to her. It resulted in a drastic change in their relationship. And he must protect her at all cost from Cologne and Shampoo.

"Ranma nibun no ichi"--by Caroline Seawright alias Kun-chan
Sizzling and sensual . . . a lush.

Status: 9 chapters, incomplete.
Updated: 5/10/01 General upadate.
This is for mature audiences only. It's about Ranma's & Akane's life after marriage and attending the university. Needless to say there are lots of "intimate" scenes. If you have thought some of the "scenes" written by Lord Archive was ah "hot", this is even "hotter". A warning though, do not read "Kun-chan & White Wolf's Hentai fics" and "Satire Lemon Ranma 1/2 fanfics", these are nasty. Don't say I didn't warn you. However, some of you might like, "Silly Ranma 1/2 fanfic - Ranma Nibunnoichi - Passion Spice" and "Changes".

Although, the Ranma 1/2 Finale on her page with the ending scenes (pics) are original from newspaper, quality is a bit poor. Try this: The Ranma 1/2 Project. This site has many great scans of Ranma 1/2 manga and it's translated! Besides "The Ranma 1/2 Finale", you will find scans of other various manga volumes. The loading might take a long time, but it is well worth the wait! ^_^

"Hearts of Ice"--by Krista Perry
A magnificent tale that captures the heart . . .

Status: 24 chapters, incomplete.
Updated: 9/30/01 General update.
This may be the longest running fanfic series I have ever read and I am not taking about the number of chapters. Although long, it is very well written and entertaining. Great . . . another added fight scence. I thought the story was near completion, but I guess still not quite yet.

"The Shadow Chronicles"--by Mark MacKinnon
A dynamic read that brings out the imagination . . .

Status: Part IV-chapter 17, incomplete.
Updated: 5/27/01 General update.
The Shadow Chronicles is broken down into several parts. It have interesting plots and run for number of chapters. I can't quite summarize what the story is about. If you like to read really long story, with romance, action, and drama, this is it.

"A Lesson In Love"--by Marisa Price
A Classic, a keeper . . .

Status: 19? 21 chapters? Incomplete. It skips around.
Updated: 06/15/00 General update.
This is a memorable story. I could not believe that I have over-looked this story and forgot to mention in the very beginning, again! This was one of the early fanfics that I have read and like. Not just about Ranma's & Akane's relationship. It involved all casts. Ranma and Akane's story runs from chapters 1 through chapters 14.

"The Seasons" and "The Colors" Series--by Joseph Palmer
Sweet and delightful . . . Brings joy to the heart . . .

Status: "The Seasons" completed, 4 parts. "Yellow" incomplete, 9 chapters. Also various color fics & short fics
Updated: 7/10/01 "Yellow" Chapter 9.
His stories are heart-warming and make the ordinary moments of life all the sweeter . . .

Ashfae's Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction Page--by S. Ashley Burns
Romantic and endearing . . .

Status: "Validation" incomplete, 3 chapters. Also various short fics.
Updated: 11/19/00 General update.
This is the site for all Ranma & Akane fans! She has written many romantic short fics along with a mini-series, "Validation". Her stories are wonderfully entertaining! With luck, her continuation for "Validation" may be up soon.

Ranma & Akane Shrine--by Laura Hendricks
Engaging and compelling stories . . .

Status: "Solar Demise" 8 chapters, incomplete. "The Ranma 1/2 Omega Trilogy" completed, 3 parts. Also various short fics.
Updated: 3/30/00 Chapt 8 "Solar Demise".
"Solar Demise" is an interesting story that takes place in a time when the world is coming to an end. "The Ranma 1/2 Omega Trilogy" is wacky, but nice. She dedicate her site to Ranma and Akane. Aside from fanfics, she has a very good art gallery (some of my images are taken from here ^_^) and a hilarious section called "Nabiki's spy cam".

Chris Jones' Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction--by Christopher Jones
Bold and Lusty, it Sizzles . . .

Status: "Ranma's Apartment" 4 chapters, incomplete. "The Clan" 23 chapters, incomplete. Also various fics!
Updated: 10/21/01 New fic, "newRanma" chapt 16
Ranma's Apartment is nicely done! Chapter 3 contains explicit intimate scenes; in other words it's for mature audiences. This story is simply good. Why? Good story line, good supporting characters, good plot, & all the stuff. So, check it out if you haven't already. Not to forget, "The Clans", "Curse of Silence", and "The Tomboy Solution" are very good read too. This guy is a good writer. I can't belive how many times I said 'good'. His new fic "newRanma", I'm got quite sure where this one is going. But someone told me, it's a story about Ranma growing up. I'm just not really comfortable with how Ranma is getting there. It seems he can't make up his mind about who he wants as usual.
Overview: Ranma finally took it upon himself to get a grip on his life. What did he do to stop all the chaotic events around him? He moved out of the Tendo dojo and got his own apartment. He even have a roommate who happened to be Megumi (isn't she Keichi's younger sister in "Oh! My Goddess"?). Akane accepted his decision and has to learn to trust him.

"Ranma-ototo (Little-Brother Ranma) Series"--by Jim Lazar
Sheer delight . . .

Status: Completed, 6 parts.
Updated: 8/30/01 General update.
This story just tucks at your heartstrings! He has other Ranma stories such as 'Modern Dynasty', but that didn't sit well with me. I found it medicore since Jim paired the Ranma copies off with just about every girl that liked him. It gets to be rather ridiculous! I found Mark MacKinnon, "The Shadow Chronicles" to be a better version. (Note: Mark wrote his story before Jim's came out. Their stories are vastly different except for having more that 1 Ranma co-existing. I'm just using them as comparision as to what kind of stories I'm looking for. Ranma & Akane forever baby ^_^!)
Overview: "Ranma-ototo (Little-Brother Ranma) Series"--Ranma and Akane had uncovered some hidden family secrets that were kept from them since they were toddlers. In finding out about this deception, their relationship is threatened.

Dreamspinner's Fanfic Domain--by Aurora A. Valenzuela
Warmth, humor, and sweet . . . A Dreamspun romance . . .

Status: "Love gets in the Way" completed, 2 chapters. "Personality Makeover" completed, 4 chapters. Also various series & short fics.
Updated: 5/6/00 "The Matchmaker In Tokyo" part 6 & epilogue.
I like her story "Love gets in the Way". I thought this story is cute and sweet. It has only two chapters. I also find her story, "Personality Makeover" funny. And "Wings to Fly Away" to be very emotional.
Overview: "Love gets in the Way"--Akane finally gives up on Ranma and decides to go to University to start an acting career. Ranma has to come in terms with his feelings before she leaves for good. "Personality Makeover"--Akane lost her memory. As a result, she acts more feminine and gives Ranma the "hiddy ho". To make matters worse, she's attracted to Kuno! For his money of course . . .

David A. Tatum's Anime Fanfic Page--by David A. Tatum
Fascinating stories make this a page turner . . .

Status: The series "Three Souls, One Heart" incomplete, 16 chapters. "The Return of the Sisters" incomplete, 10 chapters. "The Second Charlotte Cup" completed, 7 chapters. Also various short fics.
Updated: 3/3/01 "Three Souls, On Heart" chapter 16.
He has some other nice short fics, like "The Pain of Youths". And definitely must read "Three Souls, One Heart", it's his best!
Overview: "Return of the Sisters"--Natsumi & Kurumi came back, but it's not for a fight over the dojo. It involves Ryoga! In the meanwhile Ranma & Akane had admitted their feelings for each other and went on a training trip. Things for them will definitely change when they get back. "The Second Charlotte Cup"--Akane has to win back her pet P-chan from Azusa and Buriko Bakamoto (created char). While she was completing in these contests, she finally admits her true feelings for . . . you know whom! But how would he react to her confession?

Andrew Eoff's Stories--by Andrew Eoff Dead link?
Creative and unique . . .

Status: "You Say It's Her Birthday" completed, 1 chapter. Also have sequel and various short fics.
Updated: 1/10/00 Is this an beginning of an end for his site?
Written nicely. Andrew was able to depict Ranma and Akane well and stay quite close to the original anime theme. It however has an ending we all would love to see. Also, some of you might like to read "Akane Remembered". It's a dark fic, but done very well. And "Virtually Yours", an interesting fic he's stuck on. "This is the Dojo" is also a good too. He has so many ones, just read them all.
Overview: "You Say It's Her Birthday"It's Akane's birthday. Ranma is clueless as to what to get for her. He finally brought her a Chinese ring, in hopes that it would remind her of him. Nope, this isn't an engagement ring and unfortunately it's not an ordinary ring either. It's cursed and was to be given to wives from their husbands to ensure fidelity!

CBear's Fan Fiction--by CBear
Tender moments that touch the heart . . .

Status: Completed, various short fics.
Updated: 10/1/98
Heart warming stories that bring out the joy in all of us. Simply, enjoyable . . .

Tom Wrensch's Ranma 1/2 Fanfics--by Tom Wrensch
An author of exceptional talent, full of ideas and imagination . . .

Status: "Thought of the Mongoose" completed, 8 chapters. "Proper Punishment" completed, 6 chapters & Epilogue. Also various short fics.
Updated: 9/26/01 General update.
I did ask for an encore from his fanfic "Countdown" (Archive) didn't I? And yes here it is! Tom now has a homepage with more pleasing fanfics in the works! He is an artistic writer and one to keep an eye on. I find his work impressive, and his stories could be reread and reread over again without becoming dull! Take a look at his fanfics: "Proper Punishment". It is very different and first of its kind. The story is a bit on the serious side, maybe a little disturbing, and even bold and daring. "Thought of the Mongoose", now this one is truly a winner. Not to forget his other great short fics, "Countdown", "Talking to Myself" & "Just Not Proper". But wait there's still more! Click the little "pool" link that he has. It will lead you to some other unfinish but promising works of his, such as "Toshi-chan" and "The Way of Things".

More links! Go to Page 2!

* Many people have asked me where to get
Ranma/Anime Manga and Videos. Surprising,
this place has all you need: Author Link:

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Last updated: November 17, 2001

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Let's cuddle, prrr . . .

True Love fans visited, since April 3, 1998! ^o^

© 1998-2001, RemiGirl.