Web Page for Bandai Digital Entertainment

This is press release from Bandai Digital Entertainment.

Bandai Introduces Pippen @World

May 17,1996: For the first time ever, you can access the World Wide Web and enjoy highİquality CD-ROM's and E-Mail access -- All without a Computer! Thanks to a brand new technology, all you need is Pippen @World, your TV and an ordinary phone line. Pippen @World was developed through a joint partnership between Bandai Digital Entertainment and Apple Computer. And its unlike anything you've ever seen before. Pippen @World isn't a Computer or a game machine. Its a easy and inexpensive way to navigate the World Wide Web, play all sorts of CD-ROM's and have E-Mail access without the trouble and cost associated with a Computer. Pippen @World comes with a keyboard and a controller. All you have to do is plug Pippen @World into the A/V jack on the TV and the phone jack in the wall! The Internet access software is included on a disk and is easy to use. Netscape Navigator is one of the browsers you can use. You will also be able to use Apple printers and other devices on the Pippen @World too.


Main Processor Power PC 603 operating at 66 Mhz.

Main Standard Dram: 5 Mb expandable to 13 Mb with 8 Mb module.

ROMİOS: 4 Mb of ROM for OS main kernel storage.

FLASH: 128 Kb of FLASH for nonİvolatile storage.

Video DRAM: 1 Mb DRAM for video storage.

Video Subsystem: 8 and 16 color, with filtering for NTSC/PAL video output, VGA support included.

Audio Subsystem: 16 bit stereo audio input and output with varible sampling rates.

CD-ROM: Front loading 4X CD-ROM drive capable of playing audio CDs; standard audio CD controls located on the top of unit.

I/O: 2 ADB jacks for use with Apple Jack devices, joysticks, etc.

Serial I/O: 2 Standard Apple Computer serial interfaces for printer and modem support.

Expansion: PCI compatible expansion connector

Power Supply: Internal universal supply 100-200 Volts 50/60 Hz approximately 50 watts maximum power consumption.

Environmental: 0-40 Degrees C, humidity 5-95% non-condensing

Weight: Approximately 8 lbs.

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