On this page:


Geek Stuff:

Welcome! On these pages you will find information about roleplaying games, wargaming, me and my other interests.

Roleplaying is my primary past-time at the moment. I also write for and help run roleplaying conventions in Brisbane, Australia. On these pages, you'll find information about the campaigns I am currently running or have recently finished. This info is for players and guests. You'll also find a bunch of house rules for various game systems that I use.

Below are links to the journals for the roleplaying campaigns I'm currently running. Each includes info on the setting and characters as well as a session by session account of the player-characters' actions. There's details of all campaigns - living and dead - on the roleplaying page.

I also write role-playing PDFs for sale through Clockwork Golem Workshops among others. The lastest product is Serawek: World of Tides - a d20 Space description of a water world full of political intrigue suitable for any space-faring roleplaying campaign.

Wargaming and in particular miniature gaming is another favourite. I tend to prefer playing historical rather than fantasy games because I enjoy sifting through the what-ifs of history. However, I like Flintloque's fantasy treatment of the Napoleonic Wars.

There's a bunch of other stuff here that is not large enough to qualify for its own page. This includes my interest in learning French and old-time radio dramas such as The Shadow and The Adventures of Phillip Marlowe.

I spent most of September in France. Slowly but surely I'm editing my travel diary for publication on this site and selecting the best photos from 2GB to illustrate it. Watch out for this in the near future.

Keep up-to-date with changes and additions to this site by joining the monthly Chris Slee Home Page Updates mailing list at Yahoo! Groups. Or be informed of changes immediately with my RSS feed. Finally, for a real Geek experience, check out my FOAF file.