The Broken Lands

The Sages gathered in the hills of a small island to the far north to face a new threat. They had, for some time, suspected that their fellow Sage, Uthex Kathiasas, had gone quite mad and succumbed to the dark power of the Undead. Responding to increasingly frequent reports of strange happenings, powerful and mysterious hooded figures, and fell beasts, the Sages now prepared for the worst.

"It is here, I can feel it.", said Ratheiar.

Kulfair took a moment to glance around. "Such a lovely, tranquil place this is. But then I guess that is the nature of their power, to find us in the weakness of our pleasures and loves, and pervert our own best intentions."

"Down. It's below ground, there in a cavern at the base of that small mountain. We will probably find the cavern entrance somewhere around that lake."

* * * * * * * *

They came to face the corrupt Uthex in the Great Hall of his hidden keep. Uthex called forth the fruit of his efforts to do battle with the Sages, and while they were engaged with these powerful perverted beings, Uthex made his escape.

The Sages soon defeated the hooded figures that had come to Uthex' aid, but noted the absence of the powerful Mage. A detailed search of the keep revealed the secret passage that Uthex had used to make good his escape.

* * * * * * *

They met him for the final battle on a huge barren plain. Uthex' power was great, and the Sages were hard pressed to defeat both him and the minions he had called forth. Sage Kulfair summoned all of the power he had and called down a rain of meteors to smite the evil Uthex.

* * * * * * *

With the plains laid waste, and as many records that could be recovered removed from the keep, the Sages left the evil place one last time. Powerful wards were laid upon the gate so that only the powerful could ever return.

From the Records of the Broken Lands

Years ago, the Sage Uthex Kathiasas was among the greatest researchers and theorists of the time. His research into what he called "a new source of power" was soon twisted and perverted into perilous forms by the subtle influence of the forces of the Undead.

Uthex Kathiasas had used his powerful influence to gain control over a small and remote natural gate leading to another plane of existence. It was in that place that the Sage conducted secret experiments designed to provide his new power with physical form that could serve the needs of the Sages in their struggle against the Undead.

Few records of the battle against Uthex Kathiasas and his minions have survived the ages, but it is generally accepted that the Sages easily gained access to his secret workshop. Uthex Kathiasas was destroyed during the ensuing battle, and while the Sages were not able to completely destroy his experiments, they removed what records and equipment that they could, and sealed the gate leading to that location with Runes of Warding.

A small monastery was established at the sight of the gate in order to provide additional protection and to maintain a watch on the gate. Records of the exact location of the monastery and the gate have been lost or destroyed in ages past.

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