Welcome to Don Mohamme's Dragon Quest Realm! If you are new to the awesome world of Dragon Warrior/Quest, or this is your first visit to DMDQR please click here!!
 This page is dedicated to Enix's popular Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior RPG video game series. Here you will find all kinds of things based on Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior. This page was created by a Japanese DQ/DW fan (Hidetoshi Nakahashi) and by an American DQ/DW fan (Nick Marcotte) so that will be the main theme of the page.
As you will find, Dragon Quest/Warrior is MUCH more than just a video game series. It is a phoenomenom. Please enjoy your stay!
"For thou art of the line of Erdrick, and his doom is thine."
-King of Midenhall, Dragon Warrior II

What's New
8/20/98  Well my Dragon Quest auction part 1 will begin soon. I will proably have it at Dustin's Message Board and on some of the newsgroups. Keep watch for that. You DraQue fans are in for a real treat with the DQ artbook I added! I am pleased to say that the DQ Art Contest is moving along much more nicely now. Here is what's new, and I'd really appreciate some feedback! 
-DQIII Remix section added 
-Added a pic of  my DQIII Battle Cards to Goods section 
-Added "A Day in the Life of an RPG Villager" a humorous fanfic by Ian Tullis 
-Added Dragon Quest: Mutsumi Inomata Illustrations artbook section 
Please do your part in bringing Dragon Quest back to the US. Participate in Dragon Quest: Final Hope.
Old news here

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Dragon Warrior
 Dragon Warrior II 
Dragon Warrior III
 Dragon Warrior IV 
Dragon Quest I & II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest: Mutsumi Inomata
DQ/DW English/Japanese
Fan Works
Dragon Quest Goods
Classified Ads
Web Master Profiles

Nick Marcotte
Hidetoshi Nakahashi

Please e-mail if you have any questions, comments, or need help on a DQ or DW game.

Dragon Quest, Dragon Warrior, and all related material presented on this page is a trademark of Enix of Japan corporation.
This page is a  fan page and is in no way affiliated with Enix of Japan.
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