*Updated: 2.19.99*

**aww isn't that the cuuutest!??!?***


Here's some info on mah personal fave of the group!


Full name: Nicholas Gene Carter

Birthday: January 28, 1980 which right now makes him 19!

Birthplace: Jamestown, New York (it's upstate)

Hair: Blond...but I suspect he highlights it

Eyes: Blue!

Fave color: Green

Hobbies: Scubadiving, drawing (comic books!), video games, basketball (with Brian)

Fave food: Pizza

Musical influences: Journey (says that Steve Perry is one of the greatest singers)
Dream date: On a beach-when it's nighttime and it's clear out with the moon and the water's calm. He's a beach person he says.

Desert Island CD's: Jodeci, Notorious B.I.G., Journey's Greatest Hits

Dream vacation: In the Florida Keys, Australia, Spain

•On an interview, he said his fave store is K-Mart!
•Recently bought a beach house of his own, sheets at K-Mart!
•Fave fast food is Taco Bell
•He said he's not a very romantic person
•You've seen his girlfriend on the Pay-Per-View concert in Orlando, New Year's Eve, ..I think that the girl looks like the girl I saw on Ricki Lake - her mom surprised her and she went to a BSB concert.....in FL I think...


e-mail me!

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