Xanth RPG

Welcome to my online Xanth RPG (Role Play Game) and online Sci-Fi RPG site. I'm known as Starfire, the creator of this RPG site, and GM (Games Master), aka: I oversee things on the boards and I RP a fair bit as well. This site is mostly based on Piers Anthony's Xanth book series. Click Piers Anthony's official website to go to his site. I have a dictionary of sorts of the objects in Xanth, species, Kings, places and plants.

Science Fiction RPG

The Sci-Fi online RPG is based on many books, series' and other space based things so it may sometimes sound familiar to you but I try to keep it interesting and not to plagiarise anyone's work. I accept story ideas for it, and welcome them as well. As to your character ideas for the Sci-Fi RPG, simply go to the Join form and work it from there, or if you want go to "The Starfire (Pirate Vessel)" board and post it and I'll reply to either ASAP. I am most likely to just ok it due to the fact that Psionics, (telepathy, telekinesis, etc.) do exist in the worlds, but up to a point.

If you want to talk to me about or for Xanth or Sci-Fi character ideas, just go to the boards and post: "Attn: Starfire! Re: character creation" or some such thing like that as the title/subject and I'll get over to talk to you ASAP. Whether the character is for my RPG or not doesn't matter in the least. Or if you have an idea for a scenario, situation, or things like that, talk with me, I need input! :)

Xanths Plants - The plants of Xanth

Xanth's Creatures (A-Z) - Most Xanthian creatures, if I missed any tell me

Xanth Character Types- From Mers to Elves, we've got them all

Xanth's Kings - Up to date

Xanth's Places - The many hideaways of Xanth

Xanthian Objects - Most Xanthian objects, if I missed any tell me

Join us - For Sci-Fi and Xanth characters
(only click the Submit button once or twice maximum if in real doubt, please, even if it seems like it hasn't sent your Bio it most likely has)

To the Boards... - To the Boards...