Copyright © 2002 Andrew Girow. All rights reserved.
The TinyLine home page is located at :

This page is obsolete. See the TinyLine site.

What is TinyLine

TinyLine is a Personal Java(tm) (or J2ME Personal Profile if you like) software development kit for applications that want to use images in the Mobile Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes on Java enabled devices. The project's ambition is to give developers a set of core modules which can be used together or individually to support specific Mobile SVG solutions.

Why TinyLine ?

In January 2002 while playing with Batik and reading W3C specs I remembered the old UNIX proverb "The smaller the better". I just wanted to evaluate the W3C technologies and some ideas about Personal Java and Mobile Devices. So I decided to create the TinyLine project in order to see the interaction between W3C specifications and those ideas.


2002-07-19 TinyLine: version 1.1 released
Version 1.1 of the TinyLine implementation of Tiny SVG for Personal Java has been released. The advances over the previous version 1.0.1 are that TinyLine now supports pixed point coordinates and declarative SMIL 2.0 Basic Profile animations. TinyLine 1.1 also provides modification of Tiny SVG graphics through Tiny Object Model which allows dynamic updates to SVG documents in response to user events and animations of graphical elements.
This report lists the features TinyLine 1.1 currently supports.
Also take a look at on line samples.

2002-04-15 TinyLine: a Personal Java SVG Tiny implemenation
Started in January 2002, an alpha version of TinyLine is now released publicly. Additional alpha versions should also be available at this place. I also plan to extend TinyLine to a Conforming Tiny SVG Viewer as soon as possible.

Current status

This report lists the features TinyLine currently supports.


See the TINYLINE_LICENSE.TXT file for futher details.

The low-level parsers are based on Batik software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (
See BATIK_LICENSE.TXT file for the complete Apache Software License.

Last modified: Friday, July 19, 2002
Please send comments to

Copyright © 2002, Andrew Girow. All rights reserved.