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Welcome to Titan web site!

I am Graduate of Bachelors degree in Information System Engineering student from Malaysian University, UTAR. My intrest is solving business problem with information technology. I believe that there is no such problem that cannot be solve. It just how you want it to be solve. There can be quality solution of cause it need more resources. But it does not means that cheap solution is a low quality product. What make the different is "What you need?" , "What is your requirement? " and "What is your problem? ".

If you know these you already half way to success on solving your problem. Of cause every people want the perfect product but do they need it as it their whole life ? The answer is No. For example one electronic chip, A chip is the best quality product it cost 100 dollar per chip and it can be declare from manufacture that it is life time guarantee. B chip is the normal quality product it cost 50 dollar per chip and it can be declare from manufacture that it is lnormally use for 20 years. Which chip will you choose, A or B? For me i will choose B. Why ? It is because in technology world nothing will stay as the same more that 10 years. More advance chip will be coming out in future. And the most important fact is consumer want the latest and advance things rather that it is robustness but already not suitable in use for any electronic device.

My Experience and Technical Knowledge

  • Semiconductor Equipment Automation
  • Manufacturing (in Semiconductor) IT solution
  • Business IT solution
  • IT Project Management
  • IT Application Design, Develop and Support
  • C#
  • VB.NET
  • SQL Server
  • JavaScript
  • VBScript
  • VB
  • Access

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Copyright ?2005 E Estate Agent
Last modified: 11/11/05