Sanctity of Life

For the Sanctity of Human Life

There is a direct relationship between the acceptance of birth control and the divorce rate. Consider these statistics:
1910 - 1 divorce for every 11 marriages
1925 - birth control philosophy began to be accepted; divorce rate rose to 1 in 7
1960 - introduction of "the Pill"; divorce rate 1 in 5
1962 - 1 million women were using "the Pill"
1965 - divorce rate had risen to 1 in 4
1970 - 10 million women were using "the Pill"
1973 - Roe VS Wade, abortion legalized, more effective birth control methods; divorce rate 1 in 3
1977 - sterilization becoming commonplace; divorce rate 1 in 2

With these statistics, it is not surprising that there is concern in the church about how our attitudes about children, birth control, and family size impact the number of abortions being done every single day.
Many Christians are not even aware that the method of birth control they have chosen may have caused their unborn child or children to be aborted before they knew the pregnancy existed. So what is the answer? Do we, as Christians, shun birth control as immoral and simply accept the possibility that we could create a child with every sexual union? Some would say yes. Others would indicate that relying on methods of birth control that do not cause abortions is the answer. Whichever one you choose, remember that God's Word, the Bible, tells us that children are a blessing from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Treat His blessings with care.
Since many Christians are not aware of the truth behind abortion, this document and the accompanying material have been placed here for your information.
If you have experienced an abortion, do not feel that you are being condemned by what you read. Jesus offers forgiveness, pardon and restoration for those who come to Him with a repenitent heart. He will bring healing and hope if you let Him.

Questions, comments and assistance can be requested by placing an email to

The Reality of Abortion

The first four methods of abortion are not even considered by many people to be abortions. These methods are used following unprotected sex to prevent the implantation and growth of the fertilized ovum within the uterus. The baby dies due to a hostile enviroment in the uterus created by the IUD or the chemicals used in each method.

(1) Intrauterine Device (IUD)

The IUD works by irritating the lining of the uterus and preventing the implantation of the fertilized embryo. The only way the IUD works is by causing an abortion if the egg is fertilized. Research indicates that 30-50% of the eggs are fertilized and aborted and 5-10% of the fertilized eggs develop into ectopic pregnancies which carry serious health risks. Manufacturers claim the IUD is 81-97% effective, depending on the shape and material content of the device. Side effects and medical risks include heavy periods, anemia, possible cervical tears, possible imbedding in or perforation of the uterine wall, increased risk of pelvic infection, increased risk of toxic shock syndrome, and possible death. Increase risk and incidence of pelvic infections can and does cause scarring of the fallopian tubes which may result in sterility or an ectopic pregnancy. The IUD may also be lost if it passes out undetected in the menstrual flow.
Pregnancies which survive the implantation process do not appear to be at greater risk of defects if the IUD is removed soon after the pregnancy is discovered, however, removing the IUD may cause a miscarriage.

(2) Morning After Pill

The morning after pills or emergency birth control pills are simply a higher dose and/or multiple doses of the birth control pill. The intent is to stop the implantation and development of the fertilized egg. The pills must be taken within 72 hours to be effective. The methodology of the treatment is to change the lining of the uterus prior to implantation, and is not effective if the egg is already implanted. Side effects are nausea, severe chest pains, cough, shortness of breath, severe headaches, dizziness, weakness or numbness, vision loss or blurring, severe pain or cramping in the legs, and possible birth defects in the developing child.

(3) RU-486

RU-486 has been described as a "human pesticide used to rid the mother of an unwanted child." RU-486 is an antiprogestin and works by blocking the normal action of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy; preventing the endometrium from accepting or keeping the implanted embryo. Side effects include: dizziness, severe cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and heavy bleeding which may last as long as 35 days, although the average is about 8 days.
One of the greatest risks of RU-486 is an incomplete abortion which leads to infection and severe bleeding because parts of the aborted child are left in the womb. RU-486 requires a physician's prescription and usually requires a follow-up visit to insure that the abortion was complete. Follow-up may necessitate a D&C or vacuum aspiration up to 20% of the time.

(4) Misprostal & Methotrexate

These two compounds have just recently been approved as treatment for abortion. Misprostal and methotrexate were both developed as treatment drugs for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastric ulcers, but doctors discovered that these two drugs also caused uterine contractions. Both are used routinely to soften the cervix, augment or induce labor in full-term pregnancies. Cramping and contractions usually begin within 20-40 minutes, but may be redosed if the desired effect is not achieved. Cramping may be severe and difficult to deal with. Treatment must be done under the care of a physician.

Post-Implantation Abortions

First Trimester Abortions

(5) D & C

In a D&C abortion, dilatation rods of increasing diameter are used to force the cervix open until it is large enough to insert the curette. The curette, a sharp curved knife, is used to scrape the walls of the uterus to dismember the child and cut the placenta up into small enough pieces to be scraped out into a bowl.
Complication Risks: Uterine puncture and hemorrhage, pelvic abscesses, genital tract infections, bowel lacerations, thromboembolism (air pocket or blood clot that escapes the uterus and circulates in the body - causes heart stoppage or stroke), sterility, and/or death. Parts of the baby can be left in the uterus and cause an infection which can cause sterility and even necessitate a hysterectomy. Insertion of the rods forces the cervix open at a time it was not meant to be open. Forcing it open causes trauma to the tissues, creating scar tissue and weakening the cervix. This often causes complications with later pregnancies when the cervix won't remain closed and the baby is miscarried when it gets too big for the tissues to hold closed. (1) A second complication from cervix scarring may be a stenotic cervix, a condition where the scar tissue does not stretch and the cervix cannot dilate normally.
Scraping the uterus causes scarring and the walls of the uterus can actually be scraped too smooth for a later baby to implant or making it difficult for the yolk sac or later placenta to stay adhered to the wall causing an unfavorable environment for future pregnancies. The possible outcomes include infertility, miscarriage, placenta abruption, hemorrhaging, and death of mother and the later baby.

(6) Suction Aspiration

The cervix is paralyzed by a drug and dilatation rods of increasing diameter are used to force the cervix open until it is large enough to insert the suction tube. The suction tube is placed against the child and it is sucked off the wall of the uterus. The suction is 30x more powerful than a household vacuum cleaner and literally tears the child apart in the process. Scraps of the baby are sucked into a bottle and then the abortionist cuts the placenta loose from the wall and sucks it into the bottle with the baby.
Complication Risks: Urinary tract infections, cervical trauma (see above), sepsis (blood poisoning), peritonitis (caused when the uterine wall is ruptured and bacteria is allowed to enter the abdominal cavity and inflames the membrane covering the peritoneum - can cause death), endometritis (tissue that forms on the walls of the uterus and in the fallopian tubes causing pain, leads to increased tubal pregnancies, sterility and sometimes, death), salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes), uterine laceration, renal trauma, pelvic inflammation, embolism (air that escapes and gets into the body cavity in a pocket - causes a heart attack if it reaches the heart), thrombus (formation of an internal clot that travels from the original site inside the vascular system - can cause death if it reaches the heart and a stroke if it reaches the brain), sterility, death. (2)

Second Trimester Options

(7) D & E (Dilatation and Evacuation)

Strips of laminaria (a spongy seaweed) are placed in the cervix to stretch it open. A pliers-like forceps is inserted into the uterus and is used to crush the baby's skull and snap the spine. Then the baby's body is wrenched piece by piece out of the womb and the body parts are reassembled on a surgical table to insure that all the parts are there and nothing was left inside. Finally, the empty uterus is swabbed with disinfectant and aspirated with a vaginal vacuum.
Complication Risks: Infections of the pelvis, renal, cervical and peritoneum areas; clinically low-birth-weight infants, stillbirths, ectopic pregnancies, neonatal deaths, and congenital malformations in future pregnancies, sterility, death. (3)

(8) Saline Amniocentesis

Long needle is inserted into the abdomen and into the amniotic sac. Part of the fluid is removed and then a strong saline solution is injected into the fluid. The baby breathes it in and it begins to poison every system as well as burning the skin. After one to three hours of convulsing and struggling the child dies and the mother goes into labor and delivers a dead baby.
Complication Risks: Complications are common and include uterine rupture (occurs when too much saline is injected in the uterus), pulmonary thromboembolism (see above), disseminated intravascular coagulation (dangerous blood clotting disorder), hemorrhaging, erosive gastritis, hypernatremia (too much sodium in the bloodstream), hypercholoremia (too much chloride in the blood stream), hemolytic anemia (red blood cells explode because of a rapid change in blood chemistry sodium and chloride concentrations), hemoglobinuria ( after the red blood cells explode, sending their contents spilling into the circulation, the hemoglobin passes through the kidney and into the urine, turning it red. The hemoglobin can hang up in the glomeruli filters in the kidney, causing an obstruction), acute renal failure (occurs after hemoglobinuria blocks too many of the glomeruli), sterility, and death. (4)

Note: The doctor who explained this to me said that hypernatremia and hyperchloremia cause the water to pass out of body cells in an attempt to rid the body of the excess sodium and chloride. This can cause water to also pass out of the brain, causing brain shrinkage and allowing variable illness to occur and may culminate in death as the conditions worsen.

(9) Prostaglandin Abortion

Mom is given synthetic hormone designed to induce violent labor and premature birth. Baby usually dies during the labor and so mom delivers a dead baby. Those who are born alive have severe problems in part due to the labor and in part due to prematurity. Sometimes the baby is given a lethal drug to make sure that the baby dies prior to labor onset. Prostaglandin is often given through a suppository or as an injection into the sac.
Complication Risks: 42% of all women who undergo this particular procedure suffer complications (5). Uterine rupture (due to the violence of the contractions), sepsis, hemorrhaging, cardio-respiratory arrest, vomiting and aspiration, strokes, acute kidney failure, shock, death. (6)

Third Trimester Abortions

Note: Abortion is legal at any stage of the pregnancy. Abortions are being performed even in the last trimester and in the 9th month. This means that babies who could survive outside the womb are being killed instead of being delivered and placed for adoption.

(10) Hysterotomy

A mini-Cesarean section is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. The cord is clamped with the baby still in the womb and left clamped until the baby dies. Then the surgeon reaches in and delivers the baby. Baby takes 5-7 minutes to die.
Complication Risks: Hemorrhaging, infection, anesthetic complications, damage to adjacent organs, and all other complications that are common to an actual cesarean section. Recovery time is the same. (7) All future pregnancies must be delivered cesarean section because the incision is done much higher than a normal cesarean where it is more likely to rupture during labor.

(11) D & X (Dilatation and Extraction)

Cervix is dilated progressively over several days. Baby is turned by the doctor so that it becomes breech footling. The baby is pulled out of the vagina foot first until all but the head is delivered. Once the head is at the edge of the vagina, scissors are jabbed into the back of the head and then opened. A suction tube is inserted into the head and the brains are sucked out. After the head is empty, the rest of the baby is delivered.
Complication Risks: Sepsis, uterine rupture (can occur when the baby is manipulated inside the cramped womb to turn it breech), scar tissue, hemorrhaging, internal tears, sterility, death. (8)

Abortion facts

20% of all women who have abortions later give birth to a child with Down's Syndrome. This seems to be true because of chromosomal damage which occurs due to the abortion. Abortion dangerously risks maternal mortality, perinatal fitness, congenital formation and future fertility. (9)
There is an increase risk of breast and cervical cancer with every pregnancy that ends prior to delivery. Research hypothesizes that because the hormonal cycle is not complete, the hormones become trapped in breast and cervical tissues which undergo some of the most dramatic changes in pregnancy. These hormones cause the cells to become genetically damaged and thus cancer is formed. Women who undergo an abortion before the age of 25 have an increased breast cancer rate of about 30% and the percentage increases with each failed pregnancy. In addition, cervical cancer rates progressively increase according to the number of sex partners one has.
According to an examination of several thousand clinic charts found in Planned Parenthood's trash cans, their record show that more than one third of the women experienced severe or very severe pains during the abortion procedure. Almost 5% were said to have screamed during the operations. Another 11% cried, 10% "overreacted" (a subjective opinion of the medical personnel performing the procedure), 5% complained, 10% experienced nausea and/or vomiting and another 10% fainted or fell unconscious. Another chart described blatantly unsterile operating conditions, another a doctor's brutal and abusive behavior, and another questioned the racial motivations of the clinic personnel. These documents, found in late 1986 at a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic, speak for themselves. (10)

Emotional - Post Abortive Syndrome

85% suffer preoccupation with child, 73% suffer from frequent and chronic flashbacks of the abortion, 54% suffer chronic nightmares and sleep disorders, 35% claim frequent visitations by child, voices, visual sightings, Over 85% of couples who seek an abortion because it is not convenient for them to have a babyand feel it will help to preserve the relationship, later breakup because of the guilt and emotional upset of the abortion, Over 75% of women who have experienced an abortion later admit that they know they killed a baby. (11)
Women suffering emotional trauma from abortions suffer more relationship problems and have more trouble with trusting their partner than women who have not had an abortion. 90% claim to suffer or have suffered depression, severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and other moderate to severe emotional and psychiatric stress. Approx. 10% required psychiatric hospitalization or other treatment. (12)
In a survey of abortion survivors, almost 80% felt that someone discouraged, avoided or trivialized their questions about the truth of abortion. Over 95% claim that they were given little or no biological information prior to the procedure. 80% claim they were not told about the potential health risks and over 60% claim that they were not told about other alternatives by abortion counselors.(13)
One study showed that 62% of women who had experienced abortion had become suicidal following the procedure, 20% had actually made a suicide attempt, 30% began drinking heavily, 40% experienced nightmares and 20% had undergone a nervous breakdown. (14)
A 1994 study released by the Elliott Institute reported that among 260 women included in the survey, the following problems were common: nightmares, flashbacks to the abortion, hysterical outbreaks, unforgiveness of those involved, feelings of guilt, fear of God's punishment, fear that their children would be harmed in retribution, negative feelings about abortion that worsened on the anniversary of the abortion date or during a later pregnancy, preoccupation with thoughts about the aborted child, excessive interest in pregnant women, excessive interest in babies, experiencing false pregnancies, dramatic worsening of their personalities, waking or sleeping visitation of the aborted baby. (15)

Spiritual Effects of Abortion


  1. J. D. Barklay, A. Forsythe and T. L. Parker, "Abortion Methodologies: Frequency and Risk," The Medical Life-Line March 1986, pp. 12-19; J. C. Wilke, Abortion: Questions and Answers (Cincinnati: Hayes Publishing Co., 19865), pp. 83-131; The Boston Women's Health Collective, The New Our Bodies, Ourselves (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984) pp. 291-316; "Abortion: Some Medical Facts," National Right to Life Trust Fund 1986; and Questions and Answers about Abortion," Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, 1986.
  2. Ibid.; and S. K. Henshaw and K. O'Reilley, "Characteristics of Abortion Patients in the US," Family Planning Perspectives, 15:1 (Jan/Feb 1985) p. 5
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid
  5. B. Duenhoelter and E. Grant, "Complications Following Prostaglandin F-2 A Induced Mid-Trimester Abortion," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 46:3, (Sept. 1975) pp. 247-250)
  6. Ibid
  7. Andy Merritt, "Counseling the Abortion-Minded Client"; The CPC Lifesaver Conference, Oct 1996
  8. Ibid
  9. S. Harlap and A. M. Davies, "Late Sequelae of Induced Abortion: Complications and Outcome of Pregnancy and Labor," American Journal of Epidemiology 102: 217, 1975; and WHO Task Force on the Sequelae of Abortion, "The Outcome in the Subsequent Pregnancy," Workshop on Risks, Benefits and Controversies in Fertility Control (Arlington, VA: Program of Applied Research on Fertility Regulation, 1977); J. W. Van der Slikke and P. E. Treffers, "The Influence of Induced Abortions on Gestational Duration in Subsequent Pregnancies," The British Medical Journal 1:260, 1978; C. J. Hogue, "Low Birth Weight Subsequent to Induced Abortion: A Historical Perspective Study of 948 Women in Skopje, Yugoslavia," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 123: 675. Andy Merritt, CPC Lifesaver Conference
  10. David C. Reardon, Aborted Women: Silent No More (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1987) p. xxiv.
  11. Ibid p. 19
  12. Ibid. p. 23-24
  13. Ken Freeman, Free Me To Live, (Garland, Texas: Ken Freeman Publications, 1996).

    NOTES: The preceding is a compilation of statistics and information I have gathered from over 16 years active involvement in working with pregnant moms, many of whom were in a crisis pregnancy situation. Many of these women were already into a subsequent pregnancy and facing problems due to the previous abortion. Some of those problems were physical and others were emotional and spiritual. Almost without exception, everyone of the women stated that, if she knew at the time of the abortion what she knows today, she would never have consented to or allowed the abortion to occur.
    Included as a part of this document are referral organizations for those who have already experienced an abortion and are still struggling with the consequences of that act and recovery Bible studies for these survivors.

    There is Help and Healing!

    Bible Studies:

    Arthur, Kay. Lord, Heal My Hurt. Multnomah, 1988.

    Bartlett, Linda. From Heartache to Healing. Concordia, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118, 1992 (4 week study on the effects of abortion and how the church can effectively minister to the post-abortion survivor.

    Cochrane, Linda and Jones, Kathy. Turning a Father's Heart. CareNet, 101 W Broad St., Ste. 500, Falls Church, VA 22406. (8 week study to help women reconcile their abortions)

    Freeman, Kenneth R. Free Me To Live. Freeman Publications, 1988. (10-13 week Bible study for men or women to help set them free from many major abuse issues including abortion and sexual abuse).

    Jones, Debra. Rainbows in the Night. Potema Press, 1993. (8 week Bible study for women with post abortion hurts).

    Koerbel, Pam with Leigh F. Koerbel. P*A*R*A*T*E*A*M Discipleship Program. P*A*M), 1990 (18 session in-depth Bible study to take individuals beyond healing from the abortion.

    Marshall, Debbie and Goodoten, Patti. In His Image: A Post Abortion Bible Study. Open Arms, 1989. (7 week study focusing on God's character as He responds to women and men who have experienced abortion.

    Organizations Ministering to Abortion Survivors

    Human Life International. 7845-E Airpark Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20879

    Victims of Choice, Nola Jones, PO Box 6268, Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 448-6015

    Women Exploited by Abortion, Rt 1, Box 821, Venus, TX 76084 (972) 366-3600

    Project Rachel, c/o Milwaukee Archdiocese, PO Box 2018, Milwaukee, WI (414) 769-3391 (Catholics suffering directly or indirectly from abortion)

    Psychiatrists for Life and Family Values, 16 E Brittany, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (708) 259-5269

    Last Harvest Ministries, Ken Freeman,

    Women Exploited, 2100 W. Ainsley, Chicago, IL 60640

    Milestones of Growth in the Unborn Child

    Day 1 Sperm enters egg cell and conception has occurred. First cell divides into two, then four, then eight and so on.

    Day 2-4 Baby passes through the fallopian tubes on the way to the uterus.

    5-9 days The baby burrows into the uterine wall.

    14 days Menstrual period is suppressed by child's hormone production

    18 days Heart is forming and eyes start to develop.

    20 days Brain, spinal cord and nervous system forming

    24 days Heart starts beating.

    28 days Muscles begin to develop along spine, arms and legs are budding.

    30 days Brain now has human proportions, baby has own blood system.

    35 days Facial features taking shape, pituitary glad forming in brain.

    40 days Baby is about 1 inch long and has recognizable eyes, ears, nose, lips, tongue, arms, hands, fingers, knees, ankles and toes.

    42 days Skeleton complete, brain functional, reflex responses apparent, penis forming in males.

    43 days Brain waves can be recorded

    45 days Spontaneous movements. Milk teeth buds appear

    7 Weeks Lips sensitive to touch, ears obvious.

    8 weeks Every organ present and child is obviously human, stomach produces digestive juices, liver forming blood cells, kidneys functional, taste buds forming. skeleton is beginning to change from cartilage to real bone.

    8.5 weeks Fingerprints forming, eyelids and palms sensitive to touch.

    9 weeks Fingers can bend, thumb sucking begins, fingernails forming.

    10 weeks Entire body touch sensitive, child can make faces and swallow.

    11 weeks Urinates, smiles.

    12 weeks Vigorous activity, individual character traits apparent, many physical motions are obvious: jumping. kicking, making fist, turning head, opening mouth, etc.

    13 weeks Baby's facial features more pronounced and resemble parents, vocal chords formed, sex organs apparent, wake and sleep cycle can be determined, baby may have hiccups.

    4 months Child can grasp with hands, swim, turn somersaults, mother may feel movement, rapid growth as baby nears 24 oz or more, external events provoke response from baby.

    5 months Mom can usually determine baby's sleep cycle, although external activities can startle baby awake and promote a flurry of activity, kicks and punches are obvious, baby response to external sounds.

    6 months Fine hair covers eye brows and head, babies born at this stage can survive.

    7 months Eyelids open and close as baby looks around, hands grip strongly, baby will respond to a parent's voice, all but the sense of smell is active.

    8 months Weight has increased to over 2 lbs. and womb is becoming cramped. Mother experiencing trouble breathing as uterus reaches the full extent of the cavity.

    9 months Baby nears delivery. At 255-280 days after conception, the child triggers labor and is born.

    These milestones have been documented by scientific research. Slight variations my exist and future research may show that these milestones actually occur earlier than indicated here.

    This material has been compiled by Rev. Kathy Rateliff Barr, CCD, CCCE, CCM, and GSM and President and Administrator of T2 Shepherd Ministries in Garland, Tx. Questions, comments, and inquiries can be addressed to her attention at T2 Shepherd Ministries, email at T2 Shepherd Ministries provides assistance in several ways including: Christian childbirth classes, labor support, post-abortion and survivor recovery study classes, food and housing referrals to moms facing a crisis pregnancy situation. T2 also recruits and trains other shepherding homes.For more information on T2 Shepherd ministries

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