

Volunteer To Help

Calendar of Events

Meet The Directors

Photo Gallery
Grading Policy
Concert Dress


Strings Program

Music Links

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It is a widely recognized fact that the arts contribute significantly to children's intellectual development. The opportunity to study music is one of the most valuable things we can give our young people. Music is a positive outlet for creative expression. It reinforces teamwork, communication, self-discipline and focus -- all skills that will benefit students in every aspect of their lives. We in Tiverton are fortunate to have such a wonderful music program in our schools.

The effort and dedication that our directors bring to the ever-growing arts and music programs in our schools is evident by the many talented musicians in Tiverton. The directors and the students spend countless amounts of time and energy involved in the music program. The support and encouragement of parents, family and friends is necessary to maintain the musical success of both the students and the music program here in Tiverton. Please spend some time viewing these pages and give some thought into joining us and volunteering your time in this worthwhile endeavor.

What We Do:

  • Support the directors with special projects as needed
  • Raise funds for music department needs
  • Organize refreshments at concerts and music programs in all schools
  • Organize fundraisers for student trip accounts
  • Publish a newsletter to keep you informed on what is happening in our schools
  • Publish a yearly program for Music in Our Schools month in March
  • Assist the band and directors at high school football games and parades
  • Chaperone field trips
  • Maintain and distribute band uniforms

Home | Calendar | Meet the Directors | H.S. Band | Grading Policy | Concert Dress |
Chorus | Strings | Photo Gallery | Links| Volunteer to Help|