About Me
Daily Praise
Assumption Abbey
Camp ReCreation
University of Mary

What is Camp ReCreation:

Camp ReCreation was founded in 1975 to provide a summer camp experience not otherwise available to mentally and physi cally challenged persons, regardless of age, race, or creed. When sponsorship of the camp was to be terminated in 1992, people of Richardton, ND, founded Camp ReCreation, Inc. as a non-profit, tax exempt charitable organization, the sole purpose of which is to sponsor a Christ-centered summer camp experience for the mentally and physically challenged. 2006 will mark the fourteenth year of the camp under new sponsorship. Perhaps you will be part of our team in helping make Camp ReCreation ‘06 a success.

What does Camp ReCreation offer?

In the morning, counselors accompany their campers in small groups to activity classes such as crafts, music, faith formation, and group games. Each afternoon and evening have special events—swimming, picnic in the park, campfire sing-along. At day’s end, counselors have some free time, open gym and refreshments after campers are off to bed.

How can you help?

We aim to provide a one-on-one camper! counselor arrangement to assist campers through the various activities of each day, and to build bridges of understanding and friendship. Counselors in the past have consistently found that they benefit a great deal themselves from serving their campers.

If you are interested in serving as a counselor and are at least 14 years of age, we encourage you whole-heartedly to apply. Also needed are teachers, night supervisors, night nurses, day-service friends and more. We, the sponsors, invite you to join us at Camp ReCreation ‘06. If interested e-mail me at anthony@asumptionabbey.com.

Thamk You

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Web Master: Br. Anthony Baker, OSB