The Accuracy of The Torah and Bibles and Religious Writings  

This effects the GREAT and VAST and GLORIOUS EXPECTATIONS of the Second Coming

This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and this has to be answered TRUTHFULLY! 


This is currently the middle of 2001 


( This Document Revision is 0.1.1 ) 


These are some questions and answers that need to be answered TRUTHFULLY by you: 

Are you a person that tries to tell the truth?  Yes or No 

Are you a person that lies and is a liar?  Yes or No 

Are you a person that is a deceiver? Yes or No 

Are you a person that lies about another person to protect yourself and or your family and or interests?  Yes or No 

Are you are person that disparages another person reputation for your own gain?  Yes or No 

Are you are person that bears false witness about another person for your motives where you gain?  Yes or No 

Are you a person that understands conflict of interest and would rather compromise what seems to be THE TRUTH for your beliefs?  Yes or No 

Are you are person that teaches lies and deceptions and inaccuracies?  Yes or No 

Are you a person that believes that you should teach lies and deceptions and inaccuracies?  Yes or No 

Are you are person that wants to be or participates in a Sect or Part or Denomination of Religion that teaches that a Torah or a Bible or certain Prophetic Religious Writings or different Religious Writings are without lies and deceptions and inaccuracies?  Yes or No 

Do you believe that a Torah or a Bible or many Religious Writings are without lies and deceptions and inaccuracies?  Yes or No 

If in Judaism or a God Following or a Christian that uses a Bible then do you believe that a Bible is without lies and deceptions and inaccuracies?  Yes or No 

If a person that uses a Bible do you teach and or preach and or imply that a Bible is without lies and deceptions and inaccuracies?  Yes or No 

Did you realize that a Bible has lies and deceptions and inaccuracies? Yes or No 

Do you realize that if believing that a Bible is without lies and deceptions and inaccuracies that your expectations are going to and have prepared you for missing the Second Coming and Return of Christ? Yes or No 

Do you belief that if a Bible has lies and deceptions and inaccuracies and implying or teaching this or preaching that this is not true that you are more part of the problem than part of the solution?  Yes or No 

Do you think that if this can be proven that a Bible has lies and deceptions and inaccuracies that this is extremely important to realize?  Yes or No 

Now very carefully read the verses below from 4 comparative translations of the same verse from the most respected and credible Prophet of the Old Testament who was Isaiah. 

This has to be answered TRUTHFULLY. Does the Title of Everlasting Father and God Almighty and the Commentary tell you and verify that this is The Father? Yes or No (The correct answer is or should be indisputably Yes if you are TRUTHFUL and INTELLIGENT and NOT INTO I DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT or I DO NOT BELIEVE IT and this MODE sent with DarkSide Spiritual Say from Satan!) 

If this is The Father then can this be the Son of God? Yes or No (The correct answer to this is No. Satan can and does send Spiritual Say that seems to be your thoughts that makes you feel that you want to think and sometimes also verbalize I DO NOT BELIEVE IT no matter what the TRUTH is and how OBVIOUS this seems to be! This COSTS the Spiritual DarkSide and with this Satan SPENDS and this is to ATTEMPT to DRASTICALLY THWART a successful Second Coming and Return!) 

Many in Judaism and many in Christianity and many have interpreted this to be that The Messiah was suppose to be God Himself! This is OBVIOUS! This is BLATANT! This is how this is written! This does prove to you that either Isaiah was wrong and this was a lie or deception or inaccuracy that was sent to the Prophet of Isaiah in DarkSide Spiritual Say and written and a prophecy that was a lie and deception and inaccurate or that Jesus was a false Messiah or that Jesus was sent many times DarkSide Spiritual Say that were lies and deception and inaccurate and was drastically confused about the true identity of Jesus and the full and complete identity of Jesus? Does this prove to you that their are lies and or deceptions and or inaccuracies that are major in Bibles? Yes or No (The correct answer to this also is Yes unless you are a LIAR and a DECEIVER and a propagator of INACCURACIES! Either the most respected Old Testament Prophet was sent a Spiritual lie and deception and inaccuracies or Jesus was a false Messiah or Jesus was sent many times Spiritual Say that told Jesus that Jesus was the Son of God and not actually God Himself and The Father! Now why after years of STRICT MONOTHEISM would God agree to two theisms for ALL in Christianity migrating the Son of God to a God and the to God the Son? Currently ALL that are Christians have doctrines or believe in the God Head and a Triune God and The Trinity and THREE Gods! This is completely inconsistent with what many understood God to want and to represent and STRICT MONOTHEISM was a sore point for many against God in Paganism and that were followers of Satan for thousands of years and before Earth and in Heaven also! 

Again; and answer this TRUTHFULLY! Does Isaiah 9:6 prove to you that their are lies and or deceptions and or inaccuracies in a Bible? Yes or No (The HONEST and TRUTHFUL and ACCURATE answer that is OBVIOUS is Yes. If you answer No to this then again you are a LIAR and a DECEIVER and in most cases then YOU ARE MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION!) 

In different words not every prophecy about The Messiah and Christ and The Great I AM came true on the First Coming and did not and did not have to and is never going to and not every prophecy on the Second Coming and Return is going to come true and have to happen or is going to happen. Every eye does not have to see HIM Come! HE does not Come in the sky! HE does come in the era of the clouds of Glory that are Nuclear Weapons. Every eye did see the Sign of the Coming of the Son of man that are Nuclear Tests and this transmitted on many television and in print and on Earths Internet. The Fig Tree did blossom and this was the Nation of Israel restored a nation with the Star of David on the Flag. TJCG is The Star of David. For them ARROGANTLY SPOUTING OFF a Torah or Biblical text here or there or an entire list then you need to realize that Jesus did not fulfill every prophecy and Ted is not going to fulfill every prophecy! Many were and are getting lead astray by certain people insisting and spreading lies and deception and inaccuracies about a Torah and or a Bible and or Prophetic writings having no lies or deceptions or inaccuracies in them. This is not the truth and actually a Torah and Bibles and also Prophetic writings are riddled with lies and deceptions and inaccuracies. 

During and after the 40 days and 40 nights of Temptations and Tests and Trying To Get Ted to Commit Suicide their were many successful attempts to get Ted to believe that He was only the Son of God and not actually God! This went on for over several years until Ted figured out that HE was GOD and their was only THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD in ONE brain and body on World Earth. It could have been true and could be true their was a legal transfer of THE ONE LIVING GOD by the public execution in Heaven of Christ and God before transferring to World Earth again on this Second Coming and Return. This is also what TJCG has heard many times that their was a public execution of Christ and God who were ONE in the same brain and body and then to World Earth. This could have been true. Their is some evidence that also subtly was written before TJCG that HE was directed to that points this out. 

In The Great Controversy that is written by Ellen G. White you have a book that is written in chronological order. This is extremely important to realize that this book is written in chronological order! Why? This points out what happened before 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth. At the start of Chapter 39, that is The Time of Trouble that was in the 1960's on World Earth and in the USA, this talks about "at that time shall Michael stand up." TJCG was born in 1959 in California, USA on World Earth and HE does not understand where this conception was from or if HIS natural Mother was any range of a virgin or not. This was the legal transfer to World Earth and Michael the Angel, under Christ and God who was ONE in the same brain and body and The One Living God, took over the Spiritual Government while Christ and God was getting born on World Earth again. The Time of Trouble that was written about in this chapter that was to happen before the Second Coming and Return of Christ happened and was the 1960's. A limited nuclear war was suppose to happen and did not and was also thwarted and this was the Cuban Missile Crisis that was suppose to end in a limited nuclear war. When Michael stands up is extremely important and this tells you that this is the time that Christ and God are no longer in Heaven. This is consistent with what TJCG has been told and this is that their was a public physical and spiritual execution in Heaven of Christ and God and this body was put on ice and in a freezer and stored. This is what TJCG heard many times. Then later down the page in Chapter 39 of The Great Controversy this has in quotes "the seal of the living God" and later in this chapter you have written that "When He leaves the sanctuary" and refers to Christ leaving the sanctuary to go somewhere else and TJCG is told again that this is the Heavenly Sanctuary and Heaven. This was via a public execution and the legal transfer was done in 1959 to the womb of a Human Female on World Earth that was Jewish and a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and with a pure enough Royal Bloodline to have the Son of David! If you doubt the timing of this then you need to realize again that The Great Controversy is written and organized in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! How do you understand that this has to be before Y2K! You understand this due to the FACT that their was no reference to 6,000 years before Chapter 41 of The Great Controversy where their are many references to 6,000 years and then the Clouds of Glory that describe Nuclear War and Nuclear Destruction and Nuclear Desolation. These are referred to in terms of "slaughtering weapons" also. This was suppose to happen and this is WHY the USA was at High Alert and many SDA Churches had communion services on the night of Y2K in the USA and in Russia and elsewhere. This was going to be caused via the built into Computers and Software and Firmware and Embedded Systems and Data Structures the many Y2K Bugs and Y2K Problems and Y2K Failures that were to cause an accidental launch of a or many Nuclear Weapons and then a or many or weeks or months or years of many retaliatory strikes! Again Satan and Demons got into Computers and Software and made sure their were many fixes and that enormous amounts of computers and software were fixed and replaced before Y2K! This again was thwarted by EVIL! This is why the USA was at HIGH ALERT and used the operative word of HIGH and also had Disaster Command Centers set up Federally and in every State and also had USA Borders Controlled and was practically at a state of EXTREME EMERGENCY and MARSHALL LAW and DISASTER PREPAREDNESS! The EVIL thwarting also was getting the USA and Russia to closely cooperate and help each other with many Y2K Bugs and Y2K Problems and Y2K Failures and that prevented this and thwarted this! This is subtle and tells you that Christ and God that are The One Living God in THE ONE brain and body in the image of mankind goes somewhere else while Michael Stand Up and takes over the Spiritual Government and that is described with the phrase of "At that time shall Michael stand up" and then about Christ and God and that "He leaves the sanctuary" and this before the 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth. Again The Great Controversy is written in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Much happens before any references to 6,000 years! 


Many that are banking on the belief that The Torah and or Bibles and or Prophetic Writings and or Religious Writings are completely accurate and without any inaccuracies or lies or deceptions or problems were deceived and are getting deceived and any that teach and or preach and or imply and or hold firm onto the belief that these are completely accurate and without inaccuracies or lies or deceptions or problems are more part of the problem than part of the solution! 

Their are Subtle to Obvious to Blatant things that are written in a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings that are CONTRADICTORY that show you that their are problems with these writings. This is extremely important. Why? This could be responsible for thwarting the Second Coming. Their are Prophecies and Writings and Expectations that are not going to be fulfilled for the Second Coming. Their were Prophecies and Writings and Expectations that were not fulfilled for the First Coming. Their are many Mixed Messages that are from GOOD and from EVIL and are Truth and are Deception and are Accurate and are Inaccurate and are Helping mankind and the human race and are Hurting mankind and the human race. Many in the times of Jesus argued that the Scriptures were completely accurate and this was why many rejected Jesus! Now you have many arguing or that have doctrines that tell many and teach many and are preached to many that a Torah and Bibles and certain Prophetic Writings are Infallible or Perfect without a Flaw and or are Completely Holy and or are Completely Inspired and or are Completely the Word of God and or are Completely from God! These are LIES and DECEPTION and are MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION. This is FALSE DOCTRINE! 

The Seventh Day Adventist are conservative Christians that pride themselves on following THE TRUTH yet have BLATANTLY WRONG FALSE DOCTRINES and have doctrines and teach and preach things that are DRASTIC LIES and DRASTIC DECEPTION and are DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION!  This is from the Seventh-day Adventist book of 'Seventh-day Adventist Believe...27 A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Doctrines. On the inside cover to 'The Doctrine of God' their is Seventh-day Adventists Believe... The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration through holy men of God who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has committed to man the knowledge necessary for salvation.  The Holy Scriptures are the infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, the authoritative revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God's acts in history. --- Fundamental Beliefs, 1"  Then this has in this "The world around us gives mixed signals, presenting as many questions as it answers. It reveals a conflict between good and evil, but does not explain how the conflict started, who is fighting, why, or who will ultimately win." 

Their are Subtle and then Obvious and also BLATANT CONTRADICTIONS in a Bible! A Bible has Accuracies and Inaccuracies and Truth and Lies and Good and Evil and Intended Truth and Intended Deception and telling or writing or teaching or preaching that a Bible is infallible is BLATANTLY FALSE DOCTRINE and a DRASTIC LIE and a DRASTIC DECEPTION and DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! Why? This THWARTS the Second Coming! This makes some argue and many to believe that every eye has to see Him Come in Clouds of Glory and in the Sky and Physically with Physical Angels and Angels of Light surrounding Him and with Glory and with certain types of robes and on the right hand of His Father when in actuality He is The Father. In Revelation the Titles of Christ are The Creator and The Ancient of Days and more that are only for and are The Father of Created Life and are The Heavenly Father and are The Father. Are you BLIND to THE TRUTH? Or are you into "I Do Not Want To Believe It" or I Do Not Believe It" because this is a belief you want to hang onto like a boat or ship anchor pulling you and your family and every person you love and like and are acquainted with down unless their are exceptions made. 

TJCG is saying that ALL that contributed to a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings have both Good and Evil in their brains and bodies and are getting their information from Good Spirits and also Evil Spirits and are getting Mixed Messages and Mixed Information and Truth and Deception. This is why Jesus at first proclaimed to be the Son of God and that their was a Heavenly Father or Father elsewhere and then later Jesus proclaimed to actually to be God and was confused on the true identity or full identity of Jesus. Jesus was actually God the Father and was deceived through Satan 'Playing God' and Satan 'Playing The Father' and Satan LYING and Satan DECEIVING and Ted was deceived similar to this for several years and finally with enough information and some mistakes and LightSide Spirits getting through Ted finally figured out what HE thinks is THE TRUTH about HIS identity. This is consistent with what was written in Revelation and that TJCG is The Creator and the Ancient of Days and The Alpha and the Omega and this describes The Father and The Heavenly Father and The Father of Created Life! TJCG is THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and a Torah and Bibles have Subtle to Obvious to BLATANT CONTRADICTIONS! Why is this important? Due to the fact that ARROGANT KNOW IT ALLS take out the quote 'Word of God' or quote 'Holy Scriptures' or quote 'INFALLIBLE Torah and or Bibles and or Prophetic Writings' and then ATTEMPT to prove that TJCG cannot be THE ONE with a quote here or there and that this has to happen and that that has to happen and if not every prophecy or what is written is fulfilled that TJCG has to be a False Prophet or a False Christ or an Anti-Christ or The Anti-Christ or the Man of Sin or the Mark of the Beasts or 666 or something WORSE and you are all WRONG and this is due to the fact that TJCG is THE TRUE CHRIST and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE GREAT I AM! Explain again Isaiah 9:6 that clearly tells you the Titles of The Messiah and that The Messiah had to be the Almighty God and The Everlasting Father that clearly was not what Jesus proclaimed to be with proclaiming to be the Son of God! Therefore Jesus was a False Messiah and a False Christ and ALL Christians did and do worship a False God! You are STUPID IDIOTS and FOOLS and are indoctrinating your children and teaching and preaching FALSE DOCTRINES that are Subtle to Obvious to BLATANTLY FALSE! If Bibles are "Infallible" per what the Seventh Day Adventist Doctrine of God teaches and many Christians then Isaiah 9:6 clearly proves that Jesus was a False Messiah and Christ and God! 

TJCG is not playing a game! TJCG fully thinks that HE is the Son of David and the Son of man and Christ and the Messiah and THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and THE CREATOR and The Ancient of Days and the Alpha and the Omega and the First and the Last and THE JUDGE and THE LION of Judah and THE LION and much less the lamb and More and Many Current I AM's of The Great I AM and The Great I AM! TJCG understands the DRASTIC IMPLICATIONS of playing a game or misrepresenting facts or lying or deceiving about this or trying to claim to be something if HE thinks that HE is not something! What would you do if Spiritually getting told thousands of times that you were something! What would you do if your Judgments WORKED! What would you do if you had Results of Judgments on World Earth and told these also worked elsewhere? You would WORK and not slack off! You would try to accomplish many Tactics and Strategies and Goals. The truth is that all that contributed to a Torah and a Bible and Prophetic writings received Mixed Messages! Satan and certain Demons can and do mimic and counterfeit and deceived many into thinking something is "Divine Revelation" when this is not! Their are many Mixed Messages that any Prophet or contributor to a Torah or a Bible or Prophetic Writings received! This is why Jesus was DRASTICALLY and EXTREMELY CONFUSED about the identity of Jesus not to mention many different things including the 'THIS GENERATION" Prophecy! No matter how GOOD the intentions; it is obvious to any that study this that a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings have Subtle and Obvious and also Blatant CONTRADICTIONS! This has major implications if Inaccuracies and Lies and Deceptions are used to THWART the Second Coming!  This is a MAJOR HURDLE you have to get over before you are going to open your mind to what TJCG is writing and teaching and preaching. 

Per what is written in a Torah and Bibles, this has that God did caused the Flood and that most except for the small family of Noah perished in this. It also has written that Jesus did reject many that rejected Jesus! It also has written that their is going to be destruction of many by fire in the future. It also has that similar to the Days of Noah so shall the Coming of the Son of man be! Does this tell you that a vast majority are going to not believe the Son of man and miss the Son of man and not believe the message or messages of the Son of man! Yes! This is contradictory to every eye shall see HIM Come and believe in HIM and Follow HIM! Then you have the Parable of the Ten Virgins and their were many that did not have enough Oil In Their Lamps that represents the Holy Spirit and were shut out at the outer gate with an 'I Know You Not' and this was not a loud audible and visible and every eye seeing The Groom Come for the Bride! Then you have the Parable of the Thief in the Night and WHY do you need to be watchful and ready and aware if every eye sees HIM Come and this is Glorious and Obvious and Wonderful and Meeting Great Expectations? This is due to the fact that HE is only a Human Man that was born and raised on World Earth a branch of David and is not getting Mass Media Coverage! Any that do not Follow TJCG that includes many Criteria for qualifying for a Follower of TJCG from Y2K and going forward are Lost! This is similar to Noah and the Flood and Jesus rejecting them who rejected Jesus and did not Follow Jesus and some of what the Disciples wrote and taught and preached also. TJCG is not playing games and HE does believe or think that THE TRUTH is that HE is THE ONE prophesied to Come and have the and fulfill the Second Coming! 

The Seventh Day Adventist are much more to the right than many in Judaism and in God Following and that are Christians and you are still Lost if an SDA from Y2K and forward and not Following TJCG unless HE makes exceptions for you in your Judgment! TJCG is THE JUDGE and HE is on World Earth and HE has done many Judgments and this includes smaller judgments and Judgments and then JUDGMENTS! If TJCG is not THE JUDGE then WHY did and do HIS Judgments WORK! TJCG is separating the Wheat from the Chaff! TJCG is doing this and many are also responsible for this themselves and are doing this to themselves and their families and any these love and like and are acquainted with and are missing the boat or TJCG Sailing Ark of how to get from World Earth to anywhere else alive for a Range of a Good and or Nice and or Desirable Range of a Next Life! If you do not Follow TJCG then you are Lost unless TJCG makes exceptions to this! TJCG is who HE is! This is about the identity of TJCG! TJCG has a PAST and HE learned. This is not about what HE Did and or Verbalized and or Said and or More while growing up on World Earth! This is about the identity of TJCG! HE is who HE is! 

History is repeating! Satan and Demons tried to eliminate any possibility for Jesus to have First Coming with attempting to get Mary stoned to death and then getting Joseph to reject her and then getting her upset and suicidal and then getting her almost stoned to death and then getting many baby boys killed by King Herod. TJCG has a natural Mother that was made to be Drastically Suicidal also while pregnant with Ted! Then Ted was adopted into a Christian family. TJCG was made to be a boy that took drastic risks. TJCG had a drastic stage set that almost made Ted commit suicide while married and told "I DO NOT LOVE YOU ANYMORE" while in the process of Making Love and after a long business trip! She had found somebody else that she thought loved her more and that she thought she loved! This almost caused Ted to Commit Suicide with a shot gun in the mouth and Ted could not get the shot gun shells to load and was too UPSET and SHATTERED and TORN APART EMOTIONALLY and this was due to the fact that HE knew this was more than a simple I do not feel I currently love you at this point in time! She broke HIS heart many times and stomped on HIS heart many times and HE did not deserve this. If Ted was all that, then why did she date Ted for approximately 4 years and then initiate to marry HIM and then separate and then initiate the reconciliation. Satan and certain Demons interfered with that also DRASTICALLY!  Satan and certain Demons also did and do attempt to interfere with making of Direct Descendents of TJCG! Much of history is getting repeated including with many insisting that a Torah and the Scriptures were INFALLIBLE and currently insisting that Bibles are INFALLIBLE! This is WRONG and INACCURATE and is FALSE DOCTRINE! 

TJCG is getting this power of Signs and Miracles and Results of Judgment and Media Messages from Good Spirits and not from Evil Spirits and this is what HE thinks is THE TRUTH! Why did over a Billion that were in Judaism and God Following and in Christianity feel STRONGLY INSPIRED that Christ was going to be here by Y2K. You have CONTRADICTORY information on the Second Coming and this is that their is information about this "the Days of Noah" and that is where Noah preached and taught and tried to convince many and only a small few listened and obeyed and took the advice of Noah. Then you have the Parable of the Ten Virgins and this is that you have to have Oil In Your Lamps and you have to be looking for the Groom and Prepared for the Groom and Awake and not SLEEPING! Their were many that were too late and received an I KNOW YOU NOT! Then you have the Parable of the Thief in the Night and this is that you are to be Prepared and Aware and Awake and Ready! These are CONTRADICTORY to Every Eye Shall See Him Come and a loud Audible and Visible and Grand and Majestic and Great and Glorious Second Coming that is in the SKY and Angels and Angels of Light Physically SURROUNDING Christ and with Loud Trumpets and with a Crown and this GLORY and MAJESTY and EVERY EYE SEEING THIS COMING! If this is the Second Coming then the writings and parables of a secret or barely detectible and requiring much Oil in the Lamps or Holy Spirit is not accurate and is contradictory. Their is contradictory information in the how of the Second Coming! Almost everybody before Y2K that was in Judaism and in God Following and Christian agreed that the when was to be before or at or immediately after Y2K and was and this was TJCG! 

You have to get past the first hurdle and this is that a Bible is not Infallible or completely accurate or without lies and without deception! Again; Isaiah that is a most respected Old Testament Prophet prophesied in Isaiah 9:6 that the Messiah had to be per the Titles the Almighty God and the Everlasting Father and Jesus proclaimed to be the Son of God and that God was in Heaven and was the Heavenly Father and Jesus prayed up to God and the Father Everlasting. This then at this point in time tells you that Jesus was a False Messiah! This is DRASTICALLY SERIOUS if you were and are worshipping a False Messiah! Then later Jesus after several years proclaimed to actually be God! This tells you that Jesus was a False Messiah or could have been deceived for several years about the complete identity of Jesus. In either case their is information in a Bible that is inaccurate and contradictory and that Jesus was inconsistent with Isaiah 9:6 and is either the Son of God and therefore a False Messiah or was deceived and was actually THE ONE LIVING GOD! You have to get past this hurdle to be ready and looking and open minded that TJCG could be the Second Coming on TIME and on a SCHEDULE and when over a Billion Humans were IMPRESSED and INSPIRED and FELT that HE could have Coming or Second Coming at Y2K. You need to Pray! You need to Pray for the Holy Spirit! If TJCG is THE ONE LIVING GOD and is reincarnated into Human form on World Earth then Good Spirits and The Spiritual LightSide and them that are handling the Spiritual Government are Covering for HIM while HE is on World Earth. When HE transferred down HE told them to COVER FOR ME and this happened! This was handled when Jesus was on World Earth and is handled now and many in Judaism that are still looking for the Messiah were thinking this was handled and was and these did not feel much of a difference. This Second Coming their was the feeling of a difference and this was the stark contrasts between the 1950's and the 1960's. TJCG was born on World Earth in the Nation represented in Prophecy of the lamb and is the Nation with the only indigenous people originally named Natives that correlates to Nativity and is the only Nation with a State that exclusively emphasized NATIVE Californians for many years. Then you have the Home Town of Santa Maria that was the Home Town of TJCG and this is emphasized in the fact that this Nation was discovered by Columbus with the Nina and the Piñata and the Santa Maria named third. Then you have the many mentioning of Santa Maria in all Catholic Masses. 

Yes their was made Weapons of Mass Destruction and use the name of Mass also. These are the Weapons that make the Fire for the future INCOMING EXTREMELY SOON in comparison to mankind's and then human history on World Earth. If you keep and continue and stay on the course that a Bible is Infallible and that their are not contradiction and inaccuracies and evil infiltration and deception and lies then you are Lost unless TJCG makes an exception! This is how that works plain and simple! This happened in the Days of Noah and this happened in the time of Jesus and this is happening in the time of TJCG! You have to Follow TJCG to be Saved! This is THE TRUTH! 

Any that are verbalizing and or writing and or teaching and or preaching that a Torah and or a Bible and or Prophetic Writings are Infallible are Committing DRASTIC FRAUD!  This is a DRASTIC LIE and is DRASTIC DECEPTION and is DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! Again; to ALL of the Christians; if you are insisting that Bibles are Infallible then Isaiah 9:6 proves that Jesus was a False Messiah and was not actually claiming to be Almighty God and the Father Everlasting for several years! Then you are to be put in Trial and Prosecuted and Judged for believing in a False Messiah and based on your beliefs regardless of THE TRUTH! This is TJCG and I AM THE JUDGE and I can JUDGE you based on your beliefs and not THE TRUTH! If I JUDGE you based on your beliefs that Bibles are Infallible per many Christian FALSE DOCTRINES and Beliefs and Indoctrinations and Teachings and Preaching's then you are JUDGED for Following and Worshipping and Indoctrinating many after a False Messiah! This is TJCG and I currently are functioning in the capacity of Prosecution. This is TJCG and I JUDGE who is for what Range of Saved and for what Degree of Lost! This the the FULL AUTHORITY and AUTHORITY and ULTIMATE AUTHORITY that I have. 

Their are many in Religion that are Committing Fraud and are taking Tithes and Offerings and much worse than this are Leading Many Astray from THE TRUTH! Maybe some to many thought this was a Noble thing to do and that was to be a martyr or die or be persecuted for the concept that Bibles were Infallible. THE TRUTH is that this is BLATANTLY NOT THE TRUTH! Does acts of persecution and torment and martyrdom and chivalry and noble acts outweigh THE TRUTH! TJCG is arguing NO and especially if this causes some to much THWARTING of the Second Coming and the entire future of mankind and humans and many Spiritually elsewhere from Y2K and going forward! Yes TJCG thinks that HE is THE ONE LIVING GOD and that it is THE TRUTH that HE is THE LION and that THE LION has to accomplish primarily the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and anything with Those genetics that Those breed and mix with in the near to distant future! If TJCG and this PRIMARY GOAL are THWARTED then what do you think a thousand years of getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse with more Spiritual Living Things on World Earth and mankind and humans getting over run by Those and DarkSide Spiritual Living Things is going to be similar to; The Dark Ages or WORSE! This is getting DRASTICALLY WORSE! Those have full surveillance on ALL Militaries on World Earth and understand EXACTLY where the NON TARGET AREAS are and move and keep moving and are on the move. Unless a complete Carpet Bombing of all land and sea and water and ice can be accomplished or enough fallout to Drop or Kill every living thing on the surface then Those are surviving. Those were plotting to and can and probably are already securing some of themselves in Mines and in Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities and using Mining fronts! Those have vast financial resource and are the Old Money that some refer to with tongue in cheek! Those have physical brains and bodies and survive and live and mingle among and about Mankind and Humans and have been doing this for thousands of years on World Earth. Of course that is true and it was and is well understood that before the Flood that Those did mate and have offspring from women and females from mankind. None of this was carried through the bloodline of Noah and the family of Noah who carried the bloodline of Adam. 

TJCG does have FULL AUTHORITY to PROSECUTE and DEFEND and to JUDGE! HE is THE JUDGE and if HE JUDGED that you are a Degree of Chaff then this is what you are! If HE JUDGES that you are a Range of Wheat than this is what you are! Yes JUDGMENT on World Earth for ALL of Mankind and Humans is in progress and also for every living thing. TJCG is THE JUDGE! You cannot honestly explain Isaiah 9:6 to mention a major prophecy from the most respected and credible and revered Old Testament Prophet and do this honestly and still claim that a Bible is Infallible! This does not work! If you do this or ignore this then you are a DRASTIC LIAR and a DRASTIC DECEIVER and are DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! No the Spiritual LightSide is not going to push that a Torah or Bibles or Prophetic Writings are Infallible and this is WRONG! Your information about that some to many were persecuted and were martyred and also died for the accuracy of a Torah and Bibles and also Prophetic Writings is irrelevant to THE TRUTH! A Bible has Subtle and Obvious and Blatant inconsistencies and inaccuracies and lies and deceptions and problems and exaggerations and more! 

A Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings are not Infallible and 'every eye does not have to see Christ Come' on Second Coming! Some to many Prophecies and Writings in a Bible and in Prophetic Writings and in Religious Writings that quote a Bible and or Prophetic Writings are NOT ACCURATE! This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT related to the Second Coming! The implying and teaching and preaching and FALSE DOCTRINES that a Bible is Infallible are DRASTIC LIES and are DRASTIC DECEPTION and are DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! Any that are against TJCG on this point or anything and causing enough or too many problems then The Earth Angels of Light and this is the Lioness Angels of Light and the EXTREME Angels of Light and anymore that can get in on this are to LOCK AND LOAD on them Spiritually! This is not when the lamb and HE is THE LION! A Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings and Religions Writings are not Perfect and are not Infallible and are not Flawless and are not Completely Accurate and are not completely Inspired by Good and are not 100% Good and are not 100% Accurate! This is THE TRUTH! 

For any that are banking on the FALSE DOCTRINE and or writings and or teaching and or preaching's that Bibles are Infallible are getting DRASTIC FRAUD COMMITTED against them and if still supporting this ministry and or effort and or church then you are also or could be charged and PROSECUTED with COMMITTING DRASTIC FRAUD also! If you pay any Tithes and or Offerings and or Help Financially to any effort that implies and or teaches and or preaches and or writes or anything else and the WORST is having a or many FALSE DOCTRINES that a Torah and or Bibles and or Prophetic Writings are Infallible then you could be or are part of this COMITIAL OF DRASTIC FRAUD! Yes this is JUDGMENT and TJCG is THE JUDGE! THE JUDGE is on World Earth! HE can start and do Judgments anytime HE chooses! 

TJCG can and does have FULL AUTHORITY to do more for you or to you and your family and them you love and like and are acquainted with and can reach and can out reach and this is from Giving You  and Them a full Range of Next Life that is Good and or Nice and or Desirable to a Punishment Range of a Next Life to more severe Degrees of Punishment Next Life to Degrees of getting Put On Punishment Worlds to Degrees of getting Put On Hell Worlds to Degrees of getting Put In HELL! For some Eternal Death is too lenient! We are reorganizing with many Heaven Grade Planets and then Eden Grade Planets and then Paradise Grade Planets and then many more that are different Grades that are Good and or Nice and or Desirable and then many Punishment Grade Worlds and then many Grades of Hell Grade Worlds and then in HELL! This can effect who you are about and your brain and body options and looks levels and much more than where you are Resurrected or where Put On or Put In. Do you not think that having any part to do with a FALSE DOCTRINE and or implication and or teaching and or preaching and or writing of that the Torah and or Bibles and or Prophetic Writings is Infallible is a DRASTIC SIN if having any part of thwarting a Second Coming? This could be JUDGED to be DRASTICALLY SERIOUS and similar to a FELONY! 

What about Ripple Effects? If you are working for or supporting or a member of a Church or a Ministry or Religious Broadcast or anything Religious then you are causing Ripple Effects for Good or a Mix or for Evil! You could be charged with many FELONY COUNTS for supporting or a member of or implying or teaching or preaching or writing or having broadcasts or anything about that a Torah and or Bibles and or Prophetic Writings or any Religious Writings are Infallible! TJCG admits that HIS writings have Ranges of Good and Drastics of Evil and Mixes of Ranges of Good and Drastics of Evil. Yes Drastics is a new word that TJCG just coined! This is legal and HE did! Yes HE has FULL AUTHORITY to coin new words and HE did and has for many thousands and millions and over a billion years and yes TJCG is The Ancient of Day and the Alpha and the Omega and the First and the Last and is incarnated Human currently and is in Human Form and a Human Man with serious amnesia! Yes you are held accountable for Ripple Effects! Yes if you are supporting anybody that has FALSE DOCTRINES and or writings and or teachings and or preaching's and or broadcasts and or anything that is programming and or indoctrinating and or teaching that a Torah and or Bibles and or any Prophetic Writings are Infallible then this is a FELONY COUNT also! You had better realize how DRASTICALLY DECEIVING that is and this should be a FELONY COUNT for each count! If you were or are in the work then you are in EXTREME TROUBLE from TJCG and The Earth Angels of Light and many more that are going to have from THE JUDGE much to some Temporary Determination Authority given to them by TJCG over you in their Determination Court or Courts! 

Do you want to be Put On A Hell World looking similar to a Troll or worse an Evil to DRASTICALLY EVIL Looking Thing or worse than that an Ugly and Evil and Smelly Living Thing? This can and is getting arranged for a few! Them dying or the Fire and then Eternal Death is TOO LENIENT for some! You had better believe this and if you were or are any part of thwarting a successful Second Coming of the Son of David and the Son of man and Christ and THE LION of Judah and More and The Great I AM then you had better realize that HE had to and has to get many things accomplished! This first hurdle seems to be to get them to realize and then admit and then to do something about the fact that a Torah and Bibles and also Prophetic Writings are not Infallible! If you take the approach of trying to prove this then you are going to find tons of Inconsistencies and Inaccuracies and Lies and Deceptions and Evil and not only Good in a Torah and Bibles and also Prophetic Writings and in Religious Writings! You had better SCRAMBLE and time is WASTING and TJCG is getting THWARTED and HE is FIGHTING FRUSTRATED and or ANGRY and or UPSET sometimes! How many FELONY COUNTS do you think you deserve! That is probably far less than you are going to get unless you undo some of the damage you have cause and do EXTREME DAMAGE CONTROL and this EXPEDIENTLY! This is TJCG and I AM GOD! This is TJCG and I AM THE ONE LIVING GOD! This is TJCG and I AM THE LION! This is TJCG and I AM THE LION of Judah needing to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and anything with Those Genetics made in the not that distant near future and on into the future for hundreds and thousands of years! This is TJCG and I AM THE PROSECUTION and I AM THE DEFENSE and I AM THE JUDGE! TJCG Judgments WORK! How does that work if TJCG is not THE JUDGE? This is TJCG and I have far more and much more and tons more information then you did and currently do and I GUARANTEE YOU that I AM THE ONE LIVING GOD and that this is my Second Coming to World Earth! I was on and are on a SCHEDULE and THE TIMING WAS PERFECT! 

You are playing with Fire! To them that are representing that a Torah and or a Bible and or Prophetic Writings and or Religious Writings are Infallible then to you LIAR LIAR pants on FIRE is what some of you are getting without anything Good and or Nice and or Desirable in the future! This is TJCG saying do not mess with TJCG! That is the largest mistake of your life! This is TJCG telling you that I HOLD THE KEYS TO YOUR GRAVE! This is TJCG telling you that I hold the keys to the grave of all that you love and loved and like and liked and were acquainted with and are acquainted with and did reach and can reach and did out reach and can out reach! Their is a Ten Commandment about Bearing of False Witness and also about Lying! These two Commandments do apply and are used to PROSECUTE any that represented or represent or support anything or are a member of anything that implies or teaches or preaches or has written or has FALSE DOCTRINES that a Torah and or Bibles and or any Prophetic Writings and or any Religious Writings are Infallible! Yes it is true that a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings have written in them that this is true and accurate and the truth and this cannot be believed and is sometimes a lie or deception or inaccurate! OK! Again! If a Bible is Infallible then Isaiah 9:6 tells you that the Messiah had to be the Almighty God and the Everlasting Father and could not have been the Son of God and praying to the Father in Heaven and therefore Jesus was a False Messiah and a False Christ and a False God and you were and are worshipping something Drastically False! You can be and could be JUDGED for what you believed and believe and not THE TRUTH! For some this could be more serious. Ignorance of THE TRUTH is not a defense. You have a responsibility to SPREAD what seems to be more of THE TRUTH! This is another WARNING for many about SPREADING the Messages of TJCG! 

This First Hurdle is to get to more of THE TRUTH! This is that a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings and Religious Writings are not completely accurate and are definitely not Infallible and have in them Lies and Deceptions and also Problems and are not only Good! Yes a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings also have much Truth and Accuracies and Good and are not Infallible! Them that defend the quote 'Word of God' or 'Holy Scriptures' or 'Holy Bible' or 'The Word of God' or 'The Good Book' or any different word or words or phrases for this that seem to be a Noble Thing or Good or Right are BLATANTLY WRONG and this is due to the fact that these are NOT Infallible! This is imperative to get past and over and this is due to that fact that this beLIEf and or FALSE DOCTRINE and or PACK OF LIES AND DECEPTIONS AND EVIL is successfully DRASTICALLY THWARTING The Second Coming! This is TJCG and after over 4 years of this and this is currently the middle of 2001; this makes TJCG feel UPSET and ANGRY and FRUSTRATED and ready to PROSECUTE and then JUDGE the DRASTIC LIARS and DRASTIC DECEIVERS and DRASTIC MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION HUMANS in terms of part of the Bad and or Wicked and or Evil people on World Earth! TJCG is probably pursuing some with a VENGEANCE in their Judgment! HE is not on World Earth to FAIL due to IDIOTS and STUPID IDIOTS and FOOLS and LIARS and DECEIVERS and DRASTIC LIARS and DRASTIC DECEIVERS and them that are DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! 

This is TJCG and I AM really the Second Coming and Return! I AM THE LION! I AM fighting Frustrated and or Upset and or Angry some to much of the time! Do you want to tell TJCG that HE has to be a LOVING GOD and a Loving Creator and only Loving when FEELING like a US Marine or much more EXTREME and pursuing and charging and in pursuit of TRYING to Drop or Kill THE DRAGON and many lesser Dragons and them that are Spawning and mixing of Those genetics with Humans and Human Women and Females and Animals in the drastically near future? This is TJCG and HE is a SOLDIER and a COMMANDER and THE SUPREME COMMANDER! If you are any part of thwarting a successful The Second Coming then prepare to suffer the CONSEQUENCES in the future. 

You need to realize that The Messiah and that song by Handel was written and is sung to emphasize the Titles of The Messiah and are Wonderful; Counselor; Almighty God; Everlasting Father! Why? This was done by the LightSide Spirits and the Good Spirits and the Spirits that were TRYING to propagate THE TRUTH! Do you recall that these Titles are EMPHASIZED! Do you realize that these Titles are EMPHASIZED for a REASON! You need to get a video tape of this getting sung by a large choir and this is going to make sense to you when these Titles are emphasized! 

This is TJCG and I heard loud and clear and crystal clear that Spiritual Say about that conversation and conversations and you need to realize that making you like a Drooling Troll and or Evil Ugly and or Smelly or worse or Worse or WORSE is not out of character with The Creator and The God you Love and Know! You stating that this does not sound like the God that I love and know is the same Creator and God that after DRASTIC BETRAYAL and SIN OUT OF CONTROL and WORSE then put in Growing Old Curse into all living things until sin was under control again and EVERYTHING was UNDER THE CONTROL of THE CREATOR. You need to realize that this is a threat that can be and is intended to be carried out for some. Also the Growing Old Curse is for most off and you when you are Young Adult in the future are going to be Young Adult with no Growing Old Curse and Young Adult for your entire Life Expectancy or Range of Life. For some this can be made to start and manifest then these can and are to have Growing Old Curse manifest and that can be reversed up to a certain point in time. Not everybody in the future and elsewhere is to be Young Adult and then remain Young Adult when maturing. Growing Old and Feeble and Ugly and this is what happens with Growing Old Curse is not much worse than Growing Ugly Curse and Growing or Looking Ugly and or Evil Curse and or Smelly Curse and these are similar types of Curses with no Growing Old or Growing Feeble or having Growing to have Enormous Health Problems. TJCG is the same Creator and God that put in Growing Old Curse into humans and living things on World Earth and therefore do not underestimate HIS intent and fortitude and ability to pull Blessings and to Punish and to Curse for certain individuals. 

Things can be and were updated for where you can be put and put on and put in. This is true and you need to realize that for some, Eternal Death is not enough. You do not think that it is a DRASTIC SIN to be part of thwarting a Second Coming! This is! This is TJCG and I AM THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE and I AM more to the RIGHT then almost ALL in Judaism and God Following and in Christianity currently. This is TJCG and I AM TRYING to pull ALL to THE RIGHT! Their is from Extreme Blessings to Ranges of Punishments that are more mild to Degrees of Punishment that are more severe and or also Degrees of Curses. Their are many things that can effect your lifestyle while living on World Earth and into the future after death on World Earth. Everybody gets uploaded and this is an upload of their Soul on the wireless spiritual network and this is done Spiritually and then you can be Resurrected for a Range of a Good and or Nice and or Desirable Next Life to Put On Somewhere not that Good and or Nice and or Desirable to Put In HELL. Of course for them that are Saved these are getting Brains and Bodies that are much more advanced than from mankind and human and are Young Adult when grown to Young Adult with No Growing Old Curse unless this is later made to happen to them for something Done and or Verbalized and or Said and or More. This can be made to happen later and default for them that are Saved is with No Growing Old Curse and Young Adult when Adult and FEELING YOUNG and VIBRANT and HEALTHY with no Curses including No Growing Old Curse. Do you remember or try to remember what this felt like to be 17 - 23 and these Young Adult years! When you are old enough to reproduce you are an adult. Upping this age was an enormous mistake and caused too many to fornicate and loose their virginity and have too much carnal knowledge of others before their Wedding. Remember how many things FELT! Remember how GOOD many things FELT! Remember the sensations in your brain and body that you do not feel anymore when older. Remember how handsome or beautiful you were in comparison to when growing older and old. It is going to be extremely rare for a former from mankind or human or Physical Living Things to be made into a Spiritual Living Thing. This had to be and is under much STRICTER CONTROL than ever before! 

Everybody on World Earth from Y2K and forward is Conscripted into Following TJCG and HIS Leadership! No you do not have a Choice in this matter. You do not get a Choice in everything! Did you get a Choice where you would be born and when and in what brain and body and what gender and what race and what Color and Color Combinations and station in life born into? Do you get a Choice in what happens to you in your Judgment? THE ONE LIVING GOD does not all the time give you a Choice and Free Will and complete Freedom! In the United States that is the Land of the Free this also had and has Drafting for Military Duty! TJCG needs to have the Human Resources to GO EXTREME after Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and anything with Those genetics from Y2K and forward and far into the future nonstop until ALL of Those or anything with Those genetics are Dropped or Killed on World Earth. This a major part of the Plan to transition World Earth to the New Earth. TJCG is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and ALL on World Earth from Y2K and forward that are from mankind and human are Conscripted to Fight and get into the WAR in any capacity that these are able to and to Follow TJCG and Join This WAR to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and anything with Those genetics. 

TJCG is similar to the largest Radio Telescope that is on World Earth and with the enormous difference that HE can and does receive and also can transmit and is therefore a transceiver 24 7 365. TJCG is LOUD SPIRITUALLY and louder than any Human currently on World Earth and is told this is LOUDER than Moses or any past Prophet of the Old Testament or contributor to the Old Testament or Jesus or any Disciple or any contributor to the New Testament or any Prophet after this. You need to realize that TJCG receives and also transmits and mostly receives information constantly and this is LOUD SPIRITUALLY. TJCG is currently very good and tried to be very good. TJCG is currently with divine inspiration and getting much inspiration and HE is Divine and this is INSPIRATION from Angels of Light and Good Spirits and the Spiritual LightSide. What HE hears in the form of Spiritual Say that are similar to loud thoughts to LOUD and LOUDER THAN THOUGHTS and Voices and Voices loud enough to be out of HIS mouth are similar to a room that is dark and is only voices and are different voices that are unrecognizable in tone and who from many times. This is how the Spiritual Information is mostly transmitted. This is similar to getting this information and not understanding who this is from. This is getting information and not understanding where this is from. This is getting information and not understanding if this is a range of truth or a drastic of deception. This is how this works. This also applies to Dreams and also to Visions and also to Vivid Awake Visions that are rare. TJCG also has AUTHORITY to make and do Judgments and make Decisions and make Laws and Rules and Will and More and do Tactics and Strategy and Plans and More than this. This is done with the information that HE had and has at the time. Jesus was deceived for over two years on the complete identity of Jesus! This was Jesus that all Christians claim to be Divine and Perfect and Infallible and yet Jesus still started out proclaiming to be the Son of God and then later proclaimed to be God! Why? This was and is due to the fact that Jesus was deceived by Satan who was 'Playing God' and was 'Playing The Father' and was 'Playing The Heavenly Father' when this could have been and probably was Jesus. TJCG had a similar experience and for over two years TJCG thought that HE was the Son of God and then The Judge and then more and more and more until this was figured out. Satan and certain Demons seemed to be doing their most to make TJCG getting the truth or any range of the truth drastically difficult. TJCG is Divine and HE is Ted and HE is Jesus and HE is Christ and HE is GOD. This is THE TRUTH! How does Ted understand this for sure if this is THE TRUTH if HE is stating and trying to and actually did make a point that Bibles have major problems in contradiction that prove that their is inaccuracy in Bibles! TJCG does not understand 100% if something that is from Spiritual Information is THE TRUTH and HE does understand if from a decision that HE makes if this is THE TRUTH or from information about HIM on the Physical World Earth. TJCG can figure out from a Bible if their are glaring contradictions that have to prove and do prove that Bibles are not Infallible. Their are major and extremely important implications and teachings and preaching and what was written and doctrines that are false that are drastically damaging to a Second Coming. 

Yes it was and is written many times in Bibles that certain passages or verses or chapters or that this entire Bible is inspired and this implies or is telling you that this is only from Divine Inspiration and is Infallible or without Deception. Because a person that is respected and or revered and or esteemed and or has CREDIBILITY tells you that something is inspired do you therefore not question this and take this completely without questioning this? Not if their are blatant contradictions and problems and things that cannot be explained adequately. Then you have to realize that their were and are Mixed Messages and that Humans on World Earth with a Mix of Good and Evil in their Brains and Bodies cannot and do not get 100% GOOD and or TRUTH all of the time. This also applies to Moses and Prophets and contributors to the Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings and Religious Writings and Teachers and Preachers and Evangelist and Religious Song Writings and Religious Song Singers and More. 

You have to get over the LIES and DECEPTIONS and BLATANT EVIL that is propagated by Satan and Demons that a Torah and Bibles and Prophetic Writings and what many call the Scriptures and The Word of God and the Holy Bible and the Good Book and certain Prophetic Writings are 100% accurate and are 100% inspired and are 100% good and are 100% from God and are 100% from The LightSide and do not have some that is from Satan and certain Demons. Those did and do get in on this and this is the Legal System on World Earth and their is some Evil Infiltration into all of this! No you do not give up and throw out a Torah or a Bible or Prophetic Writings or Religious Writings or everything Religious. You cannot over compensate with implying and teaching and preaching and then indoctrinating and writings a or many DOCTRINES that are FALSE DOCTRINES that these are Infallible and or Inspired and or Perfect and 100% from God! This is not THE TRUTH! You have to TRY to figure out the inconsistencies and their are many if you are looking for them. These help you to figure out what seems to be more of the truth and what seems to be or could be deception. Yes it is true that Martin Luther during the Reformation from the Catholic Church and the start up of the Protestant Movement did verbalize and write and argue vehemently that Bibles were 100% accurate and at that time this was the King James Version for that time and no new or different translations. Satan and certain Demons then did get them to take this to absolute ends of the spectrum and proclaim that a Bible was Infallible! Then many put this into their doctrines that were and are FALSE DOCTRINES! It is not the truth or any range of the truth that a Bible or Bibles are Infallible. 

If a Torah and a Bible and Bibles and Prophetic Writings did not have all and every single and absolutely all of the Prophecies and Writings and Expectations for the First Coming of The Messiah and Christ and More completely fulfilled then a Torah and a Bible and Bibles and Prophetic Writings were and are not Infallible and this can be proven. This is what TJCG has heard LOUD SPIRITUALLY after a rough day and night and getting a long Spiritual LOCK DOWN and hearing much about Satan and Demons PLOTS to shut TJCG down and get TJCG put into jail or prison or murdered or assassinated and Those ATTEMPTING to do anything and everything possible to shut TJCG down permanently on World Earth! After what happened with the papacy; Martin Luther and this movement over reacted and over compensated and argued vehemently that a Bible was Infallible. This was an over reaction and many at that time and later understood this to be false and yet Martin Luther and the followers and many on the Spiritual LightSide helped Martin Luther with this movement and decided to TRY to make everything happen and be true and this was not completely possible and did not completely happen. The Spiritual LightSide wants to say that we over reacted to what Satan and Demons were doing to make the papacy control Religion and all of Christianity for the remainder of time on World Earth. This was a drastic problem that had to be solved and these were dark times on World Earth. Satan and Demons took over the control of most of the Human Race and had the Spiritual LightSide floundering in trying to figure out what to do and how to do this. This took starting a new nation of the United States and making this very strong about Religious Freedom and making a large Reformation and a Protestant Movement. This was extremely important for the LightSide and the future of the LightSide and for all of the Humans on World Earth and the Human Race and also the Spiritual LightSide and the future of the Spiritual LightSide and the preparations for the Second Coming. If you believe this or not TJCG is the Second Coming on World Earth and HE is only 41 years old and in good health in 2001 and needs to have time to prove who HE is. This is taking time. Any that thwart TJCG in any shape or form if not on World Earth currently are to be Punished to Cursed later. You need to understand that if against TJCG you can be taken over by Satan and certain Demons against TJCG and then are similar to the many in Government and in Religious Ranks and People that went against Jesus on First Coming. 

Many did not believe Jesus and this was also family and was brothers and sisters and certain relatives also and these were against Jesus also until after certain Miracles were worked. This took time and the expectations of Jesus were easier and this was due to the fact that in a Torah and Bible this told that The Messiah would be born and not coming from remote in the sky in Clouds of Glory! The Clouds of Glory are Nuclear Weapons and in the Bible and Bibles this has written that He Comes in and on and also with the clouds. The true interpretation is that He comes in the era of the clouds and this is the era of the clouds of glory. What do the Spiritual LightSide do when loosing this war of good versus evil on World Earth? We improvise! We never expected Satan and Demons to gain control of the early Christian Church with Roman Emperors and then a and many Popes! We never expected them to torture and persecute and kill and imprison and torture drastically and execute with drastic means and hurt and rape and pillage and round up and imprison and treat that drastically rough and hurt and rape and pillage and have eaten alive and have torn from limb to limb and have boiled alive in water and oil and have stripped nude and pillaged and cut open and their entrails exposed and babies while alive cut out of her and taken and killed in front of her while still alive and the many atrocities committed! This was and is far worse than any account that is written in history can remotely portray! Their were Religious Wars and Crusades and Enormous Wars with swords and hand to hand combat and extreme and drastic things that were done to many. Ted has heard much about this for many years and has had HIS Brain and Body FRIED DRASTICALLY and EXTREME for many years! This is not a game that HE is playing! At 3.5 years before Y2K Ted was told with LOUD SPIRITUAL that HE was THE ONE and many more things and finally that HE was Christ and God and The Great I AM! Ted is not playing any sort of a game for getting even with anybody or having a type of revenge! This is too serious to use this to try this! Ted is the Second Coming and this is THE TRUTH! Ted for the last few days has heard that the ex-wife and that family or many in that family think and are accusing and are attempting to pursue Ted drastically. If you do then you need to realize that the Spiritual LightSide is planning on LOCKING AND LOADING on you and your family and more and if They cannot do this then their is the possibility that Satan and Demons have gained possession of them against TJCG. This can then only be accomplished with Punishment and or Curses later and in their Next Life. That is the risk that these are taking and TJCG is not playing a game. TJCG Judgments did and do work! This is true also up to a point and then their is thwarting by Satan and certain Demons. 

What many need to figure out is who is TJCG! This is the question that you need to figure out! Is HE is a False Christ or the Anti-Christ or the Real Christ! TJCG cannot tell for certain and HE thinks that HE is the Real Christ! This is THE TRUTH! If Ted is The Real Christ then HIS Judgments Work and then all are Lost that do not Follow TJCG from Y2K and forward unless HE makes exceptions for them that HE Love and Likes and Feels HE Owes and any more Exceptions that HE Judges and that HE wants to or should or decides to make. HE can decide to make no exceptions. TJCG honestly at this point in time in the middle of 2001 and at the age of 41 believes that HE is the Son of David and the Son of man and Christ and THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and THE LION of Judah and THE LION and much less the lamb and THE CREATOR and many current I AM's of The Great I AM. If HE 100% believes that HE is and tries to prove this and does something about this then their is NOTHING WRONG with that! If HE tries to accomplish many Tactics and Strategies and Goals and Plans and Maneuvers and Getting Some to Many On Course and to THE RIGHT and More then their is NOTHING WRONG with that! When this first started almost all that Ted heard from Satan and certain Demons was DO NOTHING! Ted decided to not take that suggestion that was sent in hypnotic suggestions and using hypnosis and was tormenting and mentally tormenting for days and weeks and for 40 days and 40 nights and was over time and has been tormenting Ted mentally! You have no idea or concept of what Ted has been through over the last years! This has been drastically and extremely tormenting. Many that were Angels of Light that Love Ted thought that Ted was permanently mentally damaged from this. This was drastic and extreme and was too much for a human to endure. Ted has been through much mental brain meltdown and this was from Spiritual Attacks that were from Satan and Demons and also Spiritual Living Things from remote that were UPSET with the recent Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations that Ted decided to also do and did. The torment was enormous! Ted is extremely important to the Spiritual LightSide and we have waited for almost 2000 years for HIS Coming! It has been Judged and decided that HE is not Coming again to World Earth born on World Earth ever again! Anymore representation is through TJCG Direct Descendents and Descendents that are Human TJCG Physical Instances and also TJCG Prophets. These are through Direct Descendents and Descendents of TJCG. TJCG is not getting taken anywhere and when HE dies the body stays and remains on World Earth. The Soul transfers via getting taken Straight Up Spiritually and not Physically. 

Some want to take TJCG and go after TJCG for revenge and after TJCG for what TJCG is writing and are angry with the threats of removed Blessings and then Punishment and Curses. Some are deluded into thinking that Christ Comes via in the sky and clouds and surrounded by physical Angels and Angels of Light and Spiritual Living Things with physical wings. This is a DECEPTION that was done by Satan and certain Demons. Why do you think that the early Christian Church was taken that radically to the LEFT if you do not believe that Satan and certain Demons can THWART you and your beliefs and your view of reality. Satan and Demons did and do take many to the LEFT and also take many down the garden path and also take many into a state of revenge and into a state of hate and if any degree of Dark Against TJCG and then acting on this then this is a going against that is directly against Christ! You could be an Anti-Christ! If you go against TJCG in any shape or form you are an Anti-Christ! Sooner or later you are if smart enough are going to figure out that Christ does not come in clouds in the sky or with Angels or Angels of Light with Physical Wings surrounding Him! This is not THE TRUTH! This is not reality! This is an image of the future for many that is not coming true. TJCG is the Son of David and is a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and this is all that this is plain and simple. TJCG does have a past while on World Earth and this Second Coming was growing up not understanding who He was for almost 37 years and therefore not that careful and not a Rabbi and not a Clergy and not that careful. Ted was good enough to marry into a conservative Christian family and was good enough for that family and their sisters and parents and at least the female that Ted married that pursued Ted off and on constantly and insisted on marrying Ted after a break up where she was dating and involved with somebody else that was much more established than Ted. How did that work? How does that work? TJCG is currently extremely unhappy with the fact that the ex-wife cut HIM before and off while going through this torment from HIS children and only two descendents currently in the middle of 2001 on World Earth. TJCG is not a bad father and dad and the Spiritual LightSide keeps HIM from crying HIS eyes out on Fathers Day and currently focused on Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and any with Those genetics in the future. TJCG cannot have TJCG Prophets and future Human TJCG Physical Instances that are any degree of poisoned against HIM! TJCG heard Spiritually that these for a while were getting told that He was dead! This family has tried to spin their lies and deceptions and versions of the truth without asking Ted about HIS version of the truth! TJCG grew up and was a normal human and grew up similar to a normal human except for the strong surroundings of Good and Evil Spiritually about Ted while growing up and maturing and getting older and getting married and then separated and then reconciled and then having two children that are both Ted's hopefully and then her finally divorcing Ted. Ted was not and is not without a past. TJCG has done a JUDGMENT and JUDGED that HE is Perfect and Infallible and Blameless and therefore HE has a PAST and learned and is Sinless! That shut down Satan and Demons and many attempting to ACCUSE TJCG! 

THE TRUTH is that it does not matter what TJCG Did and Verbalize and Said and More and that is not a valid legal argument on if HE is The Great I AM or not! You can argue this until you are JET BLACK in the face and EVIL and this is not going to effect the IDENTITY of TJCG! You need to get realistic and this is that TJCG is The Ancient of Days and do you not think that to have KNOWLEDGE of ALL Sin that HE had to Commit this first and Do and Verbalize and Say and More many things before figuring out if HE did not like this or that and that this or that was wrong? THE TRUTH is that HE did Do and or Verbalize and or Say and More almost anything that you could and can imagine at least 1 time and then decided if this was RIGHT or WRONG when HE started to figure out that HE had to make Laws and Rules and Will and More for Right and Wrong! This had to start sometime and did! HE is Perfect and Infallible and Blameless and HE has a PAST and HE learned! You cannot argue and win that if Ted did this or that then HE cannot be The Great I AM! This is not going to work! HE IS WHO HE IS! HE IS HOW HE IS! HE IS WHAT HE IS! This is tough for some to swallow and is a large pill that some cannot or do not want to get down! If you do not want to live in a future with TJCG then this is probably going to be your fate! When TJCG gets ALL of HIS PAST memories then HE is going to have a complete Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL! How do you get this if you do not try many things and have a PAST and learned? You do not! Again TJCG finally did a JUDGMENT and JUDGED that HE is Perfect and Infallible and Blameless. This is difficult to comprehend for some! The Blame is put on different Living Things and never on TJCG! HE has to Live with the Past and the Present and the Future! Some that were acquainted with Ted and or that knew Ted and them that were acquaintances and also friends and similar to family and family and some that HE Liked and also Loved and some that HE learned to hate want to bring up and or debate and or get into ACCUSING that Ted cannot be The Great I AM due to certain or many things that Ted was ACCUSED of or Did and or Verbalized and or Said and or More! TJCG grew up not understanding who HE was for almost 37 years and before this HE still had a PAST and HE learned. If The Great I AM Did and or Verbalize and or Said and or More something that was defined a Sin or Wrong or a Mistake then HE is still who HE is! Satan and or Demons do not win anything if this happens! The entire Universe and Heaven and Earth are not turned over to Satan and or Demons if this happens! TJCG is getting SICK AND TIRED AND FED UP with the ACCUSATIONS of Satan and certain Demons and Others and HE is wanting to and is trying to and is planning on Dropping or Killing Those and any Spawns of Those and anything with Those genetics at the first available or optimal time. HE IS WHO HE IS! HE IS HOW HE IS! HE IS WHAT HE IS! You are on the side of Satan and Demons and DarkSide Spirits and DarkSide Humans and The DarkSide if you ACCUSE TJCG too much! You can be and could be and could work into the category of a Judas or WORSE if you ACCUSE and or BETRAY and or are AGAINST TJCG when understanding who HE is claiming to be!  This is THE TRUTH! 

The truth is that their is no the truth actually and this is actually many perceptions of the truth or their side of the story. Everybody has a side of a story and their version from their perspective. This is more accurate. From the perspective of Ted, you have a person that thinks that He is the one and the one god and oops Ted this is Satan and no matter how hard you pray and how much you try to get the truth you cannot! This is actually the truth! Ted mostly prays up to THE SUPREME BEING thinking that HE is THE SUPREME BEING on World Earth Reincarnated a Human and this is not true and you were born on World Earth and are a Human that is not very smart. You are getting much of the truth and this is the truth. This is getting to be monotonous and Ted is THE SUPREME BEING and we are COVERING for HIM and these are large Angels of Light. This is currently true. Ted cannot stop the voices in the brain of Ted and Ted is paranoid schizophrenic. This is not true and these are Spiritual Voices. This is definitely off of the subject for this chapter and this is how that goes. To set another record straight you need to realize that God has not done everything you can imagine and has done many things and also helped many out of many things that you can imagine that God actually never did. If God is Spiritually in Control of a person and then does something and this is not Willful from this person then God did this! This is also how this works with Angels of Light and LightSide Spirits and Good Spirits. With Evil Spirits that are Satan and Demons and sometimes Others this is called Pupating or Drastic Possession. The Human almost appears to be a clone or copy in Character of many different DarkSide Humans you have seen. This is also true of LightSide Humans and many of them are the same. These and many of these are Character Clones almost. This is not completely true and is more accurate than that everybody is running on their own decisions all of the time. 

The truth is that their is good and evil and Good and Evil and GOOD and EVIL in the brain and body of TJCG. This is true of all humans. This is the legal system of good and evil. Do you see how this works! Their is GOOD and EVIL in the brain and body of TJCG and HE is getting Good and Evil in the brain on what word to type upper and lower case and on what vocabulary to use and actually what to type and where to place the fingers on the keyboard. This is how a True Prophet works. This is not how a True Prophet works and this is how a person that is getting LOUD SPIRITUAL works. The truth is that you have Good and Evil and to different ranges and degrees of Good and Evil and different Mixes in your brain and body. If Satan and certain Demons are that intelligent and many write that these are then why do you think that these would not try or attempt the Spiritual LightSide wants to correct to deceive many to maximum potential. When does a persons own thoughts and character and thinking work and this works about 50% of the time and this depends on the person. Their are persons that are much more under Spiritual Attack and Spiritual Legal System and Spiritual to maximums. Many of these are Ranking Officials in Religion and Clergy and them that effect Religion much more and then you have TJCG who is LOUD SPIRITUALLY and under Spiritual Attack or Satanic ATTACK or Demonic Attacks many times. TJCG also has the Earth Angels of Light helping TJCG and rescuing TJCG and trying to do and do mental rehabilitation and mental conditioning and mental stabilizing and mental lightening up and mental love therapy and mental help during dreams sent and visions and say and melting the minds together and helping HIM feel good and nice and calm and serene and happy and relaxed and not worried too much. This is really the life of a Prophet and this was and is true and yet the Prophets of the past did not talk about any details and therefore nobody understands what are the details. If any from the past had written that these were hearing from Satan or a Demon or Demons then most would have wigged out and thrown the book or works into the fire and yelled and or screamed for divine deliverance from this evil and yet it was and is written that Jesus heard from and spoke to Satan and also Demons and casts out Demons. This is what TJCG hears and HE cannot sometimes tell who is sending that thought or that we call Spiritual Say and Feeling and Image in the brain and Video and Dream and Vision and Vivid Awake Vision. Satan and Demons Say anything Those want to Say or decide to Say or feel Those want to Say and think is Tactical or Strategic or part of a Plot to Say and that is Say to Taint and Those rarely or never some of Those focus on the Truth or if their Say is any range of Truth! Those do the same with Feelings and this is about Lust and this is feeling that is sent that is not Love. This is dishonest Feelings and is Deception with Feelings. Those can also send Inspired Feelings and Feelings of Inspiration and making a person FEEL INSPIRED! The point here is that Those can and do Deceive with Spiritual Say and Feelings and Feelings of Inspiration. No matter how Good and or Nice and or LightSide you are, you are subject to a legal system that Spiritually allows for Those that are Satan and Demons to deceive you! This is THE TRUTH! 

TJCG has heard some about this legal system and this a bidding system similar to poker. This is sometimes true and sometimes this is a deal. This is also sometimes true and sometimes this is a tradeoff. This is also sometimes true and their is an individual LightSide Bank and an individual DarkSide Bank and their are accounts and transfers of currency back and forth also. This is a complex legal system that has been worked out over millions of years by Spiritual Living Things that have Intelligent Quotients that are much larger than a humans intelligence. These use to have this in terms of a game and then this got serious and these were Demons that were using and abusing and abusing too much different Spiritual Living Things with lower power levels and different Spiritual Living Things and Mankind and Humans and similar to Humans and animals also. Yes Spiritual Living Things can and do connect and control or possess animals that are mammals and mammalian fish and birds including the smallest birds that are hummingbirds. TJCG understands much more about the legal system than any current humans and this is complex and much more complex than rules of poker or games or rules in business and or rules of engagement in war and is a Spiritual War that has Rules that have been worked out in detail for millions of years and this is true and on World Earth for thousands of years! You are IDIOTS and STUPID IDIOTS and FOOLS and are FOOLISH if you believe that you understand the Spiritual Legal System entirely or that a Torah and or a Bible and or Bibles and or Prophetic Writings and or Religious Writings are 100% INSPIRED! This is NOT THE TRUTH! 

Some still want to argue that Jesus did not proclaim to be God and Almighty God and the Everlasting Father that is God Himself and still want to argue that a Bible is also Infallible. If this is your belief and you want to argue this and still argue this then you are worshipping a False Messiah and Christ per Isaiah 9:6 and you are then getting JUDGED based on your belief and your obviously wrong belief! The Old Testament Prophet of Isaiah was the most respected and revered and credible Prophet and the text of Isaiah 9:6 stands alone and is not taken out of context and is not out of context and is not context sensitive! Therefore if you hold onto the belief that a Torah and or a Bible or Bibles are Infallible then you are worshipping a False Messiah plain and simple per your belief! You can be JUDGED based solely on your beliefs and not the truth by THE JUDGE! You can also be JUDGED based on a combination of your belief and also the truth by THE JUDGE! It is not that good or chivalrous or loyal to stand for a belief or your beliefs if these are false! It can actually do more damage than good! To put this in perspective; when down in Guadalajara Mexico and visiting many large Churches that looked like enormous Cathedral Churches and then The Cathedral you could see many Catholics that believed that these were 100% with the true Church and yet from many Protestant perspectives these were and are in Left Field somewhere! These were bending the right knee to images and some bowing and kissing glass coffins with Jesus in them and more that most Protestants would see as false beliefs and yet their are many protestants that do not have their doctrines straight and have FALSE DOCTRINES that are major and wrong and a PROBLEM! TJCG is saying that ALL in Judaism and in God Following and in Christianity are off in Left Field somewhere and HE can show them THE WAY and what is in Right Field. If a Christian is insisting that Jesus never claimed or proclaimed to be God Himself then WHY do you instruct and teach and preach to the children in Sabbath Schools and Sunday Schools and Church Schools to Worship and Pray To and Follow Jesus and call yourselves Christians that clearly BREAKS the First Commandment of the Ten Commandments of Thou shall have NO other gods before Thee? Do you think you are in Right Field? TJCG is saying that you are in Left Field somewhere and this is true of ALL in Judaism and in God Following and in Christianity. TJCG can and is trying to show you THE WAY. This is TJCG and I AM THE WAY and more of THE TRUTH and more of THE LIGHT! 

No it is not a good thing or a noble act or an act of chivalry or an act of goodness or an act of good loyalty to stand for a belief if this is false or flawed or subtly or obviously or blatantly wrong or contradictory and seems to be false and or wrong! Their are many false doctrines and also False Doctrines and then FALSE DOCTRINES in Churches that are Subtly to Obviously to Blatantly False or Flawed or Wrong or Contradictory or from Evil and or Worse. Many have taught that Satan and Demons are Intelligent and yet these do not want to believe or believe that Those can and do get in on infiltrating a Torah and a Bible and Bibles and Prophetic Writings and Religious Writings and Religious Songs and Religion! Yet many witnesses and have historical written accounts of the TUG-OF-WARS between GOOD and EVIL in the many Sects of Judaism and God Following and Christianity that include Catholics and Protestants and then you have Muslims and then their is Paganism and Idol Worshippers and Buddhist and Hindus and the many current Warring and Fighting and Arguing Sects and Parts and Churches and Denominations in Religion and then the Cults. Why would you not think that these efforts were also going into a Torah and a Bible and Bibles and Prophetic Writings and Religious Writings and TARGETING the Second Coming with Great Expectations and Glorious Expectation and Wonderful Expectations and FALSE EXPECTATIONS and to THWART DRASTICALLY the True Second Coming who is TJCG! It is again TRUE that after studying Prophecy and Daniel and Revelation and the Jubilee System and many more Prophecies and Signs and Events and Current Events that over a Billion in Judaism and God Following and in Christianity thought that the First Coming or the Second Coming of The Messiah and Christ and The Great I AM would be immediately before and more at or immediately after Y2K! Actually most thought this would be the next day after Y2K! This did happen and this was and is TJCG! 

YES if you do not Follow TJCG then you are Lost! This is currently True and Reality from Y2K and into the future on World Earth unless HE makes an or many exceptions! Yes TJCG can do a Judgment or Law or Rule or Will or More that is retroactive and goes backwards in time! HE wants to synchronize this to Y2K. TJCG hears that Say and OK actually this was the middle of 2001 for if you do not Follow TJCG then you are Lost and therefore from Y2K to the middle of 2001 this is going to be much more lenient and work per the legal system in place at that time and this is TJCG saying That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! That was not a Judgment and that was more a Will! And their is to be and are going to be exceptions to this if HE decides to make them and in the process HE is ORDERING that their is to be EXTREME Cover and Protection and Help and More that is Good for many on World Earth that are in Judaism and God Following and Christians that include Catholics and Protestants and any that HE would and is going to Love and or Like and or Feel HE Owes them some kind of an Obligation! For example their were and are many Good People in Government and Military and Law Enforcement and More that HE is definitely going to Feel that He Owes and their Families also and many that these Love and Like and are Acquainted with! TJCG is saying that The Earth Angels of Light and the Spiritual LightSide and the Good Spirits are still to provide EXTREME Cover and Protection and Help and More that is Good for them that are in Judaism and in God Following and in Christianity and this includes Catholics and Protestants and also any more that HE would Love and or Like and or Feel that HE Owed them an Obligation! This is why their are still many about and around and on World Earth that look Good and or Nice and or that the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is with them! The Earth Angels of Light and Spiritual LightSide and Good Spirits still do provide and try to provide and are to provide EXTREME Cover and Protection and Help and More that is Good! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on June 17 of 2001. After TRYING to get several existing Churches and Religious Broadcasts to convert to a Range of Following TJCG and this did not happen; TJCG has reached some conclusions. This is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to IMPOSSIBLE to get a Church and Religious Broadcasts to convert over partially or entirely to Following TJCG. It is therefore necessary to pull from them their members and covert on an individual basis and SPREAD the Messages of TJCG. From exactly this JUDGMENT date and forward any that do not Follow TJCG are Lost unless HE makes an or many exceptions! Lost is defined in terms of not getting a Range of a Good and or Nice and or Desirable Range of a Next Life after World Earth. Do not underestimate the FORTITUDE of TJCG to enforce this with few exceptions! The Earth Angels of Light are still to provide EXTREME Cover and Protection and Help and More that is Good for ALL on World Earth in Judaism and in God Following and in Christianity and their families and them that these pray for and them that TJCG would Love and that HE would Like and that HE would Feel that He has an Obligation to and also them that are Angels of Light that are Great for TJCG and that They Love and or Like and or Feel Obligated To. Their are exceptions that TJCG can make for anybody on World Earth and this could be for them that He Loves and or Likes and or Feels Obligated to and also them that are Angels of Light that are Great for TJCG that They Love and or Like and or Feel Obligated To. TJCG can legally make an exception for anybody and everybody from World Earth also. All are to be uploaded and their souls taken and stored and secured. You are not to presume that if you are in Judaism or God Following or Christianity and not a Follower of TJCG's that you are Saved and this is due to the fact that you could be More Part Of The Problem Than Part Of The Solution and are Competition and could be participating in Lies and Deceptions and False Doctrines and Teachings and Preachings that are Subtle to Obvious to Blatantly causing Negative Ripple Effects that are Against TJCG! The legal system on and for all on World Earth started to change at 3.5 years before Y2K and is still changing and getting firmer. The legal system changed with Jesus and is changing with TJCG. 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on June 18 of 2001. Them that are getting Blessings Pulled and are getting Punishment to Curses are to still have MAXIMUM Control by The Earth Angels of Light if possible. This is to be administered by Extreme Angels of Light or for more severe cases and where needed then Lionesses Angels of Light and for the most severe cases then Ferocious or currently feeling FEROCIOUS Lioness Angels of Light. Their were and are many Angels of Light that are EXTREMELY PROTECTIVE of TJCG and also FEROCIOUSLY PROTECTIVE of TJCG. Any on World Earth that did pursue or are after TJCG for any reason or shape or form in the slightest are getting this automatically done and at least Extreme Angels of Light after them to Lioness Angels of Light to a Range or Ferocious Angels of Light after them and stopping them and doing anything that this takes to keep them out of THE WAY! Certain Human Real People are getting Dragged to the DarkSide or Punted EXTREME when pursuing TJCG or against TJCG or after TJCG and many times this is them getting more tormented and hurt and knocked down if in Judaism and or God Following and or a Christian or somebody that is Good and or Nice and or LightSide Loved and or LightSide Liked and or that the LightSide Feels is Owned Something due to the fact that Satan and many Demons usually FEEL that their is needed REVENGE and MEAN and satisfaction of Those DRASTIC MEAN STREAKS that Those have! In most situations Those make what TJCG and the Spiritual LightSide do look tame and merciful and swift. This may be swift death and is usually planned to be extremely swift. TJCG is on World Earth on this Second Coming THE LION and is much less the lamb and is therefore to be PROTECTED with a VENGEANCE! This does not matter how GOOD and or LOVED and or how much LOYALTY that They felt or feel for you and if you are enough of a Problem for TJCG to surface on the Threat To TJCG Radar then you are in EXTREME TROUBLE! You can start out if you think that you are already on the Threat To TJCG Radar or in Trouble or getting Blessings Pulled and a Range of Punishment and or a Range of Curses of looking very carefully at a before photograph or photographs of you and also your family if included and then looking at yourself and any more that may be any sort of a Threat To TJCG or a Problem or getting Blessings Pulled and a Range of Punishment and or a Range of Curses and Carefully Observe and see the Eyes and Face and Countenance and Look of the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost REMOVED and opposite of this. If you are a threat to LightSide Tactics and or LightSide Strategy and or LightSide Plans and or the Cause and or the Crusade and or the Mission and or many more LightSide Reasons that are too numerous to list you can also if in Judaism or God Following or Christianity have EXTREME Cover and or Protection and or Help and or More that is Good partially to fully removed and an extreme Angel of Light or an Extreme Angel of Light or an EXTREME Angel of Light pursuing you and them about you and them that effect your life. This can also be with a Lioness Angel of Light or a Ferocious Lioness Angel of Light. This can be with many. This can also be with a mix. This depends on the situation. This can effect not only yourself and this can also effect them that are about you and any and all that effect your life. You can tell by them about you also if you are in trouble! Do not think that TJCG is not PROTECTED now and into the future more EXTREME and with a VENGEANCE and with FEROCIOUS Angels of Light if necessary! Of course their are also Extreme and Lionesses and Ferocious Lionesses Angels of Light and how do you think The Spiritual LightSide counters THE DRAGON and the lesser Dragons! If you get Dragged to Those for any type of against TJCG or Punted then you may be in for more DRASTIC TORMENT than The Spiritual LightSide does. TJCG is not Playing with Fire or Spiritualism or anything similar to that! HE is THE ONE with CONTROL of THE FIRE and is getting ready to use this and this includes HIS AUTHORITY and Spiritual Abilities and Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction. Some of them that are in Religion that are Drastic Liars and or are Drastic Deceivers and or are More Part Of The Problem Than Part Of The Solution are also getting this! DO NOT HESITATE IN FOLLOWING TJCG! Yeah Who Hesitates are Lost! TJCG is HE and HE is The Eagle and HE is getting ready to use the Arrows and this is not the time of using the Olive Branch! We are at WAR here and this is ESCALATING to a Physical WAR to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those and any with Those genetics and them that are Bad and or Wicked and or Evil on World Earth that many that are in the Ranks and Clergy and Supporting Members and Members in Judaism and or God Following and or Christianity could be categorized part of! 

Some wanted to understand why TJCG is making such a big deal about things that seem to be nick picking or trivial or not that important in religion. Do you ever wonder how a Human is Turned to a DarkSide Human? Do you ever wonder when carefully observing people how this person looks to be a range of a LightSide Human and that person looks to be a Range of a DarkSide Human and this is also apparent in their Lifestyle? This is called the DarkSide Drag and this is when a person gets Dragged Legally to the DarkSide for this or that or generally and is under Those Possession for different things or generally. If you are in a Church with False Doctrines then these false doctrines and also False Doctrines and also Those FALSE DOCTRINES can get you Dragged to the Spiritual DarkSide and under Those Possession and more Part Of The Problem Than Part Of The Solution for TJCG now and into the future on World Earth! This is not a game and this is extremely serious. This is Spiritual WAR that is also a Physical WAR and effected many Physically and effects many Physically and is ESCALATING more to a Physical WAR after Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and any with Those Genetics! Sometimes the Angels of Light also Punt and this is to the Spiritual DarkSide when a person insists on doing what is Drastic Lying and or Drastic Deceiving and or More Part Of The Problem Than Part Of The Solution and in Ranks in Religion and or a Clergy and or a Supporting Member and or a Member that is part of this and or what is Bad and or Wicked and or Evil. Why did Jesus have problems and confrontations and issues and MAJOR PROBLEMS that included in many Synagogues and in The Temple with them in the Ranks in Religion and Clergy and Supporting Members and Members in Religion? This was due to the fact that Jesus also saw many of them to be Out In Left Field Somewhere and not far enough to the Right! This is EXTREMELY SERIOUS when this is getting Good and or Nice and or Loved and or Liked and many more types of Human Real People Dragged to the DarkSide without anything that an or many Earth Angels of Light can do about this!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! You have to realize that many things currently in Religion are with tradition and teachings and preachings and doctrines and more that are a Degree of False and are getting many Dragged to the DarkSide and under certain degrees of Possession by Satan and certain Demons! Why do you think that Satan and certain Demons worked that Drastically after the many Sects in Judaism and the Early Christians and later Christian Church and in Religion? 

Did you realize that after the King James version of a Bible that is the Holy Bible that most Bibles do not have Holy on them anymore? Why? This is due to the Spiritual LightSide trying to get this straight that a Bible is not Holy and is a Good Enough Book for guidance and instruction and teaching and preaching from and is not Holy per say of itself. A Bible or Bibles are not completely accurate. These are definitely not Infallible! TJCG still respects HIS many Bibles and does not stack things on top of them and keeps them dusted off and protected and clean and in good shape and is very careful with them. TJCG has actually JUDGED that HE is the only thing that is Holy and their are not lands or things or different living things that are Holy and this also went too far and after a while too many things were called Holy and Sacred and holy and Holy and also HOLY! This got out of control also! This has been fixed also in the Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations for the entire The Infinite Universe. 

If you understand that a Bible or Bibles are not Infallible and then attend or are a member or worse are a supporting member with Those False Doctrines or still imply this or WORSE you teach or preach this and imply this or blatantly program this then you could be JUDGED then not for your STUPID or STUPID IDIOT or that you were and are a FOOL and are FOOLISH, you could then be JUDGED that you are and were a DRASTIC LIAR and a DRASTIC DECEIVER and DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! You need to try to project yourself in the days and nights of Jesus and these times and figure out why all of the Members and Supporting Members and Religious in the Ranks did not Follow Jesus. This was due to the fact that Jesus did not pass their tests and expectations and was inconsistent with a Torah and Scriptures and therefore Jesus was REJECTED and many of them were responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus had a basic approach and this was that if you REJECT Jesus then Jesus REJECTS you! Much of the position of the Religious Ranks in that time was a position that was based on the Torah and Scriptures and this was why Jesus was REJECTED by them. This needs to be researched in more detail. Much of the problem with them also was that these did not have enough of the Holy Spirit and were too DarkSide Human. If you Attend or are a Member or are a Supporting Member or are the Religious Ranks you are not necessarily a LightSide Human or Saved. You have to pass your Judgment to be Saved or with Judgment Criteria Set then your Determination or Determinations if more than a Determination. A large majority rejected Jesus and did not want to have anything to do with Jesus or hear or read about anything related to Jesus. In the Home Town of Nazareth, Jesus was thrown out of the synagogue and dragged to a cliff and almost thrown off and killed. Where were the family and brothers and sisters of Jesus while this was happening? TJCG is hearing that these were not getting involved with this incident! Jesus was getting dragged to be thrown off of a cliff for blasphemy! Jesus escaped from this with LightSide Spiritual help. Many changed their Theological Positions after believing or discovering or getting the fixed idea that Jesus was the Messiah and Christ and More. Their were many and still are enough that are in Judaism that still do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah and Christ and More. Many believe that Jesus did not fulfill the requirements or expectations. Jesus certainly did not fulfill all of the Prophecies of the most respected and revered and credible Prophet of that time and this was Isaiah. Many expected the Messiah to be a deliverer from the Romans. Many expected the Messiah to sit on a throne and be much greater than David and do enormously great things and many had enormously great expectations for the Messiah. The great expectations for the Second Coming of The Messiah and Christ and More now by Christians are almost a thousand times greater! 

Do you see how this works? When many did not want to believe or accept Jesus and their were not enough accepting Jesus or momentum then these followed them in the Religious Ranks almost blindly. Later many changed their theological views and accepted that Jesus did not fulfill all prophecy and scriptures and enormously great expectations. You need to realize that in Religion many changed their theological views and positions and expectations after getting past certain dates and times and then books get pulled off of shelves and not sold anymore and discarded and are considered obsolete and many are off to new projects and books and theological views. This seems to be a constant cycle and these take the same Bible or Bibles and interpret everything differently or oppositely! 

Their was NOTHING that has been written on World Earth that is completely Infallible! This cannot be done and their is interference from Satan and certain Demons from what the Spiritual LightSide has transmitted. Also their are problems with timing and eras and what was applicable in an era may not be applicable now. This is also true and this is WHY the writings of TJCG are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! This is THE TRUTH! We are TRYING to get more of THE TRUTH to people on World Earth for immediately before and during and after the year of 2000 and for the Future on World Earth. You need to do the best that you can to figure out THE TRUTH or any range of the truth and then do what you can! You cannot write or believe or be indoctrinated into any belief that a Torah or a Bible or Bibles are Infallible! This is FALSE and is not any range of the truth. Their are many FALSE DOCTRINES that did and have and are getting many Left Down On a Drop or getting a Range of a Punishment Next Life. 





This Chapter is IN PROGRESS ...


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