Making Contact 


Making contact with TJCG is currently by Email and not by Telephone or Snail Mail and a Physical Address for security reasons. Did you ever notice that with Making Contact 2001 Space Oddessy and in this movie that this was a Human baby. Many thought that Jesus Christ was to have Second Coming in the Clouds and in the Sky and from Remote and from space and this was via getting Born Again a Christian on World Earth! This is TJCG saying that I AM Born Again a Christian! - Ted Jesus Christ GOD 


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Send email to a current email address of The Son of David and the Son of man and Christ and THE ONE  and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and the many Current I AM's of The Great I Am  if HE is still alive on World Earth or to OFFICIAL Site Administrators if HIS World Earth Internet Sites for Ted Jesus Christ GOD Manuscripts are OFFICIALLY still up.  [Index][Spread][Sites][Email][Contact][Donations][Help]