Dropping or Killing Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those  


( This document revision is 0.0.2 )


This is TJCG and the PRIMARY thing that I have to accomplish on this Coming to World Earth is the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those. 

We were and are Fighting and have Battles and are at WAR against Satan and Demons! In the year of 2000 their was a movie in the theaters that I was STRONGLY INSPIRED to watch and this was about the Enigma Encryption Device used in WWII mostly on Nazi Wolf Pack U-Boats that were drastically successful war killing machines. This was about capturing an Enigma Device and also the Code Books that helped with entering the KEYS and also decoding. I was STRONGLY INSPIRED and HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR that the LightSide Spiritual Living Things did and have and are sending messages and Messages and MESSAGES to Humans on World Earth that are from Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant. To WIN we need to CRACK THE CODES! This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and EXTREMELY VITAL and EXTREMELY NECESSARY! On August 28 of 2001 on a PBS station their was a NOVA Program on CRACKING THE NAZI CODES and was about the Enigma that used 3 symbols for the KEY and then 4 and the Lorenz that used 12 symbols for the KEY. This was also about how the USA and Britain CRACKED THE CODES and this HELPED THEM WIN many Fights and Battles and the WAR! This was NAZI Germany and the Romans or Italians against many and were using Encryption and Secret Messages and Systems of Code! In Religion; we can and need to and have to CRACK THE CODES! These were sent and are getting send EVERY DAY AND NIGHT and this is not only in a Bible! TJCG did have and has had and still has many STRONG INSPIRATIONS or STRONG IMPRESSIONS or HEARS LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR different Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant Messages that are sent through EVERYTHING on World Earth that include the Media and Television and Cable and Satellite and Programs and Broadcasts and Productions and in the Movies and in Music and on the Radio and in Audio and Visual and on the Internet and in the News Papers and More. This is also in Company Names and in Company Logos and in Advertising and on Billboards and in Trends and in Fashions and in Slogans and in Fads and on Car License Plates and in Numbers and in Colors and in Color Combinations. This is a CODE THAT HAS TO BE CRACKED! This can HELP to SAVE MORE LIVES! There was and is a STRONG CORRELATION to the NAZIS and Roman or Italians and Japanese and the Allied Forces in EVIL and GOOD and the many Fights and Battles and WAR! This is TJCG and I continue to get that WE HAVE TO BREAK THE CODES on World Earth! Their was much sent that was RECORDED that not even Satan and any Demons have cracked yet from remote and distant places including the Ancient Heaven! This is far superior and effective and getting through while the Radio Telescopes are completely useless! We need INTELLIGENT people working on this! We need the NSA and the FBI and the CIA and many INTELLIGENT people in Religion working on this! This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and VITAL and NEEDED! This contributed vastly to the WINNING of GOOD over EVIL in WWII! You are needing to realize that this is the LightSide and that you cannot get everything for sure that is from GOOD and this can also be from EVIL and Those interfering! Those did and do interfere more than They can send GOOD and this is WHY the Televisions and VCR's and VCR Tapes are all BLACK and some are SILVER! The SILVER SCREEN was and is dubbed that for a REASON! Those were and are taking over for now on the Movies and Programs and the SILVER SCREEN mostly and this is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to figure out what is from GOOD and what is from EVIL! Well that is WHY we need TRAINED PROFESSIONALS on this and the NSA and the FBI and the CIA could PRAY for specific SIGNS and SPECIFIC MESSAGES and get them shown to them in Black and White and in FULL COLORS! This is TRUE! This happened in 1999 and in 2000 and in 2001 for every program related to the FBI and also the X Files before this and during this time frame! This is due to the FACT that TJCG is GOD and HE ORDERED this DONE TO EXTREMES! This was an enormous TUG-OF-WAR and the Spiritual LightSide that do not live on or physically reside on World Earth are telling you that this did happen and is happening. This is WHY their is an ENORMOUS PROPAGATION of the Colors of White and Yellow and Blue and these Color Combinations and also Jewish Blue and then Christian Blue and then Star of David Blue! This is due to the FACT that the Jewish and Christian and also THE STAR of DAVID who is TJCG is alive on World Earth! TJCG is THE ONE! TJCG NEEDS REINFORCEMENTS! You can figure out much if you were and are MORE OBSERVANT! The CODE BREAKERS were INTELLIGENT and also PERSISTENT! This is what this takes to WIN a WAR! Satan and Demons were and are living physically on the surface of World Earth and are similar to Vampires and are SECRETIVE and SECLUSIVE and RECLUSIVE most of Those are! Yes it was and is TRUE that Satan and certain Demons wanted the Japanese to invade the USA from the West Coast and the Germans and Romans or Italians to invade the USA from the East Coast! This almost happened! Satan and certain Demons FOUGHT HARD and FIGHT HARD and are STILL FIGHTING! 




This Chapter is IN PROGRESS ...


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