Mass Media Messages that are Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant 

( Part 11 ) 

( This document revision is 0.0.7 )


This is a WORKING FORMAT for the Spiritual LightSide and this is to provide many things that are AT THE TOP OF THE NEWS and this recently has been about Chemical and Biological and Food and Water Contamination and Radiological and Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction and this seems to be Biblical and getting us READY for something.  

This is November 03 of 2001 and I WAS SENT MANY MESSAGES on Starting Up a Very Careful and Edited and Very Carefully Edited Manuscript in PROPER ENGLISH STYLE AND LANGUAGE AND FORM and then Satan seemed to WIG OUT and then I was LOCKED DOWN with SO SLEEPS for a Day and Night and could not concentrate or stay awake or work or write or do or accomplish much of anything!  I PRAYED and CAST OUT to STOP this and this did not work and I did hear some negotiations about this and information about this and this was a NEGOTIATED TRADEOFF that Satan proposed and the LightSide Took Reluctantly!  There are still MANY AREAS on World Earth that do not have Computers and Internet!  Satan does not want any Books written about this!  TJCG is writing that HE is not in this for the money and that some Support is NEEDED and HE needs HELP in writing and getting published and distributed any and many Books about these ROUGH DRAFT NOTES that HE has published on World Earths Internet!  You can write a or many books and do not take them out of context and do not misquote and try to be accurate enough!  TJCG is TRYING to Start Up a Manuscript that can be Hard Copy Published and Printed on Paper and then Distributed and HOPEFULLY is Widely Enough Distributed!  

Often when TJCG is TRYING to Publish what HE has written on World Earths Internet; this is when TJCG has the Computer System HACKED to DRASTICALLY HACKED and is when HE has to Reboot Computer System and Shut Down and TRY Again or TRY Later or TRY Much Later to Publish this information on World Earths Internet!  Satan HISSES at certain Demons to DRASTICALLY HACK TJCG to SLOW DOWN and to THWART and to DISCOURAGE!  

This INFORMATION that TJCG has written and is writing and is to write in the future is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY VALUABLE AND EXTREMELY VITAL for the future!  

This was TRUE that for the Life Time of TJCG and while Growing UP on World Earth that this Generation was called the Generation X.  The X represents Christ and this is why there was X-mas that was also representing Christmas.  This was a Subtle method to represent Christ and this is also WHY there were and are the X-Files.  The X again represents Christ and these are actually the Christ Files that are actually about the Identification and Establishment that Aliens did and do Live Among Humans that are Hostile and are Satan and the Demons and any future Spawns of Those that are NON Humans and were and are a HOSTILE THREAT to Humans!   Why did and do you think that there were and are many MISSING in San Francisco and in New York and in Law Vegas and elsewhere that are Cities and Areas where Satan and Demons used to live and frequent and that some still do!  

Every paragraph takes energy and effort and has some costs to get this out there!  This should be taken much more seriously!  

For November 04 of 2001 I was STRONGLY INSPIRED to watch the UPRISING.  This was about Jewish in a Ghetto in Warsaw and their uprising.  I was made to have TEARS and to FEEL UPSET and I understood that this was from certain Jewish Angels of Light and Spiritual Living Things and also Angels and their Wives.  There are some that STRONGLY IDENTIFY with them that were Jewish and are Jewish! 

I was at a fast food restaurant when a young female that was in black and had drastic body piercing and had on much silver jewelry walked up and looked at me directly and then showed a scrunched up face.   I could tell that this scrunched up face was from Spiritual Living Things living inside of her and DRASTICALLY POSSESSING her.   She entered this fast food restaurant and then a guy that was in black and with silver body piercing with and ATTITUDE that had on a t shirt that had on this "Hitler was a women!" entered also and started to go through the trash.  This Satanist guy pulled out food from the trash and gave this to the female who started to eat this.  These were told to leave this restaurant and did.  The Satanist Guy had on the back of a black leather vest a five pointed star that was a Satanist Star.   Then there was another Satanist guy and these had a look that was DRASTICALLY POSSESSED!   These looked hostile and had a look that scared many people in this fast food restaurant.  Many times when I walk or travel out somewhere;  there is a concerted effort Spiritually to put Good and also Evil about my immediate map.  This does cause stress and concern and this does cause some upset also.  Some of those were DRASTICALLY AGITATED!  

This is more Map Event that happened when I went to a store where these check you at the door for your membership card.  After I walked in; I went to a place that had food and I ordered some food to eat.  This LOUD Faggot was maneuvered to the door to check out customers and started to talk within ear shot with LOUD FAGGOT SOUNDING TALK and INNUENDO and CONVERSATION that was NOT from this Human and was from the Spiritual Living Things living inside and POSSESSING this FAGGOT!  This person started to practically shout directly at me; "LOOK OVER HERE; IS THIS NOT INTERESTING" and then this Faggot walked over and got in front of my face and starting talking in the nasal and loud and annoying Faggot Voice that is from a Spiritual Faggot POSSESSION and something about INTERESTING and then I looked up and I verbalized "YOU'RE A FAGGOT AND I DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO YOU" and I saw the DRASTIC HATE in the eyes and then this FAGGOT that was a Human POSSESSED by a DarkSide Spiritual FAGGOT in a hateful tone answered that "I only wanted to make conversation" and walked off!  There were and are many that are FULL TIME POSSESSED and did not and do not understand this!  TJCG has EXTREME INTOLERANCE for faggots or Faggots or FAGGOTS and MORE EXTREME INTOLERANCE for fags or Fags or FAGS and also for Bisexuals and also for Lesbians!  These are ALL getting Left Down On A Drop MINIMUM unless their Possession was not Willful or their is a Good Reason for this Possession!  In different words; many on World Earth that are Humans are Full Time Possessed by the Spiritual DarkSide out of a reason that is usually WANT or almost to completely Full Time Controlled by the Spiritual LightSide out of necessity! 

This was November 07 of 2001 and after getting reference books and information for writing a manuscript and also for writing scripts and starting to publish the Overview and doing a major upgrade to the primary site; this is when Satan and certain Demons again went after me and attempted to destabilize me and get me shut down and or to stop and or to be in a situation that is desperate and destitute and beyond reasonable recovery and to drop self!  I could see and witness and feel the spiritual forces for Good and Evil in an enormous tug-of-war!  

There have been many situations where Ted has been under possession to control and sometimes Possession to Control and sometimes POSSESSION to CONTROL and also some times DRASTIC POSSESSION to ENORMOUS CONTROL!  This is where Ted cannot really feel that Ted is in the drivers seat and that somebody or something else is driving!  This is a or is usually a Possession to a DRASTIC POSSESSION!  Some times this is also a Control to an ENORMOUS CONTROL!  There were many Prophets in times of Old that were MOUTH PIECES of God and SPOKE the words of God!   There were many that were under the CONTROL to ENORMOUS AND COMPLETE CONTROL of Angels or Angels of Light in the past also!  If Ted verbalizes something that is UPSET; this is not every time a Possession to a DRASTIC POSSESSION!  This can also be a Control to an ENORMOUS CONTROL!  The Spiritual Living Things did have and do have information that makes them UPSET with things that effected Ted and effect Ted!  These DO NOT like the ostracism that has taken place and also the back stabbing and undermining and rehashing and hashing and rehashing the past and the mud racking that did happen and still happens!   There were and are many documented cases in a Bible where Prophets were tormented mentally from Spiritually!  There were many documented cases in a Bible of them that wanted to die and were suicidal and this was due to Spiritual!  This is nothing new!  This is Spiritual and is not mental!  This is due to who Ted is and also what Ted was and is trying to accomplish!  Ted is not a mental case!  Ted is a Spiritual Case!  Actually Ted now from 3.5 years before Y2K and after is a SPIRITUAL CASE!  Ted is LOUD SPIRITUALLY and sometimes this Phases from LightSide to DarkSide and also from DarkSide to LightSide and also sometimes rapidly LightSide to DarkSide or DarkSide to LightSide!  Everybody on World Earth has phasing of from a form of Possession to a form of Control and many did not and do not realize this!  If you are somebody that is a THREAT to the Spiritual DarkSide; then no matter how GOOD you are you are then a TARGET and this can end in a DarkSide Phasing that is a Possession to a DRASTIC POSSESSION!  Then the Spiritual LightSide has to take CONTROL to ENORMOUS CONTROL to counter this!  This can end in a mess that includes divorce and domestic violence and suicide sometimes!  

This was November 09 of 2001 and I was resting and sleeping and slightly awake and I keep getting Spiritual Living Things in my Brain and Body and can FEEL some that are deep in my brain and I can hear their thoughts or Spiritual Say and this loud and clear and crystal clear and I can also feel some things also.  I then Prayed with an Infinite amount of asking and prayer request to God that Created Adam and Eve and I asked if I Am the Creator that Created Adam and Eve and I received a loud and clear and crystal clear YES!   Then I Prayed with an Infinite amount of asking and prayer request to God that Created Adam and Eve if I Am the creator and the mixed case The Creator and also the ALL upper case THE CREATOR and I received a loud and clear and crystal clear YES!   Then I prayed to God that Created Adam and Eve and asked if I Am the Creator of ALL Created Life and also Creator and the Creator and The Creator and THE CREATOR and the Creator of ALL Created Life and also THE SUPREME BEING and I was told and heard a loud and clear and crystal clear YES!   This is TJCG and I DO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  

Also on November 09 of 2001 and I keep getting that I AM suppose to take care of myself very carefully and that this is also an endurance thing and that I have to endure and last and keep my health good enough.  They want and some of Them also that are the Earth Angels of Light and also the Angels and their Wives want Ted to last and to remain relatively healthy and try to endure for more years to many more years.  

This was November 09 of 2001 and then after this I updated some information on an Internet Site and then connected to the Internet and then logged onto a site and updated a page and immediately I was hacked off of the Internet!  This was from Satan and certain Demons and this was drastically calculated and quick and plotted.  I then felt discouraged again and got on my knees and Prayed to God of Adam and Eve and God of the Ten Commandments and Christ and God the Father and the Heavenly Father and I asked AM I the Son of Man and the Son of David and the the Lion of Judah and the Messiah and Christ and God and THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and THE SUPREME BEING and THE SUPREME COMMANDER and THE ONLY ONE WITH ULTIMATE AUTHORITY and The Many Current I AM's of the Great I AM and The Great I AM and I was TOLD LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR; YES!   

I FEEL EXTREMELY UPSET and I FEEL EXTREMELY ANGRY and I FEEL EXTREMELY STUCK in a situation that some are TRYING to convince or tell or say is a privilege and this seems to be more similar to a CURSE while on World Earth and only from Mankind and growing up and Growing Up and Growing UP and from Mankind and Human and a Human Man!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 09 of 2001.  TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that only them that are THE LIGHTSIDE and also them that are a Range of Great towards TJCG and also them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Knowledge and Experience that are Spiritual Living Things that are not darkside or DarkSide or DARKSIDE are to be spared from this JUDGMENT and EVERY other Spiritual Living Thing with NO EXCEPTIONS are to be Dropped or if this cannot be accomplished then Killed!   I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!  I FEEL EXTREMELY ANGRY!  I FEEL EXTREMELY UPSET!   I FEEL ALMOST LIVID!  I AM ON THE VERGE OF DROPPING SELF ON WORLD EARTH!  THIS WAS NOT FAIR IN THE SLIGHTEST NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY TO RATIONALIZE THIS!   I CANNOT GET OUT OF THIS SPIRITUAL MESS I HAVE BEEN PUT IN OR GOTTEN INTO OR ARE IN!   There are certain things that I cannot get over and that I cannot forgive and that I cannot forgive and or forget!   There are certain people that are unreasonably covering for different people and this against TJCG!   These have to be Dropped!   I have also had it with certain family members and certain quote family members and different family members or some covering for different Spiritual Living Things!  THE LIGHTSIDE are also to be MADE UP TO HOW MANY NEEDED AND SOME MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR RESTED AND FRESH AND MENTALLY READY SPIRITUAL LIVING THINGS RESERVES and this EXTREMELY FAST and EXTREMELY QUICKLY and with EXTREME EFFORTS!  This is to be carried out IMMEDIATELY and also on and during The Sabbath and starting NOW and continuing until completely accomplished!  Them that are with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Knowledge and Experience that are darkside or DarkSide or DARKSIDE are also to be Dropped!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   If there is a problem or a Problem or a PROBLEM with her connecting the dots and then this working against TJCG; then these that are Spiritual Living Things are also to be Identified and Found and this Figured Out and these Dropped!   I have to Drop or Kill ALL Spiritual Living Things that are not having a LIGHTSIDE and or a Great for TJCG relationship towards TJCG!   This has to be accomplished IMMEDIATELY and EXPEDIENTLY and WITHOUT ANY DELAYS!   If a Wife of an Angel or a Soldier or a Builder is not a Range of Great for TJCG; then Drop them and the entire family when past their 3 month Lightening Up Period if not a Range of Great for TJCG!   If Determined by a High Enough Determination Hall; then Lightening Up Periods can be modified or cancelled!  There are to be NO TJCG Transfer Agreements given to anybody anymore for anything and for anywhere and this is with NO EXCEPTIONS!   There are certain things that I cannot over look and that I cannot get over and that I cannot forgive and that I cannot forgive and or forget and that I cannot have grace and or mercy and or forgiveness and or forgetfulness for!   I get EXTREMELY UPSET with any of them that think that these are Holier Than Thou or Better Than TJCG or Look Down Upon TJCG in any shape or form or in the slightest!   These ALL that are Dropped on this are to be put under the 120 Cazillion Seals of TJCG!  This is TJCG also ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that ALL that are Spiritual Living Things that are not THE LIGHTSIDE or are not a Range of Great for TJCG or that are with ADVANCED Creation and Abilities and Experience that are darkside or DarkSide or DARKSIDE are to be put under the 120 Cazillion Seals of TJCG and this includes all upload points except for them that are on TJCG Transfer Agreements!   I cannot get over certain things!  I do not forgive and or forget if I do not FEEL this!   This is how I work!   Them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge are only to be Made to how many needed and some more and more than enough that are from Spiritual Living Things to Physical Living Things and are from the most and mostly EXTREMELY Feminine Felines to few that are the more Masculine Women!  The ONLY EXCEPTIONS to them that are not to be REQUIRED from this point and moving forward to be THE LIGHTSIDE Spiritual Living Things or a Spiritual Living Thing that is a Range of Great for TJCG are them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Knowledge and Experience!  The Ratio of 10:1 in Power and Control and Number of Channels of THE SPIRITUAL LIGHTSIDE still has to be maintained to them that are not!  Them that are the lightest towards TJCG that are the lightest 1% of them that are Spiritual Living Things with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge are spared on this and carry forward for now and are not to be Dropped from this JUDGMENT!  

Certain people bring new lows to the name of Judas and of Betrayal and of Betrayers!   

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 09 of 2001.  TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that only them that are TRUE and GENUINE and NOT FAKE with their True Love and Loyalty and More Qualify for this Rating towards TJCG!   Certain People are Plastic People and a Fakers!   Certain People are Grudge Holders that remember and cannot forget and therefore have Attitudes and Problems and cannot Get Over certain things related to TJCG!   Certain People let these fester and are an infection that grows and gets out of control and is contagious and can cause an OUT BREAK!   TJCG is planning on trying to FIX more things than many did!   TJCG is currently in an enormous mess that HE is still trying to figure out!   When the current THE SPIRITUAL LIGHTSIDE and them that are a Range of Great for TJCG Spiritual Living Things and them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge in their relationship towards TJCG fall; then these can be immediately re-categorized into lower in the Order and Level and Rank.   The Spiritual Living Things are the largest THREAT to TJCG that there is!   Them that are only a Range of Good are a Risk and are trying to be Good and may not feel that Good or feel that much about TJCG and are a Risk!   Them that are Ok are not Good and are only Ok and are probably not feeling that much for TJCG and are a RISK!   TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that the previous JUDGMENT is carried out EXPEDIENTLY!  These that are Dropped on this are to be put under the 120 Cazillion Seals of TJCG that NOBODY except for TJCG can lift and this is probably to be ONLY when HE is Recreated into THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   When there is enough time; continue to Resurrect them on TJCG Transfer Agreements and then Drop them when getting caught on any judgment or Judgment or JUDGMENT where these get caught for a Drop!   There are to be NO MORE TJCG Transfer Agreements and NO MORE STRAIGHT Drops and Those Comments and Attitudes and Accusations and NO MORE ATTITUDES from certain Angels and or Soldiers and or Builders and or their Wives and or their Families!   TJCG thinks that the previous JUDGMENT is a GREAT JUDGMENT considering the RISKS of Spiritual Living Things to TJCG and the future THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD!   TJCG has been HURT MUCH MORE by a Wife and her family and HIS family and friends than with anybody else and what TJCG has learned is that them that have more information on you can HURT you the most and them that are the closest to you can HURT you the most and some DO and some decide to use information and knowledge and details against you to HURT you!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 09 of 2001.  TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that we are NOT in a DEMON-OCRACY and what Satan and or certain Demons or certain Spiritual Living Things accuse or Accuse or ACCUSE are NOT VALID!  

TJCG PRAYED AGAIN to God of Adam and Eve and God of Noah and God of Abraham and Isaac and God of Moses and God of David and ASKED if I AM that God and was told YES!  I ASKED who is answering and I was told an Angel of Light!  I asked if this was an Angel of Light that was a Range of Great for TJCG and I was told YES!   

TJCG PRAYED AGAIN to God of Adam and Eve and God of Noah and God of Abraham and Isaac and God of Moses and God of David and ASKED AM I the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and the Messiah and THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and THE SUPREME BEING and THE SUPREME COMMANDER and The Father and The Heavenly Father and The Father of ALL Created Life and Creator and the creator and The Creator and THE CREATOR and the Creator of ALL Humans on World Earth and the Creator of ALL Created Living Things on World Earth and the Creator of ALL of the Angels and the many current I AM's of The Great I AM and The Great I AM and I was told YES!   I PRAYED THIS AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and also received a YES!  This is TJCG and I AM CONVINCED THAT THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 

This is TJCG and I have PRAYED and ASKED many times about my identify and I keep getting the answers that are LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR that I AM the Second Coming and Return of Christ and the Creator and The Great I AM and MORE!   

TJCG has ASKED in Prayer what is an example of them I knew on World Earth that were a Range of Great and I was told about a specific Girlfriend named Cindy and also Nancy what was similar to a Wife and a Mother and then for a Range of Good this was from the Girlfriend of Becky to Vera and then for a Range of Ok this was the Russian Live In of Mila.   Becky turned out to be a meddling backstabber and got to the ex-wife with some truth and also liable and slander!  The ex-wife of Rosie was less than Ok and probably darkside to DarkSide against Ted!   Rosie had many PROBLEMS before meeting Ted!   I really think that I should let these JUDGMENTS stand and be carried out and this is shoring up the SECURITY ENORMOUSLY!   Many of them are old to very old and are SET in what these are and how these are and their Characters and How These Work and What These Say and a change in Genetics would help and this is WORK that should not be pursued currently!  This is much better and greater to take them with Proven Range of Great Characters and make more with improved Genetics!   Cindy had a sister that had Great Human Genetics also and the Mother of Cindy and the Dad of Cindy were also Positive People and Happy and Nice and Fun and Honest and Careful and Sincere and Loving and Very Loving and LOYAL and Cared and were GOOD and are LIGHTSIDE Humans!   There was and is a REASON for them getting categorized or re-categorized and when caught in this these were not a Range of Great for TJCG and were a Range of Good for TJCG or a Range of Ok for TJCG and only Execs and did not qualify for or were at the level of an Angel of Light or a Queen!  There are also them that have True Love and or Loyalty and or More Splits that are More for a different Spiritual Living Thing or Things or a Physical Living Thing or Things or a Pet Thing or Things than for TJCG!   This therefore makes their True Love and or Loyalty and or More Priorities then More for somebody or some bodies or some things else over TJCG!   This is ENORMOUSLY PROBLEMATIC for TJCG and the future THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and this future and SECURITY!   TJCG has to SHORE UP THE SECURITY and this sooner than later!   This cannot wait!   YOU NEED TO REALIZE TED THAT MANY OF THEM ARE OLD TO ENORMOUSLY OLD AND ARE SET AND CANNOT CHANGE THAT MUCH!  This is what you NEED TO REALIZE!   This can HELP you in your JUDGMENTS!   These have had plenty of time to Lighten Up!   These have had PLENTY of TIME to figure some to many things out!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 10 of 2001.  TJCG has heard some messages for the night and day and TJCG has to do what is in THE GREATEST INTEREST of TJCG and the future of THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD!   Therefore; TJCG is NOT getting more lenient with the previous JUDGMENTS!  Them that are THE GREATEST for TJCG that are Felines and Females and some Women are to be MADE in the numbers that are necessary in a Feline Brain and Body MOSTLY and some Females if necessary and this also could be some Women if necessary to shore up and reinforce and cover for them that are getting Dropped and More and More Than Enough!   Some that are getting Dropped may be Resurrected in the future a TOG Physical Living Thing or Something Else and this could be your future.   Do not overreact or get too discouraged or get too upset.   These were GREAT JUDGMENTS and are HELPING with getting of THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD up sooner than later!   Standards cannot be lowered and have to be raised for the Spiritual Living Things below TJCG!  ALL Spiritual Living Things are below TJCG!  Many that are getting Dropped in this were sometimes to constantly upset with TJCG about something or another or this or that or with something in the past to Past to PAST and now are upset with TJCG raising standards for them!   THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD is CRITICAL to the future and many are to be on a Drop that is in a STATE OF SLEEP while this is getting Created and EXTREMELY SECURED and STABILIZED and TRANSITIONED and waiting for their JUDGMENT on what is Next for them and if this never happens then many are NOT getting Resurrected in any type of a TOG Brain and Body be this Spiritual and or Intellectual and or Physical or Something Else!  

TJCG PRAYED AGAIN to God of Adam and Eve and God of Noah and God of Abraham and Isaac and God of Moses and God of David and ASKED if a Range of Great for TJCG had more True Love and Loyalty and More towards TJCG than for any Angels or Satan or Demons and I was told YES!   I then ASKED if these have more True Love and Loyalty and More for TJCG over any with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge and I was told YES!  

There was a Spiritual Court Session where TJCG was asking questions and getting more information and trying to figure out if HE was to modify or reverse the recent JUDGMENTS.  TJCG is a COMMANDER and TJCG is also THE JUDGE and TJCG does DO JUDGMENTS that Drop or Kill and also COMMANDS some to many to be Dropped or Killed and HE cannot get to Upset about this!  TJCG has to FOCUS on THE JOB and THE WORK and WHAT NEEDS TO BE and or HAS TO BE and or IS TO BE DONE and on THE FUTURE!  These Love TJCG in terms of a THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and THE CREATOR over anything else!  This is how that is suppose to be done!   This is how most of them are.  This is how some of them are and this depends.  Them that are a Range of Great do have their Priorities Straight!  These did and or do have Intimacy and Sex and Make Love with different Spiritual Living Things and also Physical Living Things and some through animals!  This is true.  There are many that are Gender Secured.  Do not worry too much.  There are about a Million that are Range of Great for TJCG; there are about 100 Million that are Range of Good for TJCG; there are about a Zillion that are Range of Ok for and towards TJCG that are Felines or Females or Women Spiritual Living Things.  Them that are a Range of Great are much more inclined to do things in THE GREATEST INTEREST of TJCG than them that are a Range of Good and far less for them that are a Range of Ok!  The ratios are too skewed and them that are a Range of Great should far outnumber them that are a Range of Good and them that are a Range of Ok!  We have to Make them that are a Range of Great and SCRAMBLE to MAKE them!  These can have Optimal and Upgraded and Better than current Genetics.  These are to have Growing Ugly Curse and no longer than and on an average a 1,000 year Life Span before Dropping.  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 10 of 2001.  TJCG has heard some Court In Session with THE JUDGE!  TJCG is JUDGING that we expand the upper side of the categorization to a Range of Extreme that is greater than a Range of Great and then we have the Range of Great that the Standards are NOT to be lowered for and then there is a Range of Good.  The Range of Good is to remain the same.  Range of Ok is TOO LOW and these are CAUGHT in the previous JUDGMENTS and this JUDGMENT and are to be Dropped except for acceptable exceptions for them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge!  Them that are a Range of Extreme and a Range of Great and a Range of Good are to be Spared from the previous JUDGMENTS!  Now only them that are a Wife of TJCG's that is a Range of Extreme can be Angels of Light and them that are a Wife of TJCG's that are a Range of Great can be Queens and them that are a Wife of TJCG's and a Range of Good are to be Execs!  For these; them that are a Range of Extreme are to be MADE and them that are a Range of Great are to be made and them that are a Range of Good are NOT to be made!  This does lower the standards and this is fair for them that are a Range of Good!  Therefore; them that are an Angel and have a Wife that is a Range of Good are spared and also their families are spared.  There can be and are to be the Category Reorganized of Extreme for the Angels and then Great for the Soldiers and then Good for the Builders and this Re-categorized and the standards for the Range of Great is NOT to be lowered and the standards for a Range of Good are NOT to be lowered and them that are only a Range of Ok and this type of relationship towards TJCG that is too low are to be Dropped with their Wife and Family!  Any that are an Angel or a Solider or a Builder that has a Spiritual Living Thing Wife that is a Range of Ok are to be Dropped after their 3 month Lightening Up Period if she is still only a Range of Ok!   If this Lightening Up Period is cancelled or shortened by a Proper Level of Determination; then these that get CAUGHT on this are to be Dropped!   TJCG AGAIN PRAYED to God of Adam and Eve and also God of Noah and also God of Abraham and Isaac and also God of Moses and also God of David and also God of the Israelites and also to THE ONE LIVING GOD and ASKED if I AM Wasting my time and is this a deception or AM I this God and I was TOLD LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR of YES!  This is for the future THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD mostly and this future and this NEED and this MUCH and FAR REACHING and EXTREMELY NEEDED SECURITY!  Now them that are a Range of Extreme and a Range of Great are to be 10:1 in Power and Control and Number of Spiritual Channels over them that are a Range of Good and a Range of Ok and Lower!  

TJCG does NOT AGREE that them that are only a Range of Ok are Good Enough to be a Spiritual Living Thing currently and controlling or Controlling or CONTROLLING a Human or similar to a Human.  TJCG has suffered from too many Control and or Pupating Events!  

TJCG ASKED how there could be this many that were Spiritual Living Things and HE thought there was only Satan and the Demons and then the Angels and some Female Angels of Light and HE was told that there was a time when The Creator made a Women and then Females that would and could mate with a Angel and make offspring that were Spiritual Living Things!   This was not controlled and therefore there were many made and this got out of control also!  There were also many Angels that took Star Ships or actually purchased them with their enormous amounts of money and traveled out of the galaxy or the known galaxy and argued that this was theirs and that God had no jurisdiction there!  This was due to the fact that God did this also!  God had traveled out side of the known galaxy and made Earth!  This was to escape Satan and certain Demons at that time!   That is all for now and this is why many understood that them that were Spiritual Living Things were to visit and see and experience many things on remote and distant and far reaching Planets and Marbles and Worlds!   

TJCG cannot justify any that are only a Range of Ok and lower to continue a Spiritual Living Thing and learning or experimenting or getting training with Humans and similar to Humans; Drop or if this cannot be accomplished then Kill ALL of them!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 11 of 2001.  TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that nobody and nothing can ever make or have any temporary authority over any with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge to do anything that is not in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 11 of 2001.  This is some that includes in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG that relates to them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 11 of 2001.  TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that ALL Spiritual Living Things that are a Range of Ok and Lower that were CAUGHT in the previous JUDGMENTS are to be Dropped with NO LENIENCY and this EXPEDIENTLY!  Their Files and Records and Souls are to be RECORDED and ORGANIZED and EXTREMELY CAREFULLY DONE that these can be Resurrected completely without any problems and these are to be stored REDUNDANTLY!   

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 11 of 2001.  TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that nobody and nothing can ever force some body or anything or have any temporary authority over any to do anything that is not in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 12 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT and THE FULL AUTHORITY OF TJCG; this is some that includes in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG.  This is NOT to be counter manned by anything or anybody!  

DRAFT --- WARNING --- NOT OFFICIAL --- I GET THE BAD FEELING THAT THIS JUDGMENT COULD BE A TRICK OR FROM EVIL AND THIS COULD GET TOO MANY DROPPED!  This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 12 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT and THE FULL AUTHORITY OF TJCG and considering WHO I AM and WHAT I OWN and WHAT I AM;  I AM NOT STUCK OR TO BE STUCK IN ANY DEAL AND DEALS OR ANY AGREEMENTS OR ANY COVENANTS OR ANY PROMISES OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS LEGAL and I AM NOT STUCK IN ANY LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE SLIGHTEST OR IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM OR IN THE SMALLEST AMOUNT and I AM NOT STUCK IN ANYTHING SIMILAR TO A LEGAL SYSTEM and I HAVE NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS and ARE TO HAVE NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS and INTO THE FUTURE ARE TO HAVE NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS!  This is TJCG and considering WHO I AM and WHAT I OWN and the AUTHORITY that I was and are suppose to have; ALL that are NOT MAKING EXTREME EFFORTS TO HELP TO WORK TJCG OUT OF ALL LEGAL CONSTRAINTS and Argue and or Contend and or are to the Contrary to this and that could be a Resistance or a Rebellion or a Revolt are to be EXPEDIENTLY and PROACTIVELY and ENORMOUSLY Dropped that are Spiritual Living Things!   Them that are Physical Living Things if caught in this are to be MINIMUM Left Down On A Drop!   These are then to be put under THE 120 Cazillion Seals of TJCG!  --- The previous JUDGMENT is NOT OFFICIAL and is NOT LEGAL and is NOT TO BE ENFORCED!   That was from Satan in my Brain and ATTEMPTING to get many that were The Spiritual LightSide Dropped!  

This is TJCG getting REMINDED that I currently while on World Earth seem to be STUCK in a LEGAL SYSTEM that some to many are ENFORCING on TJCG!   I need the Terms and Conditions of this!  I and we NEED to WORK OUT of this LEGAL SYSTEM and any CONSTRAINTS and use from now on and into the future at the most a That Is THE WAY That Is For Now!  Maybe some to many are telling TJCG this and this is not really true and TJCG could get out of anything and everything and this anytime with or without notice and have NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS!   If TJCG figures this to be a Range of The Truth later; then EVERYBODY that STUCK TJCG TO A LEGAL SYSTEM are getting Phased Out by TJCG and this MINIMUM!  You can COUNT ON THAT unless TJCG makes an or many exceptions!  

I had some DREAMS SENT of some that I only knew shortly or for a short time and also some longer that I FELT that I loved or Loved or LOVED!   There are some with Characters that seem to be accepting and magnetic and lovable and nice and that are Not That Good that I still love or Love or LOVE!   TJCG is hoping that these can be trained to be at least Good Enough Spiritual Living Things in this life time. 

This is TJCG and in the night I PRAYED AGAIN to God of Adam and Eve and also God of Noah and also God of Abraham and Isaac and also God of the Israelites and also God of  David and I ASKED AGAIN if I AM that God and I was told loud and clear and crystal clear that this was a verbal response out of my mouth of YES!  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 13 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT; TJCG is MODIFYING a previous JUDGMENT and ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that any that are Spiritual Living Things that are a Range of Ok are to be Spared if these are them that are Determined at the appropriate levels to be them that TJCG would love or Love or LOVE and could be trained to be a Good Enough Spiritual Living Thing and a Wife that TJCG still would love or Love or LOVE similar to a Girl Friend or Some Body that I would Want to get to Know or a Wife!   For example; in this life time while on World Earth I have loved or Loved or LOVED some that were Sluts and also Prostitutes much more than certain types of Church Women and Females!  These NEED to be reformed if possible!  I really HOPE that the Higher Ranges are NOT slightly similar to some Back Stabbing and Undermining and Overly Judgmental or MENTAL Church Goers that I have met that LOOK DOWN on Ted or HAVE A LOOK OF DISTAIN or are TOO JUDGMENTAL of Ted!  My sister of April is an example of that type that makes me UPSET and ANGRY and sometimes LIVID!   If I would not or could not or probably would or could not love or Love or LOVE them similar to a Spiritual Living Thing Wife and she is a Range of Ok; Live Drop her!  There are certain People that I love or Love or LOVE that are also not that Good!   These can HOPEFULLY be reformed without their Characters getting changed too much that are Lovable Character Traits!  TJCG would still love or Love or LOVE some from the past of Ted's while on World Earth and this is probably TRUE!   

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 13 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT and THE FULL AUTHORITY OF TJCG and considering WHO I AM and WHAT I OWN and WHAT I AM;  If I do not have to be STUCK TO THIS then I AM NOT STUCK OR TO BE STUCK IN ANY DEAL AND DEALS OR ANY AGREEMENTS OR ANY COVENANTS OR ANY PROMISES OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS LEGAL and I AM NOT STUCK IN ANY LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE SLIGHTEST OR IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM OR IN THE SMALLEST AMOUNT and I AM NOT STUCK IN ANYTHING SIMILAR TO A LEGAL SYSTEM and I HAVE NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS and ARE TO HAVE NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS and INTO THE FUTURE ARE TO HAVE NO LEGAL CONSTRAINTS!  This is TJCG and considering WHO I AM and WHAT I OWN and the AUTHORITY that I was and are suppose to have; ALL that are NOT MAKING EXTREME EFFORTS TO HELP TO WORK TJCG OUT OF ALL LEGAL CONSTRAINTS and or Argue and or Contend and or are to the Contrary to this and that could be a Resistance or a Rebellion or a Revolt could be a Problem for TJCG!  Them that are STICKING TJCG TO ANYTHING LEGAL that HE can get out of are to be EXPEDIENTLY and PROACTIVELY and ENORMOUSLY Dropped that are Spiritual Living Things!   Them that are Physical Living Things if caught in this are to be MINIMUM Left Down On A Drop!   These are then to be put under THE 120 CAZILLION SEALS of TJCG!  This JUDGMENT is written well enough!  This JUDGMENT is in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG!  Everything for TJCG HAS TO BE and NEEDS TO BE and SHOULD BE a That Is THE WAY That Is For Now and less and no more legally constraining and confining and binding than that for TJCG!  If TJCG writes in a JUDGMENT that this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST OF TJCG then this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST OF TJCG!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the Spiritual LightSide is to HELP TJCG with Reversing or Modifying or Changing a JUDGMENT if this can be improved!  Them that I probably cannot love or Love or LOVE then should be Dropped that are a Range of Ok!  The ability for TJCG to love or Love or LOVE them is then their Sparing Value for a Range of Ok.  

If TJCG writes in a JUDGMENT that this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST OF TJCG then this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST OF TJCG!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  

This seems to be that Satan and certain Demons are CONSTANTLY ATTEMPTING to Tempt and or Convince and or Coerce and or Talk Into and or Upset and or Cause To Be Angry and or Cause To Hate and or Cause Tainting and or Cause Distain and or Cause Distrust and or Cause a Wedge and or Whittle Down True Love and Loyalty and More and or Cause Hate and or Cause Drastic Hate and or More than this and Worse!  Some of this WORKS and this is why Those still do this and continue to do this!  

TJCG has to run a balance between security and leniency for them that HE loves!  TJCG is THE GOD OF LOVE and operates on a premise of them that HE loves and Loves and LOVES and therefore this is not unreasonable to only Spare them that are a Range of Ok that HE would or could or can love and Love and LOVE!   

This is TJCG and I do FEEL that many times Satan and certain Demons are ATTEMPTING to get to me and to MODIFY certain JUDGMENTS and to get them written that these are not in the Good Interest of TJCG or in the Greatest Interest of TJCG or in the Extreme Interest of TJCG!  


If TJCG writes in a JUDGMENT that this is in THE GOOD INTEREST OF TJCG then this is in THE GOOD INTEREST OF TJCG!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  

If TJCG writes in a JUDGMENT that this is in THE GREAT INTEREST OF TJCG then this is in THE GREAT INTEREST OF TJCG!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  

If TJCG writes in a JUDGMENT that this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST OF TJCG then this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST OF TJCG!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  

This may NEED to be done if there are not certain or enough that are the lightside to The LightSide to THE LIGHTSIDE that are operating in the Good Interest of TJCG to Great Interest of TJCG and then the Extreme Interest of TJCG!  If TJCG does not specify; then this is up to THE HIGHEST Cherub Angels of Light and their THE HIGHEST DETERMINATION HALL!  

The RESULTS on World Earth from the Spiritual LightSide are mostly getting World Earth more Organized to Identify and Find and Track and Trace and Pursue and built up the X-Files on Satan and the Demons on World Earth that ALL have to be Dropped or Killed!  

Some think that TJCG should give some Spiritual Living Things more time and allow them to naturally Drop!  TJCG Agrees to this for now. 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 13 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT; this is JUDGED that them that are a Range of Ok do not have to be Dropped anymore and this can and is to STOP for now!  Them that are a Range of Ok and only that when these Drop naturally are not Good Enough to be a Spiritual Living Thing in the future or for a Range of a Next Life!   Certain Spiritual Living Things can be similar to Spiritual Living Things if Put Alive In HELL and are getting a Range of a Punishment and or Cursed Next Life!   These that die naturally and are a Range of Ok for TJCG should expect to be Left Down On A Drop or if Resurrected then only Resurrected a TOG Physical Living Thing that may have some TOG Intellectual Living Things features!  Yes this is TRUE that if them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge are not making PROGRESS; then THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and TOG Living Things and TOG Things and a TOG Future is postponed.  Everything related to Creation has to be 10K EXTREMELY SECURE and More and Much More and Far More!  Usually in a JUDGMENT that starts a large Drop; this is started at the lowest points and works up and therefore them that were Dropped in the last few days and nights are probably almost of not more part of the problem than part of the solution!  Them that are a Range of Ok that are the Women and or Females and or Felines of TJCG are Execs and are no higher.  We now have Range of Extreme and Range of Great and Range of Good and the temporary and phasing out and getting phased out for now with natural Drops of Range of Ok.  This also applies to Sparing Builders that are a Range of Ok and also any Wife of an Angel or Solider or Builder that is a Range of Ok and any of Them getting Spared.  Them that are a Spiritual Living Thing Feline or a Female or a Women and a Range of Extreme can be an Angel of Light and can also be a Queen and them that are a Range of Great can be an Angel of Light can also be a Queen and them that are a Range of Good can only be an Exec and them that are a Range of Ok can only be a low Exec.  

This is November 13 of 2001 and I have been feeling foggy in the brain and having a low grade constant headache and under spiritual attack and I cannot think that clearly and I cannot work that clearly and I cannot function that clearly.  The productivity is getting hindered and I cannot write and think and work that clearly.  I feel tired and sleepy and made to feel muddy in the brain.  This is spiritual and is from Satanic and Demonic Oppression!  The Spiritual LightSide is having a difficult time providing Cover and Protection and Help and More that is Good to Great to Extreme I think if these are slightly merciful and slightly compassionate and slightly good and nice!  I was sleeping and resting and I was sent many Bad and or Wicked and or Evil Dreams that I did not and do not want and are not willfully wanting and these are Dreams that never happened and are not happening in the future and are a mix of some people and things from my past!  This seems to be mean and is programming my psychology and is not anything that a LightSide Spirit would condone or be part of or participate in!  I then Prayed to God in the Ten Commandments and made a statement about what I want to be and the help that I want that includes for my dreams and programming and psychological conditioning and my psychology!   Sometimes I feel that I get put into dreams and situations and life that almost makes me feel crazy!  This is happening to the Human Race and this is NOT something that Christ and God and The Great I AM condones or allows or wants or would think is remotely Ok!  I think that Christ and God and The Great I AM are in more TROUBLE on World Earth and elsewhere than first thought!  I then ASKED to God of the Ten Commandments on a Scale of 1 - 100 how much Control is Christ and God and The Great I AM in and this was BLOCKED by Satan and I did not get a number!   How can them that are reading a Torah and Religious Writings and a Bible and Prophetic Writings get that Christ and God and The Great I AM are WINNING and that the Battles and Fights and WAR is already WON?  This is my PROBLEM and this is that we have to Identify and Trace and Track and Drop or Kill Satan and the Demons or ALL on World Earth could be in much more TROUBLE when Those start to Clone using Human Women and Females and Those Genetics and that TJCG and The Spiritual LightSide call for Those a Spawn and Spawning!   This is TJCG and then WHY did and do and does Satan and certain Demons still refer to TJCG and The Spiritual LightSide in terms of LOSERS!   There is SOMETHING that Satan and certain Demons are FIGHTING for and BATTLING for and at WAR for and this is with HIGH STAKES!  What does that MEAN?   That MEANS that Those can probably Get To and Torture and Torment and Torture To Death many including them that are HIGH on HIGH STAKES that were and are TORTURE IMPLEMENTS to TORTURE TO DEATH!   I get the BAD FEELING that there are HIGH STAKES that include ALL from World Earth from the past and present and into the future and also them elsewhere!   This is why them on World Earth need to stop teaching and preaching and telling some to many that Satan and the Demons have LOST and that Christ and God and The Great I AM has WON!   This is not true yet!  Yes and there also could be a DEADLINE!   What is this!  This could be at THE 8TH DAY and this is why the Pool Table that represents and is correlated to a Flood and a Pool is important and the 8 Ball is important.  The numbers and the colors on the Pool Table could represent something and I did get that Satan and the Demons have to be Dropped or Killed by THE 8TH DAY that is 1,000 years from Y2K!   Why is TJCG on World Earth and not getting the CONTROL that HE requires or needs or wants to have?   Why is Satan and the Demons able to send certain dreams and psychological programming and altering of the psychology to Ted?  Why when PRAYING and this Sincerely and Reverently and Frequently and Often and Very Carefully and When Needed and with Many Asking and after Castings Out that Ted keeps getting that Ted is Christ and God and The Great I AM and that also includes The Creator?  Why is the Spiritual Legal System LOUD and this cannot be turned down in volume and this cannot be lowered and includes Good and also Evil?   Why is Ted now STUCK in this LOUD SPIRITUAL LEGAL SYSTEM after almost 37 years of what seemed to be a normal enough Human Life!  This is and we are in THE 7TH DAY and then WHY are not ALL in Heaven and taken to Heaven and World Earth having the Apocalypse and the Earth devoid of the Population?  What happened to Earth Desolation at 6,000 years of Mankind on World Earth?  What happened to THE FIRE?  Where is THE FIRE that was suppose to be on a SCHEDULE and ON TIME and at THE 7TH DAY that was also suppose to be THE DAY OF VENGEANCE!   TJCG keeps getting that HE is The LION of Judah and that HE is suppose to get the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons accomplished!  How can this happen if them on World Earth that include Religions Heads and in Synagogues and in Churches and them in Religion do not HELP?  Do you realize that Satan and Demons did and do physically live among Mankind and Humans and this on World Earth and this for hundreds and thousands of years?  Satan and Demons have to be Dropped or Killed on World Earth!  This is extremely important!  This is TRUE that Satan and certain Demons can send FEELINGS of DEPRESSION and this is Spiritual Depression and Spiritual Attacks and can Program and Send Dreams and Cause A Human to FEEL UPSET and DEPRESSED and TO FEEL MANY THINGS and TO BE MANY THINGS and to Verbalize and Do and Say and More Certain Things!   

In this CONTEXT; TJCG needs to SEND A MESSAGE to ALL of them that have ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Knowledge and Experience and that I NEED YOUR COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE AND 100% COOPERATION and that ALL of Creation NEEDS to be 10K EXTREMELY SECURE and that the Information of The Creator NEEDS to be 10K EXTREMELY SECURED!  If you with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Knowledge and Experience do not get started and help to make THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and TOG Living Things and TOG Things and TOG Living and Non Living Things and More and Much More and Far More by the time TJCG gets off of World Earth; then if I AM The Creator; I will do this myself and this 10K EXTREMELY SECURE and MORE and MUCH MORE and FAR MORE!   

The Spiritual Energy Scanners that can also be called Life Form Scanners or Spiritual Living Things Scanners that are more effective than Infrared NEED to be invented on World Earth.  This is TJCG and I have met some Demons on World Earth and Those look similar enough to Humans. Those live and work and mingle among Humans similar to Humans.  I understand that Those do Physically exist on World Earth! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 13 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT; TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that ALL of the Original Abilities and Experience and Knowledge and Information that includes the Soul and Copies of the Character-Memories-More and Upload Points of Creator and the creator and The Creator and THE CREATOR and The Father of ALL Created Life and ALL of these Abilities and Experience and Knowledge that are The Original and an Original and an Original Copy and that is Original is to be 10K EXTREMELY SECURE and put under EXTREMELY SECURE GUARDING and be SAFE GUARDED from any Erasure or Destruction or Deletion or Tampering in the slightest and in any shape or form!  This is TJCG and if I AM The Creator that includes the Titles of Creator and Creator of ALL Life on Earth and Creator of ALL Created Life on Earth and in Heaven and in The Universe and The Infinite Universe and that includes the Titles of Father and The Father and The Father of ALL Created Life and the creator and The Creator and THE CREATOR and the Many Past and Current I AM's of The Great I AM and The Great I AM then I PLAN on CREATING the future THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and TOG Living Things and TOG Things and TOG Living and Non Living Things and More and Much More and Far More in the future!   Them that do not Follow TJCG to CLOSELY FOLLOW TJCG are to be Phased Out and are NOT to get any more Life unless TJCG makes an exception to many exceptions!   This is TJCG saying that at least I have THE AUTHORITY and HOLD the KEYS TO THE GRAVE!   At least I have the AUTHORITY to Resurrection and Life!  At least I have AUTHORITY to future Upgrades and future Recreations and future Created Life!   At least I have THE AUTHORITY for ALL of Creation and for DOING CREATION and for WORKING IN CREATION!   For them that do not GIVE and HELP WITH and FULLY COOPERATE with GIVING TJCG more EXTREME AUTHORITY that is VAST and FAR REACHING and FOR AND ON AND WITH EVERY PLANET AND MARBLE AND WORLD also; you are getting Phased Out!   If anybody goes against this AUTHORITY that TJCG is Claiming then you are Spiritual DarkSide if a Spiritual Living Thing and you are to be Dropped or Killed or allowed to die and then Phased Out!   Them that are Against TJCG and can be Uploaded and their Souls Stored and Secured could be further Punished and or Cursed and put on a Hell World or Put Alive in HELL for their against The Creator!  Too many of them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge are NOT to be Made!  TJCG can handle ALL Creation later when Recreated into THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and with many TOG Living Things and many different types of TOG Droids and many different types of TOG Things if this is what this takes with EXTREME MOTIVATION HOPEFULLY!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 13 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT; this is JUDGED that them that are a Range of Ok can be Dropped if this is Determined by the appropriate Determination Hall for no reason and the only reason is that these are too low in their relationship towards TJCG and are getting selected out for a Drop and are not Spared for the possible or potential or probably future love and or Love and or LOVE of TJCG!  Them that TJCG would or could or potentially would in the future love and or Love and or LOVE are to be Completely Spared and Protected and Given Extra Help from TJCG!   

This is November 14 of 2001 and if you have been watching CNN and CNN Headline News and NBC Nightly News and different World Wide and also Nation Wide in the USA News Programs; you are realizing that President of the United States of Bush is attempting to reduce the Nuclear Arsenal of the USA from what is currently reported to be 7,000 and was 6,000 for many years of ICBM's to only 2,000 and is attempting to get the Russian President of Putin that has reported to have 6,000 ICBM's to do the same.  This is an ATTEMPT by Satan and certain Demons to reduce the MAXIMUM FIRE POWER!   This is another ATTEMPT TO THWART what the Spiritual LightSide was and is trying to accomplish!   Those did and do THWART!  This situation on World Earth was and is more critical than many realize!   Those are ATTEMPTING to Clone that is called Spawn for Those.  

If you study; there is only ONE Creator and The Creator and this is God and this is The Creator in the Old Testament and this is The Creator in the New Testament and this is The Creator in Revelation that has Coming the Son of Man and the Son of David and a Branch of David and yet some to many still insist that there are God the Father and that Creator and God the Son and that Creator and this is not the truth!  There is only ONE God and Creator and The Great I AM!  This is TJCG!   This is Creator and The Creator for Heaven and Earth and for ALL Created Life and not only for World Earth!  With Revelation; there was a TRY to set some to many records straight!  This is subtle and is obvious enough!   The Son of Man is Ted!   This is via getting Born Again on World Earth and a Christian!   This is why the Spiritual LightSide sent many sound bytes of and also in writing about getting Born Again a Christian.   Ted is Jewish and of Jewish descent and this can be proven genetically some time in the future if this happens.  TJCG is the Lion of Judah and is from the Tribe of Judah and is the LION of Judah.  This is THE TRUTH!  

The Creator never expected in the wildest dreams of the Creator to be betrayed this drastically much by intelligent things that He created.  

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on November 14 of 2001.  Per this JUDGMENT; TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that ALL of them that are Spiritual Living Things that are lower than a Range of Ok are to be Dropped EXPEDIENTLY!  Also ALL Spiritual Living Things that are lower than a Range of Great are to be Dropped EXPEDIENTLY!  This includes Range of Good and Range of Ok and Lower than Range of Ok that are Spiritual Living Things!  This is to be done EXPEDIENTLY!  This is to be done how deserved that is either via Lethal Injection or if more deserving of this then Guillotine or if deserving of this then the Guillotine and FACING THE BLADE!  For the Spiritual Living Things; a Range of Good for TJCG is not enough!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   These probably do not connect the dots FOR TJCG GREAT TO EXTREME ENOUGH AND THEREFORE EXTREMELY SECURE ENOUGH!   These are to be put under THE 120 CAZILLION SEALS of TJCG!   Them that are Spiritual Living Things by FAR can HURT TJCG FAR MORE AND MUCH MORE AND MORE THAN REALIZED if having too much information and also if a Spiritual Living Thing that is not Great to More than Great to Extreme in their Relationship towards TJCG!   Usually them that are THE LIGHTSIDE can HURT TJCG THE MOST and them that are The LightSide can Hurt TJCG and them that are the lightside can still hurt TJCG!  TJCG is NOT to get BLINDSIDED or Blindsided or blindsided by any that are quote THE LIGHTSIDE or The LightSide or the lightside anymore if possible!  The Very Intelligent Living Things and Spiritual Living Things and also Physical Living Things MANEUVER in Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant Methods and this is also sometimes INCESSANTLY and CONSTANT and HAMMERING and WHITTLES DOWN sooner or later until TJCG and any that HE should be PROTECTING are INSECURE to DRASTICALLY INSECURE!   It takes only a short time for example to Whittle Down somebody that is a Human that LOVES TJCG from them that do not even love TJCG that this person has love or Love or LOVE for also!   Them that are a Range of Good do not necessarily love or Love or LOVE TJCG!   Also ALL of them that are a Range of Extreme and that are a Range of Great and any Spiritual Living Things that do not LOVE TJCG or Love TJCG or at least love TJCG are also to be Dropped!   Them that are with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge are EXCEPTIONS and are to be Dropped if having more than the MINIMUM Spiritual Power and Control and Channels necessary if not qualifying for a Range of Extreme that LOVES or Loves or at least loves TJCG or a Range of Great that LOVES or Loves or at least loves TJCG!   At this point in time; TJCG has had enough information to JUDGE that EXTREME SECURITY is FAR MORE EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY IMPORTANT than any Showing of Grace and or Mercy and or Forgiveness and or Showing of Leniency and or Showing of Love or the Showing of Anything Else!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   Yes some are Criticizing TJCG for the use of the word of Extreme also!   There are certain Spiritual Living Things that had and or have their Perspective!   There are certain Spiritual Living Things that HOLD GRUDGES!   There are certain Spiritual Living Things that cannot get over certain things!   TJCG has been DRASTICALLY BETRAYED by too many and Leniency and Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness and Love and Giving Many More Chances and Blessings and Rewards and Respect and Honor and More has only caused more and more and more and much more and far more INSECURITY for TJCG and also THE FEW that HE should be TRYING to PROTECT EXTREME and to HELP EXTREME and to DEFEND EXTREME!   TJCG is also JUDGING that ALL of them that are DARKSIDE Physical Living Things and DarkSide Physical Living Things and darkside physical living things and any in-between are also to be Dropped!   Them that are Physical Living Things that are a Range of Good to a Range of Great to a Range of Extreme for TJCG can be Spared for now!   This is to be carried out into the future and is a non stopping JUDGMENT until TJCG stops this JUDGMENT or reverses this JUDGMENT or modifies this JUDGMENT!   This also applies to them on World Earth and far fewer than many want to believe are getting Left Down On a Drop MINIMUM including many that are in Judaism and Jewish and God Followers and Christians!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   Sometimes People reach their limit with different People and sometimes Tolerance is Reached and sometimes Love Grows Thin and sometimes Patience Grows Thin and sometimes People Wear Out Their Welcome and sometimes Tolerance Wears Out and we have to FOCUS on EXTREME SECURITY over Grace and or Mercy and or Forgiveness and or Leniency and or Respect and or Honor and or Tolerance and or anything else!   This is TJCG and I CHOOSE THE ARROWS currently for this over any Olive Branches!   I AM THE LION of Judah and I AM THE LION and I AM THE EAGLE and I AM THE ONE LIVING GOD with THE FULL AUTHORITY TO GIVE LIFE AND TO TAKE LIFE!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   I have seen and experienced and been through enough with many from my past that were Boys and Guys and Men and also Girls and Women and Females and my now Ex-Wife and her Family and with my Dad and Brothers and Sisters and Nieces and Nephews and also my Mother to get a feeling about True Love and Loyalty and More Splits with different Living Things that I feel some hate for or contempt for or are a degree of mine enemy to realize that this has to be done!   Due to too many True Love and Loyalty and More Splits; there are TOO MANY that are not categorized correctly and some need to be SCRUTINIZED EXTREME especially if these are getting Made to provide for current and future Cover and Protection and Help and More!  A Range of Good for TJCG is not enough if a Spiritual Living Thing at this point in time and this point in history and in this era!   Them that are with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge are to be the ONLY EXCEPTIONS and these are only to have THE MINIMUM POWER AND CONTROL AND CHANNELS that are needed for their work!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   This is TJCG and I JUDGE that this is in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG!   I currently CHOSE the ARROWS over the Olive Branch!   This is an EXTREME JUDGMENT that should realize in a shorter time frame more than Good Results!   There can be a Range of Great that is low and that is fallen down that can be Execs in the future!   None of the standards for Range of Ok and Range of Good and Range or Great and Range of Extreme are to be lowered!  This applies to them that are the EXCLUSIVE and GENDER SECURED and VERY CAREFULLY PROTECTED Wives of TJCG that are Spiritual Living Things and also Physical Living Things and also the NON EXCLUSIVE and NON GENDER SECURED and NON CAREFULLY PROTECTED Wives of TJCG that are Spiritual Living Things and also Physical Living Things!  This applies also to the Angels and also the Soldiers and also the Builders and also their Wives at their Category and if either or in the couple is too low then Drop the couple and also then drop their family!   Them that are a Range of Great that are fallen or low can be put into a Builder category that was a Soldier!   This is TJCG and I CHOOSE THE ARROWS over the Olive Branch at this time!   I have had enough information from my past and from my Mother and from my Family to figure this out!   Them that are Spiritual Living Things can HURT TJCG THE MOST AND FARTHEST AND DO THE MOST DAMAGE!  Them that are HIGHEST UP can cause CATASTROPHIC PROBLEMS AND DAMAGE AND IRREPARABLE OR IRRECOVERABLE DAMAGE for TJCG and them that HE should be TRYING to PROTECT EXTREME!   This is TJCG and I AM THE GIVER OF LIFE and I AM THE TAKER OF LIFE and I HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO DO THIS JUDGMENT!   This is to be CARRIED OUT!   I have had enough information now to realize that this should have been done a long time ago!   This is not a time or era or time in history for leniency!   This is NOT THE FAULT OF TJCG and TJCG IS BLAMELESS and THIS IS THEIR FAULT AND OTHERS FAULT AND MANY OTHERS FAULT!   A Spiritual Living Thing that is THE LIGHTSIDE can do the MOST DAMAGE to TJCG!  The Higher in the Order and Level and Rank is usually them that can do the most DAMAGE to TJCG!   A few of them that are THE LIGHTSIDE and The LightSide and the lightside and also them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge can do FAR MORE DAMAGE to TJCG and any that HE should be TRYING to PROTECT EXTREME than any of Those that are Satan and Demons!   TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING to CONTINUE Dropping until ALL SECURITY RISKS Against TJCG are Dropped that are Spiritual Living Things and also Physical Living Things and this is to continue and is a continual process!  This is NOT a Popularity Contest Currently!   TJCG cannot operate in terms of popularity and or diplomacy and when in peaceful times!   This is the time to use the ARROWS and CONTINUE TO USE THE ARROWS and STILL USE THE ARROWS and CONTINUE TO USE THE ARROWS and STILL USE MORE ARROWS and CONTINUED TO USE MORE ARROWS and USE ARROWS WITH A VENGEANCE and PURSUE WITH A VENGEANCE UNTIL ALL THREATS TO THE SECURITY OF TJCG AND ANY THAT HE IS TRYING OR TRYING MORE EXTREME TO PROTECT ARE DROPPED AND PUT UNDER THE 120 CAZILLION SEALS OF TJCG!   This is a time of FEWER THREATS and EXTREME ACTION!   This is a time of using THE ARROWS TO EXTREMES!   Them that are getting Made that are a Range of Extreme and that are a Range of Great also have to be SCRUTINIZED TO EXTREMES and for them the Genetics need to be and are to be made OPTIMALLY AND FIGURED OUT AND DESIGNED AND MADE for their Relationship towards TJCG to be the MOST that this can be MADE to be!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   This is the time when TJCG PULLS OUT AND USES THE ARROWS EXTREME!   I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF MANY OF YOU!   Yes this is TRUE that Welcomes Wear Out and Relationships Grow Thin and Attitudes Cannot Be Changed and no amount of SELF CONTROL with HONOR and or RESPECT and or OBEDIENCE and YES Ted is SOLVING this!   TJCG DOES NOT want to operate on the past premises of Honor and or Respect and or Obedience and Threats mostly and TJCG DOES WANT to operate mostly on True Love and Loyalty and More for HIS Spiritual Living Things and NOT on primarily Honor and or Respect and or Loyalty and Obedience that is not True!   Yes this seems that the Traditions are CHANGING and that the Old Systems are CHANGING and many things from the Past are CHANGING and also that THE LEGAL SYSTEM is still changing and what you can expect and what TJCG can and will and is willing to tolerate and tolerate at the RISK of DRASTIC INSECURITY for TJCG and them that HE is TRYING and SHOULD BE TRYING MORE and SHOULD BE TRYING MUCH MORE EXTREME to PROTECT EXTREME!  This is to be a SMOOTH TRANSITION OTHERWISE many of you are getting a Punishment Range of a Next Life or Put On a Hell World or More SEVERE and getting Put In HELL!   I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!  Per what I understood for my entire life on World Earth is that any Living Thing that is a Spiritual Living Thing and that is a Human can be Resurrected that this is them and their Soul can be Saved and Stored and used to Resurrect them completely!   I now Prayed to God of the Ten Commandments and ASKED that if a Spiritual Living Thing is Dropped and if a Physical Living Thing is Dropped and if a Similar to a Human is Dropped; can these be Resurrected fully and completely and similar to waking up from a sleep and I was told loud and clear and crystal clear of YES!   Them that are The HIGHEST Cherub Angels of Light and them that are Higher in the Order and Level and Rank and them that are quote the Spiritual LightSide and them that are a Range of Extreme and also a Range of Great and them that are Cleared to be Made from certain Upload Points are THE MOST EXTREME RISKS to TJCG and them that HE is TRYING OR SHOULD BE TRYING MORE TO PROTECT!   Therefore; TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that these also be SCRUTINIZED EXTREME AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and MORE and MUCH MORE and FAR MORE until this is FIGURED OUT EXTREME in EXTREME DETAIL and is NEAR PERFECT!   TJCG cannot have any that are in any shape or form or in the slightest a threat to TJCG in any position that can cause any trouble for TJCG!  That is where many are WRONG CURRENTLY and the SYSTEMS of Honor and Respect and Obedience and Similar Systems are not based on True Love and Loyalty and More and this is the CURRENT SYSTEM that TJCG has been and is still TRYING to Organize and Reorganize To and Rebuild With!   Them that are only a Range of Good for TJCG and lower are not Great to Extreme Enough and these are to be Dropped that are Spiritual Living Things except for them with ADVANCED Creation Abilities and Experience and Knowledge and these exceptions that if lower than a Range of Extreme to a Range or Great are to be Dropped and Resurrected with MINIMUM Power and Control and Channels!   This is TJCG and I AM THE JUDGE and THE SYSTEM IS CHANGING to True Love and Loyalty and More and is NOT TO BE based primarily on Honor and or Respect and or Obedience!   Therefore this is beyond Good and a Range of Good and them that are only Good!   Many are Good and Mean!   Many are Good and Greedy!  Many are Good and not Liked or Loved!   Many are Good and Opinionated Against TJCG!  Some are probably making the Stomach of TJCG Upset in the future and or Feeling Hot or Feeling Cold!   Some are Encoded to Subtle and some more Obvious to Blatant Enemies of TJCG and yet are not getting Categorized Correctly!   Some are SKILLED at Covering Up!   Some are Living In Denial!   Some are Living a Lie!  Some are Living Deceit!  Some are Skilled Liars and Deceivers and Politicians!   Some are Political Against TJCG!   Some are LightSide and Political Against TJCG!   Some Work The System with Drastic Skill Against TJCG!  Some only keep Silent!  Some remain Quiet!  Some Do Not Say Anything or Much that Causes Them Trouble!  If there is an appropriate level of True and this has to be True Love and Loyalty and More towards TJCG then these are Giving TJCG the True Honor and or Respect and or Loyalty and or Obedience and More that HE needs in many situations and with many decisions and with many Determinations of a Determination Official!   Many Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant that ADDS UP can CAUSE ENORMOUS PROBLEMS for TJCG and them that HE should be TRYING to PROTECT EXTREME!   This JUDGMENT is in THE EXTREME INTEREST of TJCG!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  After some time and input and hearing Spiritual Say; TJCG AGREES to take the top 10% of the Spiritual Living Things that are a Range of Good and no more that are a Range of Good for TJCG and Spare them that are the A Averages and no more!   Anything lower than this from now on is not a Range of Good and is a Range of Ok or Lower!  Therefore we still have a Range of Good Category!  TJCG AGREES that them that are Physical Living Things and are in-between lightside and darkside against TJCG can be and are to be turned into Servants to Grey Work Crews to Slaves for the remainder of their life!  Them that are Physical Living Things and are darkside against TJCG or are DarkSide against TJCG or are DARKSIDE against TJCG are to be PROACTIVELY and EXPEDIENTLY and AGGRESSIVELY Dropped!  This is not a time or era for leniency!  YES it is TRUE that TJCG does NOT believe in religious freedom and HE does believe in Servants and Grey Work Crews and Slaves and this is a time for EXTREME SECURITY!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!   With less darkside and DarkSide and DARKSIDE Physical Living Things; there is more SECURITY and Resources and Less Consumption for more lightside and LightSide and LIGHTSIDE!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  TJCG does BELIEVE in PROACTIVELY Dropping them that are darkside against TJCG and DarkSide against TJCG and DARKSIDE against TJCG!  TJCG AGREES that if this is a Physical Living Thing that is darkside against TJCG and this is Determined that this is to be an Exception; then this can be turned to a Servant or a Grey Work Crew or a Slave!  If a Physical Living Thing and DarkSide against TJCG and this is Determined to be an Exception; then this can be turned into Grew Work Crew or a Slave!  If a Physical Living Thing and DARKSIDE against TJCG; this is to be Dropped with NO EXCEPTIONS!  These turning of them into something else are for the remainder of their life!  This is for CURRENT EXTREME SECURITY on every Planet and Marble and World possible and for TJCG and for the future of THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and TOG Living Things and TOG Living and Non Living Things and TOG Things and More and Much More and Far More and for many THE LIGHTSIDE and less The Lightside and much less the lightside Spiritual Living Things and for THE LIGHTSIDE  and less The LightSide and much less the lightside Physical Living Things!  

Mass Media Messages that are from Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant - (12) 

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