Mass Media Messages that are Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant 

( Part 3 ) 

( This document revision is 0.0.4 )


This is September 19 of 2001. This is TJCG and I have had a rough time throughout this with many MIXED EMOTIONS and many MIXED FEELINGS and MIXED MESSAGES. Primarily TJCG has been made to FEEL NUMB and not to FEEL ANYTHING and to IGNORE or AVOID or change the television channel when their were many talking about this from EVIL or about INNOCENT LIVES LOST or about the DEAD! TJCG is PROTECTED and the FEELINGS of TJCG are getting PROTECTED by Good Spirits and LightSide Spirits and the Earth Angels of Light! TJCG has had the NEED TO SLEEP and the NEED TO REST and the NEED TO RECUPERATE! TJCG has had the NEED TO BE PROTECTED from many DECEPTIONS and LIES and DECEIVING that is getting done! GOD is not in Heaven and is not up there and is not somewhere else. GOD is on World Earth. When TJCG goes out; Ted gets many spitting in front of Ted and these are from them that are wearing Black and Black and Silver and Black and Orange and mostly BLACK and BLACK AND SILVER and DarkSide Humans that are POSSESSED by Satan and or certain Demons! TJCG can see the EVIL in their eyes! TJCG can see EVIL on their faces! TJCG can see and recognize and identify EVIL POSSESSION! This has been happening for many years! These DarkSide Humans do not understand exactly who TJCG is and seems to be and are POSSESSED at that point in time. This is similar to walking the gauntlet and is an Event every time TJCG goes for a walk and gets out. TJCG has had and does have some that are Demonically Possessed approaching HIM also. When TJCG was down in Guadalajara Mexico, there were many Demonically Possessed Humans approaching HIM and when HE would tell them to leave or leave HIM alone these would. Their were also Prostitutes that when HE would approach; these would throw things in the air or indicate that these understood something about HIM and would REACT. Their were certain Demons in them that did react and were reacting. 

Yes it is TRUE that the television can be used to deliver Mass Media Messages and that the Earth Angels of Light are taking EVERY OPPORTUNITY to SEND MESSAGES and Messages and messages. This is also happening and They are also taking EVERY OPPORTUNITY to SEND MESSAGES and Messages and messages on World Earths Internet. If for example them in Religion that were ON THE PAYROLL and this FULL TIME to PART TIME would take this SERIOUSLY and TRY to FIGURE OUT about TJCG and about World Earth Mass Media Messages and PRAY CONSTANTLY and PRAY DAILY and PRAY MANY TIMES A DAY AND NIGHT then you could and would receive more INSPIRATION and more Good Spiritual Control and more HELP from the Good Spirits! This takes asking and praying and earnest prayer and TRYING to figure out THE TRUTH! The World Earth Internet has more potential for Good and this is due to the FACT that this also has still words and still writings and still writings with graphics that are still similar to a book. This can also have a wide variety of Mixed Media and this has much more potential for Good. This also allows for reading and studying and getting this information any time that you want to get this information. Yes it is TRUE that there were and are many Viruses and Worms and Hacking and some of this is from Satan and certain Demons that understand Computers and Software and Hacking from Those Spiritual Surveillance and Spiritually Living Through many that are DarkSide Humans that are in the Computer and Software and Technical Industry. Those did and do Hack your Brain and Body and many about you or the Map About You and also on World Earths Internet that Those call Cyberspace. That is WHY there are or were Data Structures and Entry Points and Source Code and Terminology and Words and Phrases and Code and Things that are DarkSide and from the Spiritual DarkSide and not from the Spiritual LightSide! Those ATTEMPTED to TAKEOVER EVERYTHING TECHNICAL and that was another ATTEMPT to ATTEMPT to establish that GOOD was into and only into Creation and EVIL was into and was mostly into Technology! That is NOT TRUE anymore if this was TRUE in the past and GOOD is to TRY to be more proficient at Technology than EVIL is! Their are enough Good Things in Technology that Good Spirits and the Spiritual LightSide NEED to pay much more attention to Technology. The World Earth Internet is where TJCG wants ALL HACKING STOPPED if possible for example and ALL Computers and Systems Software and Networks and Technology to be made HACKER PROOF that Satan and Demons then CANNOT Hack too much to in the slightest! The making of Laws that are better for Tracing and Tracking and Catching Hackers has to be made. Satan and certain Demons did and do resists organized governments that can hinder or stop or catch Those! TJCG has had that their were over a Million Demons on World Earth that did mingle with Mankind and Humans and did physically mingle and this is documented in history that Satan and certain Demons did mingle physically and live about and live in certain cities on World Earth! Those are not able to disappear or dematerialize and rematerialize! Those have flesh and blood and bone and walk and talk similar to humans! Those were and are on World Earth Physically and also Spiritually and also in what Those call Cyberspace that TJCG and the Spiritual LightSide want to and do call World Earths Internet. Those have to be Dropped or Killed and can be traced through the many searches for Terrorist and Organized Crime and them that are operating illegally and illegally financially and on the US Stock Markets and in ALL Stock Markets and in the Bonds and Futures and in Stocks and in Commodities and in anything that Those can use their Spiritual Abilities and Knowledge about a Future Event that Those understand is happening and or cause. 

Satan and certain Demons did and do influence the Stock Market and also take this up and down and use this to get and remain enormously RICH! This is the OLD MONEY that many did and do refer to in Venture Capital and in Capital and in many places. Many of Those are the SECRET PARTNERS or the INVISIBLE PARTNERS or are the UNNAMED PARTNERS in many Corporations and Shell Companies and in Offshore Companies and in Offshore Holding Companies and in Trusts and in possession legally of Bank Accounts and Accounts and Safe Deposit Boxes and many have Large Safes in their Mansions and Estates and Houses! This is where the WAR AGAINST TERRORISM is causing Those to have to SCRAMBLE and be MUCH MORE CAREFUL and HIDE DEEPER UNDER COVER! Those did and do impersonate themselves and call these their ancestors and those did and do operate similar to vampires that had and have pictures and paintings and antiques and heirlooms that were theirs many hundreds and thousands of years ago on World Earth and some from heaven when transported to Earth via ADVANCED Space Ships to World Earth! Those had to be be transported to Earth from Heaven and this was via ADVANCED Space Ships that were in existence over 6,000 years ago! This is THE TRUTH and how do you think a flesh and red blood and bone and oxygen breathing living things that are the Demons were transported from Heaven to World Earth? This was via ADVANCED Space Technology and ADVANCED Space Ships and with ADVANCED Space Traveling Propulsion! It was and is TRUE that Satan and the Demons did take or bring some things from Heaven to World Earth and some of this is turned to dust and some of this is still preserved. The many Demons on World Earth are THREATENED by the USA getting into a WAR AGAINST TERRORIST! Why? This is due to the fact that many of the changes in the Laws and Procedures and gathering of enormous Databases and Information and Future Tracking of this can and does find and turn up and catch also Demons! Also their can be certain SUSPICIOUS ACCOUNTS that are FROZEN! This can HURT Satan and certain Demons also! Whether you want to believe this or not; Satan and Demons have to be Dropped or Killed and this sooner or later! Those were transported to World Earth via ADVANCED Space Technology whether you want to believe this or not! 

Religious Freedom is something that was and is a PROBLEM! If allowing too much information by a Government; this can be used against certain people to persecute them. This can be used against the Christians and the Jewish. In the USA, this country protects the Christians first and the Jewish second this seems and then many more in Religion. If a Government is not using this to persecute; then the ability to do enormous amounts of surveillance and gather enormous amounts of information and use this to investigate and find and track and trace and capture Terrorist and them in Organized Crime and them that Operate Out Side or Marginally Outside of Laws can HELP to Identify and Trace and Track and Find and Capture a or many Demons! If you have a or several Demons that test to be NON Human using the Human Genome that was REVEALED to them on World Earth in the Year of 2000, this can be and is to be used to figure out if a person is a Human or NON Human, and then can PROVE to many in Governments that their are NON Humans on World Earth! Of course, Satan and certain Demons did and do not want this to happen and of course anything and everything that causes Those to be Identified and or Traced and or Tracked and or their Abilities To Operate Hindered are getting THWARTED by Satan and certain Demons and this DRASTICALLY! Those therefore are using the many in Religion that Those can temporarily or more fulltime or fulltime Possess to different degrees to THWART the USA from changing certain Laws for needed Surveillance and needed Identifying and Tracking and Tracing of Information and Money Flow and THE MONEY and Banking Information and Information in general! Their are many people in Religion that are more under the influence and possession and can be used more than many of them realized or realize to HURT the LightSide Cause and the LightSide Crusade and the LightSide Mission and the LightSide Goals and LightSide Tactics and LightSide Strategies and the PRIMARY GOAL of Dropping of Killing of Satan and Demons and any future Spawns of Those on World Earth! TJCG is understanding that the Earth Angels of Light are sometimes EXTREME and are sometimes FIERCE and are sometimes seeming to be DRASTIC when this is NOT and is from GOOD and not from EVIL! TJCG has given them the PRIMARY GOAL of accomplishing the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and this in RECORD TIME if possible! TJCG has ORDERED and DEMANDED and COMMANDED and done in a JUDGMENT and JUDGMENTS to Drop or Kill EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING and EVERY LIVING THING if this is what this takes to accomplish the PRIMARY GOAL of Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and any future Spawns of Those! TJCG is saying that it does not matter if Those are currently back peddling on their Plotting or Threatening or Saying that Those were Spawning; Those did some of this and therefore TJCG and the Spiritual LightSide are now RESPONDING with FULL LEGAL ABILITY that is taking into account Those Plots and or Threats and or Saying about Those Spawning! This is NEW INFORMATION and is a NEW THREAT and is getting responded to with EXTREME VENGEANCE! TJCG and the Spiritual LightSide are after and are to pursue and chase after Satan and the Demons and any future Spawns of Those with EXTREME VENGEANCE until ALL of Those are Dropped or Killed! This is what did happen and is happening and this is beyond any information that was or is in a Bible or Prophetic Writings and are RECENT DEVELOPMENTS! You do what you have to do to RESPOND to a THREAT! You take out any THREAT! Satan and Demons are NOT DEFEATED YET and this is taking Those getting Dropped or Killed to be MORE DEFEATED! You do not understand everything that The LION of Judah was and is suppose to accomplish! You do not understand what The LION of Judah is willing to do to get Those all Dropped or Killed! Some Freedom has to be given up to Identify and Trace and Track and Stop and Thwart and Freeze Bank Accounts and Freeze Accounts and Freeze Property of Satan and Demons and Find and Capture and Those can be Captured if you move Quick Enough and similar to Tracking a Terrorist! If you can get Those in Satellite Surveillance and a Lock on Those movements; then sooner or later you can actually Physically Capture a Demon! This is what the Spiritual LightSide is HELPING the FBI and the CIA and the USA with! THE FBI NEEDS SATELLITES ALSO IN THE MOST ADVANCED SENSE! THE FBI IS GETTING EXPANDED TO GLOBAL JURISDICTION FOR THESE REASONS! The Spiritual LightSide are MANEUVERING much of THE FBI and THE CIA and the NSA and the USA Military and the USA into position to Identify and Trace and Track and be able to Freeze Money and Property and STOP Those abilities to Play Shell Games and More! Then Satan and certain Demons are getting certain of them in Religion into a FEVER PITCH! TJCG wants EVERYBODY on World Earth to be REQUIRED to be GENETICALLY TESTED using the FULL Human Genome! This is then causing the approximately Million Demons to be more vulnerable to Identification! Getting ALL past databases in the USA from the beginning of records is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and also in the World and this is due to the fact that Satan and Demons are thousands of years old and this is then HELPING more than many realize! For Identifying and Tracing and Tracking Terrorist; this can be sold or the EXCUSE or the JUSTIFICATION can be that many are and operate in Families and are related and the Genealogies and background and the Hundreds and Thousands of Year Old Backgrounds are IMPORTANT TO HAVE! The Jewish are probably NOT getting targeted now after this due to the FACT that TJCG is The LION of Judah and this is what Satan and certain Demons were doing and that was to PREVENT the Coming of The LION of Judah! This could be used to Target Jewish and Target them of a certain Ethnic Background and this is what Satan and certain Demons are also using to SCARE many into preventing this! Anything and everything that Those can do to PREVENT their COVERS from getting BLOWN is what Those are ATTEMPTING! This is WHY the USA is having uphill struggles and uphill battles and are paddling upstream against many in Religion and many that are DarkSide Humans and many that want to use the US Constitution and the USA Laws and Religious Freedom and Privacy to keep and prevent and STOP the US from gaining MOMENTUM in matters of Surveillance and Freezing of Money and Property and Stuff and what is NEEDED to Identify and Trace and Track and Capture and Drop or Kill any Terrorist and in this NET is also to be certain Demons! TJCG is better than any CIA analyst that you had or have and is not anal and therefore TJCG wants to label CIA Figurer Outer and this is due to the FACT that TJCG is REVEALING TO YOU the MUCH LARGER PICTURE and this is about the SPIRITUAL Fights and Battles and EXTREME and DRASTIC WAR that is RAGING ON! Their are almost a Million Spiritual Living Things that were living on World Earth for THOUSAND OF YEARS and still are and these are the Demons that include Satan! This is documented enough in History and in Religious Writings and in a Torah and in a Bible! Satan and Demons did live in many cities in the past and this is DOCUMENTED! Any that try to actually Stop or Thwart or Hurt TJCG are from Satan and or certain Demons and this can be a Temporary Possession or a more DarkSide Human Fulltime Possession to a POSSESSION that that is Temporary to FULL TIME! Satan and certain Demons are ATTEMPTING to COVER THOSE ASSETS! Those are AFRAID that increases in Surveillance and the Freezing of Money and Property and Stuff and Laws to Pursue and Capture and Drop or Kill is also getting some of Those! The DRASTIC TERRORIST on World Earth are Satan and the Demons! Many of Those did and do operate similar to Terrorist Cells! Many of Those are Terrorist Cells! Many of Those are Terrorist! 

The getting of some to many in Religion to INTERFERE with the USA in changing of Laws for more Surveillance is from Satan and certain Demons and is not from God! This is THE TRUTH! Many of you do not understand where your Spiritual Information is from similar to how Jesus was CONFUSED and also TJCG is sometimes CONFUSED! Jesus was proclaiming to be the Son of God for a while and then God and then the Son of God again and this was waffling or a roller coaster or was this direction and then that direction and many on World Earth have NO CLUE where your Spiritual Information is actually from! This is THE TRUTH! Many of them are INTERFERING with the CRUSADE and this is THE TRUTH! TJCG is The LION of Judah among many different I AM's of The Great I AM and this is THE TRUTH! Many in Religion if INTERFERING with the USA on this are actually working against God and are working on the side of and helping Satan and certain Demons! The LION of Judah is The Messiah and is on World Earth to TRY to start the CRUSADE of Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL future Spawns of Those if this gets to that in the near future! Satan and certain Demons have already Abducted many Girls and Women and mostly Females for Human Cloning of them and then using them and their Embryos to make Clones or what TJCG and the Earth Angels of Light refer to in terms of Spawns of Those! This is WHY mostly the Earth Angels of Light TRIED to STOP Human Cloning and certain Creation Tampering Research and certain Research and Experimentation and Research that can be used to Clone or what They call Spawn of Satan and or certain Demons! 

The Dropping or Killing of many Humans on World Earth is continuing until Satan and Demons and any and ALL Spawns of Those are Dropped or Killed! This is also what TJCG did ORDER and DEMAND and COMMAND in a and many JUDGMENTS! These were written on World Earth and them on World Earth are NOT having Peace or Security or a Calm life until Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those are Dropped or Killed! Most in Religion are CONFUSED about what is currently happening and what is to happen in the future! Most in Religion are not understanding when and how Satan and certain Demons are to be Dropped or Killed! Most are NOT understanding that Satan and Demons PLOTTED and THREATENED and are ATTEMPTING to Clone Themselves that is actually called Spawn and also have started to Clone Human Females and some Girls and Women! This CHANGES TIME TABLES! This CHANGES SCHEDULES! This CHANGES WHEN AND HOW AND WHAT for the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons! THIS CHANGES MUCH! Many in Religion are in the past and are working with past information and are in the dark or in the Dark or in the DARK! If you take any person that is a Protestant for example; these are almost incredulous at how a person in these days could be Catholic! If you take a Jewish and in Judaism; these are almost incredulous how Christians could have STRAYED from STRICT MONOTHEISM to THREE THEISMS and a God Head and or a Triune God and or a Trinity! If you take somebody in the Seventh Day Adventist Church; these have FALSE DOCTRINES that are teaching and are preached that a Bible is Infallible and that there are THREE GODS and many more FALSE DOCTRINES and yet there are many or ALL that are Good Seventh Day Adventist that Believe that these are 100% with THE TRUTH! Their was and is not a shred of evidence that Jesus taught that their was more than The One Living God. The Prophet of the Seventh Day Adventist also has written many times that their is "The One Living God" and yet this Church believes and has doctrines about THREE Gods! This shows you how many in Religion believe that these want to believe or were raised to believe or were taught to believe or where born and raised to believe. You are RARELY getting a person in Religion to take the time and energy and effort to convert to a different Sect or Part or Denomination in Religion! Have you ever noticed that if you take the word of Denomination and change two letters; this is then Demonination! It was and is TRUE that Satan and certain Demons did and do and have and do and did use Religion to Persecute and to Hurt and to Thwart and to Stop and to Slow Down and to Torment and to Martyr many! Satan and Demons are CURRENTLY using them and enough and many more in the future to Slow Down and to Thwart and to Stop them that are pursuing the and many Terrorist that include and are EXPOSING Satan and certain Demons! Satan and certain Demons OPERATED much more similar to a Terrorist Organization and Terrorist Cells and Mafia and Organized Crime and Out Side of Laws and Outside of Nations and Countries and Governments and did not and do not PAY TAXES and DO NOT OBEY or ABIDE BY or CONFORM to Laws or a Government or Governments! Those were and are US Government and Government HOSTILE! This is WHY Those did and do get and successfully get some to many to be US Government HOSTILE with issues about PRIVACY and issues about INFORMATION and issues about SURVEILLANCE and issues about TRACING and issues about TRACKING and issues about CONTROL and issues about IDENTIFYING and issues about CAPTURING and issues about FREEZING of Money and Property and Stuff. 

Yes it was and is TRUE that in the Area of Guadalajara, Mexico; if you were not a Catholic you could hardly be anything else. Their was enormous amounts of Catholic INFLUENCE every where you looked. I was made to meet and befriended and was helped by a Women who was very careful about talking about her Religious Beliefs. She subtly and slowly revealed that she was Protestant or Jewish. I think she was actually trying to reveal that she was Jewish and in Judaism and that she did not want any images of Jesus and did not believe in keeping any images of Jesus. She seemed to be strict about her beliefs. She was Very Nice and Very Helpful and Very Friendly and seemed to be and her family also seemed to be Controlled by the LightSide mostly and from LightSide Spirits and the Spiritual LightSide! I received information that she was mostly under the INFLUENCE of an and many Angels of Light! She was TRYING to and DID HELP many times and mostly was VERY NICE! She had her daughter also helping and helping with traveling about the city and learning about the buses and the transportation and getting about and with some small language lessons. Her Boys were also nice and she was divorced and had a large family and was talking much about how she was Blessed. She seemed to have to be SECRETIVE about this almost or at least not that vocal or open or allowed to openly witness. The Catholic Cathedrals and Catholic Churches seemed to be and are impressive. These had statues and glass coffins with statues in them that were kissed and touched and worn where kissed and touched. The system was into and is into Condolences and Absolution and Forgiveness and had many idols that is not actually worshipped then probably marginally ok and a legal system that was from a Pope that is NOT Holy and has NO authority from Christ or GOD and is NOT allowed to legally offer any type of Condolences or Absolution or Forgiveness. The Priest or Father also have NO authority! The Catholic Church and their parishioners are DRASTICALLY TO THE LEFT and are OFF COURSE TO THE LEFT and are in LEFT FIELD SOMEWHERE to the far LEFT! The Catholic Churches and the Catholic Cathedrals were IMPRESSIVE and their are many IDEAS that are worth something for the future. 

Peter was NOT the first Pope and Jesus NEVER gave Peter any authority to take Condolences or offer Absolution or offer Forgiveness or anything else similar to that! Peter NEVER did take Condolences or offer Absolution or offer Forgiveness! Only God and Jesus who where and are ONE in the same had the AUTHORITY to Forgive. Jesus was and is God. Jesus was and is The Father. This is THE TRUTH and Isaiah 9:6 was accurate and Jesus was and is The Father. This is what TJCG is currently hearing loud spiritually enough. The system of Condolences made it much easier for the Rich and Wealthy and them with Money to be Saved! 

ALL in Religion are Off Course and are in Left Field or in Center Field and ONLY the Followers of TJCG are in Right Field somewhere! 

Some have argued that the Boy of Roosevelt was named David and this is WHY Camp David was named Camp David! That may have been the REASON on the surface and this was not the LightSide Spiritual Reason or Tactic or actually this was a Strategy! Their are many Clues and Signs and Messages that inform you and tell you and reveal to you that the USA was and is the Nation of the Nativity! The USA was also the only Nation for a while or ever that was on the Gold Standard! Gold is the Metal of God! This was and is THOROUGHLY DOCUMENTED in a Bible! The Preachers and Ministers and Teachers and Clergy and them that are Heads in Religion are getting PUT IN HELL or getting PUT ON A HELL WORLD or getting at least a Degree of a Punishment Next Life or Eternal Death if you are a degree of against TJCG in many cases! That remains to be seen and figured out and revealed for some that are TOO LAZY to FIGURE OUT MORE of THE TRUTH! God did not like or tolerate them in Religion that were off course or too far to the LEFT or THWARTING! Then how do ALL Christians EXPLAIN the judgments of Jesus while on World Earth and the Desolation of the Temple and the Dispersion of the Jewish people for almost 2000 years? If you are part of the Against Ripple Effects Against TJCG and HE is The LION of Judah and much more including the Many Current I AM's of The Great I AM; you are in EXTREME TROUBLE and this could be YOUR FAMILY ALSO and this could be YOUR DESCENDENTS ALSO! Of course if getting this and many things WRONG this is then EFFECTING ALL on World Earth that were and are and are to be effected and influenced and dragged to the left by certain Clergy and certain Religious Heads and certain quote Religious Scholars and these RIPPLE EFFECTS! The First American Flag LEGALLY was designed and had Stars of David on this and not Five Pointed Stars! The Five Pointed Stars were done by Satan and this was to OPPOSITELY OPPOSE GOD who is the Star of David! If you are against or opposing TJCG then you can possibly be considered an INSTRUMENT of Satan and certain Demons and this Temporarily to More Permanently to Permanently and are getting Punishment for this currently while on World Earth and or in the future or getting Left Down On A Drop that ENDS in Eternal Death! Many of them on the Pay Roll in Religion are Fools and or Idiots and or are not mostly from Good and are mostly from Evil! For them that are Protestants and in Judaism; then EXPLAIN your beliefs about the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church and their Claims of a certain Legal System and their Claims of certain Authority and their Claims of certain Abilities! Some need to explain certain people in Religion that CAST out Demons and Heal and have people babbling and falling over and shaking on the floors and talking and passing out and claiming to have been healed? The Catholic Church has almost a Billion followers and yet many to all in Protestantism BELIEVE that these are WRONG and from a degree of evil! TJCG now understands the story behind the naming of Camp David and their are STORIES behind the naming and design and legal making and adoption of many things including flags and THE TRUTH are that their were and are EXTREME and DRASTIC TUG-OF-WARS for this and these and this was and is due to the FACT that their have been and are and are still many Clues and Signs and Messages and More that REVEAL the WHERE of the Coming of and Nativity and where Born of the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and MORE! TJCG is THE ONE and the judgments and Judgments and JUDGMENTS of TJCG have been and are WORKING and this sooner or later! Yes, Satan and certain Demons can infiltrate a Church and this was PROVEN with the Catholic Church! Yes, Satan and certain Demons can and do and are THWARTING certain judgments and Judgments and JUDGMENTS of TJCG! Figure this out! You can figure this out! You need to do more work! You need to figure many more things out! Of course their are surface reasons why certain flags and names of things and places and symbols and designs and makings and legal adoption and legally using and this and that were done and then there are BEHIND THE OBVIOUS SPIRITUAL REASONS and WHY this and that were DONE SPIRITUALLY! Satan and certain Demons did take the Early Christian Churches and JERK THEM AROUND DRASTICALLY and JERK THEM TO THE LEFT DRASTICALLY and get them into PAGANISM and get them into IDOLS in these and STATUES in these and many things including into DRASTIC PERSECUTING of many Jewish and in Judaism and also Gentile Christians! You are a FOOL and are an IDIOT and are MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION IF AGAINST TJCG! TJCG is THE ONE! You may NEVER figure this out and this is due to the FACT that many of you are similar to the many in the Catholic Church that BELIEVE that a Pope is HOLY and Believe that a Pope has MUCH AUTHORITY and DOES NOT! You BELIEVE what you BELIEVE or what you WANT TO BELIEVE and then Satan and or certain Demons are ALLOWED LEGALLY TO STICK YOU TO YOUR BELIEFS and STICK YOU IN YOUR BELIEFS and KEEP YOU STUCK IN YOUR BELIEFS SIMILAR TO DRASTIC RUTS! 

There is a LEGAL SYSTEM about BELIEFS and this ALLOWS Satan and certain Demons to STICK YOU IN THEM and STICK YOU TO THEM and keep you and many STUCK IN THEM similar to STAKES that are Getting Many Dropped or Killed and minimum a Punishment Next Life to Eternal Death to Getting Put On a Hell World to getting Put In HELL! Their are many ranges of a next life! Their are many things that TJCG HAS FULL AUTHORITY to DO for you and to you and with you! TJCG OWNS YOU LOCK STOCK AND BARREL! TJCG OWNS YOU COMPLETELY! TJCG IS THE LORD! TJCG is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! TJCG is THE ONE LIVING GOD and HE is UPSET and LIVID and EXTREMELY ANGRY with some! Well then; BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE or what you WANT TO BELIEVE and what you were RAISED TO BELIEVE! This is NOT A LEGAL EXCUSE for getting anything to some to many things wrong! TJCG is THE JUDGE! TJCG believes in a certain amount of Grace and or Forgiveness and or Mercy! You are JUDGED for EVERYTHING that you ever Did and Verbalized and Thought and More that was Willful with NONE to some range of Grace and or Mercy and or Forgiveness. 

Yes we understand that many want to tell TJCG that the Five Pointed Star is ok and good and right and this is NOT! That was SPIRITUALLY INFLUENCED by Satan! The FIVE POINTED STAR was and is from Satan! This is the Star that is OPPOSITELY OPPOSED to the Star of David! This was and is WHY many Satanist WEAR a Satanic Pentagram of for them that are slightly more subtle then a Five Pointed Star with a Circle Around this and usually in BLACK and White or BLACK and RED and them that want to be more subtle wear a Five Pointed Star with NO Circle Around This! TJCG TAKES OFFENSE to the FIVE POINTED STAR! TJCG IS VERY OFFENDED to the FIVE POINTED STAR with a CIRCLE AROUND THIS! TJCG takes EXTREME OFFENSE to the FIVE POINTED Star and Circles around this that is the Satanic Pentagram! TJCG FEELS sometimes the Earth Angels of Light BRISTLE to the Satanic Pentagram! Those do not like the more Subtle Representations of the Satanic Pentagram that are the Star with a Circle Around This! Those tolerate the Five Pointed Star on a USA Flag and used in the USA Military and used by the USA and only tolerate this! They also tolerate many things in Religion that were and are from EVIL and not from any range of good! This list is long and too numerous to mention or list or get into currently! This effects ALL in Religion! Satan and certain Demons did and do INFILTRATED MUCH MORE AND FAR MORE AND MORE DRASTICALLY than many did and do want to admit! This is more of THE TRUTH! 

The First American Flag was OFFICIALLY with many Stars of David on them! This was designed and accepted and not made. Then the First American Flag that was designed and made and what is called the Betsy Ross Flag. Then ALL American children were taught and made to believe that the First American Flag was only the Betsy Ross Flag and Satan and certain Demons with the HELP of many DarkSide Humans that were and are DRASTICALLY ANTI-SEMITIC where made to HIDE or CONCEAL or ERASE or ATTEMPT TO REWRITE HISTORY on this First American Flag with Stars of David on them similar to how many ATTEMPTED to do this with the Jewish Holocaust during the times of Hitler and the Nazis and SS Troupes and with the Italians and with the ASSistance of the Pope and Roman Catholic Church and Catholic Churches everywhere! Them that were and are Anti-Semitic were and are Possessed and Influence and Pupated by Satan and or certain Demons! This is THE TRUTH! 

America was at first a colony of Britain that was a Kingdom. This British Flag has a Cross and an X on their Flag. Then America was a Colony that had a Cross and an X on their Flag. Then the USA had a REVOLT from this Kingdom that was a Christian Kingdom and a REVOLUTION and their was formed a DEMONocracy! This was dubbed subtly a Democracy! Do you understand what the FIRST DEMONOCRACY or DEMOCRACY was? This was ATTEMPTED in Heaven with a VOTING SYSTEM that Satan and ALL Demons ATTEMPTED to use to OVERTHROW God! It was and is TRUE that almost ALL Politicians were CORRUPT and did and do CATER to SPECIAL INTERESTS and LOBBYIST and CAMPAIGN MONEY and are LIARS and DECEIVERS and at minimum Compromisers! Look at how much the US Politicians tap dance with and around the Gay Community! Look at how much the US Military is pressured to take a DON'T ASK and DON'T TELL POLICY for the US Military now! How would you like to be a STRAIGHT person and under a deck and in close quarters with them that were Gay? That is not very comfortable! Nobody wants to take a shower in a large shower or drop the soap! That is for certain! This is what US Politicians do and that is to take votes from UNSAVORY CHARACTERS! This is TRUE! 

If GOD is GOOD to GREAT and then them that are HIS Spiritual LightSide are at least Ok to Good to mostly Great then this is MUCH STRONGER than a DEMONocracy! TJCG did and has and is REFUSING to be a DEMONocracy! TJCG is THE KING and HE is running a KINGDOM! This is how this is to be for ALL of Eternity and Forever and Until the End of Time! That is THE WAY That Is For Now!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! 

There is a Jewish Blue and Christian Blue and Royal Blue Star of David that you are and many are SEEING these Colors and Color Combinations of in many CLIPS in the Mass Media about 3.5 years before Y2K and during Y2K and in the recent News Media and this Mass Media Coverage on World Earth about the ATTACKS on American and about pursuing the Terrorist. This is actually TRYING to set up and prepare and get ready and make progress with the Identifying and Tracing and Tracking and Freezing of Accounts and Freezing of Property and the Freezing of Stuff and the ability to do EXTREME SURVEILLANCE and Capture and Drop and Kill Satan and certain Demons and this with USA and NATO Commandos.  

There is a White and Yellow and Blue Flag that was INSPIRED and Proposed for the Flag of Israel that had 7 Stars of David that represents THE 7TH DAY and with Six Points on this Star of David that represents the passing and exactly at 6,000 years the Coming of the Star of David for deliverance from Satan and Demons! 

There was another Israel Flag proposal that had Six Stars of David surrounding a larger Star of David that was the 7TH Star. Similar to a Menorah that has Six Candle Holders then a central and larger 7TH CANDLE HOLDER; this again and this is what TJCG IS HEARING LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR represents TIME! The Six represents the passing of 6,000 years of Mankind and Humans on World Earth before the Coming of The Messiah to DELIVER them from Satan and Demons! THE ONE that is larger and more pronounced represents THE ONE that Comes on THE 7TH DAY! This is TJCG! TJCG keeps getting that HE is the Third Coming of God to World Earth and the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ to World Earth! This could be a DRASTIC DECEPTION and TJCG could be the First Coming of THE MESSIAH! The Fig Tree has Blossomed and TJCG was born on World Earth in the USA and in California and has the Home Town of Santa Maria, California and TJCG was Born in California in 1959 and in the 40 years of a Biblical Generation from 1948 to 1988. The USA was on the Gold Standard and California is the Golden State and the Eagle that represents Christ and GOD and and The Great I AM is the Golden Eagle! Their are too many coincidences for the USA and in the USA and about the USA that are NOT coincidences! The USA had Native People and California has Native Californians. The Car License Plates transitioned from Black and Orange to Yellow and Blue that are similar to THE FBI jacket colors to White and Yellow and Blue with Gold State on them while Ted was growing up and driving in California! What does a completely Red Wine Colored and 40TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Something tell you? What do completely Blue Cars tell you? What does a Black Grand Cherokee tell you that are in MANY tv advertisements with THEIR IS ONLY ONE and many related Mass Media Messages to this? 

TJCG has heard that THE FBI and also some in the US Government that have TIGHT SURVEILLANCE on TJCG and are WATCHING TJCG CLOSELY decided to REPORT and BLOW THE WHISTLE on TJCG to some Internet Site Providers and report what those needed to have sites erased and knocked off of and PUT INTO OBSCURITY and off of World Earths Internet! TJCG is GOD and HE OWNS ALL THINGS INCLUDING ALL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INCLUDING ALL PEOPLE AND ALL LIVING THINGS AND ALL THINGS and therefore this was and is RELIGIOUSLY RIGHT and MORALLY RIGHT and is LEGAL! TJCG is SOVEREIGN and is THE SOVEREIGN LORD and KING and GOD! TJCG is COMPLETELY SOVEREIGN! This seems to be that there are some in the US Government that were or are SELECTIVELY USING their power and authority and surveillance if this is WHY these Sites were Knocked Down and Erased Off of World Earths Internet. There were and are some on a Bent for or after TJCG! Therefore this is TJCG's use of HIS SPIRITUAL POWER and AUTHORITY and SURVEILLANCE to COUNTER that EXTREME with SPIRITUAL PULLING OF BLESSINGS and with SPIRITUAL PUNISHMENT and with SPIRITUAL CURSES! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on September 19th of 2001.  There are some in the US Government that are using what some think is ABUSING their power and authority and more and are targeting and selecting and pursuing and harassing and hurting and targeting and selecting and making an example out of and doing this to be CLEVER or SMART and using their power and authority to make points and more of TJCG. There are some on a Bent for TJCG also! Some think that these are Right or from the Light or LightSide! Some of these are Anti-Semitic! Some of these have an Attitude against the Six Pointed Star that is the Star of David and TJCG's beliefs about the Six Pointed Star! These are to be PURSUED DRASTICALLY by the Lionesses Angels of Light and the Fierce Lionesses Angels of Light and some EXTREME Angels of Light and this is providing them with a taste of getting BLESSINGS PULLED and PUNISHMENT for them and their Family and also CURSES for them and their Family! TJCG WARNED YOU that if you mess with TJCG you are MESSING with yourself and your Family and your future and possibly future descendents! This is TJCG's Response! This is to be Obvious and Blatant and not that Subtle and not that Encoded! You are getting SPIRITUAL PUNISHMENT and CURSES and this also for your Family and your future descendents if this is later JUDGED by TJCG! TJCG is GOD! TJCG is THE JUDGE! TJCG has THE FULL AUTHORITY to do this JUDGMENT! TJCG is to be PROTECTED! This is also to PROTECT TJCG! This is also to PROTECT the Sites on World Earths Internet that Satan and Demons did and still are ATTEMPTING to KNOCK DOWN DRASTICALLY! This is to be Hell on World Earth for some! This is to be EXTREME for some! This is to be SURREAL for some! This is REALITY! TJCG is THE ONE! TJCG JUDGMENTS WORK!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Many of them are Hard Headed and Thick Headed and Arrogant and Making Points and Thinking These are Clever or Smart! You Messed with GOD! You are Messing with GOD! TJCG is GOD! The Earth Angels of Light are to TRY to SHOW THEM! Of Course Satan and certain Demons are ATTEMPTING to THWART this! That is what Those do with most situations! This is TJCG SENDING A MESSAGE that for some of you I DID NOT AND DO NOT LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! You did not and do not have all of the PIECES OF THE PUZZLE YET! Some Over Reacted! Some still are Over Reacting! Some should be more Briefed and Get More of the Facts and be more Informed! Your Intelligence is Lacking! Many of you are Worshipping on Sunday and their was and is NOT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE that Jesus changed The Sabbath before or after the Resurrection! Jesus NEVER gave Peter any Pope type of authority and no Pope was given this authority from Jesus either! Many of you are DRASTICALLY WRONG! Any that are on a Bent for TJCG are to NOT be if Politicians Reelected and if this can be arranged then get them Impeached or Forced to Resign! Any that are on a Bent for TJCG that are Political Appointees are to be Forced to Resign or NEVER Appointed again! Any that are on a Bent towards TJCG are to be surrounded with SCANDAL! TJCG cannot and WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYBODY in the US Government or in any Government on World Earth with a or many Bent for HIM! Then them that are on a Bent for TJCG in the FBI and CIA and NSA and then the Pentagram or Pentagon YOU IDIOTS are to also be FIRED and TAKEN OUT of THE WAY! TJCG is THE WAY! If you are on a Bent for TJCG you are in THE WAY! If you did or do your Research; YOU FOOLS AND IDIOTS AND HABITUAL TEN COMMANDMENT BREAKERS that cannot get STRAIGHT a simple concept that is THE 7TH DAY SABBATH that was NEVER CHANGED by Jesus before or after Resurrection; then you probably are not getting STRAIGHT that TJCG is THE ONE LIVING GOD on World Earth! TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that the Earth Angels of Light DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO PROTECT TJCG EXTREME!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! You think you understand TJCG! You have no idea about TJCG! You are IDIOTS and FOOLS and are LOST many of you are! TJCG has heard enough about your ANTI-SEMITIC thinking and ideas and slurs and talk and attitudes also! TJCG does not like what HE heard about YOUR Attitudes and Attitude and some with an ATTITUDE! The Nation of the USA was built from the ground up to be the future Nation of the Nativity and where God would be Born and Raised! Most US Politicians are CORRUPT and are into SOFT MONEY and into COMPROMISES and TJCG is THE SOVEREIGN LORD and KING and GOD of The Infinite Universe that includes ALL of World Earth! The SPIRITUAL LIVING THINGS that are LIGHTSIDE SPIRITUAL LIVING THINGS are FAR UNDER AND BENEATH AND UNDER THE CONTROL AND COMMAND of TJCG and this is THE TRUTH! Many of you are figuring this out and when this is too late! Most of you did and do under the table deals! Most of you are CORRUPT! TJCG is GOD! You MESSED with the RIGHT HOMBRE! You can BEG and PLEAD and INSIST that Christ and or God HELP you and you are reaching and getting NO MERCY and NO GRACE and NO FORGIVENESS for now if Messing or on a Bent or Selectively Enforcing Against TJCG and Targeting TJCG in the slightest legally or with any other method! Some have also suggested to stone wall TJCG on Hacker Problems that are Demons from Off Shore and Remote and Out Of The USA! That is also getting met with PULLING OF BLESSINGS for you and your Family and possibly your descendents also and then PUNISHMENT and CURSES! Read very carefully your Torah and or Bible and God did and does Curse and also God did and does Punish Descendents and Jesus was God and look at what happened to the Jewish for almost 2000 years with their Diaspora or Dispersion or Dispensation after their Bad and some Wicked and some Evil treatment of Jesus! TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that the Earth Angels of Light PROVIDE MORE THAN ADEQUATE COVER and PROTECTION and HELP and MORE THAT IS GREAT on this IMMEDIATELY! To the Politicians and Political Appointees and Overly Ambitious US Government Employees; you use and abuse and target certain US Citizens; you get CAUGHT and this MADE INTO A FULL BLOWN SCANDAL and you get MADE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF by TJCG and HIS POWER and AUTHORITY and LEGAL ABILITIES with the EXTREME FORCE of The Earth Angels of Light! TJCG is far more IMPORTANT and far LARGER and is far more of a LEADER than the President of the United States or any Leader on World Earth! The Earth Angels of Light are to SEND them many things that include PUNISHMENTS and CURSES if Satan and certain Demons do not TAKE OVER! This can happen and certain individuals TAKEN OVER and TURNED AGAINST TJCG and USED AGAINST TJCG! 

This day of September 19 of 2001 was the day that Sites were getting ERASED OFF of World Earths Internet. This US DOW was taken down and then up to exactly 144. TJCG has heard that at times the Earth Angels of Light can do somethings that stops on a certain number. 

Then in the evening I was STRONGLY INSPIRED to watch a program and tape this on TBN that was about the History of Christianity. This had on this the SOUND BYTE of THE EAGLE HAS LANDED and exactly when that SOUND BYTE was reached this is when I was made to notice this and an Angel of Light spoke to me through my own mouth. Then I was STRONGLY INSPIRED to think and hear Spiritual Say that their are some that doubt that The Eagle is or represents Christ and God and The Great I AM. Then I was made to notice on CNN the next day on September 20 of 2001 the many CLIPS of the US Capital that have a large Golden Eagle at the top of the flag pole in front of the US Capital building. Their are more CLIPS of THE EAGLE. The Eagle did and does represent Christ and GOD and The Great I AM who is me or TJCG. The Earth Angels of Light did not like and do not like TJCG when writing about self to write me and this is WHY their are many Third Person Singular writings. Ted is not an IDIOT! Ted is not a FOOL! Ted is not UNINTELLIGENT! Ted many times writes down what Ted hears and how Ted hears this and how Ted is INSPIRED to write this with UPPER CASE and Mixed Case and lower case and with no punctuation or limited punctuation. You do not think or get Spiritual Say with comma here and semicolon here and period here! Ted does not FEEL that Ted is an IDIOT or a FOOL or UNINTELLIGENT and that was from Satan and certain Demons that want some to many Humans that are DarkSide Humans and Darker than you think that are thinking that these are LightSide Humans that want to CRITICIZE Ted! Ted has had many problems in Ted's life and this was and is due to the FACT that Ted grew up not understanding who Ted was and had and still has Satan and certain Demons pursuing Ted DRASTICALLY! Then on CNN their is an EAGLE on top of World Earth to the RIGHT of the screen in an interview with a man about Airlines. THE EAGLE represents Christ and GOD and The Great I AM. Then many times the SOUND BYTE of THE EAGLE HAS LANDED then has the SOUND BYTE of ONE GIANT STEP FOR MAN; ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND and use the word of ONE with Man and Mankind. TJCG is the Son of Man also. Their were and are many more Mass Media Messages that are from Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant than many realize. TJCG is getting LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR that many Earth Angels of Light are WORKING to show THE EAGLE on CNN today and in CLIPS today and this is to HELP some to many to realize that THE EAGLE represents Christ and GOD and The Great I AM and that the thousands of times you heard and have heard THE EAGLE HAS LANDED was done PURPOSEFULLY and FOR A REASON and was NOT A COINCIDENCE! Now what else have many heard in SOUND BYTES RECENTLY? This is the SOUND BYTE of GROUND ZERO! WHY? This is why! This is due to the FACT that THE FBI and THE CIA and THE NSA and anybody and everybody have to build and get into Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities that can handle many and numerous and repeated DIRECT HITS! These have to be Eco Enclosed with Plants and Oxygen Producing Plants and Food Producing Plants that provide ALL of the Oxygen and Food and are COMPLETELY ECO ENCLOSED! These need to have and be designed also with Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Hangers with Turbo Lifts and complete and comfortable Living Quarters for them and their Families! TJCG is NOT USA HOSTILE! TJCG is PATRIOTIC! TJCG is TRYING to accomplish the Dropping and Killing of Satan and Demons and all future Spawns of Those! TJCG wants and needs and has to have ALL data SECURED REDUNDANTLY in at least 3 Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities and this at least! There needs to be 3 separate FBI Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities that have REDUNDANT DATA that is COMPLETELY SECURED! THE FBI and THE CIA and THE NSA and MORE AGENCIES and SECRET AGENCIES and EXTREMELY SECRET AGENCIES and MORE and MUCH MORE need to REDUNDANTLY SECURE ALL DATA that these can get that can be used for this NEW WAR after Satan and Demons and any future Spawn of Those! The DRASTIC TERRORIST are Satan and Demons! From the time of the ATTACKS; the Market is DOWN 12% and getting US Stock Market and Futures and Commodities and this information also abroad is producing information about Satan and Demons! This was not and is not a coincidence that their were 3 Nuclear Related Sites Desolated recently and then the Most Severe Fire Seasons in 2000 that was over 7 Million Acres and that Trinity Drive in Los Alamos was desolated and that you heard and have heard the SOUND BYTES of GROUND ZERO used hundreds and thousands of times! You NEED to focus on the MANY SOUND BYTES of GROUND ZERO! This was and is NOT A COINCIDENCE! How much more BLATANT do the Earth Angels of Light have to get? Certain people and certain data and certain computers and certain equipment and certain information and certain databases and more about data and databases has to be REDUNDANTLY SECURED! Then in CNN TJCG is made to notice a 77.7 number that is large and obvious and in this CLIP and if the FBI and the CIA and the NSA and different Agencies FIGURED OUT that the Earth Angels of Light were and are SENDING MESSAGES and Messages and messages then you would realize that your entire budgets for the Many Large Dish Shaped Radio Receivers were and are WASTED and that you were and are getting MESSAGES and Messages and messages in the World Earths Mass Media and in EVERYTHING from EXTREMELY DISTANT PLACES! The USA was and is legally a Christian Nation and separation of the Nation of the USA from Christ and GOD and The Great I AM cannot be done! The USA is The ONE Nation Under GOD and this is why THE EAGLE is above the US Flag on many US Flag Poles and is COMPLETELY GOLD if properly made. THE EAGLE is NOT to be in silver or silver colored! This is WHY the recent US Operation is called and dubbed and named Operation NOBLE EAGLE. The Airliner with the number of 777 is this for a reason during the life time of Ted. Satan and certain Demons did take 777 and ATTEMPTED to TURN this into a gambling number! That is a WINNING number! This is what the Spiritual LightSide did with that ATTEMPT! That is how things get MIXED UP and some to many received MIXED MESSAGES and this is that a side tries to DO SOMETHING and then the OPPOSING SIDE DOES SOMETHING and this is then a TUG-OF-WAR or a BATTLE or a SPIRITUAL FIGHT! That is what Those did and do. This is called TAINTING! This is what Those ATTEMPTED to do with the Star of David by TAINTING with the Five Pointed Star! This is also more of THE TRUTH! 

How can Politicians be made to make MISTAKES that DO NOT GET THEM REELECTED by the Spiritual LightSide? Several days ago Hillary Clinton was interviewed and was made to wear certain colors and Color Combinations and to verbalize that she LIED to Bill about the where about of Chelsea in New York with the ATTACKS happened. Hillary verbalized something similar to that I TOLD BILL SHE WAS OK TO KEEP BILL CALM. This shows everybody that watched this that she LIES with NO PROBLEM to a PARENT of their Daughter. If she LIES to Bill about Chelsea without a problem with this then she is a LIAR and a DECEIVER to MANY including the American people! Immediately after she REVEALED that she is a LIAR and DECEIVER and NO MATTER WHAT THE EXCUSE; the women interviewing her SCRUNCHED UP HER FACE and looked UPSET with this and looked IRRITATED! The Earth Angels of Light can MAKE words flow out of anybodies mouth that these cannot control! This is THE TRUTH! 

Why do you think the Town Meetings on CNN are called or dubbed Crossfire? This has the word of Cross in this and also Fire. Why do you think that this was named or dubbed this? What happened is from Christ who died on the Cross and this is THE TRUTH and this caused much Fire and many were and are in the future getting Destroyed by Fire! This is the Era that we are in. Read Revelation or what some call the Book of the Apocalypse! This is also WHY the movie of Apocalypse Now was remade in 2001 and that has a name SOUND BYTE that is a Correlation and Ties In and is Extremely Significant and is NOT A COINCIDENCE. TJCG is a COMMANDER and HE is actually THE SUPREME COMMANDER and is a SOLIDER and a WARRIOR also and is THE LION and not much the lamb on this Coming! That is also WHY many in Religion are CURRENTLY showing many pictures of and have SOUND BYTES of THE LION and the lamb. THE LION is EMPHASIZED and the lamb is de-emphasized! This is how the Earth Angels of Light are transitioning and HELPING and MAKING and CONTROLLING TJCG! 

Their are more DarkSide Keywords that are ONLY used by DarkSide Spirits and DarkSide Humans and them that are POSSESSED or Possessed or possessed and this is the word of MEAN. What do you MEAN? This MEANS this. Do you MEAN this? What is the MEANING of that? What did you MEAN to do here? The Spiritual LightSide is more into what is the DEFINITION of that? What were you TRYING TO CONVEY here? 

Then their is the tv ad for a Car and their is the MESSAGE; 'The Eyes are the Window to the Soul' and this is TRUE and this is really that 'The Eyes are the Window to what is Controlling or Possessing you at this time' and their is much REVEALED from and through and in the eyes. 

Satan has an ENLARGED CRANIUM and therefore wears a Turbine about the head and their are certain Demons that also have slightly enlarged craniums and are CHRONICALLY AND COMPLETELY BALD and wear hats or head cover or a Turbine. Those were and are proficient in Arabic and many Mid Eastern Languages. Those were and many still are in Arabic Countries. Those can be found if opening up these countries for SEARCH and DESTROY of TERRORIST! This is WHY the trend and fad and making of MANY that are SKIN HEADS was and is IMPORTANT to Satan and certain Demons! This also helps Those to hide and blend in and stay more under cover! Why did and do Satan and certain powerful Demons have CHRONICALLY BALD CRANIUMS and are CHRONIC SKIN HEADS? This was and is due to their POWER that is similar to a certain type of RADIATION that makes their hair fall out and then cannot grow. If you turn off all of the lights; Satan glows in the dark slightly and also this is true of certain Demons! Where did and is TJCG getting this information? TJCG is hearing this Spiritually. TJCG when a Spiritual Living Thing GLOWED BRIGHTLY and this was and is true. You are to NEVER TRY to FIGURE OUT this Law of Physics unless you are making a Direction Finder to them with Spiritual Power! That is a GREAT IDEA and can be done! You have to capture a Demon with Power first and figure out how to make a Satellite Tracker! This can be done! You can also make ground Trackers! This can be done! You can also make Air and Chopper Trackers. This can be done! This is what TJCG is getting! Different Spiritual Radiation Trackers for Tracking Spiritual Living Things will be ALLOWED! 

This Research and Development can be started with Humans and Humans do transmit and receive and at much lower power level by far than Spiritual Living Things with much Power. If you then use these Detectors and Trackers with Human Sensitivity that can adjust sensitivity down; these are then SHOWING the Spiritual Living Things with more Power. These can be used with wrist and pocket or hand held and on weapon and in larger in car and larger yet truck systems. This can be put on a jet or plane or chopper and used to scan an entire area. This can be put on certain or new types of Satellites. The transmissions are with NO SPEED LIMITS and NO DISTANCE LIMITS and LIMITED BANDWIDTH and cannot be shielded. When this technology is developed; you can then Track and Trace and Find Blips similar to Radar and these are the Spiritual Living Things at Different Power Volume. The many movies and programs and information about Aliens including the movies of Alien and Alien 2 and these were and are about HOSTILE ALIENS that were and are Tracked with technology and a device that attaches to weapons. Their were and are many movies and programs that TRIED to and DID sent many Mass Media Messages about having the ability to Scan for Life Forms and finding and killing Hostile Aliens that are Non Human and these are about Satan and Demons! Vampires are about Satan and Demons. This is WHY Buffy the Vampire Slayer had Vampires and Demons that she was Dropping or Killing. This is WHY the X-Files about THE FBI started to get into Vampires and Demons also. Those can be Traced and Tracked and Detected with Technology that is similar to Spiritual Living Things Radar! This is THE TRUTH and the Spiritual LightSide is wanting to HELP with this. If you get TOO CURIOUS then the Spiritual LightSide is TRYING to STOP any more discovery! If you capture a Spiritual Living Thing then you can get more funding and if you develop this ahead of time using Humans then you can Find and Trace and Track and Capture a or more Spiritual Living Things much more effectively and quicker and with less guess work when close and in an area! This technology can also be used to SCAN for mammalian life forms and this can be more effective than Infra Red. This technology when developed can be put on and used from Extremely Sophisticated Satellites in the near future. This is how this can be sold and proposed to many if you do not want to tell them about the ultimate applications that are to Find and Trace and Track and then to Capture or Drop or Kill Spiritual Living Things on World Earth that are Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those! Their are currently NO LightSide Spiritual Living Things on World Earth and their are NO near term plans for this to change. Many GREAT things start with an idea! TJCG is 100% a Human Man and is from Mankind and is Human or at least this is what HE thinks is accurate though HIS Spiritual is LOUD and LOUDER than a normal Human due to getting the Volume Increased. This is THE TRUTH! 

The development of the Nuclear Bomb was made with mostly Jewish Scientist that were into Judaism. Why? This was due to the FACT that many of them were VERY STRAIGHT and TO THE RIGHT and VERY GOOD and Full Ten Commandment Keepers and were VERY CAREFUL and VERY RELIGIOUS and LEGALLY were LIGHTSIDE Humans! This then allowed LightSide Spiritual Living Things to CONTROL them and SEND them MESSAGES and SEND them THOUGHTS that were LOUD SPIRITUAL SAY that HELPED them INVENT what was the Clouds or Clouds of Glory and the Clouds that are the Glory and produce Loud Thunder and Bright Lightening and have Enormous Destructive Force. The more LightSide you are; the easier this is for the Earth Angels of Light to HELP you! Many Prayed Daily and many times in a Day and Night. Many were VERY RELIGIOUS. This is THE TRUTH! 

Some may not think that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was or is SIGNIFICANT and this is and Buffy the Vampire or Demon Slayer represents certain Angels of Light. Then Satan and certain Demons ATTEMPTED to get this cancelled similar to how Those almost had the X-Files completely cancelled and Molder DEAD.  Those also have produced recent tv ads in BLACK and RED and these were Buffy is Dead in the typical Satan and certain Demons LOW and SCARY and ATTEMPTING TO BE INTIMIDATING voice. 

Again their was a and more SOUND BYTES about GROUND ZERO that tells some to many in the future what is really happening. What happened with Airliners are TAME compared to Nuclear Explosions and different Weapons of Mass Destruction. This was WHY their was a time when their was much talk about Nuclear Weapons and Biological Weapons and Chemical Weapons with Trade Center News Coverage and them in Biological Weapon and Chemical Weapon Protection Suits that were Blue and White and Yellow and different Color Combinations of White and Yellow and Blue. These are all EXTREME EFFORTS to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and any future Spawns of Those! When you get to Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities that have TIGHT SECURITY to GENETICALLY SCREEN for a Human or Non Human and can also use Spiritual Living Thing Scanners; do not allow any of Those down below and do not get relaxed in the future and start building on the surface again for the view and different excuses. 

Ted grew up and was and is part of the X Generation. This is the Christ Generation. Their have also been MANY Religious Programs that have dubbed this the Christ Generation and also the God Generation. Ted is Christ. Ted is God. These are ONE in the same brain and body while a Human on World Earth. The X Files have many Mass Media Messages that were and are and still are getting SENT from the Earth Angels of Light. Their were and are many FBI and also CIA and Law Enforcement and NSA related to the Enigma Device and Decoding of Messages and Decoding of Information that was sent and Sent and SENT and this was from Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant. Yes it was and is true that if the Earth Angels of Light cannot get this through Obvious or Blatantly that Innuendo is used and more than this that has to be FIGURED OUT! Sometimes this is over and over and over again! 

This is September 20 of 2001 and from the time that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were HIT by Jet Airliners; the US Stock Markets have had a LOSS of over a Trillion Dollars. 

Did you notice that during the World Trade Center Jet Airliner Attacks News Coverage that there was a Radar Screen with a Scan that was Clockwise and then a Scan that was Counter Clockwise. This represents the OPPOSING and OPPOSITION and OPPOSITES of Good and Evil! Usually Good Goes Clockwise and Evil Turns Counter Clockwise. 

I was made to watch an old Black and White movie about Americans fighting the Germans and the German tanks had symbols that looked similar to a Cross and the US Army Jeeps had a five pointed star with a circle around these. I was told loud and clear that this was more Satan and Demons SPIRITUALLY MIXING AROUND many things that the Spiritual LightSide would have kept more STRAIGHT and to THE RIGHT and GOOD without Those INTERFERENCE and THWARTING and OPPOSING! 

There was a Concert that was specifically for them that died in the World Trade Center and Pentagon and this SPECIFICALLY mentioned that this is the US Flag with a Golden Eagle that is a the top of the flag pole. THE EAGLE IS ABOVE THE U.S. FLAG and the U.S. FLAG IS UNDER THE EAGLE AND THE EAGLE IS IN GOLD and this was on the stage for the first time. There was SPECIFIC mention of the EAGLE that was ABOVE THE US FLAG! The Eagle represents Christ and God and The Great I AM. Their were and are thousands of SOUND BYTES of 'THE EAGLE HAS LANDED' in the 1960's and later and this actually represents the LANDING that was actually through getting Born Again and a Nativity of Christ and God and The Great I AM on World Earth who is TJCG. 

In the morning of September 21 of 2001 on CNN, their was a Female News Person in a Yellow Coat and a Blue Turtle Neck Blouse. She seemed LightSide and looked MUCH DIFFERENT than earlier programs where she was in different colors and seemed much Darker. You can Observe in her eyes and face and look that she seems to be LightSide Controlled and this is WHY she is wearing Yellow and Blue in this. Sometimes Yellow and Blue is worn by DarkSide and this is Satan and Demons putting this on Prostitutes and used in Pornography and to DISRESPECT and to TAINT and to PLAY THOSE GAMES. 

Then in the Video Clips of the World Trade Center Scene you see the Hotel that is 'THE MILLENNIUM HOTEL' and this is THE MILLENNIUM and this is THE 7TH DAY and this is THE 7TH MILLENNIAL DAY and we are in THE MILLENNIUM. There were NUMEROUS Preachers and Teachers and quote Biblical Scholars and then many of them that are Heads in Religion that were before Y2K teaching and preaching and insisting that Christ was to Come by and be here in THE MILLENNIUM and set up THE MILLENNIUM KINGDOM and this is TJCG and HE is NOT getting cooperation. 

This is TJCG and I think that the Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations are in progress on many different Planets and Marbles and Worlds. Their were and are many DEMANDS that were and are placed on Christ and GOD and The Great I AM and the Many Current I AM's of The Great I AM include THE CREATOR. Therefore THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD was and is REQUIRED and this is getting Created and Designed and Made. You have to slow down many things and shut down over population and stop over building and stop over population and slow down reproduction if you are to do and accomplish MASSIVE REORGANIZATIONS. TJCG is FOCUSING on EXTREME SECURITY over freedom currently. 

Christ and God and The Creator did curse and this is TRUE and what did and do you think that Growing Old Curse is about that has been in Mankind and Humans for over 6,000 years? This is a curse. This is THE TRUTH! 

Satan and Demons are DRASTIC TERRORIST and the SEEKING and DESTROYING of Those is producing Good to Great Results. Those have made enough Threats and Potted and Played Too Many Games and therefore Those have to be and are to be Dropped or Killed EXPEDIENTLY and SOONER than LATER and their is to be NO DELAYS or WAITING or WAITING of 1,000 years or anything else that you could interpret from a Bible. We do not give Satan any more time. We do not allow Satan a time or a little season or more time to TERRORIZE! We have to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and ALL future and near future and possibly near future Spawns of Those! 

Again on September 21 of 2001 their are MANY MORE SOUND BYTES of and about and loud and clear about GROUND ZERO. Some use the phrase of 'we are calling this GROUND ZERO' or 'what we call GROUND ZERO' or 'this is what we call GROUND ZERO' and PROPERLY you only call or refer to something GROUND ZERO if this is the center of a Nuclear Explosion or the Center of a Nuclear Attack. Why was this called the Manhattan Project? Who decided on that label? Why? There is EVERY TIME and WITHOUT EXCEPTION and WITHOUT A DOUBT a or many and is many Spiritual Living Things behind EVERYTHING on World Earth! The USA has to get THE FBI into at least 3 Redundant Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities and also THE CIA and THE US MILITARY and that include the NSA. TJCG wants the Pentagram or Pentagon rebuilt and this into at least 3 Redundant Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities that can take many and numerous and unlimited Direct Hits. The Blast Shield can be built to withstand many DIRECT HITS! This has to be able to withstand many DIRECT HITS considering the accuracy of ICBM's and Cruise Missiles and Missiles these days. If there are at least 3 SECURITY CHECKPOINTS with Nuclear and Biological and Chemical and different Weapons SCANNERS then there is not an easy method to get these Weapons down below. Instead of rebuilding or fixing the Pentagon that is an Old Building now that has the WRONG LABEL and the WRONG SHAPE; this can be and should be build into a Deep Underground Eco Enclosed City! You can also put vehicles in Deep Underground Garages. You can also put Helipads and Airports on the surface. TJCG is TOLD LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR that the many SOUND BYTES about GROUND ZERO are about the future and future Nuclear Attack and future NUCLEAR DESOLATION that makes what happened at the World Trade Center and Pentagon look EXTREMELY TAME! Their can also be and should be and has to be Spiritual Living Things Scanners at these SECURITY CHECKPOINTS and at least regular Genetic Testing for Human and NON Human! 

TJCG is Christ and GOD and The Great I AM! What is TJCG's GREATEST ADVICE to solving and securing and stopping the majority of the terror on World Earth. Some to ALL of Mankind and Humans on World Earth have to Identify and Trace and Track and Find and Capture and SEEK and DESTROY or Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those! Those were and are DRASTIC TERRORIST! Those were and are the TERRORIST! This is how the NEW WAR can help to transition to the NEW Earth! The TRUTH is that indirectly; this NEW WAR is actually TRYING to pursue Satan and Demons and any future Spawns of Those! Those have threatened and many things have now changed! This Spiritual LightSide are to REORGANIZE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE in THE EXTREME FAVOR AND ADVANTAGE AND AUTHORITY of TJCG! Satan and the Demons are to have NO authority recognized by TJCG and by any Spiritual LightSide or by anybody that is LightSide! Satan and Demons are to have NO ownership recognized by TJCG and by any Spiritual LightSide or by anybody that is LightSide! Satan and Demons are to have NO titles of honor and or respect and or that are large that are recognized by TJCG or any Spiritual LightSide or by anybody that is LightSide! That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! 

Believe what you want to believe! You can believe what you want to believe! Many believe what these want to believe or are pressured to believe or have peer pressure to believe or are culturally pushed to believe or conform to believe! A Bible is not infallible and a Bible is not completely accurate and a Bible has Evil Infiltration! Their are many Mixed Messages in a Bible. This is TRUE! Then believe what you want to believe and you are then probably Lost! In the Days of Noah are when the Son of Man Comes and how many were Saved or got onto the Ark in the Days of Noah? Few in comparison to the people that did not. The current definition of Lost is NOT making Heaven or a range of an ok to good to great next life that could be Resurrected Physically on a World that is not a range of ok to good to great or getting Left Down On A Drop that ends in Eternal Death or that is a Range of a Next Life on a Punishment World or a Range of a Next Life on a Hell World or Put In Something without a Physical Brain and Body that is using better than Dreams or Put In HELL! 

This is September 13 of 2001 and on CNN this is reported to be a 12% DROP and is THE WORST WEEK OF TRADING SINCE 1933! 

You have to Follow TJCG to have an opportunity of getting Saved unless HE makes an exception! That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! 

This fulfills the Prophecies of 'In The Days of Noah' are the 'Days of the Coming of the Son of Man' and the Parable of the Thief in the Night and the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Groom and the Bride and the Virgins are SLEEPING and many do not have enough OIL in their LAMPS that represents THE HOLY SPIRIT. Them that are LATE for the Wedding Processional and the Wedding are getting an I KNOW YOU NOT and THE DOOR CLOSED and are Lost unless TJCG makes an exception! You have to FIGURE OUT who TJCG is! You cannot let or allow your FALSE SHEPPARD or a or many FALSE SHEPPARD'S to LEAD YOU ASTRAY! The Church Family is NOT getting you Saved! TJCG does NOT recognize the Pope! TJCG does not recognize Sunday for a day of worship! THE SABBATH was and still is from Sundown on Friday to Sundown on The Sabbath Day! TJCG does not agree that a Bible is Infallible! TJCG does not agree with a God Head or a Triune God or a Trinity! Their was and is THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD. There currently is MONOTHEISM and is continuing with MONOTHEISM and we are with STRICT MONOTHEISM! While TJCG is on World Earth the Earth Angels of Light are PERFORMING and ADMINISTERING and HANDLING the many responsibilities of THE HOLY SPIRIT and are COVERING FOR TJCG and are in a COVER FOR TJCG SITUATION AND TIME AND ERA and are COVERING FOR TJCG while HE is on World Earth a Human Man and the Son of Man and from Mankind. This is how that works legally and spiritually and logistically. 

You believe what you want to believe! You believe what you were raised to believe! You believe what your Church Family believes! You believe what a FALSE SHEPPARD and FALSE SHEPPARD'S cause you to believe! You believe what you believe for many different reasons and motives and rationalizations. Only if you Follow TJCG can you be Saved unless HE makes an exception and That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! 

The PRIMARY BELIEF and IDEA and what you are to BELIEVE if a Follower of TJCG is that the PRIMARY GOAL on World Earth and moving forward is to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 

The lamb and when mostly the lamb on World Earth; Jesus was here to do many things that including getting sacrificed on the Cross. Ted Jesus Christ GOD is THE LION of Judah and is here and is TRYING to PRIMARILY ACCOMPLISH the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! 

For them that want to DEFEND their False Sheppard or False Sheppard's or Church or Religious Organization or Church Family. Their was and is NOT A SHRED of EVIDENCE that Jesus gave Peter any authority to take Condolences or offer Absolution or hear Confessions or offer Forgiveness or Change The Sabbath or many things and Peter was NOT the First Pope and NO Popes have this authority either. NO Pope was or is Holy or a or the Holy Father. Also their is NOT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE that The Sabbath was changed before or after the Resurrection of Jesus and NOBODY after that had any authority to change THE SABBATH! A Bible is Fallible and this can be PROVEN! The verse of Isaiah 9:6 is enough to PROVE that. Their is not a God Head or a Triune God or a Trinity! Jesus taught and believed in STRICT MONOTHEISM! Jesus was CONFUSED about who Jesus was for a while. Jesus went from teaching and preaching that Jesus was the Son of God to that Jesus was God and this waffled back and forth for a while. 

When the US Stock Markets closed on September 21 of 2001 this was reported on CNBC to be quote 'THE DOWS WORST POINT LOSS FOR THE WEEK EVER' and that is another FINANCIAL PUNISHMENT RECORD for the U.S.A. and them in this Nation from previous TJCG JUDGMENTS! Then on CNBC their is the quote of this was 'THE WORST WEEK FOR THE DOW SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION!'  The program of Market Close on CNBC reports 1.2 Trillion Dollars of Market Wealth LOST this week

TJCG has heard that some are still questioning the U.S. Patriotism of TJCG. This is TJCG and I AM The LightSide LEADER! If I LEAD in the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and any possible future Spawns of Those; then I AM THE MOST PATRIOTIC PERSON in the U.S.A. and on World Earth! This is TJCG stating that I AM LEADING the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and any possible future Spawns of Those! The most EVIL TERRORISM of the U.S.A. and in the U.S.A. has been from Satan and certain Demons for hundreds of years and on World Earth for thousands of years! TJCG has to take THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and TOG Living Things and TOG Things and TOG Infrastructure PICTURE and then The Infinite Universe Picture and then different pictures and then the entire World Earth and then Israel and then the U.S.A picture and different Nations and Countries and Areas after this on World Earth. 

Las Vegas and Atlantic City and the Casinos and their peripheral ORGANIZED CRIME AND GRIME AND MAFIA BUSINESS that include LEGAL PROSTITUTION that is ILLEGALLY RUN by MAFIA and that are TOLERATED and ALLOWED and that THRIVES in the U.S.A. was and is getting HIT EXTREME on the U.S. and Foreign Stock Markets and in Vacancies and Lack of Tourist due to Lack of Airliner Travel and the Economies World Wide. Their were and are many in Prostitution and Stripping and the Sex Business including Pornography that are under THREATS and under DURESS and are in a form of SEXUAL SLAVERY! 

The Airline Crashes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon was a Metaphor that was made similar to Pearl Harbor. This did PULL the U.S.A. into this NEW WAR that have the same enemies that the State of Israel and the many Jewish and many in Judaism have! These NEEDED and NEED PROTECTION! Satan and Demons are also ARCH ENEMIES of them in Judaism and Jewish due to them carrying a Bloodline and a Line and also many of them the LINE of David where THE LION of Judah was and is from. 

The Earth Angels of Light seem to be doing a range of a great job at getting the US Military and every body that is in a supporting role to gather Information and gather Intelligence and gather more Information and gather Databases and get some to many to allow more SECURITY for the tradeoffs of less PRIVACY and these Tradeoffs in the U.S. and on much of World Earth. Them that are NOT friends of the U.S. and are not part of NATO and are not part of any current or New Alliance are not cooperating with their information and about their Citizens or Subjects. This is some of what TJCG wanted to accomplish and ORDERED and DEMANDED and COMMANDED and did in JUDGMENTS and this is getting SPIRITUALLY ACCOMPLISHED and not currently by the Humans understanding that this is actually what is getting accomplished or THE PICTURE of TJCG and this PICTURE! TJCG has written much of THE PICTURE on Internet Sites that are currently for FREE on World Earths Internet. Most on World Earth have only the picture or a fraction of the picture. THE TRUTH is that Christ and God and The Great I AM had Second Coming to World Earth the Son of Man and the Son of David and the Source of David and the Root of David and the Branch of David and More Titles and More Descriptions and More About This and HE was and is also THE MESSIAH and this is to PRIMARILY on World Earth to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and any and all Spawns of Those! When there were over a Billion in Judaism and Jewish and God Following and Christians that FELT and were INSPIRED and were IMPRESSED and were FEELING and were VERY INSPIRED and FELT CERTAIN and Taught and Wrote and Preached and Teached and had Many Programs and there were many Recorded Television Programs that the Second Coming and Return was at and or immediately after Y2K; this was THE TRUTH and this was and is TJCG! This was and is WHY you are realizing and some of you are realizing that have been STUDYING the judgments and Judgments and also the JUDGMENTS of TJCG who is THE JUDGE that their were and are correlated results and Results and RESULTS that have been happening and not in many years and with delays. These are happening SWIFTLY and in RECORD TIME and are mostly RESULTS!  

TJCG and the Earth Angels of Light did not and do not have to Fulfill Prophecy to a Tee or Fulfill this in the Slightest! Due to the FACT that Satan and certain Demons THREATENED to Spawn; this changes many things and Satan and any Demons are NOT getting 1,000 years on a Desolated Earth and Satan is NOT to get a little season to Lie and Deceive and Play Games anymore and from the time that Christ and God and The Great I AM arrived on World Earth and started to WORK that started EXACTLY 3.5 years before Y2K; many things have started to change and improve and there have been the start of a Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations and many NEW PLANS and many NEW IDEAS and many NEW FIXES happening including this NEW WAR on World Earth that actually is TARGETING Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those more than many realize! If you cannot get them into this NEW WAR against TERRORIST that are Satan and Demons and future Spawns of Those directly yet; you pull them in or make them and do this with a Spiritually Caused Event or with many Events and successive Events. This is WHY what happened with the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was called and dubbed and was a Metaphor that was similar to Pearl Harbor! The Spiritual LightSide had to make the US Angry and make the US Upset and make the US Change Laws and allow for many SECURITY tradeoffs for LESS PRIVACY and therefore providing the needed SECURITY LAWS AND INFRASTRUCTURE AND RESOLVE to Build Information and to Build Databases and to Build Abilities and to Trace and to Identify and to Track and to possibly Capture Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! 

If this is what this takes; TJCG has already done some Judgments that have ORDERED and DEMANDED and COMMANDED that the Earth Angels of Light get the entire World Earth to MAXIMUM FIRE POWER and if this has to be done then arrange for a Dropping or Killing of EVERY LIVING THING on World Earth with a CARPET BOMBING of the entire World Earth with Weapons of Mass Destruction. Some argue that this can never be accomplished. Some are skeptical that this can be accomplished. TJCG has also done Judgments that have ORDERED and DEMANDED and COMMANDED that there are to be CONSTANT and CONTINUAL and FREQUENT WARS and NUCLEAR WARS and VARIED TYPES OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION used and MORE and MUCH MORE and INTO THE FUTURE and LONG INTO THE FUTURE until Satan and Demons and any and all and every Spawn of Those are Dropped or Killed! 

In different words; if the many and too many Stubborn and Hard Headed and Stuck in their Ruts and Traditions and Religion and More of the Humans on World Earth do not get with THE WAY; this is to be FORCED EXTREME by the Earth Angels of Light! Many did not call or label or try to call God a Terrorist with THE FLOOD! Many did not call or label or try to call Jesus a Terrorist with the Desolation of the Temple and the Dispersion of the Jewish people for almost 2000 years and their left only a Wailing Wall! Many did not call or label Jesus a Terrorist for the many Apocalyptic teachings and preaching's and sermons! If you read Revelation that some call the Book of the Apocalypse; this describes the use of large amounts of Nuclear Weapons that are the Clouds and the Clouds of Glory and the Glory with Enormous Brilliance and Loud Thunder and Enormous Destructive Force! There also has to be a CONVENTIONAL EFFORT WITH AND USING EXTREME FORCE for the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those! Any method possible to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those is almost Ok to Good to Great! Yes we did and do get into the FOG of WAR! Yes we did and we do get into the HAZE of WAR! Satan and Demons are DRASTIC HAZERS! Satan and Demons are DRASTIC ACCUSERS! Reading and Studying and Figuring Out from a Bible and any Prophetic Writings for what is to happen from this point forward and into the future is NOT ACCURATE and is NOT RELEVANT and is NOT THE COMPLETE TRUTH! This is TJCG and I AM THE TRUTH and I AM THE LIGHT and I AM THE WAY!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! 

Satan and Demons are DRASTIC TERRORIST and Those have among many things EATEN ALIVE Spiritual Living Things in Heaven and on World Earth and Humans and Babies and from ALL Races and at ALL Ages and are DRASTICALLY EVIL! Those have eaten alive while watching them getting cut up and eaten and fed to selves and that is the definition of FEED BACK! You are FED to YOURSELF! Then Those were and are into BLOOD RITUALS and eating of FLESH and DRINKING of BLOOD! Those were and are DRASTICALLY EVIL! 

TJCG keeps hearing that HE is the Second Coming of Christ and this could still be a DECEPTION! Yes it is true that the Communion Service does raise some questions! 

That previous information was from Satan and certain Demons to attempt to thwart some momentum. TJCG is currently writing down much of what HE hears. TJCG sometimes does not edit in the slightest or out take in the slightest or stop writing in the slightest and edit thoughts that are many times from Spiritual Living Things and is Spiritual Say. 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on September 21 of 2001. TJCG is saying that the Apocalypse and what is written about this may not have to happen and may NEVER happen and HE has NO OBLIGATION to DO this ONLY for the FULFILLING of Prophecies! Why would HE want to do this only to Fulfill Prophecies! The use of Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction should be used with NO HESITATION of these are helping in any shape or form to ELIMINATE Satan and or Demons and or any Spawns of Those! This is how much a Spiritual Living Thing that is out of HIS control is a THREAT! This is how much a Spiritual Living Thing that is out of HIS control should be SECURED and CONTROLLED and PHYSICALLY SECURED IN AN AREA that any of them can be Dropped in a reasonable amount of time for them a range of a threat that is a threat enough to TJCG or deserve to be Dropped! This is to be not too confining or restrictive and also this is not to be too relaxed if Power Turtles and the Remote Brokering of Power in Power Turtles is not implemented yet! TJCG does not want to DESOLATE World Earth if we do not have to! TJCG does not want to use anything TOO LONG TERM that cannot be cleaned up in a reasonable amount of time. TJCG is NOT TARGETING Mankind or the Human Race! The TARGETS are Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! If providing a or many EXTREME EVENTS and SIGNS and RESULTS are necessary or effective or part of the Tactics and or Strategies and or Plans to get and produce and make for results or Results or RESULTS, then these are to happen and proceed and therefore the Warnings and Advice and Urgings of TJCG for you to MOVE TO NON TARGET AREAS is still Ok to Good to Great Information. The Earth Angels of Light were and are in MOTION! The Earth Angels of Light have Extreme Angels of Light and Lioness Angels of Light and Fierce Lioness Angels of Light. Similar to how many in Judaism and the Many Sects of Judaism were CONFUSED about Jesus and what was suppose to happen and what actually happened; this is now happening with TJCG! 

Mass Media Messages 4

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