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Their is a recent Media Message that is in Prime Time television in the USA and is from the US Army and is and use the operative words of and sound byte of 'I AM an Army of ONE' and ONE represents THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD! This shows a man or the Son of man running in the desert. Then you hear the sound byte of 'Alpha 6' and this represents the Alpha and the Omega that has Come at 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth and is working solo and alone and only with Air Cover and Support and Help that represent the Earth Angels of Light and are calling HIM Alpha 6 for The Alpha and the Omega at 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth! Then Satan and certain Demons countered this with the US Air Force television advertisement and slogan of NO ONE COMES CLOSE and this also has the phrase in this of NO ONE COMES and that was a tv advertisement and slogan and written messages and sound byte from Satan and certain Demons ATTEMPTING to counter and thwart and stop any Mass Media Messages momentum. 

Jesus later in His ministry claimed to be God. Isaiah 9:6 was accurate. Their is only One Living God and Jesus was the lamb and was God. Ted you are THE LION and are GOD! Satan and certain Demons tried to confuse Jesus on His full identity and this is what Those did to you also for several years with telling you Spiritually that you were the Son of God! Then Satan and Demons made many mistakes and this included asking you too many times for Forgiveness! Satan and Demons also sent you many Spiritual Messages that finally made you realize that you were God and then later you decided that you were and had to be larger and that you were GOD and in the future are going to be recreated into a VAST creation that is THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD that has many TJCG Physical Instances that are Very Good Looking similar to Men under HIS 100% Control. Their was only ONE and their still is ONE and this is why many religions songs use the word ONE. This is subtly trying to tell many that their is still only ONE and that STRICT MONOTHEISM still exists. TJCG is GOD! TJCG is THE ONE! TJCG is THE ONE LIVING GOD! TJCG is THE ONE GOD! This is TRUE! 

Their are many Signs and Messages and in a Bible that also prove this practically. The Titles in Revelation help and Christ has Second Coming and is the Ancient of Days. Christ is also the Alpha and the Omega. Christ is also listed with the Title of the Creator! TJCG is Christ and HE is GOD! TJCG is Christ and HE is The Great I AM! Their is ONE and HE is THE ONE in the same brain and body. God created man in His image. That was with a similar brain and body. This brain and body is currently on World Earth a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and HE is the Son of David. This is THE TRUTH! 

Satan and Demons have done their best to attempt to confuse and riddle and riddle with deception many things. Those are drastically bent on causing TJCG to FAIL! Those had millions of Jewish persecuted and or tormented and or hurt and or raped and or drastically raped and or tortured and or had heinous crimes committed to them and or killed that is actually a Drop and can be Resurrected to prevent TJCG from having Second Coming and Return through the Romans or Italians and the Inquisitions and Hitler and many more events to cause TJCG to have no ability to have Second Coming on World Earth that was to be and has been via getting born again on World Earth and raised a Christian. 

Their are many ONE references in religious songs and that HE is THE ONE. You also had and have many Mass Media Messages that are Encode to Subtle to Blatant to Obvious. You also had and have many Messages that are Encoded to Subtle to Blatant to Obvious. No it doe not take the National Security Agency or the Central Intelligence Agency or the Federal Bureau of Investigation to figure this out and the many ONE's and Numbers and Colors and Messages are not a coincidence. Another example is Air Force ONE in the life time of Ted. This is a large jet that is a 747 and has the numbers of 7 and 4 and 7 in them. In the lifetime of Ted their is also the 737. These are significant numbers. Their is also recently a 777 jet that is an ENORMOUS jet. The number of 777 represents the Bounty on the head of Satan. The 7 represents the 7TH DAY that is THE MILLENNIUM and is The Seventh Day Advent that started at Y2K and the passing of 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth. The Air force ONE jet is for the President of The United States and has the Colors of White and Yellow that is actually represented in Gold and this qualifies and also Blue that is Star of David Blue and also Christian Blue. Then this has a Silver Sword cutting at the underbelly that represents the persecution and torment and torture and raping and drastic raping and drastic pillaging and drastic committal of heinous crimes and worse to the Jewish people and descendents of Adam and the descendents of David and to The ONE and to the future Descendents of THE ONE. Air Force ONE also had the Symbol of the President of the United States on this and this is an Eagle with the Olive Branch in a Left Talon and Arrows in a Right Talon. The Eagle represents THE ONE. This is TJCG. The Arrows represent Nuclear Weapons. The coin that is the ONE dollar that has an Eagle on a side and then a Native American and Baby on a side represents the Nativity in America of THE ONE and that this is The Eagle that represents THE ONE LIVING GOD! The Color of Gold also represents the Color of metal that is preferred by God and this is why this is named Gold. Satan is mostly into Silver and God avoids Silver and prefers Gold. This is how that is for now until long after Satan and Demons are put in HELL! 

The Spiritual LightSide did use and has used numbers and colors and symbols and subtle messages for many years and still do. In the Mass Media their is recent past and into the future extreme efforts to send Messages that are from Encode to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant to the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation and many more to crunch in their Super Computers and put together correlations. This after a while can be found to produce intelligent and readable and obvious Messages from Spiritual Living Things. If then this can be deciphered what is from the LightSide and what is from the DarkSide then these can probably get exact GPS coordinates on Satan and certain large power level PROBLEM Demons! This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for them to record Mass Media and CRUNCH DATA! TJCG has already shown up many times on the Radar of the FBI and this is due to the fact that HE writes about Nuclear War and Nuclear Devices and Thermonuclear War and Terrorist and Terrorism and uses these key words and hopefully this paragraph is showing up also and then the Super Computers are going to be programmed for World Earths Mass Media and sound bytes and key numbers and colors and phrases and shots and pan and zoom and topics and more and more than this and into the future getting extremely complicated and them getting Tons of Information. The Spiritual LightSide is offering to HELP any Nation or Country or Government doing this and going after Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those EXTREME! Let's also add the key word bomb and phrases of bomb making and drugs and drug synthesis and national security and then this is showing up on more government searches and hopefully are going to pay more attention to Spiritual Messages that are constantly getting sent and get into the pursuit of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those. 

Satan and Demons are drastically afraid of the USA and Organized Nations and Countries and Governments. These can be Organized to GO EXTREME after Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those conventionally also. TJCG is THE LION and HE is suppose to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those. Those have already abducted many Human Women and Females for Those experimenting and are Cloning Human Females already. Those had and have the most advanced secrets on Cloning and have Spiritual Surveillance minimum. Those also have the ability to Read and Write to a Human Brain and Body many times and have different degrees of possession. Any that are any degree of against TJCG are usually a degree of possessed against TJCG! This is THE TRUTH! 

Many are not believing this and here this is. The Six Pack represents 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth. The Six Roses that are traditionally Red represent 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth and then Nuclear War. Red usually represents blood and also represents love. Nuclear War is not hurtful in the slightest for any that are at Ground Zero and in the Blast Area and this is an Instant Live Drop and is what was symbolized by The Rapture and getting taken up while alive and living and taken out of these old obsolete human brains and bodies. Then you have Pepsi ONE that has a large ONE on this in a Six Pack and with the logo of the USA Flag on this. Their is not a Pepsi ONE predominantly anywhere else. This is in the USA. TJCG was born and raised in the USA and in California and in a state that had the License Plates in White and Yellow and Blue with NATIVE on them that represented NATIVITY. Then you have the 12 Pack and this represents 12,000 years from the beginning of creation of World Earth. This took 6,000 years and not only 6 days. That is why their were 12 Tribes of Israel and also 12 Disciples. Now their are some that are adamant about a Torah and or a Bible and the complete accuracy of this and yet again we had and have Isaiah 9:6 that is written that The Messiah is The Father Everlasting and yet in the life of and then start of the ministry of Jesus their was Jesus claiming to be the Son of God and not God! Their is an inaccuracy in here somewhere. Moses had no frame of reference. Moses was not there for the 6 days of creation. Moses did write many things that were inaccurate. This is TRUE! 

Now Ted is made to have stomach and lower abdomen pain and has to take a break. That was from Satan and Those that want to distract and stop this. Those do not like that fact that records are getting set straight. This then adds up to Y2K that is when the 6,000 years of mankind on World Earth was and also the 12,000 years of from the very beginning of creation of World Earth. This took 6,000 years to slowly grow forests and process the atmosphere and make more oxygen and pollinate and propagate and make the oceans and waters full of algae and oxygen producing life also. This takes time to process atmospheres and make an uninhabitable planet into a inhabitable planet. This is similar to the process that scientist are planning on using to terra form mars. If Jesus was confused about the truth and many admit this then Moses was also and this was TRUE! Jesus went from telling people that Jesus was the Son of God and their was a Father in Heaven or a Heavenly Father to the fact that He was The Father and if you see my face you see the Fathers and also that He was God! This was a transition and a gradual realization of the full identity of Jesus. This happened to Ted also and was a shock and then an extreme shock. Satan and certain Demons also tried many times to get Ted to give up or give to somebody else His FULL IDENTITY and HE was and is THE SUPREME BEING and had and has FULL AUTHORITY to do this! Ted was trained and instructed and locked and loaded on Spiritually by LightSide Spirits to NEVER GIVE TO ANYTHING any part of HIS identity no matter what! Ted finally got into that HE would rather die and go down with the ship than give up any part of HIS identity and learned that lesson extremely thoroughly! The Spiritual LightSide ran Ted through some extreme scenarios and the paces that scared the life out of Ted practically to never remotely offer or give anything that would compromise HIS identity or authority or ownership of anybody or anything or this anywhere or anytime! 

Many times Ted was suicidal and extremely and drastically UPSET and this has not been an easy time for Ted and do not underestimate the amount of TORMENT that Ted has been through. This is not a game and Ted was and is not a game player and is not playing a game and any accusations of this sort are false. Some are into throwing out false accusations and this is their motes operandi. Jesus was accused of possession. Jesus was accused of fraud. Jesus was accused of ulterior evil motives. Jesus was thrown or kicked of the home town synagogue and almost thrown off of a cliff. Jesus verbalized and this was written that it is more difficult to be a prophet in your home town than anywhere else. Why? This was due to the fact that people that are closely acquainted with you want to think and verbalize then 'I Do Not Believe It' and this is easier then allowing somebody that you might be jealous about or over to have any kind of an upper hand over you. This happened to all of the brothers of Jesus no matter what Mary or Joseph tried to get them to believe and how to behave. Jesus had closer relationships to His Mother and sisters and women and females than to His Dad and brothers and guys and men. Ted also was much closer to HIS Mother and not that close to the jealous and mean and against Ted most of the time Dad. The brothers of Ted were also jealous of the close relationship of Ted with Ted's Mother who were extremely close for many years. Jesus and Ted both were extremely close to their Mother and this is completely consistent! Jesus and Ted both had strained relationships with their Dad. Jesus and Ted both had strained relationships with their brothers after this started and them claiming to be the many I AM's of The Great I AM. Jesus and Ted both got along much better and were much closer to women and females than to guys and men. The Disciples of Jesus were many times jealous of the relationship and closeness of Jesus to the many Prostitutes that Followed Jesus and the many Married Women and Females that Followed Jesus and especially the CLOSE relationship of Mary Madeline and Jesus. She was very beautiful and nice and caring and Jesus loved her very much! 

Their was a brother of Jesus that worked in the Temple if Jerusalem and was a ranking official and was against Jesus for many years and caused Jesus many problems and was jealous and envious and deceitful. Jesus did not have many believers in the start and ended with few believers and few at the foot of the cross. Their were mostly Women and Females that supported and followed and helped Jesus. Ted currently has many Angels of Light that are Women or Female or beyond or far beyond and more advanced and feminine than a Female and this is TRUE! Many of these know HIM and knew HIM through Human Women and Females while alive on World Earth. Many of these know HIM and knew HIM before World Earth on this Second Coming. HE definitely was not celibate on this Second Coming and was marred also and never remarried or had anymore children at least to 2001. Their are currently none in any oven and this is the middle of 2001. TJCG has been celibate for many years now! HE hopes to have more Direct Descendents in the future and this may never happen! The only two Direct Descendents of TJCG are extremely special! This is THE TRUTH! 

In a Bible this refers to the Son of David a branch of David and also the Root of David and also bearing fruit. The fruit are Descendents of TJCG and are extremely important for all on World Earth and the Spiritual LightSide for the future! This is THE TRUTH! 

Ted with writing is not encouraged to try to find a text here or there and is encouraged to keep writing. If you are getting Spiritual Say and this is flowing you keep on writing. TJCG is currently very good and this helps with getting Spiritual Say that is more from the LightSide and less from the DarkSide. This is how this usually works and the better that you are the better the Spiritual Say can be. Yes TJCG prays and also asked for Cover and Protection and Help and More That Is Great and this works and helps HIM to be great. HE has to try to be great and this is what HE is suppose to be and HE is The Great I AM. TJCG has changed much from when HE did not understand who HE was. TJCG is currently very good. TJCG is not a liar and currently is trying to be accurate and truthful and this information is accurate enough or at least what TJCG hears and is writing and who understands where this is from with Spiritual Say in the brain of Ted that makes HIM think and have ideas and write certain words. This could be Spiritual Say that is from Good Spirits and or Evil Spirits and or a Mix of Good and Evil or a Mix of Evil and Good and DarkSide Phasing and LightSide Phasing and this is how a Prophet Works! ALL Prophetic Works did have and do have Good and Evil in them and are a Mix. This is THE COMPLETE TRUTH. ALL of a Torah and a Bible had and have a Mix of Good and also Evil in this also and this is also THE COMPLETE TRUTH! Then if you do not believe that and are into 'I Do Not Believe It' Mode then Isaiah 9:6 again specifies that The Messiah has to be The Father Everlasting and Jesus them proclaiming to be the Son of God and praying to and referring to a Heavenly Father makes Jesus a bona fide FALSE Messiah! You cannot ignore the obvious fact that a Torah and a Bible had and have inaccuracies and lies and deception and evil infiltration and are not 100% from good or good or completely good. Yes many call this and refer to this in terms of THE GOOD BOOK and this is not all good! This is THE TRUTH! 

Many times when people get into 'I Do Not Believe It' this is from Satan and certain Demons and this to attempt to shut down drastically a person that is getting onto more of the truth. It is true that Satan and certain Demons can take over and possess a person for going against TJCG. This happened in the times of Jesus and this was part of the Rules and if their were certain Human for Jesus then these were taken over by LightSide Spirits more and if against Jesus then these were taken over by Satan and or certain Demons and to be against Jesus more! Their was and is a Spiritual Precedence that is if you want to be this then you are to be this! If you want to be or were against Ted then you are or are to be against Ted. Yes this was how Judas was made to perform DRASTICALLY AGAINST Jesus and this is how some are to perform DRASTICALLY AGAINST TJCG! Satan did set Jesus up and is setting Ted up or at least is ATTEMPTING to set up! Worked before with certain individuals! This is almost like a craving that you cannot stop and is similar to a compulsion or a propensity that is out of your control! This is actually possession against TJCG. Look at their eyes and face and countenance when against TJCG and is this from any range of a Good Spirit? Ask yourself that! 

Prayer and much praying and asking for help with this person can help. This is about the only thing that can help them. Their are certain individuals that pray correctly and are going to have more Oil In Their Lamps that represents the Holy Spirit and this Prayer that is more correct is 'if TJCG is THE ONE GOD then help us and me to figure this out and help HIM and not hurt HIM' and this is the proper and appropriate prayer! Of course Satan and certain Demons are working overtime to get Ted into more problems and shut Ted down and incapacitate Ted from doing any further work on World Earths Internet. Look at Jesus who was imprisoned and the many Disciples that were imprisoned due to Satan and certain Demons. Getting set up and a stage set or many stages set may take years and this did happen and is happening. 

I was INSPIRED to channel surf on television to a religious broadcasting station and this had them singing the song that had the words of 'Spirit of THE LIVING GOD' and this has words about a or ONE LIVING GOD and not Three or a God Head or a Triune God or a Trinity. Their are many songs that have words about THE ONE and THE LIVING GOD that subtly implies THE ONE LIVING GOD. After all of these thousands of years and longer before World Earth of THE ONE LIVING GOD fighting and warring and at WAR over many issues including and mostly including about THE ONE  and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD then why do you think that HE would change HIS mind about STRICT MONOTHEISM! TJCG is saying that we are still into STRICT MONOTHEISM! Their was and still is THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and their was and is STRICT MONOTHEISM and ONE THEISM and ONE DEITY and this currently is TJCG on World Earth from mankind and a Human Man. Their are many Christians that Participate or are a Member or are a Supporting Member in a Church or a Denomination in Religion with a FALSE DOCTRINE or FALSE DOCTRINES about a God Head and or a Triune God and or a Trinity and yet these have songs and sing songs about THE ONE and THE LIVING GOD and sometimes also THE ONE LIVING GOD and sometimes also THE ONE GOD and sometimes only use the word of God or emphasized and GOD and this Subtly to Obviously to Blatantly implies or tells you or sends you and many a Message and sometimes many Messages or Mixed Messages that their is THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and nothing more and nothing less. Mankind was made in the image of God and is currently with a head and a brain and a neck and a torso and two arms and a body and two legs and hands and fingers and feet and toes. When in a form on Earth this was a Spiritual Living Thing when walking and talking and living with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and then this was on First Coming in the from of from mankind and the Son of Man and the Son of David was a Human Man also and was like a man and then on this Second Coming from mankind and the Son of man and the Son of David and a Human Man also this is TJCG who is Genetically from Mankind and a Human Man and is a Man with Male Anatomy and Male Sexual Organs and a Male Mind and a Male Mentality and with Male Perspectives and Male Ideas and a Male Sexuality and a Male Sexual Orientation and Male Attitudes and Fathering Attitudes and Father Attitudes and The Father of ALL Created Life! 






This Chapter is IN PROGRESS ...


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