Transitioning to the New Earth  

( Part 2 ) 

( This document revision is 0.0.4 )


I heard that and some people were out there thinking and getting sent Spiritual Say and that LOUD AND CLEAR and also some verbalizing that "I SEE HOW THAT WORKS" and if you believe in TJCG and agree that a Bible or Bibles are Inaccurate and are not Infallible or Perfect then you are getting TJCG then telling you many things that set some to many records straight and or try to change a Bible or Bibles or fundamental beliefs or our fundamental beliefs or beLIEfs. Therefore this person decided to not believe in TJCG and take that 6,000 years of Creation and that information that you are hearing LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR and toss that off of the nearest cliff with yourself and that is what some where thinking or this was actually Spiritual Say from Satan and certain Demons and not from the LightSide or LightSide Spirits or Angels of Light. TJCG is Christ and God and in the same brain and body and is THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and is on World Earth currently a Human Man. Their was a transfer from Heaven to Earth and this is WHY their was much in writing and Written about the Leaving of the Heavenly Sanctuary! This was a PUBLIC EXECUTION in Heaven and the Darkness from a lack of Christ and God did Cover The Earth and this was the 1960's! This was a time of Trouble with Michael the Angel stood up and took over the Spiritual Government while TJCG was on World Earth and growing up and getting more mature and getting ready for the start of this EXTREME and also unfortunately also DRASTIC escalating WAR of GOOD and EVIL and this TUG-OF-WAR for many things including people and lives and destinies. TJCG was publicly executed in Heaven and the body was put in a body bag and frozen and Ted on World Earth is THE ONE! This is THE TRUTH and that was the transfer from Heaven to Earth of THE ONE LIVING GOD! This is how that worked and works and is the legal transfer. This took place and TJCG was and is on a SCHEDULE and this was at Y2K! This is WHY their was the burning via FIRE of David Coresh and then their was the Heavens Gate Cult that was made by the Spiritual LightSide to also ALL Commit Suicide and there fore these would not be a PROBLEM for TJCG also and their were several False Prophets that went to Jerusalem before Y2K and were VERY PUBLIC and there were False Prophets also and this was not TJCG and TJCG is THE TRUE CHRIST and TJCG is THE ONE LIVING GOD and TJCG is The Great I AM! If you STUDY the book of Revelation you are to realize that part of this is THE TRUTH and that is that Christ returns The Creator and their is only ONE Creator and then that Christ returns the Alpha and the Omega and their is only ONE Alpha and the Omega and Christ returns the Ancient of Days and their is only ONE Ancient of Days and this was and is The Father of ALL Created Life and The Father and The Heavenly Father and is ONE in the same brain and body currently. Man was made in the image of God and God is in ONE Brain and Body currently. This is TJCG while a Human Man! 

The 1960's were the Time of Trouble that many spoke about and is written and many teached and preached about and this is the 1960's. Their was MUCH Badness and Wickedness and Evil and this was a time of enormous Wickedness with the hippies and free love that really was about Sex with Anybody and Anything for some and this almost Anytime and Orgies and Rampant Homosexuality and Bisexualism and Lesbianism and Drugs and Drinking and more Drugs and Designer Drugs and Drastic Drugs and Drugging many against their Wills and with the Rampant use of Birth Control Pills then this caused more SEX OUT OF CONTROL and STD's getting OUT OF CONTROL and RAMPANT VIOLENCE! Was that not enough of a SIGN? 

Then you had and have many that teached and preached this and that and many things that were and are teached and preached were and are off base and not close to THE TRUTH! It is better that you do not get into teaching and or preaching or writing in lesson studies or quarterlies in the slightest than teach and preach and or write or write Religious Material that LEAD ASTRAY some to many! You may feel that you want to defend the Bible or Bibles and this is the quote RIGHT thing to do! If you insist that at Bible and Bibles are Infallible then you are a LIAR and a DECEIVER and are MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! This is THE TRUTH! You cannot read a verse from the MOST RESPECTED and REVERED and TRUSTED Prophet of Isaiah of the Old Testament and tell anybody that the verse of Isaiah 9:6 is completely accurate with the Titles that represent that this is what The Messiah must be and that is the Almighty God and the Everlasting Father and this is therefore suppose to be The Heavenly Father and The Father and The Father of ALL Created Life and then Jesus Claiming and Proclaiming and Declaring that Jesus was The Messiah and that Jesus was the Son of God and separate from Almighty God and the Everlasting Father! Jesus proclaimed and declared and publicly and legally declared to be the Son of God and then later tried to set that straight and then tried to or insisted that if you see my face then you have seen the Father and realized that error and was confused and did not understand for sure what the TRUE IDENTITY of Jesus was and how that worked. Jesus was THE ONE LIVING GOD and that was then STRICT MONOTHEISM and this is now STRICT MONOTHEISM and this is not changing! Why would God FIGHT and WAGE WAR that long and hard and for thousands of years and longer with Lucifer and many Angels that later were called and labeled Demons about STRICT MONOTHEISM and THE ONE LIVING GOD and no more when ONE God and then later change and make a new system where their was a Son of God that later also was God the Son and a God also and then a Holy Spirit or that some insist is the Holy Ghost and making this a God also? This is something that Satan and certain Demons did also and this was similar to how Satan and certain Demons migrated some to many to Paganism and infiltrated Good Religion with Paganism! This was and and is FALSE DOCTRINE and DECEPTION and WRONG! Their was and is only THE ONE LIVING GOD! This is currently TJCG and HE is on World Earth and this is the Second Coming and TJCG is Genetically a distant descendent of the King David and is of the Davidic Royal Bloodline and is the Son of David and is Jewish in the BLOOD also and is the Son of Man and is THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and is THE ONE GOD! Their is only ONE and TJCG is THE ONE! Ted had a Jeep Grand Cherokee for a while and that is also WHY in these tv commercials you have and see the Slogan of THERE IS ONLY ONE! For a while this was in the Star of David Blue! This was in Y2K or the Year of 2000 on World Earth and these tv commercials of a Jeep Grand Cherokee with THERE IS ONLY ONE in the Star of David Blue can be found! You can also find where their was a time frame where Satan and certain Demons had the THERE IS ONLY ONE taken out and that Slogan was OUT for a while and later was added again! This was in Prime Time in the USA and this was an EXTREME and also DRASTIC TUG-OF-WAR for World Earth Mass Media Messages that HEATED UP immediately before Y2K and during Y2K and after Y2K. Their were also MANY tv commercials of THE SHEPPARD and leading some to many sheep and then alone and no sheep and many sheep and then no sheep and this for a while and many 7 cents a minute and numbers and Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant World Earth and mostly in the USA in Prime Time Mass Media Messages! 

TJCG is THE LION and later their was a tv commercial with a White and Blue Rocket that LAUNCHED and also a LION that ROARED and 7 cents a minute also that represents THE 7TH DAY that is THE MILLENNIUM that started at Y2K. TJCG is THE LION and what is THE LION suppose to start and accomplish and finish eventually? This is the complete Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those and any and all and every Spiritual Living Thing that was or is a or any degree or any drastic of a problem for TJCG! This is also TRUE and HE has to CONQUER over any and all Spiritual Living Things that were and are the MOST ENORMOUS THREAT to THE ONE LIVING GOD and ALL of Creation that existed and exists! TJCG realized and realizes that if the LightSide Spirits and Good Spirits and them that are on the LightSide cannot CONTROL the Mass Media and make some to much of this ALL GOOD that this cannot be done for anybody or anything or completely! TJCG also VERY CAREFULLY OBSERVED certain Religious Broadcasts and these were also taken to the Left and to the Right and were and are in a TUG-OF-WAR between Good Spirits and Evil Spirits and GOOD and EVIL! This was and is a TUG-OF-WAR with them also! No matter how GOOD a Prophet or Deliverer or King or any contributing to a Bible or Bibles you need to realize that and this included Jesus and the Disciples that their was not only GOOD or ALL GOOD! Jesus showed you the CONFUSION of Jesus and this was and is DOCUMENTED WELL ENOUGH! You understood this or if you did not, this can be easily figured out that Jesus went from the Son of God to claiming to be God for a while and then changed and went back to Son of God again! This was TRUE! This was apparent! This was documented. 

Yesterday and last night was a DRASTICALLY ROUGH DAY AND NIGHT for TJCG and when using the word of drastic or drastically this is usually from EVIL Spiritual Living Things to Ted! This was LOUD AND CLEAR AND EVIL and because TJCG thinks that this is CRYSTAL CLEAR does not guarantee that this is from GOOD or Good or anything any range of good and if TJCG writes that this is the truth or Truth or TRUTH or THE TRUTH this also does not guarantee that this is any range of the truth! This is THE TRUTH! You see how that worked and works. Satan and Demons did and do use Hypnosis and Programming and Key Word Programming and anytime you hear that something is truth or the truth you think deep down inside of your brain that this is truth or the truth. This is Programming and then use of a Post Hypnotic Suggestion. Many in Religion and that were and are Religious people were and are Hypnotized and Programmed and much more Susceptible to Programming. This is THE TRUTH! This helps you and puts you over the top and that was and is Satan and certain Demons getting in on this and attempting to deceive you into thinking that TJCG is tricking you or programming you or deceiving you. This is not true and many Pastors and Ministers and Clergy and them in the Ranks of Religion and them in many Parts and Sects and Denominations of Religion have FALSELY INDOCTRINATED YOU! A Bible and Bibles are NOT ACCURATE! A Bible and Bibles are DEFINITELY NOT INFALLIBLE! We are taking this a step further and telling you that a Bible and Bibles are NOT HOLY or any range of holy! This is TRUE! This is WHY the many more recent Bibles have not had Holy anywhere on their cover or inside. This is INSPIRED! It was the King James version and during the times of King James that the Bible was given the label of The Holy Bible and the Holy Scriptures and Holy! This was and is not accurate and Satan and certain Demons decided to use this to Those ADVANTAGE and have and are! TJCG was HOT and UPSET and FEELING ANGRY and used the RIGHT FIST and is usually VERY CAREFUL with a and any Bible and Bibles and HE held this Bible up that is in a Red Wine Colored Leather Cover and has Gold Leaf and is very expensive and PUNCHED THIS BIBLE with the RIGHT FIST of TJCG! This is similar to how TJCG wants to and FEELS that HE should PUNCH many that were and are INDOCTRINATING some to many in FALSE DOCTRINES! You LIARS and DECEIVERS and many that are MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! TJCG at this point in time FELT UPSET and ANGRY and ALMOST LIVID with the negative and lack of response and then that were and are still INSISTING that a Bible was or is COMPLETELY ACCURATE and INFALLIBLE and did and try to USE THIS AGAINST HIM similar to a WEAPON! TJCG is going to FIRE many of you and BY THE FIRE YOU ARE CONSUMED and many are getting Left Down On A Drop that ends in ETERNAL DEATH or more severe or much more severe and could also be a Punishment Next Life! In this and many Cases is when TJCG is feeling some to less than some to none in Grace and or Mercy and or Forgiveness! You THWARTED ME! You USED LIES and DECEPTIONS AGAINST ME! You USE the LIE and DECEPTION and for many also a FALSE DOCTRINE that a Bible and Bibles are Infallible AGAINST ME! I will KILL YOU FOR THAT! I WILL DROP YOU FOR THAT! I WILL LEAVE YOU DOWN ON A DROP FOR THAT! I WILL ONLY GIVE YOU ETERNAL DEATH FOR THAT! I WILL ONLY GIVE YOU A RANGE OF A NEXT LIFE OR PUNISHMENT FOR THAT! This depends on their Judgment. For some I hate you for that! This is TJCG and I Love and I hate! I FEEL Love and I feel also hate! I hate LIARS and DECEIVERS and I DEFINITELY hate them that were or are any part of THWARTING my Second Coming and success and future success! This applies also to Spiritual Living Things and KNOCK THEM DOWN in the Order and Ranks and that are Too High and can do Too Much Damage to TJCG if not FULLY QUALIFIED! Drop them and make them FACE THE BLADE of the GUILLOTINE if deserving of this! Do not hesitate! Do not delay! Drop any and all and each and every risk to TJCG that is a Spiritual Living Thing! Then ramp up the Cloning of the Angels of Light that are Great for TJCG and still are Great for TJCG and remain Great for TJCG and SHORE UP with them that are Great for TJCG that are Female and beyond Female Angels of Light and are all Wives of TJCG and are NO RISK or PRESENT NO RISKS to TJCG! You want THE TRUTH! Many of you cannot handle THE TRUTH and how HARDBALL TJCG was and is and is planning to be during this ongoing and continuing and continual for now Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations! This Bible is ok and TJCG knuckles were sore! TJCG did and does have a Temper! TJCG did and does have Anger! TJCG did and does FEEL UPSET sometimes! This is OK and this is GOOD and these are Human Emotions and Feelings and are also Spiritually Sent FEELINGS and EMOTIONS and UPSET that are used to PROTECT! TJCG is sometimes MANIPULATED with FEELINGS also! This can be done and is done! 

TJCG DEMANDED and ORDERED and COMMANDED and also BEGGED and also PLEADED and also REVERENTLY PRAYED and INSISTED that HE be given THE TRUTH by God of the Ten Commandments with asking and insisting and COMMANDING that the question of WHO AM I be answered and their was the answer and this was while TJCG was out and taking a long and needed walk and this was with TJCG talking loud and clear and this was then sent through the voice of TJCG and the mouth of TJCG and this was LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR VERBALLY that Ted you are THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and Christ and Jesus Christ and the Son of man and the Son of David and THE CREATOR and The Father and The Great I AM! This was asked and reverently asked and demanded and commanded and more and different variations and at different times over many hours of UPSET and TORMENT and EXTREMELY UPSET and when sometimes made to FEEL also DRASTICALLY UPSET and this was given to TJCG that HE was and still is many Current I AM's of The Great I AM and is The Great I AM! This was and is the Second Coming and TJCG is the Second Coming of the Son of David. TJCG is THE TRUE CHRIST and you can find the False Christ's and the False Prophets and the two Prophets and a Man of Sin and a World Leader that was and is against TJCG. The Pope did not and is not recognizing TJCG and is working against TJCG! TJCG is saying that a and the and any Pope is NOT HOLY and is NOT VALID and DOES NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY! The Pope is the most Ranking Official in the Catholic Church and never did receive any authority from Christ and God! The past Popes starting this was more LIES and DECEPTION and FALSE DOCTRINES from Satan and Demons! God the Father would CERTAINLY NOT allow anybody on World Earth to call themselves or have a Title of Father if not The Father of ALL Created Life! TJCG is The Father of ALL Created Life! Their is only ONE Father and everybody else are called a Dad or Dads if having children from this point and forward! The Title of Father pertains only to The Father of ALL Created Life! Everybody else that have children are a Dad and their are not other Fathers! This was also done by Satan and certain Demons and that was to have the Priest called Father also! This was and is also DECEPTION! This was DILUTING of the Title of Father! Then after STRICTNESS about NO IDOLATRY the many Catholic Cathedrals and Catholic Churches and Catholic Vatican have many IDOLS and IMAGES and STATUES in their Cathedrals and Churches and Places Of Worship and went overboard to the point of having many IDOLS and then many Catholics did and do bow to these IMAGES and are not only art! Do not think that TJCG was or is validating the Pope! TJCG would have and is planning to if Crowned above The Pope by The Pope then to take the entire Catholic Church and ALL Catholics and the entire Vatican to THE RIGHT! That probably is never happening! Therefore TJCG plans to Hurt or Drop or Kill them with EXTREME WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and or Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction and or Many Different Weapons of Mass Destruction! 

What about the Members and Worse the Supporting Members and them that were and are Religious! Many need to realize that if you are a Member or a Supporting Member or a Religious Person that you need to Worship only in an Organization that has TRUE DOCTRINES or that seem to be CLOSEST to THE TRUTH! The most important thing on World Earth seems to be THE TRUTH and their are many FALSE DOCTRINES and LIES and DECEPTIONS and this also getting propagated by Members and Supporting Members and Religious Persons to their Spouses and Family and Offspring and Grand Children and Family and Friends and some to many that these can out reach! Yesterday and also last night TJCG also asked many times about certain I AM's of The Great I AM and asked AM I this and sometimes with a list or many Current I AM's of The Great I AM and then asking for or insisting on a YES or NO and received a LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR AND VERBAL OUT OF HIS MOUTH YES that you are this or that I AM of The Great I AM or The Great I AM! Then TJCG would ask who answered that and would get an Angel of Light that Loved you and Loves you! Then TJCG would use the Command of ID: or True ID: and did get in return the value returned of Spiritual LightSide or LightSide or an Angel of Light or Angels of Light or an Angel of Light or Angels of Light that Loved you or Love you or an Angel of Light or Angels of Light that are Great for you. This is how TJCG found out and finds out who was and is answering this and hopefully this answer was and is THE TRUTH most of the time! TJCG has asked and received CONFIRMATION at least 1 time a day and night and many times this was and is many times in a day and night and has been thousands of times from 3.5 years before Y2K and during Y2K and after Y2K about TJCG's TRUE AND FULL AND COMPLETE IDENTITY. TJCG is certain that HE is THE ONE that was Prophesied to Come for a Second Coming! Why would God allow this to be a deception? You explain this? If you are wrong on this and continue on your same course that is OFF COURSE you and many that you loved and love and them into the future could be getting Left Down On A Drop or a Punishment Next Life or Lives! Many of them if currently alive and into the future alive could be getting Hurt or Dropped or Killed with EXTREME WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION or Nuclear Weapons and THE FIRE or Many Different Weapons of Mass Destruction! 

We do not wait or wait 1,000 years to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those! This is more DRASTIC DECEPTION! TJCG is THE LION and HE is on World Earth NOW to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons! Many that are for example Seventh Day Adventist think and are verbalizing and some started to write in their manuscripts that TJCG is persecuting the true church. Do you think that you are the true church that teaches and preaches and has written in their books about Doctrines and about want Seventh-day Adventist Believe and Religious Books and Writings and Works and many quarterlies and religious writings LIES and DECEPTIONS and also DRASTICALLY FALSE DOCTRINES? This is TJCG telling you that you are DRASTICALLY DECEIVED or are LIARS and DECEIVERS and DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN THE SOLUTION and this knowingly! You UNDERSTAND unless you are a COMPLETE IDIOT or a COMPLETELY STUPID IDIOT or a COMPLETE FOOL or COMPLETELY FOOLISH that Isaiah 9:6 has four Titles for The Messiah and that two of these are the Almighty God and the Everlasting Father. You also understand that Jesus claimed and proclaimed and declared that Jesus was the Son of God or at least this is what several disciples documented. Therefore a Bible and Bibles were and are Fallible or if a Bible and Bibles were and are Infallible then Jesus was a FALSE Messiah! In any case you are in EXTREME TROUBLE from TJCG! The first part of the Doctrine of God of the Seventh Day Adventist, that INSIST that these are the Remnant Church, is that a Bible and Bibles are Infallible. This is a LIE and is DECEPTION and is DRASTICALLY MUCH MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! Ellen G. White was WRONG on that also! She was not RIGHT all of the time! This is THE TRUTH! 

This is to the teachers and preachers and them that are in the Ranks of any in Religion that are Pastors and Ministers and Clergy and Biblical Scholars and have Religions Broadcast and are teaching and preaching about that a Bible and Bibles are Infallible with a FALSE DOCTRINE or FALSE DOCTRINES or implying this or implying this with the and addressing this book in terms of 'The Holy Bible' and 'The Word of God' and 'The Infallible Word of God' and anything and everything that implies that this is Infallible and not to be questioned and is perfect or not without inaccuracies or errors! To many of you; you have some to many CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS and understand that their are quote problems with a Bible and Bibles! You are therefore DRASTIC LIARS and DRASTIC DECEIVERS and are DRASTICALLY MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN PART OF THE SOLUTION! This is TJCG and I will put this for you like this! If I AM THE JUDGE and I AM SURE THAT I AM THE JUDGE; many of you are getting MINIMUM Hurt or Dropped or Killed or your Descendents Hurt or Dropped or Killed and MANY that you LEAD ASTRAY Hurt or Dropped or Killed and also Left Down On a Drop that can end up to be Eternal Death or a Range of a Punishment Next Life or Lives! This teaching and preaching and also any that are Supporting Members of these FALSE TEACHERS and FALSE PREACHERS and CONFLICTED FALSE CLERGY are part of to a large part of THWARTING a successful Second Coming! Their is still time for the living to Convert to Followers of TJCG before TJCG does a JUDGMENT that CLOSES PROBATION for ALL OF THE LIVING on World Earth! HE could do this anytime with or with out notice and then that is the DOOR that SLAMS SHUT FOR SOME and CLOSES on the ARK and also that the Groom CLOSES and then you get an I KNOW YOU NOT and this could happen anytime with or without notice! You LIVING PROBATION definitely closes when you are dead. 

TJCG has Calm Days and Nights and sometimes Upset Days and Nights! To them that want to go to the mat and wrestle this out and this TO THE DEATH for TJCG writing that HE is hearing loud and clear and crystal clear that Creation took 6,000 years;  this is possible! So what if the Seventh Day Adventist keep The Sabbath! You had and have many FALSE DOCTRINES still! You are off in Left Field somewhere still! A Bible and Bibles are NOT Infallible and are actually far from this! Their is not a God Head or a Triune God or a Trinity! I do NOT feel that much Grace and or Mercy and or Forgiveness many times! I AM God of the Old Testament and also of the New Testament that showed a Temper and Anger and hate also in the Old Testament and also the New Testament with the Temple Scene when I took a whip and went after the merchants and them doing this for the money and or only for the career and or only for the tradition and this showed my Anger and Disgust and UPSET and I currently are a Human Man currently on World Earth with STRONG FEELINGS and STRONG EMOTIONS and FEELINGS of Love and hate! I do NOT have to FORGIVE anybody if you perform certain Rituals or Ceremonies! This includes Baptism. The Pope and Catholic Priest that these call Fathers had and have ABSOLUTELY NO range of authority to forgive or give any type of Absolution! Everybody is JUDGED for EVERYTHING that you ever Did and or Verbalized and or Thought and More if their are records of this! You are more to the Left than you realize! TJCG is CHANGED from when HE was not understanding WHO HE IS and this is due to the the FACT that HE has VAST RESPONSIBILITY and MANY TO TAKE CARE OF and MANY TO PROTECT and is also getting MUCH INFORMATION from Spiritual Living Things! TJCG has the WRATH of Christ and God that many teach and preach and have written about! This is TRUE! This is a FULFILLMENT of PROPHECY also! TJCG can also be Very Nice and Soft Spoken and Calm to them about HIM and that HE is personally involved with including close family and this is WORK and HE does not usually take HIS WORK home and into the personal time and personal space and close relationships of home and family if HE can help this and if HE can stop this and if HE can prevent this! TJCG was and is VERY LOVING also! This is to them that HE LOVES! TJCG does LOVE! Does God seem to be MANIC DEPRESSIVE in a Bible? No God seems to be TORMENTED! Jesus was TORMENTED! This is well documented! TJCG is TORMENTED! This is TRUE also! TJCG is Christ and God! This is THE TRUTH! 

Their are many Supporting Members and Clergy and them that were and are in the Ranks in Religion and that were and are educated enough and still insist that all of their Doctrines in their Church are accurate and correct and good enough. Some want to verbalize or write or make a statement that most are accurate or good enough and therefore their Church is good enough. If these Doctrines are part of a THWARTING of a Second Coming then do you not think that THE ONE that was thwarted if HE has AUTHORITY would and is to be Angry and or Upset and or at least Willing to Leave Them Down On a Drop! What about the Parable of the Ten Virgins and about them having to be Awake and not Sleeping and Aware and with enough Oil in their Lamps that represents for some or per some interpretations the Holy Spirit. What about Faith. What about Stepping Out In Faith? What about having the Faith and Courage and Fortitude to break free of your Church and join a Church or Movement or Following that is much closer to THE TRUTH! Their are too many that think that these are good enough and continue in their LIES and DECEPTIONS and LEADING ASTRAY FROM THE TRUE SHEPPARD. Nobody should settle for any Church with FALSE DOCTRINES! 

To them that are stating that TJCG cannot change or set the or some records STRAIGHT about a Bible and Bibles then WHY in Revelation is their a Title that Christ on the Second Coming is THE WORD! I think that was due to the fact that many understood and still understand that were Spiritual Living Things that their were and are PROBLEMS with a Bible and Bibles and that these are NOT Infallible. Their were and are also TOO MANY FALSE DOCTRINES and FALSE INTERPRETATIONS and FALSE BELIEFS! You need to RUN from these Churches and NEVER LOOK BACK with any FALSE DOCTRINES and any FALSE INTERPRETATIONS and any FALSE BELIEFS that you did and can identify! This is similar also to the times before the days of the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by FIRE! 

On the date of July 17 of 2001 I was STRONGLY IMPRESSED AND INSPIRED OR AT LEAST HEARD THIS LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR while watching a program on the recent successful 100 Million Dollar Test of the Missile Defense System that the Missile Defense Systems are getting slowed down in their effectiveness with counter measures. These counter measures are going to be the Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles or ICBM's getting made to maneuver and out maneuver the Missile Defense Missile!  The ICBM can also be designed to be controlled by Satellites and Radar and Super Computers and have the capabilities to out maneuver the many maneuverings of a Missile Defense Missile! This is going to make the Missile Defense Shield more ineffective and this is another counter measure in addition to sophisticated decoys and more ICBM's! This is therefore allowing access to MORE FIRE POWER! This is THE FUTURE! 

On the date of July 18 of 2001 I was STRONGLY IMPRESSED AND INSPIRED AND HELPED TO FIND and watch a program on PBS and this was about HOLOCAUST ON TRIAL and them many ATTEMPTS by a person POSSESSED by Satan and certain Demons to ARGUE and WRITE ABOUT and GET INTO LAWSUITS for many years that the Jewish Holocaust never happened! What were all of the photographs and movies about? These were not fabricated. Their were many numbers in this and these were 12 and 30 and 12 represents 12 Tribes and 12 Disciples and 12,000 years. Their was also the use of 12,000 and this correlates to the FACT that the Star of David is TJCG and 12,000 years from the very beginning of creation was exactly at Y2K. This Jewish HOLOCAUST was done to attempt to THWART any possibility for a Second Coming! No; Christ or God did not allow this to happen to the Jewish people and that is ABSURD! The Jewish have been SYSTEMATICALLY ELIMINATED for almost 2000 years with the Roman Emperors and in the Roman Coliseum and by the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisitions and then Hitler and more than this and much more and over 50 Million Jewish some estimate! The Swastika is a BROKEN CROSS SYMBOL! The Maltese Cross is a Cross and this is a Cross that is also in the Tomb of Jesus! Satan and certain Demons were working through the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church and Hitler! Their were and are some that think that this is from Christ and or God or that Christ and or God simply allowed this to happen! TJCG is getting told that this is not true! TJCG is getting told LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR that this is NOT THE TRUTH and Christ and God who were and are ONE in the same similar to a man brain and body were UPSET and then EXTREMELY UPSET with what happened and is still happening to the Jewish people! Look at all of the HOSTILE Arabic nations about Israel! Look at how the USA was and is made to be Jewish and Israel FRIENDLY and PROTECTIVE and a HAVEN Nation for the Jewish! Their were and are still many Christians that think that this was from Christ and or God! Many Catholics and certain Christians feel this was and if from Christ and God! Their was up to a point this from Christ and God and their rejection of any protection and then this stopped after the Romans ramped up their and Those TORTURING! This went TOO FAR and the many Jewish were then PROTECTED to EXTREMES at times! Their were and are many Angels of Light that were Martyrs with them! This was and is TRUE! This shows you the DRASTIC MEASURES at which Satan and Demons are STILL ATTEMPTING to COMPLETELY DISCREDIT that the Jewish HOLOCAUST ever happened! TJCG was made to be UPSET and this was a DRASTIC TIME of DRASTIC TORTURING and ATROCITIES and RAPING and PILLAGING and HURTING and STARVING and TORTURING and TORMENTING and RAPING and HAVING SEX and SODOMIZING and HURTING and DEMEANING and COMMITTING MANY ATROCITIES and EXPERIMENTING ON THEM and TAKING THEIR YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN AND FEMALES FOR SEX AND PERVERSIONS AND DRASTIC ATROCITIES and this was with DarkSide Humans that were POSSESSED by Satan and certain Demons! This was not from Christ and or God and this was from Satan and Demons! The MOTIVE for ATTEMPTING to ELIMINATE ALL of the Jewish on World Earth at that time was to THWART DRASTICALLY any possibility of a Bloodline that was PURE ENOUGH to be able to Fulfill the Legal Requirements for the Second Coming! This was to BREAK what was started at the Cross and this is WHY their was the BROKEN CROSS SYMBOL of the Swastika! This was and is about a BLOODLINE! This was and is a Second Coming that is Christ and God getting BORN on World Earth again and not Coming from Remote! This is THE TRUTH and what Satan and Demons did and are doing should REVEAL with OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that this is about the SYSTEMATIC ELIMINATION of a BLOODLINE! If you taped this then you need to REVIEW this many times and this has many numbers and numerology that is SIGNIFICANT! This is done with Mass Media Messages that are Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant to EXTREMELY BLATANT! 

TJCG had a ROUGH DAY yesterday and HE took a public transportation bus somewhere and was SURROUNDED by mostly DarkSide Humans that were DRASTICALLY AGITATED and TALKING DARKSIDE INNUENDO and sending MANY MESSAGES to TJCG! Their was a time that TJCG finally told them to be quiet and then a guy got up and got into Teds face and was practically shouting and Ted then stood up and was almost twice this guys size and this guy EGGED TJCG ON and ATTEMPTED to get TJCG into an AGGRAVATED ASSAULT SITUATION! Satan and Demons are CONSTANTLY AFTER TJCG when HE is out and about and their are many sometimes that are POSSESSED DRASTICALLY ABOUT TJCG and HE can Hear this and See this and Feel this and their are sometimes many ATTEMPTED CONFRONTATIONS when HE is out! TJCG currently has a life that is 100 times or more ROUGHER than before the 3.5 years before Y2K! TJCG is barely surviving at times without PROBLEMS! Some Angels of Light had to do some DEALS with Satan and certain Demons to SHUT THIS DOWN or Ted and this POSSESSED guy would have ended in an AGGRAVATED ASSAULT SITUATION and Ted and this guy in jail for AGGRAVATED ASSAULT! This did not happen and was close to happening! The Angels of Light are in DRASTIC SITUATIONS with Humans on World Earth for this DEAL! TJCG was and is UPSET with this and when HE heard this! TJCG almost could not control HIS emotions also and this was also a possession of TJCG! TJCG never verbalized anything or implied anything about Jesus and this guy blurted out to TJCG "THAT'S NOT WHAT JESUS CHRIST WOULD DO" and their was and were many things done and verbalized that were beyond Innuendo and were Obvious and Blatant! This guy was almost 100% a Demon and also Satan in their also and also more Demons! TJCG did and does get many Messages while out and about sometimes! Satan and certain Demons are DRASTICALLY HATEFUL towards TJCG currently! This is an example of what TJCG has to endure and then what the Angels of Light did and do to RESCUE HIM from and out of situations! TJCG was told and is told that you do not want to know what the Angels of Light did for you and do for you and are doing for you and also did and do and are doing for many quote LightSide Humans and them that were and are Rescued sometimes that include at certain times also DarkSide Humans! Sometimes Angels of Light strike DEALS for certain amounts of time to be with certain Humans and for example Prostitutes and in Pornography and while getting Raped and while getting Child Molested and while getting Child Raped and while getting Tortured and while getting Killed and while getting Dropped actually and while Committing Suicide and while Jumping off of a Building and while this and that! This is THE TRUTH and many Angels of Light were Guardian Angels of Light while the many Jewish were getting many things done to them! This is THE TRUTH! The more into the Left Field you are the MORE that the Angels of Light have to make SACRIFICES FOR YOU some to many times! How did and do you think that a LightSide Human is Dragged to the DarkSide? What did and do you think FALSE DOCTRINES did and do? TJCG was SORRY and APOLOGIZED to the Angels of Light and told them that HE would try to CONTROL HIS EMOTIONS if HE could better! HE did and does not want to cause them Problems and them to have to make a range of a deal to sacrifice for a range of a rescue! TJCG cannot imagine what sacrifices were made for HIM today! This makes HIM feel something and should make HIM FEEL UPSET! Many times TJCG's EMOTIONS are BLOCKED and GUARDED or HE would be a CRYING BLITHERING IDIOT ALL OF THE TIME! This is what happened during a recent start of a Great War and Judgments and Reorganizations! TJCG LOOKED AND FELT AND WAS UPSET for almost a year! This was EXTREME and also DRASTIC! TJCG cannot be CRYING ALL OF THE TIME! TJCG has to WORK! TJCG has to TRY to survive! TJCG has to continue HIS WORK on World Earths Internet! This is the LAST TIME that Christ is Coming to World Earth a Human! TJCG also Reversed some Judgments that were written in a journal book that are not Published on World Earths Internet yet while in Guadalajara Mexico for a while with no computer and only pens and journal books that were Punishments for the Earth Angels of Light if certain things happened to TJCG. TJCG decided that They are doing Good Enough currently and was also SORRY about today and the Rescue. TJCG and the Earth Angels of Light do NEED HELP while HE is on World Earth and into the Future and any that are thwarting or not helping TJCG are causing Problems for TJCG and the Earth Angels of Light! At the least; how motivated is TJCG and certain Earth Angels of Light getting when this is time for your Judgment or with Judgment Criteria Set then your Determination or Determinations for a range of a good and or nice and or desirable next life? You NEED to be in Right Field! TJCG NEEDS to be in Right Field! TJCG also sometimes gets Dragged to the Left for a while and has to be Pulled to the Right again by certain Angels of Light. 

This is TJCG and I was resting and sleeping in the afternoon and I had a VIVID Religious Dream and this was about seeing God in a loin clothe and had red mud on the body and seemed to have been working and working in the mud and trying to fix and bring two strands together again and had two long wires or ropes that were two different distinct and large strands. Their were many people walking into a cave or tunnel and this is where these two wires or ropes were also getting threaded into by the hands of God and I remember passing God and grabbing a hold of the torso of God and verbalizing THANK YOU and then God started to CRY and I then remember waking up and I was CRYING! Then when I woke up I immediately PRAYED to God of the Ten Commandments and asked AM I God and I received the answer that was verbal out of my mouth of YES and I was still UPSET! My impression is that I was and are TOO HARSH on many and need to calm down and TRY to put myself in their shoes. My impression of this is that this Mud was in Israel. My impression was that the two strands represent them in Judaism and them in Christianity. I was awakened immediately at a critical point and many times when these Dreams happen and this happens; this is some kind of a Religious Dream or a Spiritually Sent Dream. 

This was on the night of The Sabbath. TJCG was reminded that David Coresh was a False Christ and that you TJCG are the Real Christ and this was a fulfillment of prophecy and this is that David Coresh was destroyed by FIRE when Christ Came to World Earth and slightly before Legally and Publicly and Completely Enough Declaring and Proclaiming to be Christ and the many I AM's of The Great I AM. This is TJCG and I had another rough and wrestles night and heard Spiritual Voices and Spiritual Feelings and had them in my Brain and Body and Possessing and then a Mix and then Controlling and the DarkSide Spirits Possess and the LightSide Spirits Control and then their is sometimes a Mix of Control/Possess or a Mix of Possess/Control. I think that Humans contribute much less to this process sometimes than many realized or realize. I finally Prayed to Christ and or God and Christ and God and BOTH if these are separate and to THE ONE LIVING GOD if these are in the same Brain and Body and or ONE Consciousness and ONE and I Asked and Begged and Pleaded for Grace and Mercy and Forgiveness. I then Asked for this Reverently and Sincerely and with Torment! I then if Christ and or God gave myself COMPLETE Grace and Mercy and Forgiveness and until WHITE like SNOW and this also. I then asked AM I Christ and THE CREATOR and the Ancient of Days and the Alpha and the Omega and the First and the Last and the Son of David and The Great I AM and I had the answer of YES that was LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR AND VERBALLY LOUD OUT OF MY MOUTH! I then asked to have God pound the chest of God with the Right Fist 1 time and my fist was tightened up and taken up and hit my chest and then I asked and prayed to God for this to happen again and harder and this was harder and then I asked and prayed for this again and this time this was definitely not feeling any range of willful from Ted and the right fist of Ted was raised up and was lowered with force and hit the chest of Ted again. I then asked who is actually answering and doing this and I was told LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR THAT THIS WAS VERBALLY OUT OF MY MOUTH that this was an Angel of Light that KNEW you in the PAST and LOVED YOU and LOVES YOU and KNOWS YOU and KNEW YOU on World Earth and helped you and covered for you many times. Then my face was made to SMILE and she was making my face SMILE and this seemed HAPPY and FAMILIAR. This absolutely did not seem to be from any degree of Satan or a Demon or Evil Spirit or from Possession. 




This Chapter is IN PROGRESS ... 


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