When I left full-time employment in January, one of the items on my Going-Solo Plan was to start a design/communications company in a bid to do my part for the country's GDP. Unfortunately, because of capital constraints, poor marketing and a generally undeveloped sense of business, I quickly gave up on the idea. This development was not entirely bad as it allowed me time to research my Free To Be Me philosophy.

As I became more self-aware and increased my knowledge base, I discovered that an idea needs time to "gestate" in the womb of the mind before it gives birth to the reality. With this in mid, I began to pray, write the vision down, and seek God for clarity and direction.

I was blessed to get support form my parents in the form of equipment - a high-powered computer, printers, digital camera and office furniture. As I started to develop my natural skills through practice and experimentation, I saw that opportunity lay ahead and began to prepare by building a process centred around how I like to do things.

The writer of Proverbs said that our gifts would make way for us before kings. I saw the outworking of this principle as I continued to hone my skills. To cut a long story short, I developed a product called a notecard - It is basically a modified photo with interesting background and message - and gave these cards away free of charge to my close friends.

One of the cards got into the hands of a youth pastor who has an e-newsletter that is impacting 1000 or so lives every Friday. I was been able to form an interesting sort of alliance with him in line with my vision to start a youth magazine. Another card was intercepted by a marketing executive who works at one of Zimbabwe's premier promotional agencies. They are now calling me for "brainstorming sessions" for which I charge a hourly consulting fee!

The DreaMachine is only just beginning - Watch this space! I give God the glory and pray that He continues to expand the vision.