Finding Satisfying Work

In today's unpredictable economy, the idea of job security with any company would seem to be a thing of the past. Large company layoffs, high unemployment, company acquisitions and similar business moves have left people of all ages out of a job they need to live. But it's not only individuals who have been turned out of jobs that I want to help. How satisfied are you in the business you're in? Do you long to do something else with your career? If so, you're not alone. You have plenty of company in wanting to change one's goals and focus in life. Studies have shown that working in a job because you have to, not because you like it, can have some effect on an individual's life span. Why take years off your life when you don't have to?

The problem for most people in these situations is that they're not sure where to start. They've either been tossed into this situation unexpectedly and are trying to make decisions on the run or they know that they at least have a pay check, so they postpone thinking about trying to focus in on a job hunt for something they truly like to do. Well, cheer up! What you need to do is re-focus, identify the skills you have, narrow down the type of work you like to do and gather information from prospects of landing that job that will take you through contentedly into your retirement years.

This doesn't have to be a long, drawn out process. You can label your transferable skills and acquire helpful data within a few days! It's not a year or two effort we're talking about. The secret is knowing where to look, what to ask and how to narrow down the type of job you'd not only enjoy, but be pretty good at, too! So much of this is understanding what makes you tick! Who better to identify this than you? People can only give you some pointers in doing it, but it will be up to you to take the time to really analyze what it is you like and want to do. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will give you the power to change your life!

What should you ask

I was talking to a young man the other day and we dipped into the area of his future. He had just finished A’ Levels and was getting ready to go to university. I asked him what he was planning for the next year and he answered “University, obviously.” “To do what,” I asked, to which he replied rather passionately, “Business Science.” Not wanting to be annoying, I paused before asking why he wanted to do Business Science. The reasons he gave are:
1. I am passionate about it
2. My Dad is involved in it
3. I did MOB at A’ Level and loved it

While all three replies seemed sufficient, I was on a different mission: One to find this man’s passion and purpose. In my quest to understand further, I asked him if he had ever started a business or been involved in running one. The answer was no but he talked about how he loved it, not leaving out a few “My Dad”’s in order to put some authority in his choice. As we were running out of time, I ran three more questions by him, asking him to answer with the first thought that came to mind:
1. What do you like doing
2. What are you good at doing
3. What would you do if money wasn’t an issue

He couldn’t answer each conclusively but knew that he likes talking to people, hates figures! And loves drumming.

Motivated Talents

Find satisfying work begins with asking yourself those three questions: Satisfying work is really a question of finding the natural talents and abilities which you love to use. Their characteristics are that they are:
1. Totally natural – Unforced and unconscious effort
2. Irrepressible – They always finds expression
3. You will enjoy using them and be good at it

Motivation = What we LIKE TO DO naturally
Talent = What we DO WELL naturally


The Solution to a person who is finding it difficult to work in their current job situation is to:
1. Discover what you are DESIGNED to do
2. Find and maximise activities which help you to express it
3. Minimise everything else