Tina's Louisiana Information Page

Louisiana State Vital Records Office
Vital Records Registry
PO Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160
(504) 568-5163Fax: (504) 568-539
Make check or money order payable to Vital Records.

Fee for one copy:$15.00$5.00see parish$5.00
Rush fee:$15.50$15.50$15.50

Overview of Louisiana Adoption Information

Louisiana has a mutual consent registry operated by the Department of Health and Human Services for adoptees (age 25 or older), birth mothers and birth fathers if the father has legitimated or formally acknowledged the child as provided by law or has signed a voluntary abandonment and release for the child's adoption. One hour counselling is required upon registration.
For registry information, contact:
    Louisiana Voluntary Registry
      Department of Health and Human Resources
      P. O. Box 3318
      Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821
      Telephone: (504) 342-4041

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 9:40:91