Join millions of social drinkers, who amuse relatives,

friends, and business associates with a colorful, unique toast.


Use the unusual toasts that were raised by those toastmakers.

Share toasts given at your tables with others.



New and unusual toasts are born in every corner of our small planet every day. They come and go unnoticed. Please notice them, write them down, and share them with other toastmakers by sending them to me, by e-mail or post mail. And if your toast is the best one I receive that year, you will win $50.


I am interested in all kind of toasts that were actually given at the any personal or business events. It could be toasts on:


Age, Anniversaries, Baby, Better Times, Birthday, Business, Celebrations, Children, Christmas, Death, Father, Fishing, Food, Friendship, Fun, Guests, Happiness, Health, Home, Husband, International, Lets drink, Love, Luck, Master of Ceremonies, Man, Marriage, Mother, Mother-in-law, Newborn, New Year, Parents, Parting, Patriotic, Professional, Occupational, Sex, Special Occasions, Sport, Thanksgiving, Toastmakers, Vodka, Wealth, Wedding, Wife, Wisdom, Woman and so on, and so on, and so on.


I am interested at the present time in the following toasts:


1.     Sex in the toast

2.     Woman’s toast to Woman,

3.     Woman’s toasts to Man,

4.     Men’s toast to Woman

5.     Women rule the world.

6.     Jewish to Jewish




1a  (Sex. To a real man. Given by a woman at a man’s birthday. 1970.)


Real men leave the bed to rest. Let’s drink to real men.


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1b  (Sex. Letter “P” – To Peace. The word “Peace” translated in Russian has three letters, as the very well known slang word. This toast was given at the sex party in 1961.)


Let me raise a toast for the well-known word that consists of five letters starting with letter “P”.

The word describes what people of all over the world think of. It is written in every possible place in words and pictures. It never kills, but on the contrary increases the population of the globe. It is what every woman thinks about, and wants very much for herself, and for her daughters, for her husband and for her sons. It is what every man wants to preserve as long as possible.

To “Peace!” my friends!


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2a  (To women. Woman’s toast was giving to women at New Year. 1976.)


Men like to say that everything good or bad in life is from a woman. What else is in life except good and bad?

My toast is for us, women, who bring men all happiness and all sadness in their lives, as well as… life itself.


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2b  (A woman toast to women. Toast is given at the sex party. 1962.)


Let’s those, who did not get us, cry.

Let’s those, who did not want us, die.


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3a  (Occupational. Woman knows what man wants. Toast by the wife to husband who received a PH degree and the raise in the position. 1983)


If a man is persistent he always will get what… the woman wants.

My toast is for men’ persistence and women’s knowledge.

(Variation: For the man who satisfies all his woman’s wants)


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3b  (Family. Saw and a log. Toast by a woman at friends’ get-together evening. 1989)


Some men compare us, their wives, to sawing. Some say, “My wife saws me, and saws me, and saws me, all day long.” To avoid such an attitude, these men are advised not to be logs.

Let’s drink that the family sawmills do not have the raw material to operate and would stay without work more often.


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4a. (Woman’s shadow. Man’s toast to his fiancé at her birthday. 1992.)


Let’s drink to the women in the shadow of whom it is so pleasant to be.


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4b. (To woman. Toast by L. S., violinist of BSO (Big Symphony Orchestra), at a wedding, to the bride’s mother who came to our table. 09/06/2001)


It is a great art to grow the kind of daughter you have, but it is an even greater art to stay as young and beautiful as you are. I wish that you will be like that for many years and that for many years you will be asked for identification whenever you go to a bar.


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5a  (To a wife. Care about husband after his death. Toast by a woman.1999.)


Two doors led into Heaven. The sign on one of the doors:

“For the man who was under the heels of his wife!”

The sign on the other door: “For the man who was the boss in the family!”

There was a long line before the first door.

One man quietly knocked on the second door.

The Apostle Peter opened the door and asked: “Why did you knock on this door?”

The man answered, “My wife ordered me to!”

Let’s drink to the wife who takes care of her husband today and after his death.


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5b  (Wives. Wise and fool. Toast by a man at the celebration of his promotion. 1998.)


The wise man asked the rich and famous man: “Who made you rich and famous?”

“My wife. She is a very wise woman,” answered the rich and famous man.

The wise man asked the beggar, “Who made you so poor?

“My wife. She is very stupid,” answered the beggar.

Let’s raise our goblets for those who raise us high in the eyes of our friends and in our own eyes.

To our beautiful and smart women.



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6a. (Birthday of Jewish boy.  Let him add his opinion to the opinions of famous Jewish people. The toast is given at the celebration of a Jewish boy’s birth in Baltimore. 2000)


Moses said - everything is from God.

Solomon said - everything is out of the head,

Jesus said - everything is out of the heart,

Karl Marks said - everything is out of the stomach,

Freud said - everything is out of sex,

Einstein said- everything is relative.

As many Jews there are - so many opinions there are.

I wish that this little boy will have such opinions that people will include his name in such wonderful company


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6b  (Birthday. Toast was given at the birthday party of 90-years woman who has the very energetic nature, and is very active in the local community life. Toast was given by D., grandson – in law.2001.)


“Jewish folklore has a story about one aged woman who came to the doctor with a minor complaint about her health. Doctor examined her, prescribed her medicine and said,

“Dear Granny! Only wine gets better with age! I am not a miracle man! I cannot make an older woman younger.”

“Who asked you to make me younger?” responded woman. “I want to grow older without any complications”

Dear Granny, I wish that you grow older for many years ahead and if you need to visit doctors, that you will visit them with minor complications only! Have a good, healthy and active life for many years!”








I need your help to bring this Web site to as many toastmakers as possible. Whether or not you have a unique toast to share with others, you can benefit from visiting this site as often as you can or at least before you go to a private or business party and need new interesting toasts.


The more people that know about this site, the more toasts will appear on these pages.


I thank you for visiting this site, and I greatly hope that you will help me by spreading the word about this site to as many people as your can.