What is/was new in Helper Goddess Office
Hi !! thank you for visiting the Helper Goddess Office, below are what is and was new list in the Helper Goddess Office -

What is new ?
2005 /08/ 24
Whoa!! another year past by and I still haven't do anything.... well I change the IE main page so hopefully everyone will like it. I just want to change the look that's all. Oh! and I put the Seiyuu Profiles up, I actually made that page looooooooooonnnng time ago but I just forget to put it up..
2004 /03/ 31
OH MY GODdess !! its been a year ALREADY ??!? one year ago today I made some changes and it seems like just yesterday.... I fell waaaaaaaaaaay behind and I can't keep up with others anymore (sigh-_-)
2003 /03/ 31
WOW!! it has been awhile since my last update.... ever since GeoCities counter drop dead I dont know how many more people visited HGO since December 1997. According to GeoCities Statics page, my HGO IE version get visited total of 77197 times so far since June of 2001, so that means I dont know how many more after December 14 1997 to May of 2001.... I tried to visit some AMG websites but look like lots of AMG sites are gone.... oh well, just feel like making some change around here :P Oh ! and check out HGO's Manga Section and HGO's new message board
2000 /08/ 14
Happy anniversary to MEEeeeee.... damn I can't keep my promise.... just so many things need to be done and I just don't have time to finish them all.... anyway, AMG movie is about to come out, so hopefully I can get the informations up and running so you all can get hooked, maybe just give me few more days...... you never know....
2000 /07/ 03
As I look around the web for awhile, and I realize that most of AMG sites are either out-dated or just plain dead.... so I decide to do something about my site. Expecting a major change in the near future, but I can't never set a date, so hopefully I can get it done before HGO's 4 year anniversary.
What was new ?

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