First things first


First things first

First things first!!! And that is, what on earth is going on here?!?!?!


Have any of you actually been to the new London site? Find it in Navigation!!! It rulez!

Number two, I dont think many of you people have been to the whats new section. I beleive that you should check it out before you try anything else!

Hey wow, want to meet some new people? Go and visit the current guestbook in the navigation section. There are currently about 130 people there. (10/9/97) and I'm pretty sure some other people have recently joined in! Join the fun and enjoy!

Hey, Join the mailing list! It has increased tremendously since it last was released. If you want a message posted there, just mail the owner ( me ). You can find the e-mail address under "Help" in the links.

Always read before you click. Read the navigation bits and see what you are interested in! I think there's something here for everyone!!! Even you youngsters out there! I beleive the Pochacco page has become increasingly popular since this site was launched as a children friendly site.

Hey, have you checked out what's going on in the future? Go to the nav page and check it out ok?!

Hey, come back ok? There's bound to be somethign here you didn't see before! Haha, OK, have fun here! Enjoy!

..since 01 Nov 01996.

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