September, 2002        Mac Basics : FAQs
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Updated : 26 November 2002

I know many Mac novices have many questions to ask.....but don't know where to here it is for you to know more about Mac before asking. It is only for MacOS 8.6. Hope it helps.

1) How to upload these files to the web server on Mac?
Ans : Using Fetch that is in Mac version, not Cute FTP, ws_ftp which is for Windows. Or you can use Dreamweaver to upload to the web server.

2) How to compress/uncompress these large files on Mac?
Ans : To use StuffIt Expander to do these things on Mac while on PC, it uses special Zip to compress them. Just use suffixes such as .hqx, .sit for Mac.

3) There is only one button on the Mac mouse, then how to save or download?
Ans : Just click on for few seconds then the menu will appear and you will save as or download...but don't have the function to save the background unlike in PC. So you have to source out the code to save the background.

4) If without notepad on PC, then how to do the code on Mac?
Ans : Simply use Simple Text or AppleScript. AppleScript is a wonder thing. That's what makes Mac different and unique from PC.

5) If you need to use ColdFusion or ASP (Active Server Pages) on Mac, then how?
Ans : Unfortunately, no. But on MacOS X, it can use PHP to edit the homepage, especially MYSQL.

6) How to differ JavaScript when the webpages happen to appear differently on between Mac and PC?
Ans : Please go to for more information.

7) How to defrag this hard disk in order to access faster?
Ans : Use Drive 10 to do defragmentation. Norton Utilities is NOT RECOMMENDED. So please go to for more details.

8) Why is Norton Utilities NOT RECOMMENDED?
Ans : It's not recommended due to eRmm, it has been written for Windows platform for a long time until the programmers have forgotten how to write for Mac platform. Actually, only good thing about Norton Utilities is the Unerase Wizard, other than the rest are really crap like the disk doctor that doesn't do much.

9) What happens if you are unable to open files when being decompressed in StuffIT Expander?
Ans : So you should use either Adobe Photoshop, Picture Viewer or Quicktime as these files happen to use these suffixes such as .jpg or .gif. while other files use its suffixes such as .html, so you have to use IE or Netscape to open these files.

10) Where can we buy Mac computer or stuffs?
Ans : Some highly recommended places are:

  • SGL Marketing. Location SLS Level 2 (walk towards the 'backlane' it's there)
  • AppleCentre at MI Funan Level 5 (Friggin' big corner)
  • AppleCentre at Orchard Wheelock Place Level 2 (beside Sake Sushi, you can test drive all models of the Mac - except eMac, there)
  • MacShop at Funan Centre (3th level if I'm not wrong).

These are these places which I am sure most brudders would recommend to you. You can try It's not advisable to go and buy Mac computer at Courts or any of those so-called Electronic SuperStores. Because 99% of the salesmen there have very little knowledge of the Mac and won't give any proper advice except on harping on the speed and numbers.


Any queries concerning Mac problems or anything related to Mac, just go to either Mac Clinic or MacRebels.

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