The Ramblings of Nikaido Nozomu

- Chapter 1 -
One Big Happy Family
Let's Live Together :P

Now then, this is how it all started. When my Mom said she was gonna put me up in this fancy seven storied apartment building, I was a bit surprised. I didn't need nothin' fancy, just a place to live, *AWAY* from my Mom's constant watch. I mean, what would the guys at college say? Anyway, she insisted, since I did so good on the entrance exams. Well, whatever. So we were on our way. Apparently, she got her sister's friend's wife(or somethin', I lost track) to find this place. Turns out, I was booked up in this little hovel of a place called 'Ikkoku-kan'. It was all I could do t'keep from laughing! The look on my Mom's face was precious.

Okay, now look, my Mom thought she was booking me up in 'Rikkoku-kan' ... yeah, that nice place I mentioned earlier. This is what she gets for being so trusting, she's not very worldly, y'see. These things happen, right? So my Mom's goin' off at the sight of this wreck of a building, and the tenants make their showing. I later learn each one by name: Ichinose, room 1; Yotsuya, room 4; and Akemi, room 6. It didn't take long for me to size them up and see that the three of them had 'failure' written all over them. But then I met the Kanrinin-san... Otonashi Kyoko. Findin' out that she lives there was enough alone t'make me decide: I was here to stay.

Needless to say, it took a bit of convincing t'get my Mom off my back, but hey, I'm not a kid anymore! Anyhow, the lease was signed, my stuff was moved in, and it was away from home. Good enough, right? Right. From there, things just get weird. And I soon figured out, if Godai of room 5 was the most normal, the place was gonna be a mad house. Yeah, well, I was right. Oh well. It's not much of a home, but it's *MY* home. And anyway, after that stunt Yotsuya pulled with the waterbucket and the damp towel, I CAN'T leave until I get my revenge! Make me look like a dork in front of Kanrinin-san, will he? We'll see about that! And if it takes me years, I WILL get back at him, I swear it!

Alright, it's not totally unfounded, y'know. I mean, my reason for staying. See, here's what happened: the tenants started treatin' me like some wet-behind-the-ears momma's boy right off, tryin' t'make a fool of me. Well, they were doin' a damn good job, but they don't have a clue who they're messin' with! They acted all nice at first, then Yotsuya got me real good with that map he drew. Spent all day lookin' for City Hall. What a waste. At least I found the Cha-Cha Maru. :P Then, when I found my way back, Yotsuya had locked the door. Okay, so Yotsuya's some kind of freak bent on making a jerk of me. I can deal with this. Turns out, the other two, Akemi and Obasan (Ichinose) were in on it too! So in the end, I ended up drenched. And in front of Kanrinin-san, too. I took it, just smirked it off, y'know? Why? Because I'm gonna really nail it t'him! Just gotta figure out my plans...


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Closing the Notebook...