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Guide to HIV Test

What is HIV?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first reported in the USA in 1981. Today the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, is present in virtually every country in the world and continues to spread faster than international efforts to stop it. Every day an estimated 7500 adults and 1000 children across the world become infected.

In the UK, 31,001 people are reported to have been infected with HIV up to December 1997. In the same period, there have been 15,074 diagnosed with AIDS, of whom 10,977 have died.

(Source: AIDS/HIV Quarterly Surveillance Tables, February 1998, No 38: 97/4 PHLS AIDS Centre, Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health.)

How is HIV transmitted?

HIV is a virus that can damage the body's defence system so that it cannot easily fight off certain infections. Once HIV infection is established it stays in the body for life. If someone with HIV goes on to get certain illnesses, they are said to have AIDS.

In the UK there are three main ways in which HIV can be passed on:

  • by having penetrative sex without a condom with someone who has HIV;
  • by using needles, syringes or other drug-injecting equipment that are infected with HIV;
  • from a woman with HIV to her baby during pregnancy, at birth or through breast-feeding.

Worldwide, the most common way of becoming infected is by sex between men and women. In the UK, most new infections are amongst gay and bisexual men, although the rate of HIV infection amongst heterosexual men and women is rising.

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This page was
last updated
on 06/01/98.

 News Sources
- CNN - Health
- JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
- MSNBC AIDS Front Page
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Francisco Examiner - AIDSWeek
- USA Today - AIDS
- Yahoo! News Search: AIDS
 Yahoo! Categories
- Antivirals
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Drug Treatment and Therapies
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- General Information
- Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Resources
- Protease Inhibitors
- Research Centers
- Research and Treatment
- Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors

AIDS Sources.gif (4377 bytes)

Asian and Pacific Islander  HIV and AIDS

Southeast Asia AIDS/HIV Information


Clinical Trials


Faith Resources

Gay & Bisexual Men

Government Information

Government Resources





Advocacy International Resources
AIDS Libraries and Resource Lists Legal Resources
Clinical Trials Occupational Health and Safety
Comprehensive Resources People of Color
Databases Prevention
Faith Resources Substance Abuse
Gay & Bisexual Men Treatment and Support
Government Resources Women
Hemophilia Youth
Housing HIV/AIDS-Related Listservs
Incarcerated Populations HIV/AIDS-Related Usenet Newsgroups

Incarcerated Populations

International Resources

Legal Resources


Occupational Health and Safety

People of Color



Substance Abuse

Treatment and Support


AIDS Libraries and Resource Lists



News Stories
- UN expert: more funding vital to stop AIDS - Reuters (05/25/98)
- S.F. Mayor Brown Honors Testers of AIDS Drugs - SF Chronicle (05/19/98)
- Inexpensive Two-Minute HIV Test Passes First Field Trial - UniSci (05/19/98)
- AIDS activists call for action on vaccine - Reuters (05/18/98)
- Vitamins benefit pregnant HIV+ women - Reuters (05/18/98)
- Doctors Criticize Delays in Newborns' HIV Data - NY Times (Registration required) (05/14/98)
- AIDS Vaccine at Least 10 Years Away, Experts Say - SF Chronicle (05/13/98)
- Scientists find switch that counterattacks HIV - Reuters (05/13/98)
- 15-year-old vigil puts face on AIDS - SF Examiner (05/13/98)
- Plague-resistant gene studied for AIDS parallels - Yahoo!/Wired (05/08/98)
 Related Web Sites
- JAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center - with news, education, a library, treatment options, public policy, and prevention information.
- The Body - a multimedia AIDS and HIV resource.
- CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse - designed to facilitate the sharing of HIV/AIDS and STD resources and information.
- American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) - dedicated to the support of AIDS research (both biomedical and clinical research), prevention, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy.
- AIDS Treatment Data Network - treatment education and counseling services for men, women and children with AIDS & HIV.
- Vaccine Information For Adults - AIDS - AIDS related information and links.
- Roche-HIV.com - goal is to "facilitate a better understanding of the virus and treatment issues."
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation - offers latest treatment developments, public policy updates and client service information.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases - headed by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a world leader in AIDS/HIV research.
- Institute of Human Virology (IHV) - headed by Dr. Robert C. Gallo, prominent AIDS researcher.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - "The Nation's Prevention Agency."
- HIV | InSite - news and updates from the University of California at San Francisco.

Asian and Pacific Islander - Health Organization and Programs


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