
    "Why, man, she is mine own,
    And I as rich in having such a jewel
    As twenty seas, if their sands were pearl,
    The water nectar, and the rocks pure gold."
    --William Shakespeare

Hal is composed of a fairly thin, somewhat tall, dark-skinned body. His dark hair often hides beautiful amber eyes that always seem to look sad, despite the charming smile usually on his face. Halsian's soft tenor voice speaks slowly, since even the slightest excitment can cause him to loose his breath. His movements are slow and graceful, and he often has to take long strides to make up for lack of speed. Plain black clothes adorn his figure, and the knot on his shoulder denotes him as a master in the healercraft. On the opposite shoulder rests a frail sky-blue firelizard, tail wrapped posessively around his neck.

He is the epitome of a gentleman, and makes it a point to be kind and pleasant to everyone, with a few exceptions (coughJaarencough) here and there.. Nope, chivalry is /not/ dead.

Halsian is the only child of two traders, whose wherabouts, even to this day, are still unknown. They happened to be traveling near Igen Weyr when he was born, and decided to finally settle down. Hal grew up happy and fairly healthy at the Weyr.. Only odd problems with his heart kept him from leading a normal childhood, and even that didn't bring down his humor.

On his eleventh turnday he was sent to the Harper Healer Hall to learn more about his condition. After living there for almost two turns he developed an interest in healing and became an apprentice. Several turns of hard work with complete devotion to his craft followed, and finally he was promoted to journeyman. Hal was posted to Keroon Hold only a few days after walking the tables.

One day, Halsian was asked to return to the Hall, where he was promoted to Herblore Master, and asked him to take on the position of Healer Craftsecond. Needless to say, Hal accepted the job.

  • Hal and Jaaren get into a fight.
  • Hal and Jaaren get drunk.
  • Hal is promoted to master.
  • Hal sees Juliena for the first time in several days, resulting in an icky gross mushy (no pun intended) reunion. :)
  • Hal visits Juliena and proposes.

Many thanks to Juliena for the image on the right.
