
Jerin hails from Starfall Hold, a small place on the southernmost tip of mainland Pern. He was born into a large family, having eight older brothers and sisters. Poor Jer was the youngest, so of course he was always picked on, and his holder parents rarely had time to save him from the torment caused by his elder siblings. Jerin grew to be quite the prankster, though, and often got his revenge by hiding live spiderclaws under his sisters' sleeping furs and putting dyed water in the bathing caverns, causing most of the people in the hold to take on an interesting green hue.

The holders were quite upset with their youngest son, and thought about sending him off to a crafthall, or to Crescent Moon Weyr, where his bluerider uncle lived. Instead, the kind headwoman suggested they give him a special job of some kind, where he wouldn't have enough free time to cause trouble. Stablehand? No.. He'd probably just torture the runners. Records keeper? With his poor handwriting? And then it finally came to them.. Assistant Steward! He'd be too busy running errands and helping the head steward. Well, almost.. At least there weren't anymore green people around.

A few turns later, Jerin's parents were visiting a hold in the north, and were struck by a strange disease, later discovered to be pneumonia. Both died a sevenday or so apart from each other, and Jer's oldest brother, Maxton, was appointed the new holder of Starfall Hold.

The first thing Maxton did as holder was boot Jerin out of his position and assign a new Assistant Steward. Jer was quite miffed at losing his job, and left with a visiting dragonrider for Crescent Moon Weyr, where he had hopes to find his uncle, and a new life.

After spending a few sevendays at the weyr he didn't find his uncle, but did manage to sprain his ankle twice, cut his leg, and almost break his neck changing glows. And then one day he was invited to go to the galleries and see the new cluth of eggs. Imagine his surprise when Green Lunaith poked her head inside, whuffled, and eventually searched him.

And then, after several /more/ broken fingers, snapped muscles and various other injuries due to Jerin's clumsiness, the day finally came, and the weyr's dragons began humming. Jerin was oddly graceful that night, only tripping once on the way out onto the sands, and then again as he felt something.. An odd tickling in his mind, like a voice, barely louder than a whisper. As Jerin looked into the whirling eyes of the hatchling in front of him and heard his name called again, he knew that his mind and soul were no longer his own; that he was now J'rin, weyrling to Shadowy Slate-Blue Wysperth.
