
Jerekan was born in a cothold in the lower sweep area of Starmount Weyr. He was the only son of Jerendar, a journyeman beastcrafter from Starmount Hold, and Kandra, the sister-in-law of Tamul, the cotholder. At first his childhood was rather uneventful... He spent most of his time playing with his cousins and trying to cheer up the residents of the cothold. One day in the middle of his tenth turn, his parents became gravely ill. Within a few months, they had both died.

Instead of staying at the cothold with his aunt, uncle, and cousins, he was whisked away to Starmount Hold, where he was told relatives of his father were living. He continued to grow up at the hold, happy and cheerful as always, though often missing his old family. Several turns later he returned to the cot hold to visit, and learned that his cousins Samadrhi and Karysta had left. Eventually he found out that Samadrhi had impressed at Starmount Weyr. On his eighteenth turn he managed to make it the weyr to see his long lost cousin at last.

After a month or so of weyr life, riders A'sur and Sh'dack invited Jerk and Tiarla to go see their dragons, since neither had been exposed to many in the past. Apparently Brown Falkorth liked the way he scritched, because before he knew it, Jerekan was searched to stand for the dual clutch at Starmount Weyr.

A candidacy full of pranks, singing, and pink hair passed by, and finally the time came for the eggs to hatch. Out of one of those eggs came a delightfully optimistic and courteous bronze, who found Jerekan to be the right one for him. So Jerekan became J'kan, weyrling to Bronze Anceth.

Shortly after Weyrling Graduation, Jerk's cousin Samadrhi and her golden lifemate, Jennath, transfered to the newly established Aerie Weyr. Of course, J'kan and Anceth weren't far behind.


He is the epitome of courtesy, which extends to all facets and fibres of his being: most noticeably, he is, tip to tail, every inch a Don Juan - ineffably charming and utterly irresistable because he /means/ everything he says. When he croons sweetly and tells Jennath how lovely she looks when the sun reflects off her just /just/ so, it isn't lip service - he is honestly sincere, everything that Conrad Birdie sings about in the middle of Sweet Apple. He is also an equal to your optimism, echoing and bouying your spirits no matter how they're flagging (if, that is, they ever /do/ flag). For Anceth, there is no silver lining: they are already all silver. The lake is half-full and any flight he ever loses is still a great exercise and quite a lot of fun, and he is always truly, genuinely, happy for the mating pair. When he should win, as well, the dragon of his affections will become the near center of his life, second only to you, and he will positively bathe her in his total devotion. He may also try his hand at matchmaking more than you may be comfortable with, going out of his way to teach you all the little nuances of romance that he knows intuitively. << No no /no/, Jer - >> for you will always be Jer, as that's bouncy and intimate and easier to roll off his tongue than J'kan. He, however, will always be Anceth, as that is far more dignified and there's no real way to shorten that without sounding silly. << When you compliment her, make sure you /mean/ it. She'll know if you're only making it up. >> And he'll brag about you to others almost constantly. << You know, Greenth, my Jer really is /such/ a sweet guy - maybe your rider should go talk to him sometime. >> Or << Goldth! Did you /see/ the wonderful thing my Jer did today? >> You will always be /his/ Jer, and he will take infinate pride in sharing that with everyone else.

Always quiet, a low, velvety cat's-purr bass. His mental speech will be near whispers, drifing across your mind like a soft breeze, because he is polite and couth and never feels the need to shout. Occasionally, and for no good discernable reason whatsoever, laughter bordering on genuine glee will trip through his voice like a trill on the low register of a xylophone. His physical tones are a bass recorder - low, breathy, quiet, but capable of power when necessary.


    Jerk learns a valuable lesson.

    Jerk gets searched! Whee! Lots of other stuff happens, and I kept it all in the same log. It's a long one.. o_O

    Jerk sings and gets gagged.

    Jerk is once again not alowed to serenade the weyr.

    Jerk gets pink hair.

    Certain people plot against Jerk.

    Jerk's hair is chopped off. Woe.

    Jerk tries to convince everyone that he is normal, and fails miserably.

    Jerk hears about the graffitii wall and some of the interesting things written on it.\

    Just some cute Jerk and Jusonna rp. :)

    Jerk impreses a firelizard.

    Jerk hears some bad news, but then gets some good advice.

    Jerk is really stupid. Big surprise.

    Jerk is angry! Gasp!

    Jerk and Jusonna officially break up.

    Jerk is.. a jerk, and gets kicked out of Starmount Weyr.

    Jerk is cheery again! Yay!

    Jerk plans to apologize to Jindra.

    Jerk apologizes to Jindra.

    Jerk has a fight with A'thea, and then talks to an old friend...

    Jerk meets M'kels. It's short but fun. :)

    Jerk, the connoisseur of fine wine, 'converses' with Aerie's new healer, Elenia.

    Jerk visits an old friend, and impresses another firelizard.

    Jerk and B'lan visit Starmount, and have bad timing, because Isabel's Green Menorth decides to rise.

    After the flight, Jerk has a talk with Isabel, and gets some advice.

    Jerk has an interesting conversation with Jindra.

    Jerk gets some visitors while he is moping in his weyr.

    Whilst moping in his weyr, Jerk gets a visitor, and finally tells her his true feelings. Sniffle.

    Jerk visits Jindra, and attempts yet another apology.

    Jerk has an interesting conversation with Carrie.

    Jerk has an even more interesting conversation with Carrie.

    Jerk and Jindra work some things out. Yay. :)

    Jerk and A'thea make up.

    Kilaranth rises.

    Jerk and Thea get into /another/ fight, then Jerk has a chat with Carrie.

    Jerk and A'thea make up (again).

    Jerk and Thea go for a picnic.
    The end of that log.

    Jerk is polite to Thea. This is not a good thing. :)

    Jerk and Thea finally get weyrmated.

    Jerk goes to Starmount's Gather.

    Jerk gets drunk. Are you surprised? ;)

    Jerk and Thea fight, make up, and talk about Turndays.

    Anceth catches Lunaith, and afterward, Jerk and Thea have a talk about it.

    Jerk and Thea visit her family.

    Jerk returns to Aerie Weyr with a new knot.

    Jerk is moping in Starmount's Cavern, and then the rumors start a' flowing...

    Jerk and Jindra have a talk about the current situation.

Have a look at Jerk's Themesongs. And thanks to Billy Joel for writing most of them. ;) Also, many thanks to Julia for the lovely portrait of Jerk and Anceth. (Midi - 'And So It Goes')
