
    If you search for tenderness
    It isn't hard to find
    You can have the love you need to live
    But if you look for truthfulness
    You might just as well be blind
    It always seems to be so hard to give

        Honesty is such a lonely word
        Everyone is so untrue
        Honest is hardly ever heard
        And mostly what I need from you

      I can always find someone
      To say they sympathize
      If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
      But I don't want some pretty face
      To tell me party lies
      All I want is someone to believe

          Honesty is such a lonely word
          Everyone is so untrue
          Honest is hardly ever heard
          And mostly what I need from you

            I can find a lover
            I can find a friend
            I can have security
            Until the bitter end
            Anyone can comfort me
            With promises again
            I know, I know

        When I'm deep inside of me
        Don't be too concerned
        I won't as for nothin' while I'm gone
        But when I want sincerity
        Tell me where else can I turn
        Because you're the one I depend upon

      Honesty is such a lonely word
      Everyone is so untrue
      Honest is hardly ever heard
      And mostly what I need from you

      Sagara Sanosuke.. *Drool*

      A permanent smirk is stuck on the face of this
      man who stands about six feet high, and looks to be 26 Turns, 5 months, and 5 days old. The finely chisled features, light tan, and dark brown almond-shaped eyes make Sa awfully handsome, the well-toned muscles helping a great deal. Too bad he has a bad attitude and a not-so-pleasant disposition to go with that pretty face of his. An unruly mop of spikey black hair is held in place by a red headband wrapped 'round his head. The rest of his clothing consists of a loose white robe trimmed in black, and matching pants, both made of only the finest materials, of course. He also wears a pair of black sandals, and a finely woven knot on one shoulder, it's many twists and turns denoting him as a Master in the Healercraft.

    Sanos was born and raised at Ista Weyr, the eldest son of J'ler, and Maya, one of the Weyr's assistant headwomen. The beginning of his childhood passed rather uneventfully...Most of his time was spent torturing his younger siblings and fellow Istan Weyrbrats. Amazingly enough, somewhere around his thirteenth turn, his father's brown Virth decided Sa should stand at Ista's current clutch. So an even less eventful (in his mind, anyway) candidacy passed by, and before he knew it, the dragons were humming, the eggs were spinning, and he was left alone on the sands. It didn't bother him too much, really, since only a few sevendays later he was shipped off to the Fortian Harper-Healer Hall, where, for once in his life, something seemed interesting... He met a Harper by the name of Gilyan, who didn't seem to enjoy his company at all... So Sanos made it his goal in life to torture the poor harper.

    Sa rose through the ranks quickly, making Journeyman after only a few turns... and then, of course, came the fateful day when he was told he was being posted to Azov Weyr, and not only that, but promoted to Master, as well. However, by some cruel whim of the Craftmasters, Sanos wasn't the only 'fortunate' one... Who else should be promoted and posted to Azov but the Harper Gilyan? The newly made Healer Master only smirked as he saluted, joining her at the Master's table.

    And so now the poor Harper is forced to be subjected to further teasing, and more of Sanos's mind games... But why would he bother himself doing silly, trivial things like that? ...Perhaps an answer to the question is the rumors that circulate 'round the Weyr about how Gilyan and Sanos seem to spend quite a bit of time together. An odd thing for people who seem to despise each other so much to do...

