
A Quick Overview

I don't want to give away alot of the story, so here's some very general stuff. Ven and Srapper are detective in the New Shanghai Police Department. (NSPD) Officially there is no such thing as magic, but scientists can accept the powers of the mind, so say that sorcery is all mental discipline. Ven is a Sorceror. All Sorcery is controlled and officially only authourized people can be licsened to use sorcery.

Vampires. Vamprism is a communicable disease that boomed about ten years ago. Called Blood Defeciency Syndrome by unimaginative scientists, it took the government by surprise. Blood banks ran out of stores and many people died. This disaster spawned the highly illegal Blood Cults. At one point they were the only sure way of getting a meal for those far down on the blood bank list. The NSPD is cracking down on Blood Cult activity as thier illegal nature has naturally led memebers to experiment with larger crimes.

Lycanthropy: The poor souls that transform are believed to be the victims of a mental disorder. They are called the 'Deranged' and are locked away in special asylums. Should they go 'rabid', that's where they lose all touch with thier human nature and truly go insane, they are shot. Unfortunately locking them away in asylums is a good way to drive them batty, so many are shot.

The Arcane: ooops! That was too much information! There is no Arcane. Nope! Just ignore that header. If they existed don't you think the government would know about them? Just forget about it! Sheesh, you and Scrapper both just won't leave well enough alone, will you?

The whole story is outlined, it is now just a matter of fleshing it out. Whenever my user gets the time.


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