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Ranting! Ranting! Ranting!

Come one, come all, and hear a cynic rant away! Heh... that's right! The entire point of this lovely little page is for me to vent my frustrations in rants and for you to be amused by them.

Also finding their way onto this page will be a few articles I wrote for my highschool newspaper. One of them, the first rant to ever appear on this page, is already up. The others will come as the season dictates (they're pseudo-psycho-analytic pieces about our modern-day myths, ie: Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc).

So, sit back, read, and enjoy!

The Secret Instructions

R2K: Ranting 2000

The Idiot Box vs The Brain

You Know You Watch Too Much Anime When...

I Paid $12.50 (used to be $11) For This?!

The Making of a Best-Of CD

Psychoanalysis of Cupid

A Christmas Rant