Credits Page
This page could not have been what it is today without some of these people. Others of the people listed here have been gracious and kind enough to allow me to use some of their graphics. Others have contributed bloopers. And even other's helped me find errors on this page no one bothered to tell me about. In any case these are the people and I would like to thank them each indivually.

  • I'd like to thank Art Del Ayre for giving me the inspiration to improve this design. After his official response, when applying for the "Best of Tokyo" award, was "ouch!" concerning its design. Thanks for the wakeup call.
  • Anthony for showing me how to ftp and what I had to do to change the links of the graphics and so forth so it worked. He showed me the basics of how to create a web page and is the creator of Gado's Little Nook on the Web and now he designed
  • The next most obvious person to thank is Nick (a.k.a. the Professor). Desptie that we constantly piss each other off we are friends and he was the one to introduce me to Evangelion and is the one who has enlightended me about many things about it. He also has a webpage! He is also responsible for about half the bloopers.
  • Well, golly! I forgot to mention Jamieson. He showed me how to do frames and a few other things so thanks Jimbo!
  • Next would have to be HentiaMan from which about a dozen *mostly from Kaworu's gallery* pictures were originally from his site. He had one of the best sites on the net before he took it down. Its was at He is also the creator of the header for this page and a great webmaster.
  • Thanks to Great EVA for telling me how to use Paint Shop Pro 5.0! After finally realizing the basics from him I have advanced my knowledge of it! Also he allowed me to use a picture of one of my favorite characters, Makoto *no I am not drunk or high* from his page!
  • Kaoru Nagisa and his Neo Neon Genesis Evangelion Hompage for allowing NERV to link his chatroom on this page for the brief time it was here!
  • I would like to thank Morio Murase, Lau Hin Hingle, Lucifer XO, NG Phoenix, Seui Sama, and all the others that have mailed me for the many bloopers they have contributed plus insights into the series.
  • I would like to thank my community leader Rush! He helped me find many errors on this page and I am eternally grateful. Visit his site.
  • I would like to think all the webmasters out there of other Evangelion pages for inspirations and ideas. If I am using one of your graphics please tell me so I am aware of it and can thank you properly here.
  • I would finally like to thank someone who, by his actual site, was the inspiration for creating NERV Headquarters. I would like to thank Kamui for being the one who's site, in my opinion, is the ultimate goal to strive for any to become.
  • For help on a previous design, I need to thank Dean Trew, Edward Cheng, Ryan, Brandon, and Mattias Hellbender.
  • I must thank Zoglog *even though he still has managed not to put up his award!* for the angel pictures he gave me permission to use.
  • I am thanking all the people that have been gracious enough to give me awards. I do not apply for them simply for the collection and number. I do it because every award I earn is an accolade to say "We recognize you put great time and effort into a great site!"
  • I must thank Gainax and Hideki Anno for making the best damned anime to ever be concieved. Before I watched Evangelion, I hated Anime for the most part and didn't even realize what it was. Now I still don't like Anime but I love Evangelion! Hope that maybe one day MTV does get permission from A.D.V.

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