EVA Bloopers: Counter Arguements
Since people had a problem with some of the bloopers I decided to create a page of counter-arguements. These were sent by a guy who was very reasonable and if he wishes I'll add his name later. These are the "counter-arguements." I still maintain faith in the bloopers section for which this site is known for.

First the 7th blooper. Rei was nervous about the reactivation of the Eva, and was holding her breathe. Then it was done, and she let her breath go.

There is also one about Misato reading the wrong title on the "Dance if you want to win" episode. Almost all the episodes have 2 titles, including the movies. It happens all throughout the series.

And they make the note of the power cable in episode 23. Shinji had the cable so the eva wouldn't use the S2 engine, therefore lessening the chances of it going berserk.

And the one in Ambivilence, where Shinji goes to the shelter from the train station. They have Asuka do a line saying pilots don't need to take shelter practice, meaning Shinji did, and went to the shelter.

And the thing about Asuka sleeping on the floor... she only does that during the sychronization training, no other times.

And the one about Rei's entery plug after the explosion. I thought it was understood by episode 19 that the entery plug is stronger than the rest of the Eva's body, as Unit 04's internals are easily torn, but the plug takes a few seconds to crush. With this established, wouldn't it make sense that the plug is made stong enough to withstand the Eva's explosion, and it was carried away by it to the forested area?

The bit with Asuka's name in English... well, German, but who's counting? In episode 10, the "Magma Diver" ep, Asuka explains to Shinji, that she gets low grades because she doesn't know too much kanji. So wouldn't that leave it open to assume she cannot write her name in Japanese?

And about the #ing of the angels. The people #ing them were most likely told of the angel's # by those in the know (Gendo, SEELE) and had cover up stories told to them to explain.

And the Eva accesory building thing.... for one thing, not all the buildings have them, and those that do still have enough room for a few apartments on the other side.

And the one about the "Limitless plug of ep 8" It has a limit. They show you when it runs out. They show the plug AND the Eva's reaction. It makes sense that the plug is longer than normal, as it was brought by Misato in that episode, especially for the chance of sea combat.

And the one in wich Unit-00 is accused of attacking Gendo because it's Ritsuko's mom's soul in it. In the movie, her mother literally betrayed her own daughter for Gendo. In short, I don't think it was EVER even IMPLIED she was in Unit-00.

And the one with the "Severing the power to fight the virus angel" Ritsuko's mom's brain was in Capser, meaning it was on some sort of life support, also meaning cutting the power would kill the brain, therefore destroying the whole system.

And the one with the fish angel. In the 18th episode, it is mentioned that they can cut the nerve link between the Eva and the Pilot, just before they refrian from doing so and blow off Rei's arm. I thought it was assumed they did this in ep 8 too.

And the one with Shiji's diving into the volcano to get Asuka. Since he WAS there as backup, I'm assuming that NERV wouldn't put him in the normal ol' armor, but some that is at least a bit better under the volcanic conditions.

And the one with Gendo taming a "bonkers" Eva. Shinji motivated the Eva to go berserk in order to defeat the angel and save everyone. So when that was done, one would assume that an Eva without motivation stands still. They mostly likely used the same recovery tecniques as in ep 9 to recover it.

And the Eva blood on Gendo's face. In the episode with the virus angel, the children went through standing cleaning facilites in order to be clean for the test. Who's to say Gendo doesn't have one similar to that by his office?

Finally, the one in wich the S2 engine's transfer to Unit-01 are doubted. I thought it was quite clear that Eva-01 ate the engine. As for why it ran out of power in the movie, even an S2 engine must obey the lava of thermodynamics! If you want limitless engery, you must draw it for somewhere other than science.

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