Let's see the other previous visitors' guestbook entries.

07/08/00 18:43:40
Name: Yukina2 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Fan Gallery! Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): KURAMA!! Minamino-kun and Kurama-kun!! hehehe...^.^ Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Umm... any cool ones bout Kurama (non-yoai)
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 88 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: umm..er... don't know!

I really like your site! There's plenty of stuff to look at!! ^.^ Keep up the good work!!

03/01/00 09:38:01
My URL: Visit Me


03/01/00 09:32:40
Name: crystal
My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): kurama


02/10/00 19:34:28
Name: Kurama Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: All
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama......Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): All
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100


02/10/00 19:27:40
Name: Kurama My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Kurama x Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama......Hiei

Yu Yu Hakusho is a great cartoon!! Kurama is the best!!

02/06/00 11:54:01
Name: Juliana My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Kai Yuyu Hakusho Fanfiction Guild Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama!!!!!!!! Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Innocence
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: This one :D

I'm really impressed!! Since I found out about fanfics, and became a great Kurama/Hiei maniac (and also a new-found yaoi-lover), I've been trying to write fanfics myself, and I find it... VERY HARD!!! So, I really admire you. Oh, you're so cool!!! I love your site, by the way, you're the 3rd site I found during my rummaging journey through the net to find YYH fanfics :) and after I collected almost all fanfics on the net, I still come back to your hommie hoping that I can find new ones. Keep it up!!!

02/01/00 19:16:05
Name: ¬Õ¬Õ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: ALL Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Âð¨ Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 80
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: this one

³Ìªñ¦bºô¤W¤~µo²{³o»ò¦hªº«Õ¹Cºô­¶,·Q¤£¦h¹j¤F³o»ò¤[ÁÙ¦³³o»ò¦h¤H¹ï«Õ¹C©À©À¤£§Ñ,«Ü·P°Ê°Ú. Ä~Äò¥[ªo,§V¤O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01/26/00 02:13:48
Name: ª°¤ë
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

§c....¥i¤£¥i¥H§â¤p»¡§@ªÌªº"¿P"¦rÀ¿¥h???ª°¤ë§ïµ§¦W´N¬O¤£·Q§O¤Hª¾....(«ô°U«ô°U~~~~~) ¥t¥~¡Ae-mail¬Okogatsu_ju@hotmail.com

01/26/00 02:11:47
Name: ª°¤ë
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

§c....¥i¤£¥i¥H§â¤p»¡§@ªÌªº"¿P"¦rÀ¿¥h???ª°¤ë§ïµ§¦W´N¬O¤£·Q§O¤Hª¾....(«ô°U«ô°U~~~~~) ¥t¥~¡Ae-mail¬Okogatsu_ju@hotmail.com

01/18/00 07:47:36
My URL: Visit Me


01/06/00 16:19:27
My URL: Visit Me


11/11/99 08:44:35
Name: comicfreak My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: 9th stop Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama & Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): .............
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 99 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: ...............

cool site could do with more updates

11/11/99 08:43:02
Name: comicfreak My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: 9th stop
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): ( there's too many ) Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 99
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: ......

this is a really cool site!!!! i've been here a few times but could do with more updates.

11/03/99 04:41:41
Name: §¯ª°(leo leung) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: all Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Âð¨ Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): all
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 99.9999999999999

¦n,¦n,¤Q¤À¦n. ¦n¦h¹Ï¤ù,¤¶²Ð¤Q¤À¸ÔºÉ. i like it ^_^

08/26/99 13:57:51
Name: Lloyd My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: all Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): all Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): all
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100% Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: all yu yu website

it is very beautiful. imspeechless

08/26/99 13:54:10
Name: Lloyd My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: all
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): all


08/05/99 09:28:22
Name: julian canita My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: yu yu yaoi world Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): kurama and hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): clash of the tiny titans
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: your site, the links to your site and my site

allthough my site not yet finished, i was hoping if you can link my page. just email me for your answer.

07/21/99 09:25:54
Name: ¤p±j My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: ¦P¤H¤p»¡
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Âð¨ Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 70


07/15/99 15:21:42
Name: maria fernandez My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: na
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): NA Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): NA Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): NA
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: NA


07/05/99 06:13:28
My URL: Visit Me


Martin - 06/12/99 05:51:05
My URL:http://www.anzwers.net/free/money
My Email:battaliou@usa.net

Hey! Want to earn some money with your webpage?

06/07/99 01:30:11
My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: toguro tournament
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): vincent


06/04/99 17:54:24
Name: LOVELESS® My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: All Yu Yu Stop Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): All of them Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 1000
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: All Yu Yu Website

To the owner; I'm really glad I saw your website. I must say your website is the best. Let me give the opportunity to say "THANK YOU" (with all my heart) because I saw a lot of pictures of my favorite japanese cartoon. More power to your websites and Good Luck!!!

06/04/99 17:53:47
Name: LOVELESS® My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: All Yu Yu Stop Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): All of them Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 1000
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: All Yu Yu Website

To the owner; I'm really glad I saw your website. I must say your website is the best. Let me give the opportunity to say "THANK YOU" (with all my heart) because I saw a lot of pictures of my favorite japanese cartoon. More power to your websites and Good Luck!!!

05/24/99 06:58:19
My URL: Visit Me


05/24/99 06:58:17
My URL: Visit Me


05/24/99 06:58:16
My URL: Visit Me


05/23/99 23:08:01
My URL: Visit Me


05/22/99 13:10:38
Name: Kitty Fox My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: YuYu Yaoi World Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hieih Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 88%
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Yuyu Hakusho Demon World

I like this site a lot because it's the best Yuyu Hakusho(my favourite anime!!!!!!!)siteI've ever seen(believe me I've seen a lot^-*).Add to that it's also has a very imaginative structure or design .And I like the background 'wallpaper' too^_^

05/14/99 05:04:51
Name: Hiei&Yukina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Celebrities' Gallery Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei, Yukina & Kurama Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 97
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Lots

Y : Konnichiwa !!! Oniisan and I just love this site...It's got lots around !!! *H : Ma ne...* Get some more pics of us...Kudasai...*H : You better get some...That's my sister who's asking you...If you don't...[evil grin]...* We've got lots of music s uff...Demo...We don't have a site...We'll be having one soon anyway !!! Demo...We can send you some if you want... Sayonara !!! *H : Ja ne...*

05/09/99 04:46:37
Name: sainah alonzo My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): minomino hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): um...theres none
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 99 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: this one...no,all of yu-yu web

cool site love your pictures baby!

04/29/99 08:12:25
Name: Mikala Barton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Yu Yu Yaoi World *grin* Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): anything yaoi, (with some exceptions)
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 99.99 (The yaoi sec needs updating) Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Anything with good info and fics!

Great site! I love it! Keep up the good work, only will you please update more often? Thanx!

04/05/99 15:56:42
Name: Francis Acosta My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: The Secret of Hiei and Kurama and the Character Profile Section Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama and Yuusuke Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: any that has more info and pics

Good. this is the one of the coolest site I have ever seen. Excellent Job!!!

01/24/99 23:05:14
Name: Chib Chib My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 85
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: there are too many.... ^0^

Kathy,¥[ªo°Ú~~~ ^0^ ¤£­n©Ç§Ú§ï¨º»ò "§C" ªº¤À¼Æ°Ú! §Ú¥u¬Oı±o©p§ó·sªº³t«×ºC¤FÂI½}¤F.... ¤£­n½|§Ú°Ú~~~ ^0^

01/20/99 01:12:15
Name: Mylene Jenius My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Fan Art Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Yusuke - Hiei Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 70
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: http://www.yyh.cjb.net


I'm from Brazil. It's a Nice home page!!! Congratulations!!!

01/13/99 13:32:37
Name: ±y¤¶
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

¨þ¨þ~²Ä¤@¦¸¨Óñ¯d¨¥¥U,¥H«á,³Â·Ð¦h¦h«ü±Ð¤F!!! ·|¤£·|¥u¦³§Ú¤@­Ó¥´¤¤¤å°Ú???

12/12/98 09:26:43
Name: BlackCat My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Yu Yu Yaoi World
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama&Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Animal Insticts Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 97
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: many to mention

Nice page! That' all,Bye!

11/22/98 23:14:58
Name: Ultimate Anime My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: fanart Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Recarnation
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 80 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Kurama no Miko

Ok, May loves Kurama, Kay loves Hiei and Vay loves Yusuke, but we don't like Kurama and Hiei Yaoi. Just wondered if we could use your page as a link. Please e-mail us and visit our page if you have time, but at the moment it's not very good as we've just tarted it, please don't mind it.

10/24/98 20:26:37
Name: Puy Nho My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: yu yu yaoi world Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei and Kurama Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: This one!!!!!

This site is very good!!!!!!!!

10/23/98 07:49:51
Name: Amis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama, Itsuki, Yomi

Hi! Your Kurama X Hiei stuff are great. Can't believe I missed it the first time. Thanks for telling me!

10/21/98 12:45:39
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


10/21/98 12:45:15
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


10/20/98 12:05:55
Name: Miory My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei and Kurama


10/13/98 10:21:32
Name: ³·¥N¤Ú My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Âí¸`¤Ú`©v¦¸­¦`¨R¥Ð Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): clampªº§@«~¯«¼CÂô¦¿´ò


10/11/98 19:08:21
Name: Ace My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: The Library and/or the YAOI section Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei or Kurama or Yukina-chan or... Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): All the fics in the Humor section
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 99.9...(heh heh...) Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Well...this one...

This was one of the greatest homepage I ever visited!! (thanks to Nho-chan for showing me this site) Keep the good work and... maybe add more yaoi fanfictions.

09/28/98 10:10:16
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Fanfics Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 95 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Your web site


09/23/98 20:41:57
Name: Star Princess My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Library,and the Music Hall (if i could acess it!) Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Yukina Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): I love all of them
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 90 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: ?????? I love them all!!!!!! ^_^

I totally LOVE your site its the coolest!!!! I also Love your music hall because its in MDI secuence and i can actually play it!!!!

09/16/98 19:56:32
Name: Chib Chib My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): ­¸¼v
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 90


09/12/98 18:24:04
Name: Akiko My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Music Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): ²o¤Þ
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 90 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: www.oocities.org/tokyo/garden/9246/main.html

Keep it up!!! That is great!!!!

09/08/98 18:28:41
Name: Otter My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Poll, Gallery, and Library
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Many of them in the Library Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 85
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: This one!

Well, I guess there are fanfictions that I do like. I just didn't go to the library yet when I wrote the other message in the guestbook.

09/08/98 17:56:11
Name: Otter Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: The Gallery and the Voting Poll
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): I don't like fanfictions!
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 80(I'm not good at grading things, sorry) Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: This one!

Well, great site! That's all I can say about that. The "Voting Poll" is fun. HEHEHE! I voted with my sister, just that we voted in the chinese version one. There's not much to say...Actually, sorry to all KuramaXHiei fans, but they wouldn't actually e together. Especially because of their personality, if you may know, their personality are not the kind that would like someone. Kurama, yes, but he wouldn't like Hiei. Hiei, impossible!

09/08/98 14:06:46
Name: Rose enchantress My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Library and the Yaoi World Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): all
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: any

Hi! Wow cool page. MORE FICS. I love reading. I will be coming here more often and will be waiting and waiting for the continuation of Fire and Snow. Cool page, keep it up and more power. See you then. Bye

09/05/98 05:00:54
Name: Kurama W. My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Yu Yu Hakusho Library Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 80

wow....good job!!!! I really love the Chinese Library part.. I'm making a web site of yu yu too...but I just started on it...... so..may I link the Library page in my site??

08/30/98 18:53:35
Name: Green My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: «Õ¹C¹Ï®ÑÀ] Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Âð¨~~ Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): ¤Ó¦h¤F~~
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 90 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Here!

Great Homepage! Keep going! Add more Yu Yu's music and informations!

08/07/98 09:15:47
Name: Gigi My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Fanfics
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama/Yusuke/Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): All chinese fanfics(more easy to read than english) Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: All

Your YYH is great, but however you should include more informations about other characters as well as the main 4 characters. Thank You!

05/31/98 04:00:27
Name: Winney
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


05/29/98 13:44:24
Name: Hiei53 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Fanfics Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): all about Hiei and Mukuro:Hiei & Yukina
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 100 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: all

Like your page! Great pics and fanfics!!Keep up the good works!!

05/24/98 19:32:39
Name: cindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: fifth stop, :) Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): don't really have one :( Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): ummm.... don't have one, hehe
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): what do u think, haha!! Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: urs!

ummm.... I like those posters and the FanFiction. :) Most of them are pretty good. Call me if you wanna to, hehe!! See you! Take care!

05/23/98 18:54:32
Name: Clarence My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: no idea Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): no idea Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): no idea
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): no idea Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: no idea

I have no idea about the cartoon. so sorry, no comment!

05/22/98 09:31:24
Name: Winney Chan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: stop 5 Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): john ma Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): what is it???
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 80 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: no

It's nice. But what is fanfiction?????

05/21/98 02:58:32
Name: Minamino Kurama My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: FanArt Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama, Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): A LOT...... *sweat drops*
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 80 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: A LOT......

Great page!!! Funny stories you got there! I love it! Keep going!

04/30/98 21:57:37
Name: Sakura My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Chinese Fanfiction
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei

Hihi, is me, update so fast ar! I like the fanfiction so much! The fan art is quite good too. Actually, can you put some link in the web site? Also, can you give me the address of BBS?

04/26/98 16:11:33
Name: Monly My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Chinese Fanfic Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Youko Kurama and Hiei
Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Mirrors of Truth Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 10

Good website

04/26/98 01:47:27
Name: Patrick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Character Museum
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Youko Kurama

Very cool page!!!It is very detail in each character.The picture is beautiful too.

04/23/98 17:01:08
Name: Zoe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: the pic the fic the info... Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Wow a lot, keep up the good works guys
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 10 000 ^_* got chinese fic too bad couldn't read Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: a lot but this is one of them

What else Yu Yu Hakusho. hay I just did a pic of Botan (check it out in my message board or url is www.oocities.org/tokyo/5419/2Botan.jpg ) It's done for the Maa April contest. so go there and vote for Botan when the time comes--after last day of Apri --(feeling kind of guilt with this kind of ad hahaha... but just here to let you guys know.) I am planing to have more YYH stuffs and download the if you like them. (*_*) I am done.

04/19/98 04:21:36
Name: Ray Angelo Ojeda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: 1st Stop Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Yusuke Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): NONE
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Might be this one

I want to know if what happens after Yusuke fights Yomi? Who will they next fight? Please e-mail me for your answer

03/20/98 22:25:25
Name: Vicky My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama?
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 90
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: picture galleries

I seriously don't know what I like best with the Yu Yu's. Considering the fact that I've have not seen everything. But from what I've seen, I think it is a really good page. You have a lot of varieties and choices that are very interesting. Compared to ma y of the pages I've seen. It is a very good page.

03/20/98 14:27:47
Name: Kurako My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: All great! Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama, Mukuro, Natsume Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Quite a lot^^
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Not sure^^

Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Kurako, the author of "¤ß¤§±ª".......My friend told me that my fic is placed here, so I come for a look...Well....Actually I have no idea why my fic is here^^;;;;; But when I see most of the fic are written by the ppl on SOB(esp cially ¥x¤jªº¤H), I guess I know now......Well, keep it up! It's good!

03/19/98 18:27:45
Name: zoe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: img Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): A lot
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: can't remember them but this will be one of them

Nice page. You got chinese fics too. Too bad the computer can't read them.

03/10/98 02:18:55
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey Kathy, It's me from International Business Class! Your website is good . You are so talented to make this yourself!! You should have some pictures that other people can download that would be cool!! Or do you have that already?? Well just wanted to sa Hi!! Keep up the Good work!! See YA Soon

03/04/98 22:44:40
Name: Sakura My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Hiei ^.^

Hello! I'm coming now, well, this is a very good homepage, wordhard workhard!! I hope the other page can as good as this one!!

03/03/98 06:42:41
Name: Kurama My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Not decided yet...wait till I get this Chinese reader working first...
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Obvious, isn't it? Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Lots, specifically Sionna-san's works

Very well-organised homepage you have, Kathy-san. I'll be waiting to read those chinese fics as soon as I get my reader installed. Ganbarimasu!

03/01/98 04:53:09
Name: lan-mei (Glory) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: sorry I Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): forgot the Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): name
Your Grading For This Site(10:lowest; 100:highest): 78 Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: :)

hehehhehe Its me la, well I think if u made more colour about the words,it'll be better.But the pink words (beside the door icon) r difficult to see ar.The photos quality r quite good ,if add more comic icon might be better? Anway not bad not bad,keeping going =D add more comic characters la,I like RG VENDA ar ¦P¯Å¥Í ar.........hehehehehehehheeee lo lic lo lic

02/27/98 22:28:37
Name: YuChan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: For now, the fanfictions! Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Yusuke Urameshi!!!!! Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): Ah..too many..
Your Favorite Yu Yu Website: Selena Yuk's Yu Yu Hakusho!

Hey Kathy! I see you've put up a guestbook.. reason I gave your site a nine is because some of the links don't work.. but otherwise, really really cool!! See ya later and keep up the good work!


I hope this banner pic works!

02/26/98 01:07:58
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Yu Yu Stop In This Dimension: Yu Yu Library--Chinese Section
Your Favorite Yu Yu Character(s): Kurama and Hiei Your Favorite Yu Yu Fanfiction(if there's any): a lot...can't decide

Hi, I am the maker of this YYH hp. Thanks for ur visiting. I'd like to get any of ur comment.

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