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Hello everyone and welcome... to the awards page of the Sailor Netlnk Anime Club.
the award for netlinkers who just can't get a fair deal anywhere else.
And the award for anime pages who keep to the theory of simple=best, keeping their pages, netlink friendly.

Want to try to win an award.... well just make sure you read over the rules first.

The Netlink Site Award
  • Any NetLink made web site may be elligible for this award
  • If the use of a pcers help was involved, you will still be elligible as long as it was apparent you did at least 75% of the total work.
  • The award will be handed out once every week.
  • Anyone club member or not may submit a site for an award
  • However only club members will be allowed to vote on which on shall win the award
  • Members will judge the site on things such as Overall Impression, originality, design and layout, use of graphics, use of sounds, and orginization.
  • even if you're a lousy speller or have some broken links its ok... submit your site anyway
    The Anime Site Award
    please dont ask for an award we dont have yet