"From days of long ago... from uncharted regions of the Universe... comes a legend..."


During the dark days of Zarkon's reign of terror across the galaxy, under the shadow of his cruelty, one force served as a bastion of safety for all who felt the touch of his evil hand.

A beautiful princess and her four champions. A valiant pilot and his four comrades. A mighty robot awakened by their courage. 

Even in darkness, hope. Even in strife, love.

This is their story.


This page was last updated on May 25, 1999.
 A reader's guide to understanding the sequence of the stories, as well as information on recently posted stories.
Profiles of the members of the Force as they appear in "A Princess and Her Knight."
 A collection of stories in three separate books.
Links to other writers who follow the story of the Struggle and of the Force.
 A page of webrings that the Scribe belongs to.

All Voltron, Defender of the Universe characters used on this page are property of  World Events Productions, Inc., Toei Animation, and TRENDMASTERS. None of the stories written on this page was intended for  profit, and all was written solely for entertainment purposes. Please don't sue me... I'm just a another broke pre-med student. Special thanks to  The Voltron Force Homepage for the pictures of Keith and Allura.

Please feel free to send me  your comments, criticisms, and suggestions! Just click on the teddy bear or sign my guestbook below! 

The tales have been read  times since their first telling last
September 28, 1997.


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site is owned by allura@ilovechocolate.com.
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