Look, I actually did an update!!  Aren't you proud of me?  No new links, though, and I'm not going to be posting anymore.  Go read Sailor Jupiter Says... if you want to know why.  Other than that, I really have nothing to say, so just enjoy the page!

You are visitor number:

(don't ya just FEEL special?)
Created Jan. 8, 1998!   ;-)
Links checked June 29, 1999!
As of Sept. 11, 1999, I had 151!! SM links!

And the choices are:
58 links .25 links8 links
6 links .12 links
9 links .11 links .8 links
9 links + 2 repeat6 non-SM links
The mysterious and ALL-NEW  travels of a random abstract mind!

Email me!

Tons of thanks to Rei, my twin and my best friend, for all of the help
  getting started, and for the awesome Jupiter pics...and to Usagi
      for letting me steal all of her funky pics...I love you both!!!

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