Sailor Neptune

Sailor Neptune or Kaioh Michiru

Meaning of the name: Mature ocean ruler

Her first appearence, together with Sailor Uranus, is from Sailormoon S. She's a very elegant, sensitive and sophisticated person, elements showed both from her attitude and from her way of speaking. Always measured, never aggressive, Michiru represents the ideal complement for Haruka, inseparable from her. She attends, in Sailormoon S, the Mugen Gakuen together with Haruka. In the episode she appears, she's mistaken for Haruka's girlfriend by Usagi and Minako who think Haruka to be a boy, because suddenly appears that there's a strong relationship between them and because Haruka refers to her using just her name (thing that, in Japan, is only for people in love). Both of them deny to be a couple, even if, very often, the idea they give is that: when they in example take part in a loving contest [which they would win, if they didn't retire just before the end -Iky's note] Ami hypotists they really are in love...

Michiru has an artistic temper: not only she plays violin in a wonderful manner, and she consequently is very famous in the music's world, but she's also a very good painter; she also is a sensitive, able to perceive danger before it manifests, somehow like Rei among the Inner Senshi. She is a very cultured person, has a wonderful aesthetic sense and shows, everything she does, an innate naturalness, so that Usagi, after seeing her playing the violin, dancing at the same time and playing with a lemon Haruka threw her, calls her a "perfect princess".

Because of her temper, Michiru is much more comprehensive toward Usagi and friends than Haruka, who is more intransigent. Michiru is always ready to listen and advise her younger friends, while Haruka teases them plentifully, unable to consider as "troubles" the little everyday's accidents that bother the younger students. Haruka and Michiru are really much more mature than the others, and have overtaken many time ago that lightness that is the symbol of Usagi, Rei, Ami, Minako and Makoto.

As Sailor Senshi, Michiru and Haruka have, in the S series, the role to find the talismans inside the pure persons' hearts, to get the Graal with which defeat the darkness threatening the world. The consciousness to have to kill those persons is reason of doubt and anguish for both, but their sense of duty forces them to go on in the search. In this, their attitude is different, because Haruka repeats over and over that there have to be some sacrifices to save the Earth, even if she wouldn't really kill anyone, while Michiru is more uncertain and tries to make her friend admit that she wouldn't be able to sacrifice the life of people for whom she cares. To carry out their mission the two Senshi promised each other, if something would happen to one of them, not to intervene and to go on alone: but this is another case of different attitude between them. In reality Michiru would never allow that something threaten Haruka, and this is fair when, inside the Marine Cathedral, Eudial is going to get the talisman in Haruka's heart and Michiru attacks the enemy to prevent it; Haruka, instead, would sacrifice Michiru for the mission but, when it was completed, she would certainly kill herself for the grief. Even the final battle against Galaxia fully explains the relationship between the two Senshi, that sacrifice themselves together to get the victory and together die holding hands, demonstrating that their love will survive over death.

Name Kaioh Michiru
Birthday 06/03/?
Blood type 0
Favourite colour Marine Blue
Hobby Collecting cosmetics
Favourite food Sashimi
Least favourite food Mushrooms
Favourite subject Music
Least favourite subject None
Has trouble with Sea slugs
Strong point Violin, painting
Dream Become a professional violinist

Michiru/Sailor Neptune's images-- Haruka e Michiru's images

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