Michael Yuan Chang

So.. school started again.. the last course of my undergraduate career.. and it seems freaking easy.. or maybe i'm slacking off too much.. but anyway.. I just got back from visiting danny in LA.. also got to see wan fang which was pretty cool... man.. I totally felt like a city slicker when I was in LA.. I guess 3 years in Madison did me no good.. yet, i did feel a peace of mind after I got back here.. I probably got used to the little town, peaceful life =)


lily's bday.. the famous pic of ed's family

my freshman roommate and I.. that was exactly what I looked like after HS

HS graduation.. first time I wore a tie.. first pic of me with my brother

my godbrothers in Berkeley.. yeap.. that's me right there

just ignore me and what happened that day..

I was a natural born driver

[wisconsin pics] [taiwan pics] [memorial pics] [spring99 pics] [jan00 pics] [misc pics]
