Updates for the Galleries

August 21, 1999

Oh my gosh, school has started once more, and I'm not ready yet! Well, I had to, and by now I'm already loaded with tons of work since I'm in high school now, finally! No, I'm serious. I hope ya all had a very good summer like I did. The vacation was wonderful! ^^ Back to business, in this little time I have made some updates. I added a new gallery: Mars3. Wish you all enjoy this. Oh, this coming Wednesday will be this website's first birthday, alright! (hint,hint...) ^_~ I'm very happy about the way this site has been going, and I hope all the better for it's next b-day! For now enjoy you ride here!

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June 1, 1999

This time I kept up my updates, well at least for now. That's because I'll be on vacation soon, and there will be no time for updates for the next 2 months. Yep, that's a LONG time. So today I have one new gallery: Moon and Chibimoon 1. I do hope you enjoy it because this is a new category for my galleries. The background and separator on that page are new too. But please don't take it just yet. I forgot about the owner's website addy, so thanx whoever you are... I appreciate it. Since I won't be seen ya for at least 2 months, have a great summer!

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May 18, 1999

Haha...As you can see, I haven't done any major updates in the past almost 2 months. Well, there had been some small ones like changing the background of the index page and such, but I didn't think it was worth the mentioning since it'll be pretty obvious. However, today I DID do some big updates, don't I feel better finally. Hooray!!! Wow, that did take some time to do because previously I have been trying SEVERAL times to upload pics somewhere else, but the stupid server won't upload, so I had to wait to sign up some place else. You cannot imagine my rage... I was mad. Fortunately, this one does work. So there you have it, 2 completely new galleries: starlights1, and moon3. And there's another new page which consists of the various SM webrings I have joined, so check that out too. Of course, as some of us knew that the Starlights galleries did not work too well some time before, so I had to reupload everything again. Uh, one more thing, about some of the SM backgrounds, some of them are made by me and some by others, please ask before you take any. Arigatou. Well, what more need I say but enjoy while you are here.

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Mar. 28, 1999

I finally made some updates, but not much though. I know the images are not exactly working well in the Starlights Galleries, so I'll get those fixed some time later. And I added 2 NEW pages, they are the Awards and Linking My Site pages. They are self-explainatory, so check them out. And that's about it for right now.

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Mar. 4, 1999

Out of my precious busy time, I squeezed some time to fix up the rest of the galleries. So now all the galleries in this website should be up now and running without problems. I checked out everything and make sure they work right. Sorry again for the unavaliable galleries for over a month. And during spring break I'll definitely have more new galleries up and they'll probably be starlights. Aren't you excited! Well, that means I'll have a bunch of work to do.*sigh* But I'm glad I'm updating. Enjoy the galleries that have been restored, that of course means the people who are new here. ^^

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Mar. 2, 1999

I know, I know, it's been over month now since I last updated anything at all. Sorry, I had tried to move the whole thing to xoom.com, but found it was even worse, so I had to change everything back(like the addresses, images and such). Believe me, it was A LOT of work. So that's why the this web site had stayed so idle for so long. Sorry again for that delay. And I know that I deleted some of the galleries, and again I thought I was moving the whole thing over, so... Well, as for today the 5 main sailor galleries are all back now, and I'm working on changing the rest and adding a few more new ones. All right! Finally I'm getting some work done here. One more thing, I even deleted this page. ^^; Now it's back.

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Jan. 25, 1999

First thing, I don't think much people has visited the Jupiter 2 gallery since on the 1st page it wasn't linked right. But somebody found out and told me, I appreciated. So check out the correction see if it works. Oh, it seems like a long time since I last updated the galleries. But actually I uploaded 2 galleries last week, I just forgot to link them to this page or their first galleries. Today, I uploaded another one. Altogether they are: Chibimoon 2, Pluto 2, Saturn 2. Sorry about the delay. Just a little note(I don't think I've mentioned this before): all the cool links on my index page are where are my pictures came from, so be nice and check out their pages. Arigato! Now you can definitely enjoy the new pics. 1 more thing, please please sign my guestbook if you are new.

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Jan. 4, 1999

I couldn't help but add two more galleries since school is about to begin, and they are: Neptune 2, and Uranus 2 with a self-made title to go with it just for a change. And the seperator on that page was borrowed from the Sailormoon Toolbox whose address can be found on my index page. Pretty soon I have to look for more pics! But for now, dig the pics here!

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Jan. 2, 1999

Happy New Year! Gosh, this year has passed like a flash. We are so near the turn of the millenium. Anywayz, I got 2 galleries up for this weekend, and they are: Jupiter 2, and Venus 2. Enjoy! ^.^

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Dec. 28, 1998

It's been a long time since I updated the Moon Gallery, so today I added a 2nd gallery with 30 anime images. Sorry, no manga this time because the rest of the space just won't hold up. And at the same time, I added a background for the Moon Gallery and I need to credit Tuxedo. A few days before I changed the background image and added a self-made title on the index page. I hope it looks admirable. I made it for Christmas and the New Year.

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Dec. 23, 1998

I couldn't wait until a week is before I can update again, so here's another gallery: mars 2. By the way, all the second and third galleries of each character all have at least 30 images on each page.

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Dec. 21, 1998

Hi everyone, gosh I've been so bush with exams that I almost forgot about updating the page. Here are some updates for the next...oh I don't know about a week: group 3, and I couldn't resist to add another gallery of mercury on Dec. 22, 1998. And finally I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

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Dec. 6, 1998

I only managed to get about 11 or so pics up in the second gallery of group, so go dig it. I would. :) Well, see ya later.

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Nov. 28, 1998

Happy a late Thanksgiving!!! Ok, this time I didn't add any new characters, but I got another gallery up for Group. So go dig gallery 2. This is all I can get right now.

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Nov. 21, 1998

Check this out, I've finally finished all the sailors there are, and I has managed to add another member of the Sailormoon series. And the galleries are Pluto and Mamoru. Of course, I'll still be adding more pics later on.

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Nov. 14, 1998

I've added two other pages for your enjoyment, so here they are: Uranus and Neptune.

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Nov. 8, 1998

Well, I've gotten another page, and I added a Chibimoon Gallery. So, enjoy your stay! ^^

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Nov. 6, 1998

Okay, today I've worked and worked and finally got all the galleries up(those are the ones that have enough room to be on this page). I'll make another page and get the rest up later. Hopefully sooner!

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Nov. 1, 1998

First, Happy a late Halloween!!! Second, good news for you picture diggers, I've got new images up for three galleries:Group, Mars, and Moon. They upload really fast too since I've got the real thumbnails now! Finally. So happy haunting, get it? This is all I can get right now, but come back later for more pics. By the way, since I'm going to run out of space really soon, I was thinking about moving the other galleries to a new page. I'll let you know when I get it. And arigatou for your patients!

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Oct. 15, 1998

There are quite a lot of broken images on some of my galleries right now, so please be patient. It will take a while, yes, because there are just simply too many. I'm sorry about the inconvenience it's going to cost you. I promise I'll fix them a.s.a.p. After the pics are restored, they are probably going to be all new. Alright!!!

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