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Rei is very good at being a Sailor Scout, except for one thing.........SHE ALWAYS PICKS ON SAILOR MOON!! It would help the whole fighting process if they could just get along!! (of course then there would never be any of the "fights" which are so funny, or the special moments later in the series!) Here is some helpful info:

Name------Hino Rei
Name Meaning------Soul of Fire
DOB------April 17
FAV food------fugu (puffer fish) & Thai food
FAV color------red and black
Forms------Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mars, Princess Mars
FAV subject------ancient literature
least FAV subject------modern social studies
least FAV------canned asparagus
dream------be song writer/singer, model, wife, and wonderful seiyuu

One of my favorite songs out of the first series is her Eienno Melody. It is so pretty. I listen to the midi all of the time (in fact I am listening to it right now). She is a very spiritual person, her name means "soul of fire." Sailor Mars In the manga she can talk to her two crows, Phobos and Deimos, and they save her in Sailor Moon SuperS by giving her heart crystal to her.
Rei and Usagi moments are frequent in all the series. Unless you count Haruka and Michiru's friendship, they probably have the best friendship out of everyone in the show (I know some of you must be wondering if I'm insane).
The attacks of Sailor Mars are that of fire. The background to this page is the anti-evil spell she was using even before she was a sailor senshi; it didn't attack with fire then, though. She goes to an all girls school, and is considered to be more sophisticated than other girls, including the senshi.
Love life: Well, she was with Mamo-chan before they found out he was the one destined to be with Usagi. Then she had Chad, the guy that works at her grandfather's temple. She is liked by many guys, probably because she is good looking and sophisticated in public.